Friday 4 October 2019

How To Use Task Analysis To Design The Best User Experience - online training

OVER 400 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE If you want to design a website, application, software, or mobile app that is easy to use and has a great user experience, then you should be creating task analyses of the most important tasks the users will take with your product. This course teaches you everything you need to know about task analysis so that you can design the best user experience for your products. About This Course: Over 400 very happy students Unconditional 30 day money back guarantee from Udemy All future upgrades and lectures are included for FREE Some examples of what's in the course: How to outline the entire user experience of your product BEFORE you design with a task analysis. How task analysis is critical to design How to decide what to do a task analysis on Different formats you can use to create a task analysis Who to invite to a task analysis session The difference between current and optimized task analyses How to decide whether to do a "blue-sky" analysis or one with constraints How to use your task analysis during design Quizzes throughout the course to test your knowledge Exercises throughout the course to practice what you are learning and much, much more! Click the "Take This Course" button at the top right of this page now and get started right away. If you want your current and next project to match how your target audience wants to get things done, then you need to get going right away with task analyses. >> More details...

Read more: How To Use Task Analysis To Design The Best User Experience - online training

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