Thursday 31 October 2019

Discover Your Sacred Identity & Shine Your Light on All Who Cross Your Path

Live a tremendously richer and more joyful life, permeated with divine presence

What if the transfiguration of Christ was not a great exception but a great example of what’s possible when human consciousness expands to receive the Divine?

According to renowned scholar-mystic and author Andrew Harvey, the transfiguration process embodied by Christ’s resurrection is actually an authentic mystical path to divinity that each of us can follow…

This “secret of secrets” tells us that you cannot rebirth yourself as a divine human and the most authentic version of your Self unless you first experience the “death” of who you thought you were — a time of trial in which false ideals are shed…

In other words, without the crucifixion, there can be no resurrection.

On Wednesday, November 6, Andrew will help you discover how to transform (rather than transcend) difficulties — so you may awaken to your sacred identity, radical new love, and your divine light within.

>> Find out more about Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • How transfiguration results in the birth of the divine human

  • A practice to begin to activate your human light body

  • Kabir’s lived experience of transfiguration — of “turning into gold”

  • What Christ can teach you about the transfiguration process

  • Rumi and Shams, who lived the radical kind of love that the new divine human will live

  • A wholly new understanding and experience of God, life, and your body that will radically shift your relationship to yourself and others

When this death of Self beckons you into the darkness of the unknown, something new is forged within you… a sacred identity. This process is precisely what helps you lose your layers of falsity so you can birth the gold of an awakened life…

Andrew will help you align with this most amazing possibility of what you can become through the transfiguration process, so that you may experience a tremendously richer and more joyful life, permeated with divine presence.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to discover the alchemical transfiguration at the core of all mystical traditions, so you can more fully become the YOU you were born to be, don’t miss: Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How to Embrace, Embody, & Express Your Divine Light Within

Rebirth yourself as a divine human and an engoldened soul

What if the transfiguration of Christ was not a great exception but a great example of what’s possible when human consciousness expands to receive the Divine?

According to renowned scholar-mystic and author Andrew Harvey, the transfiguration process embodied by Christ’s resurrection is actually an authentic mystical path to divinity that each of us can follow…

This “secret of secrets” tells us that you cannot rebirth yourself as a divine human and the most authentic version of your Self unless you first experience the “death” of who you thought you were — a time of trial in which false ideals are shed…

In other words, without the crucifixion, there can be no resurrection.

On Wednesday, November 6, Andrew will help you discover how to transform (rather than transcend) difficulties — so you may awaken to your sacred identity, radical new love, and your divine light within.

>> Find out more about Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • How transfiguration results in the birth of the divine human

  • A practice to begin to activate your human light body

  • Kabir’s lived experience of transfiguration — of “turning into gold”

  • What Christ can teach you about the transfiguration process

  • Rumi and Shams, who lived the radical kind of love that the new divine human will live

  • A wholly new understanding and experience of God, life, and your body that will radically shift your relationship to yourself and others

When this death of Self beckons you into the darkness of the unknown, something new is forged within you… a sacred identity. This process is precisely what helps you lose your layers of falsity so you can birth the gold of an awakened life…

Andrew will help you align with this most amazing possibility of what you can become through the transfiguration process, so that you may experience a tremendously richer and more joyful life, permeated with divine presence.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to discover the alchemical transfiguration at the core of all mystical traditions, so you can more fully become the YOU you were born to be, don’t miss: Discover the Mystical Transfigurations of Kabir, Christ, Rumi & Shams.

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Read more: Discover How to Embrace, Embody, & Express Your Divine Light Within

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Enter into the most powerful Imaginal Realm… the place between sleep and awake

Explore how to live by imagination & reclaim the playful, unencumbered part of yourself

Do you sense that something is missing from your life?

It may be your Magical Child, the voice of your very soul, tugging at your skirt… demanding… (or maybe whispering)… for you to open the door to your imagination and a bigger story for your life…

… a life that just might take you out of your comfort zone, yet would bring you great joy, and allow your unique gifts to be realized and shared with the world.

Yet how do you reconnect with the lost childlike parts of yourself — that awe, wonder, imagination, and spontaneity that opens you to what truly delights, soothes, and fulfills you? 

Bestselling author and world-renowned dream shaman Robert Moss will share exciting ways to re-open the door that leads to the Magical Child within you…

… allowing you to welcome in playfulness, unbridled creativity, and the liberating abandon that — when allowed in — feels like “home.”

>> Register for Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul, here <<

Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul

During this enchanting hour, you’ll discover: 

  • Real places of healing within the Imaginal Realm — most active in the space between sleep and awake 

  • A reunion with your Magical Child and parts of you that were lost due to trauma, family patterns, or your soul contract  

  • “The Door in the Wall” that leads you to your Magical Child, a priceless source of joy and juice for your life 

  • The rich and strange territory “behind the door,” where you can pluck from the quantum soup of possibility 

  • What it means to be an Active Dreamer who can fold time, scout out challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and heal the past

As you bring back and integrate your Magical Child’s energy, joy, and imagination into your adult self now, you’ll become what Robert calls “the shaman of your own soul.”

You’ll love Robert Moss, and the practical wisdom he shares for bringing the healing energy and imagination of your Magical Child — including your dreamworld — and the wise guidance of your “inner shaman” into your everyday life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul, you’ll discover how to reclaim vital energy and identity you’ve lost… parts of your soul — a concept not unlike the traditional shaman’s practice of soul retrieval, except that here you are acting as the shaman of your own soul in the deep healing process Robert calls “soul recovery.”

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Explore how to live by imagination & reclaim the playful, unencumbered part of yourself

Enter into the most powerful Imaginal Realm… the place between sleep and awake

Do you sense that something is missing from your life?

It may be your Magical Child, the voice of your very soul, tugging at your skirt… demanding… (or maybe whispering)… for you to open the door to your imagination and a bigger story for your life…

… a life that just might take you out of your comfort zone, yet would bring you great joy, and allow your unique gifts to be realized and shared with the world.

Yet how do you reconnect with the lost childlike parts of yourself — that awe, wonder, imagination, and spontaneity that opens you to what truly delights, soothes, and fulfills you? 

Bestselling author and world-renowned dream shaman Robert Moss will share exciting ways to re-open the door that leads to the Magical Child within you…

… allowing you to welcome in playfulness, unbridled creativity, and the liberating abandon that — when allowed in — feels like “home.”

>> Register for Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul, here <<

Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul

During this enchanting hour, you’ll discover: 

  • Real places of healing within the Imaginal Realm — most active in the space between sleep and awake 

  • A reunion with your Magical Child and parts of you that were lost due to trauma, family patterns, or your soul contract  

  • “The Door in the Wall” that leads you to your Magical Child, a priceless source of joy and juice for your life 

  • The rich and strange territory “behind the door,” where you can pluck from the quantum soup of possibility 

  • What it means to be an Active Dreamer who can fold time, scout out challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and heal the past

As you bring back and integrate your Magical Child’s energy, joy, and imagination into your adult self now, you’ll become what Robert calls “the shaman of your own soul.”

You’ll love Robert Moss, and the practical wisdom he shares for bringing the healing energy and imagination of your Magical Child — including your dreamworld — and the wise guidance of your “inner shaman” into your everyday life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Reclaim Your Magical Child & Become the Shaman of Your Soul, you’ll discover how to reclaim vital energy and identity you’ve lost… parts of your soul — a concept not unlike the traditional shaman’s practice of soul retrieval, except that here you are acting as the shaman of your own soul in the deep healing process Robert calls “soul recovery.”

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Read more: Explore how to live by imagination & reclaim the playful, unencumbered part of yourself

Thursday 24 October 2019

Fulfill Your Promises to Yourself & Finally Achieve Your Important Life Goals

Transform negative subconscious patterns into healthier thought patterns and behaviors

Does it sometimes feel as though there’s something working against you, keeping you from accomplishing what you want so badly in your life?

It’s likely because your internal “operating system” is running the show — overriding any new, healthier thought patterns and behaviors.

At its core, your inherited subconscious operating system is trying to protect you, keep you safe, and prevent future hurts…

What if you could dissolve these beliefs that are blocking you from thriving in the life of your deepest desire — filled with purpose, intimacy, abundance, and more?

On Saturday, October 26, Dr. Lise Janelle, a human potential expert and the founder of the Centre for Heart Living, will guide you through the step-by-step Heart Freedom Method to break through the beliefs that are holding you back so you can fully experience YOU — your core essence.

>> Reserve your complimentary space for Experience the Heart Freedom Method: Rapidly Clear Subconscious Beliefs to Live Your Most Inspired Life, here <<

Experience the Heart Freedom Method Rapidly Clear Subconscious Beliefs to Live Your Most Inspired Life

During this powerful FREE online event, you’ll:

  • Uncover subconscious beliefs rooted in survival that may be keeping you stuck

  • Discover how the Heart Freedom Method can help dissolve the beliefs that stand in the way of living the life you want to live

  • Discover 3 clues that your subconscious beliefs are holding you back — and a key mind-body practice that will transmute them for good

  • Experience a deep level of healing and liberation by rewiring your internal operating system

  • Understand why love is NOT an emotion; it’s your essence — and it deeply impacts the process of clearing your subconscious beliefs

  • Master the Heart Freedom Method so you can use it anytime, within each area of your life

You CAN release the old ideas, patterns, and beliefs that are keeping you from thriving in the life you so deeply desire!

Through Lise’s Heart Freedom Method, you’ll discover a heart-generated practice to transmute painful memories, rewire your internal operating system, and stop getting in your own way. 

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register, here <<

During Experience the Heart Freedom Method,you’ll discover how to finally dissolve the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of living the life you’re yearning to live.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience a Heart-Generated Practice to Live with More Purpose & Abundance

Fulfill your promises to yourself and finally achieve your important life goals

Does it sometimes feel as though there’s something working against you, keeping you from accomplishing what you want so badly in your life?

It’s likely because your internal “operating system” is running the show — overriding any new, healthier thought patterns and behaviors.

At its core, your inherited subconscious operating system is trying to protect you, keep you safe, and prevent future hurts…

What if you could dissolve these beliefs that are blocking you from thriving in the life of your deepest desire — filled with purpose, intimacy, abundance, and more?

On Saturday, October 26, Dr. Lise Janelle, a human potential expert and the founder of the Centre for Heart Living, will guide you through the step-by-step Heart Freedom Method to break through the beliefs that are holding you back so you can fully experience YOU — your core essence.

>> Reserve your complimentary space for Experience the Heart Freedom Method: Rapidly Clear Subconscious Beliefs to Live Your Most Inspired Life, here <<

Experience the Heart Freedom Method Rapidly Clear Subconscious Beliefs to Live Your Most Inspired Life

During this powerful FREE online event, you’ll:

  • Uncover subconscious beliefs rooted in survival that may be keeping you stuck

  • Discover how the Heart Freedom Method can help dissolve the beliefs that stand in the way of living the life you want to live

  • Discover 3 clues that your subconscious beliefs are holding you back — and a key mind-body practice that will transmute them for good

  • Experience a deep level of healing and liberation by rewiring your internal operating system

  • Understand why love is NOT an emotion; it’s your essence — and it deeply impacts the process of clearing your subconscious beliefs

  • Master the Heart Freedom Method so you can use it anytime, within each area of your life

You CAN release the old ideas, patterns, and beliefs that are keeping you from thriving in the life you so deeply desire!

Through Lise’s Heart Freedom Method, you’ll discover a heart-generated practice to transmute painful memories, rewire your internal operating system, and stop getting in your own way. 

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register, here <<

During Experience the Heart Freedom Method,you’ll discover how to finally dissolve the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of living the life you’re yearning to live.

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Read more: Experience a Heart-Generated Practice to Live with More Purpose & Abundance

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Awaken Your Kundalini Summit - November 5-8

Discover how to use your body’s spiritual energy to heal yourself & others

Everything in the universe is energy. 

Kundalini is the energy of awakening, it represents your potential as a human being. 

Kundalini unlocks the “you within you…” It’s a path for your deepest transformation yet.

Free Online Event
Awaken Your Kundalini Summit

November 5-8, 2019

Awaken Your Kundalini

Kundalini is the energy of awakening, it represents your potential as a human being. Kundalini unlocks the “you within you…” It’s a path for your deepest transformation yet.

This event — presented by The Shift Network — will feature more than 25 of today’s highly sought-after Kundalini experts and teachers —including Guru Singh, Kia MillerPandit Rajmani Tigunait, Gurmukh, Maya Fiennes, Jai Dev Singh, Tommy Rosen, Jeanie Manchester, Gurucharan, Raja Choudhury, Francesca McCartney, and many more—sharing stories of personal awakenings, systematic practices to raise your kundalini, and ways to access more vitality and joy. Additionally each presenter shares a valuable practice with you.

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Kundalini practices to liberate you from monkey mind and transform emotional patterns

  • A comprehensive, practical Kundalini toolbox (handbook included!)

  • Kundalini as a path to creativity, purpose, and wholeness

  • Tantric practices that bring you holistic healing

  • Energy-based techniques to move you from your intellectual mind to your intuitive mind

  • The power of energy mastery, which allows you to take full responsibility for your life, actions, and thoughts

  • Wisdom and tools to break through the density of trauma, pain, and conditioning

  • Understand the experience of neutrality and non-reactivity

  • Ways to access more joy and your authentic power with Kundalini

  • How to work with Kundalini energy, safely and effectively

  • Centering techniques to elevate your frequency, clear your mind, and access divine wisdom 

And so much more!

The practical experience of Kundalini cleanses and resets your energetic body. The moment you enliven and elevate your energy, you start to release mental and emotional patterns that have kept you at a certain level of consciousness and held you back from creating the changes you want to make in your life… physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Join the amazing gathering of presenters to discover the tools you need to discover true healing and a powerful inner awakening. 

>> Join here for the Awaken Your Kundalini Summit <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Kundalini Raising or How to Use Your Body’s Spiritual Energy for Healing

Clear karmic patterns and fear from your mind-body to raise the collective frequency of our planet

Everything in the universe is energy. 

Kundalini is the energy of awakening, it represents your potential as a human being. 

Kundalini unlocks the “you within you…” It’s a path for your deepest transformation yet.

Free Online Event
Awaken Your Kundalini Summit
November 5-8, 2019

Awaken Your Kundalini

Kundalini is the energy of awakening, it represents your potential as a human being. Kundalini unlocks the “you within you…” It’s a path for your deepest transformation yet.

This event — presented by The Shift Network — will feature more than 25 of today’s highly sought-after Kundalini experts and teachers —including Guru Singh, Kia MillerPandit Rajmani Tigunait, Gurmukh, Maya Fiennes, Jai Dev Singh, Tommy Rosen, Jeanie Manchester, Gurucharan, Raja Choudhury, Francesca McCartney, and many more—sharing stories of personal awakenings, systematic practices to raise your kundalini, and ways to access more vitality and joy. Additionally each presenter shares a valuable practice with you.

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Kundalini practices to liberate you from monkey mind and transform emotional patterns

  • A comprehensive, practical Kundalini toolbox (handbook included!)

  • Kundalini as a path to creativity, purpose, and wholeness

  • Tantric practices that bring you holistic healing

  • Energy-based techniques to move you from your intellectual mind to your intuitive mind

  • The power of energy mastery, which allows you to take full responsibility for your life, actions, and thoughts

  • Wisdom and tools to break through the density of trauma, pain, and conditioning

  • Understand the experience of neutrality and non-reactivity

  • Ways to access more joy and your authentic power with Kundalini

  • How to work with Kundalini energy, safely and effectively

  • Centering techniques to elevate your frequency, clear your mind, and access divine wisdom 

And so much more!

The practical experience of Kundalini cleanses and resets your energetic body. The moment you enliven and elevate your energy, you start to release mental and emotional patterns that have kept you at a certain level of consciousness and held you back from creating the changes you want to make in your life… physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Join the amazing gathering of presenters to discover the tools you need to discover true healing and a powerful inner awakening. 

>> Join here for the Awaken Your Kundalini Summit <<

P.S. Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Be among the countless people on the planet who are experiencing a spiritual and energetic awakening and evolution, with Guru Singh.

  • Kia Miller will share the intention behind the summit and how and why Kundalini awakening is accessible to everyone. She reveals 5 powerful lessons to guide you through this time.

  • Pandit Rajmani Tiguait will reveal the origin of Tantric Kundalini practices.

  • Anand Mehrotra will speak to the process of unlocking the innate potential of BEING through systematic practices and a holistic approach.

  • Experience Maya Fiennes’ energizing Kundalini breathing exercises to increase healing and joy.

  • Jai Dev Singh will demystify the so-called “dangers” of Kundalini and share practical tips to awaken the spiritual force within you.

  • Wake up your creative genius and sense of oneness by awakening Kundalini Shakti with Jeanie Manchester.

  • Rachel Hunter will unpack a step-by-step approach to Kundalini through the integration of yoga and natural elements consciousness — including the practices of Shavasana, emotional purification, Mauna, Yoga Nidra and meditation.

… and more!

Read more: Kundalini Raising or How to Use Your Body’s Spiritual Energy for Healing

Sunday 20 October 2019

Discover the Japanese art of Opening to the Flow of Money with “Zen Millionaire”

Transform your money mindset and welcome ‘happy money’ into your life

Are you blocking the flow of “happy money” into your life?

Most of us are in a long-term, committed, unhappy relationship with money…

For example, your connection with money may be riddled with anxiety, shame, frustration, or fear — “inherited” from your family, your friends, and even your culture.

What if you could transform your money mindset and remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place that prevent happy money from coming into your life… thereby creating space for money to start flowing in abundantly?

On Wednesday, October 30, Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money —  so that you can expand your capacity to receive happy money —  during a FREE online event, 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

>> Reserve your space here <<
Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to clear the blocks of anxiety, fear, shame, and frustration you have around money — and instead let trust guide your money, life purpose, and relationships

  • How to remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place to prevent happy money from coming into your life

  • How to finally change your relationship to money

  • The reason so many people have unhappy experiences with money (you might be surprised!)

  • The kinds of money wounds you’re likely to carry — particularly ones you’ve inherited from your family

  • Why positive thinking, affirmations, and “protecting” your money will NOT heal your scarcity mindset

Happy money opens you to a beautiful, ongoing flow of money and energy, enabling you to live out your purpose…

You deeply appreciate money as it comes to you — blessing and thanking the money as you spend it, sending it out into the world with love and gratitude.

So, if you feel stuck in a deeply unsatisfying relationship with money, and are ready to create a new relationship filled with light and joy, along with a deep sense of connection and generosity…do join me for this empowering hour!

And be sure to come prepared for plenty of breakthroughs and aha! moments as you discover the five steps to happy money…

>> RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to begin cultivating a new view of money — and a healthy, abundant, new relationship with money  — don’t miss: 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

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Discover the Japanese Art of Opening to The Flow of Money

Remove emotional blocks and welcome ‘happy money’ into your life

Are you blocking the flow of “happy money” into your life?

Most of us are in a long-term, committed, unhappy relationship with money…

For example, your connection with money may be riddled with anxiety, shame, frustration, or fear — “inherited” from your family, your friends, and even your culture.

What if you could transform your money mindset and remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place that prevent happy money from coming into your life… thereby creating space for money to start flowing in abundantly?

On Wednesday, October 30, Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money —  so that you can expand your capacity to receive happy money —  during a FREE online event, 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

>> Reserve your space here <<

Ken Honda, Japan’s bestselling “Zen Millionaire,” will help you begin to heal your unhappy relationship with money

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to clear the blocks of anxiety, fear, shame, and frustration you have around money — and instead let trust guide your money, life purpose, and relationships

  • How to remove the emotional blocks you’ve (unknowingly) put in place to prevent happy money from coming into your life

  • How to finally change your relationship to money

  • The reason so many people have unhappy experiences with money (you might be surprised!)

  • The kinds of money wounds you’re likely to carry — particularly ones you’ve inherited from your family

  • Why positive thinking, affirmations, and “protecting” your money will NOT heal your scarcity mindset

Happy money opens you to a beautiful, ongoing flow of money and energy, enabling you to live out your purpose…

You deeply appreciate money as it comes to you — blessing and thanking the money as you spend it, sending it out into the world with love and gratitude.

So, if you feel stuck in a deeply unsatisfying relationship with money, and are ready to create a new relationship filled with light and joy, along with a deep sense of connection and generosity…do join me for this empowering hour!

And be sure to come prepared for plenty of breakthroughs and aha! moments as you discover the five steps to happy money…

>> RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to begin cultivating a new view of money — and a healthy, abundant, new relationship with money  — don’t miss: 5 Steps to Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Clearing Energy Blocks & Opening to the Flow.

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Read more: Discover the Japanese Art of Opening to The Flow of Money

Thursday 17 October 2019

Discover why the Sacred Tarot is a Map for Your Entire Life

What if you had a map for your life, lending direction and comfort, and helping you shift from reacting to what you perceive as life happening to you… to understanding your life as lessons being revealed?

The Tarot has been a treasured map to life’s journey for over 500 years, helping us open to our highest Self through illuminating and confirming what our soul already knows — but what our ego may not yet be letting us see.

And the beauty of the cards is that they’re not limited to one meaning, but can offer insights unique to your life in this moment, and each time you work with them… providing mirrors of all aspects of your life… love, relationships, family, education, spirituality, work, home, travel, health, and pleasure.

On Wednesday, October 23, Tarot reader, author, and teacher Magick Altman will show you how the Tarot can be an exciting new resource for working with images and archetypal energies, validating your intuition, and guiding you in your life journey.

>> Join here for Discover the Sacred Tarot: Archetypal Energies to Reveal Your Soul’s Wisdom & Activate Your True Self <<

Discover the Sacred Tarot - Archetypal Energies to Reveal Your Soul’s Wisdom & Activate Your True Self

In this compelling FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • The Tarot as a sacred, self-empowering life companion that confirms your soul’s wisdom

  • How the Tarot activates archetypal energies within you and validates your intuition

  • How to pose your questions and intentions before drawing a card to receive answers that confirm your inner knowing

  • A 3-card reading revealing the spiritual history, challenge, and gift for the world right now — insights you can also apply to your own life

In this fast-paced, overwhelming world, the Tarot can be a comforting and clarifying “wise friend” that can help you better understand your role and gifts, your challenges and potential.

It can help you — especially at times of transition — find your authentic Self… as the archetypal energies of its powerful images are activated within you, helping awaken your true nature and open to your truest purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Discover the Sacred Tarot, you’ll discover how the Tarot can reveal life “probabilities,” dispelling the myth of fortune telling.

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Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how the Sacred Tarot can Awaken you to Your True Nature

What if you had a map for your life, lending direction and comfort, and helping you shift from reacting to what you perceive as life happening to you… to understanding your life as lessons being revealed?

The Tarot has been a treasured map to life’s journey for over 500 years, helping us open to our highest Self through illuminating and confirming what our soul already knows — but what our ego may not yet be letting us see.

And the beauty of the cards is that they’re not limited to one meaning, but can offer insights unique to your life in this moment, and each time you work with them… providing mirrors of all aspects of your life… love, relationships, family, education, spirituality, work, home, travel, health, and pleasure.

On Wednesday, October 23, Tarot reader, author, and teacher Magick Altman will show you how the Tarot can be an exciting new resource for working with images and archetypal energies, validating your intuition, and guiding you in your life journey.

>> Join here for Discover the Sacred Tarot: Archetypal Energies to Reveal Your Soul’s Wisdom & Activate Your True Self <<

Discover the Sacred Tarot - Archetypal Energies to Reveal Your Soul’s Wisdom & Activate Your True Self

In this compelling FREE video event, you’ll discover:
  • The Tarot as a sacred, self-empowering life companion that confirms your soul’s wisdom

  • How the Tarot activates archetypal energies within you and validates your intuition

  • How to pose your questions and intentions before drawing a card to receive answers that confirm your inner knowing

  • A 3-card reading revealing the spiritual history, challenge, and gift for the world right now — insights you can also apply to your own life

In this fast-paced, overwhelming world, the Tarot can be a comforting and clarifying “wise friend” that can help you better understand your role and gifts, your challenges and potential.

It can help you — especially at times of transition — find your authentic Self… as the archetypal energies of its powerful images are activated within you, helping awaken your true nature and open to your truest purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Discover the Sacred Tarot, you’ll discover how the Tarot can reveal life “probabilities,” dispelling the myth of fortune telling.

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Read more: Discover how the Sacred Tarot can Awaken you to Your True Nature

Monday 14 October 2019

Join The Dreamwork Summit 2019: Start Exploring the Imaginative Life of the Soul

Receive Guidance, Healing & Inspiration from Your Soul’s Deepest Wisdom

What if you could receive the knowledge you need to lead a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life…  from your dreams?

Dreams are your most intimate source of soul wisdom — offering powerful information, support, and guidance you can’t access through your conscious mind or receive from another person…   

Life transitions — divorce, death of a loved one, or loss of a relationship or job — become easier to navigate when you learn to work with the images and characters in your dreams. 

By simply asking your dreams for guidance before you go to sleep, you open the door to revealing your soul’s desires and highest purpose… illuminating a path forward.

Dreamwork practices can help you reframe your experiences — and find surprising and effective ways for you to deal with challenges.

Powerful ideas and juice for your creative projects can also arrive on the wings of a dream, through intentional dreaming.  

And, you can learn how to dream a better world into being… by applying your imagination and passion to help manifest a more peaceful, loving, and sustainable planet.

Since ancient times, civilizations have looked to their nighttime dreams for wisdom — to foretell the future, cure sickness, and communicate with divine realms. In many cultures, the interpretation of dreams were entrusted to only a special few.   

Yet, you don’t need special powers or years of study with a master dreamwork teacher to successfully work with your dreams…  

You simply need to learn how to pay attention to your dreams and the events occurring in them, and learning how to feel into the images, the characters, and the settings in your dreams can deepen your self-understanding, uncover the root of destructive behaviors, and help you cope with living with an illness, mend a difficult relationship, jump-start a creative project, or make a big life decision.  

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join The Dreamwork Summit, where you’ll discover a unique variety of dreamwork approaches — and specific ways to open to your inner guidance that promise to transform your relationship to your dreams.

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The Dreamwork Summit

October 29 – November 1, 2019

Dreamwork can help you gain insights into how to heal an illness, mend a difficult relationship, jumpstart a creative project, or make a big life decision

This event — presented by The Shift Network — will feature more than 25 of today’s leading master dream teachers, psychology professionals, and celebrated authors — including Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, Toko-pa Turner, Dr. Michael Katz, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Luisah Teish, Dr. Clare Johnson, Robert Olen Butler, Grandmother Flordemayo, Sharon Blackie, Alice Notley, Ariella Daly, and others… … who’ll be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your nighttime dreams.

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Somatic approaches to dreamwork that look to the body and your feelings for interpretation, healing, and transformation

  • The power of your intentions to call in particular dreams and manifest healing within yourself and in our world

  • Dreams as a doorway to places where lost soul energy can be found and reclaimed

  • How the ancient practice of shamanism views dreams, and ways you can experience shamanic dreaming

  • Dreams as inspiration for bringing your creative self forward

  • Ways that dreams can show you the future to help you better navigate your life

  • The potency inherent in the sacred encounter with images and presences in your dreams — and how they can help you discover healing and transformative insights

  • Techniques to unwrap the spiritual, creative, and healing gifts of “bad” dreams and nightmares

  • How working with myths and archetypes can illuminate your journey through life… and offer you clues about your soul’s calling

  • Practices of Dream Yoga and “natural light”

…and much more! 

Dreamwork helps you create a living bridge for your soul-aligned desires to manifest in your life –– so you can become the most authentic, evolved, and fulfilled version of yourself.

Steeped in the magic of the power of imagination, dreamwork is also a lot of fun!

In this enlightening Dreamwork Summit, you’ll discover that each approach to dreamwork provides a unique pathway into a more profound relationship with yourself, others, and the world — and, by listening to the wisdom of your dreams, you open to opportunities for greater wellbeing, joy, fulfillment, and spiritual advancement.

>> The Dreamwork Summit 2019 registration is open – Join here! <<

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Here are some more highlights from this revelatory summit:

  • How the ancient practice of shamanism views dreams, and ways you can experience shamanic dreaming

  • Dreams as inspiration for bringing your creative self forward

  • Ways that dreams can show you the future to help you better navigate your life

  • The potency inherent in symbols and images and how they can help you discover new insights about yourself to heal & transform

  • Collective dreams and how they can help validate our connection to ALL & promote profound healing

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Friday 11 October 2019

Access Your Full Soul Power Activating Your 8th Chakra - Guided Practice

Discover why your 8th chakra is the key to mastering your energy architecture

Are you curious about why you’ve incarnated, the lessons you’re meant to master, and the gifts you’re here to share?

This life-changing information can be accessed through your 8th chakra…

The 8th chakra is the energy center just above your head that can reveal your life trajectory, where your soul contracts — what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation — are held.

It’s also where your connection with higher realms of reality — and your own highest potential — are most powerful.

However, within the rest of your architecture (chakras 1-7) are different energy patterns, leakages, blocks, and frequencies, which are also intrinsic to your soul’s contract.

On Saturday, October 19, celebrated clairvoyant, energy worker, and empath Katy Bray will guide you to discover how to discern between these patterns — so you can effectively work with the wisdom and guidance in your 8th chakra on the physical plane.

>> Register here for Activating Your 8th Chakra Life: Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose <<

Activate Your 8th Chakra Life Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose

In this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • The profound healing and growth that’s possible through your 8th chakra, where your soul’s purpose originates   

  • Why the 8th chakra is the key to mastering your energy architecture  

  • A guided practice to help you locate a block or issue in your 8th chakra —  and recognize its purpose in your soul’s plan

  • A deep understanding of what Katy calls destiny points — the people, places, and events that are predetermined…  what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation

  • Soul-energy “troubleshooting,” a process to excavate energy patterns depleting or blocking your growth  

More than anything, you’ll start to understand the agreements made prior to this incarnation — the family you would be born into and the life events, relationships, soul groups, and key experiences you agreed to for the purpose of your soul’s evolution.

You won’t want to miss the opportunity to unlock your 8th chakra so you can begin to master — and activate — your full energy architecture!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Activating Your 8th Chakra Life: Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose, you’ll receive a guided practice to locate blocks in your energy body and open the gateway to your full soul energy.

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Discover why Your 8th Chakra is the Key to Mastering Your Energy Architecture

Access Your Full Soul Power Activating Your 8th Chakra - Guided Practice

Are you curious about why you’ve incarnated, the lessons you’re meant to master, and the gifts you’re here to share?

This life-changing information can be accessed through your 8th chakra…

The 8th chakra is the energy center just above your head that can reveal your life trajectory, where your soul contracts — what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation — are held.

It’s also where your connection with higher realms of reality — and your own highest potential — are most powerful.

However, within the rest of your architecture (chakras 1-7) are different energy patterns, leakages, blocks, and frequencies, which are also intrinsic to your soul’s contract.

On Saturday, October 19, celebrated clairvoyant, energy worker, and empath Katy Bray will guide you to discover how to discern between these patterns — so you can effectively work with the wisdom and guidance in your 8th chakra on the physical plane.

>> Register here for Activating Your 8th Chakra Life: Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose <<

Activate Your 8th Chakra Life Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose

In this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • The profound healing and growth that’s possible through your 8th chakra, where your soul’s purpose originates   

  • Why the 8th chakra is the key to mastering your energy architecture  

  • A guided practice to help you locate a block or issue in your 8th chakra —  and recognize its purpose in your soul’s plan

  • A deep understanding of what Katy calls destiny points — the people, places, and events that are predetermined…  what your soul has already agreed to show up for in this incarnation

  • Soul-energy “troubleshooting,” a process to excavate energy patterns depleting or blocking your growth  

More than anything, you’ll start to understand the agreements made prior to this incarnation — the family you would be born into and the life events, relationships, soul groups, and key experiences you agreed to for the purpose of your soul’s evolution.

You won’t want to miss the opportunity to unlock your 8th chakra so you can begin to master — and activate — your full energy architecture!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Activating Your 8th Chakra Life: Energy Mastery to Embody Your Power & Live Your Soul’s Purpose, you’ll receive a guided practice to locate blocks in your energy body and open the gateway to your full soul energy.

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Read more: Discover why Your 8th Chakra is the Key to Mastering Your Energy Architecture

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Discover how Animal Spirits can Connect you with a beloved Ancestor

Open to an invisible world of spirit allies who can help you heal and embrace life

Our ancestors are far more than our bloodline…

In fact, there are wise ancestors — in addition to your bloodline — waiting to help you heal, evolve, ignite your creative side, and live a more fulfilling life.

On Wednesday, October 16, author, soul healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual teacher Steven Farmer will share about the various ancestors that can serve as your spirit allies, how they can assist you in your life, ways you can call on them, and how you may uniquely perceive their messages.

>> Register here for 5 Ancestral Realms for Healing Your Life & Lineage: Journey Beyond Your Bloodline With Your Spirit Animal Ancestors & Others <<

5 Ancestral Realms for Healing Your Life & Lineage: Journey Beyond Your Bloodline With Your Spirit Animal Ancestors & Others

The ancestral realms awaiting your connection include DNA, the original ancestor… primordial ancestors, the elements of Earth, air, fire, and water… prehistoric ancestors, the animal and plant spirits… and archetypal ancestors, the wisdom keepers who have special skills and talents, and can mentor us from the invisible realm — no matter our lineage.

In this self-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Expand the wisdom you can receive from the ancestral realm by opening to the 5 types of ancestors

  • Discover the ways our plant and animal ancestors bring guidance and healing — a visit from an animal may actually be a visitation from a blood ancestor

  • Discover Animal Spirits as powerful guides for helping you connect with the ancestors

  • Find out why DNA is the “‘original ancestor”

  • Explore the different ways you may perceive messages from your biological ancestors — not all of us are “visual”

  • Experience a guided meditation to discover an Animal Spirit that can help you connect with a beloved ancestor or provide guidance for a life challenge

More than anything, Steven will help you realize that you don’t have to be alone in your life struggles, because there’s a strong lineage we’re all connected to… our bloodline ancestors, and many others over many, many years, that include all of life — the plants, animals, Earth, sea, and sky, even our DNA.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to expand how you perceive and receive from the ancestral realm and open to healing and guidance you never imagined possible…. don’t miss: 5 Ancestral Realms for Healing Your Life & Lineage: Journey Beyond Your Bloodline With Your Spirit Animal Ancestors & Others.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.