Thursday 19 September 2024

Free Webinar: Talk to Plants & Heal Yourself w/ Plant Spirit Medicine

Open to the healing messages of herbs through a plant communion ritual.

You may know that ingesting certain herbs and flowers, inhaling their diffused scents, or anointing yourself with their oils and essences…

… can help heal the systems of your body, decrease pain, increase longevity, bolster your immune system, improve cognitive capacity, provide emotional relief, and more.  

Are you aware that you can also reap those benefits (and more!) by getting to know the plants on a somatic and energetic level, communicating with them, and receiving messages…

… through your body’s intuitive and sensual awareness? 

Clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess Seraphina Capranos has created a new system of absorbing the transformative messages from plants through a process she calls a plant communion practice

… simply smelling and tasting a plant and intuitively absorbing its wisdom while in a trance-like meditative state. 

Join Seraphina for an illuminating and experiential hour-long event on Thursday, September 19

Explore the Healing Power of Plant Spirit Medicine: Activate Your Senses, Clear Energy Blockages & Receive Nature’s Wisdom for Intuitive Insight

… where she’ll walk you through her plant communion practice with the common herb sage (Salvia officinalis)

… which you can find on your spice rack, or maybe even gather a fresh sprig from your own garden. 

Seraphina will introduce you to her multi-layered approach that reveals often surprising information about what’s happening inside you — physically, yes… 

… but it can also evoke deeper experiences of memory, unresolved trauma, and blocked emotions and energies that, once released, can result in deeper shifts, including an expanded sense of vitality and a greater feeling of aliveness.

Seraphina will guide you into a gentle trance-like state that enables you to receive the blessings sage has to offer you specifically, through your own body and senses.

Tasting the herb will allow the insights from the plant to enter your system, so you pick up both the scientific medicinal virtues of the herb, as well as the energetic messages you need to hear

You can register here for Explore the Healing Power of Plant Spirit Medicine

Explore the Healing Power of Plant Spirit Medicine

During this free event, you’ll:

  • Learn how accessible, common herbs can be healing plant spirit teachers, and how working with them can help you deepen your relationship with the subtle art of plant medicine 

  • Experience the plant communion practice, designed to help you connect with your body and its subtle language — so you can better understand your body’s symptoms and persistent patterns 

  • Receive immediate and direct benefits, including intuitive messages, from the herb sage (Salvia officinalis) during the event and realize that one of the best ways to learn anything is through your body!  

  • Feel how the plant is working directly in your body, using traditional methods of taste and body sensations and bypassing complex analytical study

  • Discover that you have a whole pharmacy of herbs in your backyard (or on your spice rack) — a bounty of effective medicine at your fingertips — so you don’t require exotic expensive plants to do this healing work 

Seraphina is a delightful spiritual teacher and healer, whose connection with plant spirits has been embedded in her since childhood, having grown up in a home that thrived on the medicine of herbs. 

On the scientific side, Seraphina is trained in both herbalism and homeopathy. She refined her spiritual approach by apprenticing in Toltec shamanism for 10 years and becoming an initiated priestess in the Reclaiming Tradition of witchcraft.

Read more: Free Webinar: Talk to Plants & Heal Yourself w/ Plant Spirit Medicine

Thursday 12 September 2024

Unlock your Quantum Intuition for better Decision Making & Guidance

Discover Quantum Intuition & tap into your psychic abilities.

Do you have a powerful sense of intuition — but aren’t quite ready to fully trust it? Maybe you don’t find it consistent enough.

Or perhaps you’re even a little frightened by your intuition, confused by what it’s trying to tell you, or you sometimes wonder whether it’s even real.

Intuition is a natural part of living in a quantum universe, and supernatural and psychic phenomena are connected to your ultimate human potential, says Kim Chestney, founder of IntuitionLab.

When you open yourself to moving beyond the conditioning of your everyday thinking mind so you can instead tune into the guiding signals of your microcosmic inner realm — home of your intuition — you can expand your personal power and unleash your full potential.

You’re invited to Kim’s special hour-long event to begin to feel more confident in your intuitive abilities and understand a bit more of the mysteries of the universe.

Register here: Discover Quantum Intuition: Learn How to Amplify Your Psychic Abilities & Receive Messages for Insights & Guidance

Unlock your Quantum Intuition for better decision-making & guidance

You’ll do a guided practice to receive a personal quantum message from the universe based on Kim’s interactive insight cards (she’ll screen share them during the event) and lead you in the practice of “sacred seeing.” 

I’ll even draw a card and Kim will guide and help me unpack my intuition for the card, right on the spot.

Kim will explain how harnessing the power of your intuition teaches you to trust yourself and override your inner critic. You’ll begin to feel free to co-create a more beautiful, peaceful life with healthier relationships as you feel inspired by new ideas and “Aha!” moments that can transform your life and the world around you.

Even if you can’t join live event, be sure to register so you can receive a full-length recording of the event.

Find out more and register now.

Read more: Unlock your Quantum Intuition for better Decision Making & Guidance

Monday 2 September 2024

Free EFT Tapping Event: Create Your Dream Life with Deep Clearing

Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire.

Could your current habits and deeper programming be unintentionally hindering the future you want? 

Imagine changing one of these habits through a powerful future-imaging EFT (tapping) exercise, to more easily attract what you truly desire.

Join The Shift Network on Thursday, September 5, and experience energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise’s unique, proven approach to EFT tapping — to transform fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively, grounding you in the present moment.

Register here: Experience Deep-Clearing EFT (Tapping) to Intentionally Create the Life You Desire.

Discover deep-clearing EFT to intentionally create the life you desire

You’ll tap on something you want to do in your future — picture the behavior you’re engaging in now, and the behavior you want to engage in instead, so you can begin to make it your new reality and energetically resonate with it.

When you’re triggered, tapping resets your amygdala so you’re free to set healthy boundaries, regain composure, and eventually not feel triggered anymore.

For over two decades, Mary has helped thousands quickly break through their resistance to becoming their authentic selves — overcoming familiar trigger reactions like fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger, and stifling personal stories of blame or shame.

During the event, Mary will explain how transmuting the energies of unbeneficial thinking and beliefs with the power of EFT (tapping) can help you create a coherent energy field — that can ultimately manifest the future you envision.

I hope you’ll join The Shift Network for this fascinating new event with Mary, one of their most-beloved faculty. RSVP here.

Read more: Free EFT Tapping Event: Create Your Dream Life with Deep Clearing