Tuesday 10 April 2018

Glimpse of Ancient Shamanic “map” of Energetic Forces around us

Discover the Medicine Wheel & how it can help you open to the life you desire – FREE event w/Jose and Lena Stevens

How would it feel to uncover a shamanic path to more peace, greater authenticity, deeper connection to all beings, and a fuller heart?

This (and so many of the transformations you crave) are possible when you begin to embrace the power of the Medicine Wheel.

This ancient shamanic “map” refers to the energetic forces all around us — in each direction, North, South, East, and West, as well as Above (the Heavens) and Below (the Earth) — and organizes them for us.

On Saturday, April 14, Jose and Lena Stevens, international lecturers and co-founders of the Power Path School of Shamanism and the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, will provide a glimpse into how you can use this ancient wisdom to better understand — and transform — your life during a free video event:

Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions

>> You can find out more and reserve your free spot for Live Event (get recording) <<

Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions

During this potent hour, you’ll be introduced to:

  • How energetic patterns are stored in your body and tools to help you release them

  • How the Medicine Wheel can be used to help you make the transformations you crave

  • The shamanic method for manifesting in the physical realm

  • How to move with the Medicine Wheel to manifest your goals effortlessly

  • How to use the Medicine Wheel to diagnose exactly how to get back on track in your life

Don’t miss this opportunity to let these deeply respected teachers and shamanic practitioners guide you in using the Medicine Wheel to help in your healing and evolution, to manifest more successfully in the physical realm, and more!

The Medicine Wheel represents the natural cycles of life and the basic way in which the natural world, including humans, move and evolve. If you’re ready to use this wisdom to discover and break through energy blocks to begin to walk the path you desire, register now for Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions 

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