Thursday 19 April 2018

Trickster Medicine Event with Caroline Casey (April 25) Join Live

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover the Liberating Magic of Trickster

Are you ready to add spice and sizzle to all that has become stale and routine… and even dare to surprise yourself?!

Is it time to compost self-sabotage into nutrients for your unpredictable and wildly creative life?

Meet “Trickster,” the part of YOU that’s itching to work its magic and turn you into the change agent you were meant to be!

On Wednesday, April 25, (replay on Saturday) visionary astrologer and “Trickster” extraordinaire Caroline Casey will introduce you to the ways of Trickster during a FREE virtual event: Trickster Medicine: Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & Our World.

>> You can register here for live event or get a recording <<

Join FREE virtual event: Trickster Medicine: Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & Our World

Caroline is one of the world’s great “magic makers” — she’s been at the forefront of new-paradigm spirituality as well as in the trenches of Washington, DC politics since she was a child.  Respected for her astrological wizardry and social change-savvy, she also brings to her teachings a good dose of myth!

Caroline will help you dive into the power of Trickster energy and:

  • Understand why it’s so key to your spiritual liberation and the liberation of our world, especially in times that are heavy and hard 

  • Receive practices to expand the playfulness of your mind so your words dance off your tongue 

  • See how to become a more effective changemaker in our world by metabolizing the poisons of life and the world with a light heart 

  • Discern the difference between the Con Man and the Trickster (the latter liberates us from the former) 

  • Find language that liberates your soul from old habits and opens you to a zestier experience of life 

When you ally with the Trickster, you dance through the dueling dualisms to find the coherent Whole at the heart of any moment and become a more liberated and effective changemaker.

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, a veteran activist, or a curious evolutionary, you’ll delight in the ways that Caroline illumines your path to your true Self and a more magical world!

>> RSVP for free here <<

Don’t miss your chance to spend time with the inimitable Caroline Casey. She’ll guide you to move past stuck habits and the status quo into new possibilities, liberation, and aliveness.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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