Sunday 20 October 2019

Discover the Japanese Art of Opening to The Flow of Money

Remove emotional blocks and welcome ‘happy money’ into your life

Are you blocking the flow of “happy money” into your life?

Most of us are in a long-term, committed, unhappy relationship with money…

For example, your connection with money may be riddled with anxiety, shame, frustration, or fear — “inherited” from your family, your friends, and even your culture.

What if you could transform your money mindset and remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place that prevent happy money from coming into your life… thereby creating space for money to start flowing in abundantly?

On Wednesday, October 30, Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money —  so that you can expand your capacity to receive happy money —  during a FREE online event, 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

>> Reserve your space here <<

Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to clear the blocks of anxiety, fear, shame, and frustration you have around money — and instead let trust guide your money, life purpose, and relationships

  • How to remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place to prevent happy money from coming into your life

  • How to finally change your relationship to money

  • The reason so many people have unhappy experiences with money (you might be surprised!)

  • The kinds of money wounds you’re likely to carry — particularly ones you’ve inherited from your family

  • Why positive thinking, affirmations, and “protecting” your money will NOT heal your scarcity mindset

Happy money opens you to a beautiful, ongoing flow of money and energy, enabling you to live out your purpose…

You deeply appreciate money as it comes to you — blessing and thanking the money as you spend it, sending it out into the world with love and gratitude.

So, if you feel stuck in a deeply unsatisfying relationship with money, and are ready to create a new relationship filled with light and joy, along with a deep sense of connection and generosity…do join me for this empowering hour!

And be sure to come prepared for plenty of breakthroughs and aha! moments as you discover the five steps to happy money…

>> RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to begin cultivating a new view of money — and a healthy, abundant, new relationship with money  — don’t miss: 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

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Read more: Discover the Japanese Art of Opening to The Flow of Money

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