Saturday 28 April 2018

Buddhism beyond Buddhism - Discovering Revolutionary Enlightenment

Become Reality bending superhuman

Do you have your own ideas about what Buddhism is?

What if these ideas are actually holding you back from the true joy, compassion, and enlightenment that’s available to you in each moment?

If we long for a deep inner revolution, we may need to break out of the box we live in and not be contained by any one system of beliefs.

According to Robert Thurman, one of the foremost teachers of Buddhist practices in the West, bringing the spirit of unpredictability, revolution, and zaniness into the realm of spiritual practice is essential so it doesn’t become stodgy, dessicated, and devoid of real liberating power.

On Saturday, May 5, Robert will give you a taste of “Buddhism beyond Buddhism” and the freedom from all dogma that can lead you to the direct recognition of reality as it truly is.

>> Register here for Discovering Revolutionary Enlightenment: Access the Jewels of Buddhist Science, Realization, and Ethics for a Life of Freedom, Compassion & Joy <<

Learn more About Buddhism from an Expert at aur free teleclass

Robert is known for his unpredictable wit and storytelling as much as for his knowledge of ancient canonical texts, which is perhaps why he and the Dalai Lama, who delights in mischief and laughter, have become such close friends.

In this freewheeling hour you’ll:

  • Discover why it’s important to take the Buddhism out of Buddhism in order to become truly free

  • Understand the importance of questioning the authority of gurus and teachers who others may urge you to place on a pedestal — allowing you to authentically implement the teachings and  reclaim your own unique path of awakening

  • Explore what it means to be an “enlightenmentist” and trust your own inner compass

  • Hear the example of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightened disciple, Vimalakirti, from his ancient text in which he deconstructs everyone and everything in order to reveal the infinite blissful glow of the true Reality

  • See why enlightenment is actually a process of becoming a realist who is more in touch with everyday realities as opposed to seeking to escape them

If you’ve found yourself engaged in self-serious, over-stressful spiritual practice, you’ll find this special event deeply liberating. And quite fun.

So don’t miss this opportunity to find out more about Buddhism AND be freed from Buddhism at the same time!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Discovering Revolutionary Enlightenment, Robert Thurman will show you how to liberate yourself from fixed ideas of what Buddhism is so that your revolutionary spirit can lead the way on your unique path of realization.

Missed above event or want to learn more about buddhism?

Watch below << More >> selected recording from another live event with Robert Thurman

RSVP Current Free Teleclass

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Friday 20 April 2018

Unlock Your Body Healing Energies - April 23-27 - Summit invitation

Become Reality bending superhuman

Ancient Traditions & Modern Techniques for Your Highest Health

Do you know that the power to heal is within YOU?

While traditional western medicine focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside, energy medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside — and addresses the root causes of illness.

You can tap into your own inner resources to treat ailments, increase vitality and prevent disease — through clearing and balancing meridians, using shamanic medicine practices, utilizing healing touch and so many other modalities.

In fact, western medicine and energy medicine pair beautifully to revitalize your overall health physically, emotionally, mentally… even spiritually!

With a few simple techniques, daily practices and powerful treatments from skilled practitioners — the power to heal is at your fingertips.

During The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit, April 23-27, 2018, you’ll discover exactly how to take your health into your own hands (literally!) and transform your wellbeing from the inside out.

Free Online Event
The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit

April 23-27, 2018

RSVP here for The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit 2018

I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for The Energy Medicine and Healing Summit, produced by The Shift Network, where you’ll discover 34 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors and healers — including Donna Eden, Alberto Villoldo, Dr. Sue Morter, Mingtong Gu, Anodea Judith, Holly Tse, Wendy de Rosa, Dr. Crystal Jones, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices!

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Meaningful grounding practices to support your physical, mental & emotional needs

  • An understanding of the role energy plays in the connection between mind and body… and why it’s the essential key to healing & living in balance

  • Reiki and other ancient medicines/spirituality as tools for transmuting depression, trauma, and spiritual imbalances into wholeness, light, & power

  • How Touch for Health (TFH) integrates simple ideas and techniques from the East and West to achieve a balance of the mind, emotion, posture, & energy

  • How acupoint tapping works with the way the brain processes information to shift deep emotional patterns

  • Effective methods for healing the patterns of the past so you can draw your soulmate closer

  • Ways that spiritual practice can create a haven amidst chaos and adversity — an internal place to find stillness before responding to challenging situations

  • That deeper listening to your heart’s feelings in stillness can create an energetic link to your intuitive wisdom & higher potential

  • How Chinese reflexology reveals the hidden world of energy healing through the soles of your feet

  • The Medicine Wheel, or Sacred Hoop — a Native American approach to energy medicine that can help resolve trauma, grief, stress, & illness

  • A profound meditation technique to help you develop faith, belief & courage during difficult times

  • A guided experiential qigong practice to increase your self-care, self-healing, & self-empowerment

  • A simple rule for complete and permanent healing… + how you can heal yourself when no one else can

And many more modalities!

All for your own healing. And if you’re a healing practitioner or a coach yourself, you’ll be much in-demand, as your clients discover you possess deep knowledge and a diverse array of cutting-edge healing techniques from this comprehensive energy medicine series.

Join us and the amazing panel of other presenters to discover the latest energy science and cutting-edge techniques for addressing not only your body, mind and Spirit, but also your emotions, past trauma and even your relationships!

>> RSVP here for The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Donna Eden will uncover her way of sensing subtle energies — and provide simple exercises to get the energies of your body aligned and humming.

  • Dr. Alberto Villoldo will share how to wire the brain for bliss through One Spirit Medicine — a system that restores balance, allows the body to repair and heal naturally, assists relationships to foster and grow, and reestablishes our connection to nature and Spirit.

  • Using principles of quantum science and energy medicine, Dr. Sue Morter will illuminate how The Energy Codes® can awaken the healer within and reveal your true magnificence.

  • Mingtong Gu will reveal the ancient Chinese healing secrets for cultivating energy as a foundation for health, happiness, and longevity… and guide you through an experiential practice for your next step of self-care, self-healing, and self-empowerment.

  • Anodea Judith will highlight the vital role that the energy body plays in overall health and character — and how imbalances can lead to anxiety or depression.

And more!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Writing Practice to Free Yourself: Join - April 28 - free, Live Event

Open to Universal Wisdom & Truth Through a Writing Practice

Would you like to discover deeper truths about who you are and what’s possible for your life?

You may be surprised to hear that your personal writings can be a powerful spiritual practice that frees you from stuck energies, old ideas, and stagnant visions.

In fact, there’s remarkable new science that shows that journaling, if done in the right way, can help us metabolize the past (or the present) in a way that opens us to more creativity, expanded possibilities, and a whole new story for our life.

If you’re ready to shed old stories to open to your higher truth and realize more of your hopes and dreams, I have a very special invitation for you…

You can join bestselling author and teacher Mark Matousek for a free virtual event — How to Free Yourself Through Writing: 4 Keys for Creating a Transformative Spiritual Practice — taking place Saturday, April 28 (replay later).

In this free virtual event, Mark — one of the world’s most respected spiritual authors, journalists, and memoir teachers — will share penetrating insights about how to engage your writing (from memoir to private journals) as a potent DAILY spiritual practice.

>> Discover more and register for Live event or get a recording later here <<

How to Free Yourself Through Writing: 4 Keys for Creating a Transformative Spiritual Practice

During this virtual workshop with Mark, you’ll discover:

  • A proven method to calm the voice of self-criticism that may block your ability to access your inner wisdom

  • Why telling the full truth to yourself is so essential to liberating your creativity

  • How to create a safe space in your writing to express “unallowable” thoughts and emotions — without dwelling in them

  • How you can take your journaling to the next level as a transformative practice

  • How you can follow the deeper story of a fear back to its source, which ultimately dissolves it

  • How to develop your witnessing capacity so you can work with suppressed feelings more objectively and begin to heal them

Save your seat here to discover how to write in a way that frees you from outdated defense systems, clears negative emotions, and opens you to your higher wisdom and deepest truths.

Even (and perhaps especially) if you already have a writing practice, you’ll want to join this session because not all writing is transformative. If you aren’t careful, you can end up rehashing your grudges, reinforcing your false beliefs, and keeping yourself stuck.

Mark brings three decades’ worth of experience as a memoirist, editor, activist, and spiritual seeker to his effective and thought-provoking work with students who are open to radically transforming their lives through writing.

>> Register for How to Free Yourself Through Writing <<

Read more: Writing Practice to Free Yourself: Join - April 28 - free, Live Event

Thursday 19 April 2018

Trickster Medicine Event with Caroline Casey (April 25) Join Live

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover the Liberating Magic of Trickster

Are you ready to add spice and sizzle to all that has become stale and routine… and even dare to surprise yourself?!

Is it time to compost self-sabotage into nutrients for your unpredictable and wildly creative life?

Meet “Trickster,” the part of YOU that’s itching to work its magic and turn you into the change agent you were meant to be!

On Wednesday, April 25, (replay on Saturday) visionary astrologer and “Trickster” extraordinaire Caroline Casey will introduce you to the ways of Trickster during a FREE virtual event: Trickster Medicine: Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & Our World.

>> You can register here for live event or get a recording <<

Join FREE virtual event: Trickster Medicine: Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & Our World

Caroline is one of the world’s great “magic makers” — she’s been at the forefront of new-paradigm spirituality as well as in the trenches of Washington, DC politics since she was a child.  Respected for her astrological wizardry and social change-savvy, she also brings to her teachings a good dose of myth!

Caroline will help you dive into the power of Trickster energy and:

  • Understand why it’s so key to your spiritual liberation and the liberation of our world, especially in times that are heavy and hard 

  • Receive practices to expand the playfulness of your mind so your words dance off your tongue 

  • See how to become a more effective changemaker in our world by metabolizing the poisons of life and the world with a light heart 

  • Discern the difference between the Con Man and the Trickster (the latter liberates us from the former) 

  • Find language that liberates your soul from old habits and opens you to a zestier experience of life 

When you ally with the Trickster, you dance through the dueling dualisms to find the coherent Whole at the heart of any moment and become a more liberated and effective changemaker.

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, a veteran activist, or a curious evolutionary, you’ll delight in the ways that Caroline illumines your path to your true Self and a more magical world!

>> RSVP for free here <<

Don’t miss your chance to spend time with the inimitable Caroline Casey. She’ll guide you to move past stuck habits and the status quo into new possibilities, liberation, and aliveness.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 13 April 2018

Wild Goddess and Mystics of Mercy - feminine approach to "fix" yourself! (April 18)

Discover the Path of Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin & Gaia (Join Live event with Mirabai Starr!)

Do you sometimes try to “fix” yourself… when what you need MOST is love and acceptance around exactly who and where you are?

The feminine approach to transforming personal (and collective) suffering is about embracing brokenness.

World-renowned interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr knows the path of the feminine mystics and goddesses intimately. She can guide you to draw on their healing energies — profound mercy, guiding wisdom, and creative expression — during a Wednesday, April 18, (replay on Saturday) free video event:

Entering the Sanctuary of the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy: Saying “Yes” to the Beloved & Receiving the Gifts of Feminine Wisdom

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot to Live Event or get a recording <<

Entering the Sanctuary of the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy: Saying “Yes” to the Beloved & Receiving the Gifts of Feminine Wisdom

During this sacred video event, you’ll discover:

  • The profound mercy of Quan Yin, “she who hears the cries of the world,” which can be immensely healing if you’re grieving, in deep confusion, or facing health challenges

  • Surprising insights about Mary Magdalene and her personal relationship with the Beloved — the historical distortions about her life AND the truth of her power and wisdom

  • Gaia, a boundless, feminine expression of the Divine… and the energy that can ground you in self-care practices, relationships with others, and the earth

  • Mystical feminine wisdom to guide you in answering your personal (and the planet’s) call for radical change

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to enter the sanctuary of the Beloved where you’ll learn how to embody the “wild mercy” of female saints and mystics — and receive wisdom and healing for yourself and our world.

If your intuition is telling you that “fixing” yourself is the wrong approach, let Mirabai Starr show you how to draw on the feminine energies of profound mercy, guiding wisdom, and creative expression during Entering the Sanctuary of the Wild Goddesses & Mystics of Mercy: Saying “Yes” to the Beloved & Receiving the Gifts of Feminine Wisdom

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Glimpse of Ancient Shamanic “map” of Energetic Forces around us

Discover the Medicine Wheel & how it can help you open to the life you desire – FREE event w/Jose and Lena Stevens

How would it feel to uncover a shamanic path to more peace, greater authenticity, deeper connection to all beings, and a fuller heart?

This (and so many of the transformations you crave) are possible when you begin to embrace the power of the Medicine Wheel.

This ancient shamanic “map” refers to the energetic forces all around us — in each direction, North, South, East, and West, as well as Above (the Heavens) and Below (the Earth) — and organizes them for us.

On Saturday, April 14, Jose and Lena Stevens, international lecturers and co-founders of the Power Path School of Shamanism and the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange, will provide a glimpse into how you can use this ancient wisdom to better understand — and transform — your life during a free video event:

Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions

>> You can find out more and reserve your free spot for Live Event (get recording) <<

Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions

During this potent hour, you’ll be introduced to:

  • How energetic patterns are stored in your body and tools to help you release them

  • How the Medicine Wheel can be used to help you make the transformations you crave

  • The shamanic method for manifesting in the physical realm

  • How to move with the Medicine Wheel to manifest your goals effortlessly

  • How to use the Medicine Wheel to diagnose exactly how to get back on track in your life

Don’t miss this opportunity to let these deeply respected teachers and shamanic practitioners guide you in using the Medicine Wheel to help in your healing and evolution, to manifest more successfully in the physical realm, and more!

The Medicine Wheel represents the natural cycles of life and the basic way in which the natural world, including humans, move and evolve. If you’re ready to use this wisdom to discover and break through energy blocks to begin to walk the path you desire, register now for Discovering the Power of the Medicine Wheel: How to Access an Ancient Map to Release Obstacles, Align With Power & Manifest Your Deepest Visions 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 7 April 2018

Must Watch: The Abundance Factor 2.0 movie (Live) Today!

New Movie where 24 Abundance Masters Reveal Their Secrets

We’ve got something really cool to share with you today!

It’s a new movie that millions are calling “The most important movie since The Secret”…

It’s called The Abundance Factor 2.0 and for a limited time you can watch it for free! >>

The movie features 24 abundance masters who all share their exact tools, techniques and blueprints for manifesting wealth and creating abundance…

In my opinion, this goes way BEYOND the secret…It’s honestly my favorite movie in years!

The original movie has been seen by millions and is adored by thousands around the globe!

At the age of 22, our friend Riley Dayne suffered from a freak accident which almost claimed his life. This “near death” experience shook him so badly he decided it was now or never to live his dreams.

So he packed up his bags, left behind his small farm town and set out to learn the secrets of living the abundant life. He traveled to 7 different countries and sat down with 21 of the greatest thought leaders in self-development including Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, T Harv Eker, Mary Morrissey, Down Clark, Sonia Ricotti, John Assaraf and many more!

And the best part ishe filmed every moment of his journey to share the secrets he learned with you!

>> Click here to watch The Abundance Factor 2.0 <<

The abundance factor 2.0 movie

Inside the movie you’ll discover:

  • How to remove the deep-rooted abundance blocks that have been secretly sabotaging your success for decades, so you can finally manifest the health, wealth and abundance you deserve!

  • The “5 Step Millionaire Mind Formula” that anyone can use to manifest wealth & prosperity… once you learn this you’ll never have to worry about living in scarcity again!

  • How to discover your purpose by asking yourself just one simple question… AND how you can use that purpose to help change the world! (I love this part!)

  • The three keys to creating abundance – once you tap into these powerful principals your life will change forever!

They’ve just updated the movie with some new interviews and never-before-seen clips, so for a limited time they’re letting you watch it for free, so they can gauge feedback!

>> Go here to watch it for free right now! <<

Don't Miss! Watch it free today: RSVP here