Friday 20 April 2018

Writing Practice to Free Yourself: Join - April 28 - free, Live Event

Open to Universal Wisdom & Truth Through a Writing Practice

Would you like to discover deeper truths about who you are and what’s possible for your life?

You may be surprised to hear that your personal writings can be a powerful spiritual practice that frees you from stuck energies, old ideas, and stagnant visions.

In fact, there’s remarkable new science that shows that journaling, if done in the right way, can help us metabolize the past (or the present) in a way that opens us to more creativity, expanded possibilities, and a whole new story for our life.

If you’re ready to shed old stories to open to your higher truth and realize more of your hopes and dreams, I have a very special invitation for you…

You can join bestselling author and teacher Mark Matousek for a free virtual event — How to Free Yourself Through Writing: 4 Keys for Creating a Transformative Spiritual Practice — taking place Saturday, April 28 (replay later).

In this free virtual event, Mark — one of the world’s most respected spiritual authors, journalists, and memoir teachers — will share penetrating insights about how to engage your writing (from memoir to private journals) as a potent DAILY spiritual practice.

>> Discover more and register for Live event or get a recording later here <<

How to Free Yourself Through Writing: 4 Keys for Creating a Transformative Spiritual Practice

During this virtual workshop with Mark, you’ll discover:

  • A proven method to calm the voice of self-criticism that may block your ability to access your inner wisdom

  • Why telling the full truth to yourself is so essential to liberating your creativity

  • How to create a safe space in your writing to express “unallowable” thoughts and emotions — without dwelling in them

  • How you can take your journaling to the next level as a transformative practice

  • How you can follow the deeper story of a fear back to its source, which ultimately dissolves it

  • How to develop your witnessing capacity so you can work with suppressed feelings more objectively and begin to heal them

Save your seat here to discover how to write in a way that frees you from outdated defense systems, clears negative emotions, and opens you to your higher wisdom and deepest truths.

Even (and perhaps especially) if you already have a writing practice, you’ll want to join this session because not all writing is transformative. If you aren’t careful, you can end up rehashing your grudges, reinforcing your false beliefs, and keeping yourself stuck.

Mark brings three decades’ worth of experience as a memoirist, editor, activist, and spiritual seeker to his effective and thought-provoking work with students who are open to radically transforming their lives through writing.

>> Register for How to Free Yourself Through Writing <<

Read more: Writing Practice to Free Yourself: Join - April 28 - free, Live Event

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