Tuesday 30 August 2022

Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Access Dreamtime, Celebrate Earth-centered Ritual, Prayer

Join gathering of elders and guides at the Shamanic Wisdom Summit September 12-16.

During these unsettling times of upheaval, turbulence, and profound cosmic change, are you longing to feel divinely guided forward on a path of possibility

… to a place where you can reconnect with your higher consciousness, spirit allies, and Mother Earth herself? 

Do you find yourself seeking the healing properties of time spent in nature, knowing you’ll feel more grounded, anchored, and empowered?

Join me on a journey with world-renowned elders, guides, and lineage-holders to discover the transformational power of Earth-based traditions

…to reclaim your sovereignty and remember your integral place in the natural world.

You’ll explore perspectives on sacred ceremony, shadow work, Euro-Indigenous Witchcraft, and even shapeshifting to reconnect to the place of true knowing that’s centered within you — and tethered to your lineage.

The knowledge of our ancestors and elders is needed now more than ever — as we navigate through unprecedented times of cultural turbulence and societal upheaval. 

Shamanic tools and practices can help you remember your connection to the world and your lineage — and become part of your everyday experience.

Acting as mediator, a shamanic practitioner is an earth-centered guide and healer who travels between realities to gather and transmit information. 

They can also help us confront our personal, collective, and ancestral wounds, using transformational energy rituals to recognize the medicine within so we can turn limitations, traumas, and fears into light and energy to use for our growth.

In this year’s Shamanic Wisdom Summit, you’ll discover teachings from across the globe…

Are you ready to embrace the profound intelligence latent in the natural world by honoring the teachings of the wise elders who have kept these sacred traditions alive? 

Join us for Free Online Event
>> Shamanic Wisdom Summit <<
September 12-16, 2022

Join Shamanic Wisdom Summit September 12-16, 2022 Reclaim your sovereignty & access your dreamtime Celebrate Earth-centered ritual, prayer & practice

I’m honored to share this powerful and timely convergence of more than 35 esteemed global teachers and healers, including Euphrasia “Efu” Nyaki, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, Dra Rocio Rosales Meza, Jaraneh Nova, Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, Sandra Ingerman, Grandmother Flordemayo, Jorge Luis Delgado, Ismana Carney, Alberto Villoldo, and many others. 

The renowned guides who are speaking at this gathering represent many diverse traditions that can help you connect with the spirit allies and resources you need to create healing and regeneration at all levels of your life.

The simple techniques you’ll receive can help you center and empower yourself, so you can process the sheer enormity of the global change that’s happening — enabling you to face the future feeling more grounded, calm, and ready.

==> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as individually and collectively we look for ways to keep ourselves anchored and empowered.

During this heart-opening and expansive experience, you’ll discover:

  • The inherent power of shamanic meditation to heal, awaken your spirit world connection, and guide you toward your greater potential

  • Wisdom from the Toltec calendar and how the new sun period we’ve just entered aligns our dreams with the feminine deities of ancient Mexico

  • How invocation, evocation, and decree used by Peruvian folk healers sanctify and activate powerful ceremonial space

  • How to release the soul gifts you are meant to share as you let the Dark Goddess guide you on a shamanic healing journey

  • What’s viewed as cultural appropriation in shamanic practice, and how as spiritual practitioners we can take responsibility for decolonizing shamanism

  • How to manifest your deeper soul’s desires through Euro-Indigenous Witchcraft, shadow work, dreamscapes, and shapeshifting

  • And much more…

==> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<

This life-enhancing event is designed to help you find a clear pathway through the chaos, disruption, and confusion of our present world — and discover deeper states of unity, sacred connection, and heart healing that are available to you.

We hope you’ll join this remarkable gathering to receive deep insights, rituals, and guidance for sacred living from diverse shamanic wisdom traditions, taught by some of the world’s most revered elders and teachers. 

==> Register for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit now — and discover practices from diverse shamanic wisdom streams that can direct you to the next step on your spiritual journey.

Here’s some more of what the esteemed speakers will be sharing during the Shamanic Wisdom Summit

  • Brother Phil Lane reveals prophecies and dynamic change ahead in the new global civilization.

  • Grandmother Flordemayo shares why the Sacred Feminine is associated with Mother Earth, how this relates to each person’s spiritual journey, and why messages from wise elders are so important right now.

  • Jorge Luis Delgado will describe techniques to harmonize your physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental states by working with Mother Earth, Mother Sea, Mother Fire, and Mother Wind.

  • Receive a special teaching on the power of your exhaled breath from Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, who will be broadcasting from high in the Apus mountains of the Peruvian Andes.

  • Sandra Ingerman explains how soul retrieval ceremonies can heal the emotional and physical trauma known as soul loss

  • With Efu Nyaki, you’ll explore ways to heal your own unconscious, inherited, transgenerational trauma, while helping your ancestors and future generations too.

  • Join Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza to learn why confronting our collective and personal wounds is necessary to heal, to evolve, and to honor our soul’s mission to birth a New Earth.

  • With Ismana Carney, PhD, you’ll explore how sacramental Earth-centered rituals can guide your way into a shamanic state of mind every day.

  • Dr. Alberto Villoldo, PhD, reveals how important it is for the medicine man to accompany us into the dark, hidden places that store our greatest fears and treasures, so we can awaken, heal, and become enlightened.

  • Jaraneh Nova will discuss how important it is for people to reflect back to the origins of their own deep roots, as healing comes from connecting to the earth.

  • Michael Stone shares how conscious trauma-informed relating is the answer to every personal and collective problem we face today.

  • And much more…

==> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Access Dreamtime, Celebrate Earth-centered Ritual, Prayer

Monday 29 August 2022

Take a Vacation from stress & struggle with the Ego Relaxation meditation

Discover a restorative approach to spiritual realization.

As the intensity of these times continues to sweep across the globe, do you find you’re more easily rattled by everyday stressors and that you react to challenging circumstances from a place of fear, anxiety, and worry?

According to the much-loved spiritual teacher and modern mystic Miranda Macpherson, spiritual practices can be immensely restorative in times of unrest. They support us to stay grounded, open-hearted, and calm, and heighten our sense of overall wellbeing.

Spiritual teachings throughout the ages have reminded us that no matter what’s happening externally, the Divine Presence (or, to use Miranda’s term, Gracewe need is always shining at the center of our being, available to sustain and guide us through all the ups and downs of life.

We can access Grace through surrender. But what does surrender really mean? What does it take?

On Thursday, September 1, Miranda will initiate you into Ego Relaxation as you learn to soften into your essence, where great peace, love, joy, freedom, and clarity reside. 

==> You can register here for Discover a Restorative Approach to Spiritual Realization: Experience Abundant Peace, Love & Trust Through the Power of Ego Relaxation <<

Restorative Spiritual Realization Experience Abundant Peace, Love & Trust Through the Power of Ego Relaxation with Miranda Macpherson

In this heart-opening hour, you’ll:

  • Take a spontaneous vacation from the stress and struggle generated by your own mind, as Miranda offers her Transmission of Ego Relaxation meditation… bringing you back into a natural state of peace and joy

  • Discover that grace, the supreme spiritual nourishment we need, is always alive at the core of your being — and how to ignite it through the practice of Ego Relaxation

  • Acquire a more holistic view of ego and essence, not in a dualistic framework that perceives one as bad and the other good, but as the surface and depth of one divine ocean of consciousness that allows you to turn absolutely everything into a gateway home

  • Learn how to cultivate qualities that support you to flourish inwardly — addressing the primary stumbling blocks on your spiritual path, while also making you deeper, wiser, kinder, and more resilient

  • Relax into the loving holding of the universe to feel restored, while regaining your innate trust, optimism, and healthy responsiveness in changing times

Ego Relaxation feels like letting your sense of isolation and fear melt back into a more fundamental truth, which can be as effortless and natural as the warmth of the sun melting a block of ice.

During this profound event, Miranda will guide you into the practice of Ego Relaxation to help you melt into the Presence that is love Itself. From there, you can receive the profound spiritual nourishment you need to abide in natural peace — and access the wisdom you need to meet the invitations of your life, and of our times, with and from Grace. 

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover a Restorative Approach to Spiritual Realization: Experience Abundant Peace, Love & Trust Through the Power of Ego Relaxation with Miranda Macpherson…

… you’ll understand and experience the powerful practice of Ego Relaxation to reconnect to an unshakable presence within — a felt sense of the Grace that prevails no matter what challenges are present in your personal life and in our troubled world. 

Read more: Take a Vacation from stress & struggle with the Ego Relaxation meditation

Thursday 25 August 2022

Simple Practice to Self-regulate, Feel Calm, Balanced & Focused on the Fly

Learn how to achieve “heart coherence” – syncing the heart, brain & nervous system.

Your heart is more than just an organ that circulates blood throughout your body — many in modern science believe the heart is more powerful, healing, and transformative than we ever realized.

Research by HeartMath Institute shows that the patterns of our heart rhythms are reflected in our emotional states. When we’re hit with a stressor, we fall out of sync, which impairs mental functions and can send us into “fight, flight, or freeze” mode.

Our sympathetic nervous system mobilizes energy, while our parasympathetic system works to return the body to its “rest and digest” mode. When these two systems are out of sync, we experience erratic and chaotic heart rhythms, which leads to internal discord that can take a tremendous toll on our body and mind.

Dr. Rollin McCraty’s work as a psychophysiologist and director of research at the HearthMath Institute shows that feeling positive emotions like love or gratitude can put our body back in harmony and stabilize the rhythms of the heart. In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace, and wellbeing that not only affects us, but others around us.

On Saturday, August 27, Rollin will show you what it takes to achieve “heart coherence.” You’ll discover how to reach a state of balance in which the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems stop playing an unhealthy game of tug-of-war with one another, and allow you to shift into a heart-coherent state to quickly help you focus, feel calm, and improve your state of mind.

==> You can register here for Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift From Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing <<

Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift From Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing with Dr. Rollin McCraty

In this heart-opening online event, you’ll discover:

  • What heart coherence is and the power of it

  • How one of the most effective ways to be heart coherent is through emotional self-regulation

  • The ways in which negative and positive emotions can impact your hormonal and nervous systems

  • How heart coherence can positively transform each of us — and simultaneously improve social and global harmony

  • A quick and simple practice you can use on the fly anytime you want to self-regulate and shift into a more heart-coherent state

Rollin will show you how you can apply “coherence” — when the heart, brain, and nervous system operate in sync with each other — to be more conscious and intuitive about how you respond to external situations instead of with your same old stress-induced responses and behavior patterns.

You’ll learn different ways to better manage anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and connect with a deeper intuitive awareness — so that you can walk through life with more ease and grace.

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift From Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing with Dr. Rollin McCraty…

… you’ll learn what it takes to achieve “heart coherence,” where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync, gifting you with inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clearheadedness, and a stronger immune system.

Read more: Simple Practice to Self-regulate, Feel Calm, Balanced & Focused on the Fly

Open Less Known Alta Major Chakra to Boost Your Health & Intuition

Discover how to receive higher guidance based on the latest biofield science.

The alta major chakra, also known as the mouth of God, is a minor chakra with a big role: to provide clear access to divine guidance, including your ultimate purpose in life.

Medical intuitive Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD, says it’s also part of a larger body-mind nexus within the nervous system that’s designed to support the establishment of our divine presence deep in our own physiology…

… making it a crucial component for humanity’s evolution as we continue to individually and collectively grow into our true identities and shared purpose.

On Tuesday, August 30, with Tiffany, you’ll explore a well-kept secret of our energetic anatomy: the alta major chakra.

She’ll share how it serves as a gateway to higher guidance and health, a portal for awakening and healing, and a bridge that closes the gap between spiritual and physical consciousness.

==> You can register here for The Hidden Key to Receiving Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition: Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life <<

Key to Open Less Known Alta Major Chakra to Boost Your Health & Intuition

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the alta major chakra as a gateway to higher guidance — and its role in an even greater nexus of awakening and healing 

  • Discover the physiology of presence and being in the here and now

  • Begin to prime your nervous system to receive higher guidance with a short audio meditation that explores the axis point of where physical and spiritual consciousness meet

  • Learn how to discern your inner voice from inner noise — stabilizing your nervous system and allowing higher insights to flow

  • Explore why it’s now time for the once-shrouded wisdom of the alta major chakra to be accessed and shared with the masses

Tiffany teaches that the alta major chakra — which rests at the base of the skull — works with the vagus nerve and reticular activating system to create a triad of inner knowing that can shift your entire physiology.

Working with this triad is an important step in embodied ascension and your ability to remain grounded during transcendence. This includes priming your entire nervous system to receive the higher guidance of the alta major chakra.

Are you ready to explore a new gateway for accessing higher consciousness? One that also holds the potential to foster a profound sense of presence and purpose throughout your physical anatomy for better health and an increased sense of wellbeing?

Join us to learn three key questions to ask that can help you gain greater discernment and wisdom — through activating the alta major chakra to access clear information to optimize your health, energy, and purpose.

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Hidden Key to Receiving Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition: Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life with medical intuitive Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD…

… you’ll prime your nervous system to receive higher guidance based on the latest biofield science — to understand the energetic anatomy of intuition and the little-known portal of your alta major chakra.

Read more: Open Less Known Alta Major Chakra to Boost Your Health & Intuition

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Medicinal & Spiritual Qualities of Plants & Trees, Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care

Discover how plants and trees are loving, conscious beings you can connect with.

Plants existed on this planet long before humans, and they’ve always taken care of us — they feed us, heal us, and guide us on our spiritual journeys.

In these times when people are disconnected from nature and suffering more than ever from loneliness and all manner of mental health crises, we need only look to our elders in planetary times — the plants — for nourishment of our bodies and souls, and to help us feel more connected to our global community.

Green Witch and herbalist Robin Rose Bennett affirms that plants are conscious, living beings. In order to heal ourselves, our communities, and the Earth itself, we need to move into a more loving, responsive, day-to-day relationship with them.

On Tuesday, August 23, Robin Rose will share revealing insights about the secret magic of plants — and give you a taste of how plants can help you open up to self-love, self-healing, strength, and community.

==> You can register here for The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care: Connect With Our Plant Elders to Foster Self-Love, Healing & Community <<

Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care Connect With Our Plant Elders to Foster Self-Love, Healing & Community

In this empowering free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover what it means to be a Green Witch

  • Explore the idea that plants are kin — they are intelligent conscious beings that you can have a relationship with

  • Come to understand that plants come into our lives where and when we need them

  • Learn about the medicinal properties of mullein and white pine  

  • Be guided through an experiential practice of connecting with a favorite tree in song and meditation

Robin Rose will also share what it means to be a Green Witch — someone who respects plants as independent living beings and understands that while plants do provide us with medicines and healing, they don’t exist just for us.

A Green Witch believes in the radical idea that plants have their own consciousness, and that all plants have the potential to alter your consciousness.

If you’re feeling isolated and lonely, know that every time you venture into the community of plants and trees, you’ll be interacting with a community of living, conscious beings.

Robin Rose will also share details about the medicinal properties of a few common herbs that can help you elevate your self-care and self-love, providing you with first aid for your mind, body, and soul.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care: Connect With Our Plant Elders to Foster Self-Love, Healing & Community with Robin Rose Bennett… 

… you’ll explore what it means to be a Green Witch, honoring plants and trees as loving, conscious beings — and discover how plants, as our elders, can provide us with physical and spiritual healing..

Read more: Medicinal & Spiritual Qualities of Plants & Trees, Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care

Friday 19 August 2022

Honor Your Ancestors & Heritage with a Day of the Dead tradition

Tap into your spiritual and cultural roots with a Mexican celebratory tradition.

As the world continues to feel uncertain, do you find yourself searching for your spiritual and cultural roots? 

You’re not alone. Many seekers are longing to feel closer to their ancestors, hoping to uncover and understand new parts of themselves as they experience their original spirituality.

Yet it’s easy to feel even more disconnected and adrift when you’re unsure of how to honor your ancestors with cultural humility and respect.

For example, Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is increasingly celebrated by non-Indigenous, non-Mexican people without knowledge of Mexican Indigenous history, notes Grace Alvarez Sesma, a traditional native healer (curandera) from Mexico.

Thankfully, with the right tools and wisdom, you can respectfully participate in time-honored rituals that you can then pass down for generations. Families are grounded, generation to generation, in their unique cultural traditions. You have these traditions too, affirms Grace.

On Saturday, August 20, Grace will guide you through a practice to connect to a beloved ancestor — then discover when, why, and how to honor your ancestor’s life and memory as part of a Día de Muertos observance.

==>> You can register here for Honor Your Ancestors & Heritage With a Día de Muertos Altar: Tap Into Your Spiritual & Cultural Roots With a Mexican Celebratory Tradition <<

Honor Your Ancestors & Heritage With a DĂ­a de Muertos Altar, Tap Into Your Spiritual & Cultural Roots With a Mexican Celebratory Tradition

In this 75-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • The spiritual and cultural significance of creating an ofrenda — an altar with items that are deeply meaningful to you and future generations

  • Why your altar doesn’t have to be elaborate — as Grace shares examples of an altar’s elements, including flowers, photographs, food, icons, and other offerings

  • Why you don’t have to be a part of any specific tradition to create a respectful altar that celebrates your ancestors and aligns with your cultural identity

  • The key differences between appreciating and celebrating a culture vs. appropriating it

  • An experiential practice to help you connect to a beloved ancestor in a gentle, safe, and grounded way — Grace will then share when, why, and how to honor your ancestor’s life and memory as part of a Día de Muertos observance

It may seem like customs that honor the memory of your ancestors have been lost. Yet, as Grace will explain, you can reconnect with the customs of your ancestors through tools like storytelling, music, prayer, photographs… and creating an altar in your own traditions to honor them. 

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Honor Your Ancestors & Heritage With a Día de Muertos Altar: Tap Into Your Spiritual & Cultural Roots With a Mexican Celebratory Tradition with Grace Alvarez Sesma …

… you’ll explore how to connect with the original spirituality of your ancestors — with rituals and celebrations that align with your personal memories, family history, and cultural identity so you can honor your ancestors and heal generational wounds.

Read more: Honor Your Ancestors & Heritage with a Day of the Dead tradition

Guide to Activate Your Body’s Healing Abilities w/ the Language of Energy

Discover energy communication tools to support your body, mind, and spirit.

As adults, many of us have stopped listening to the energetic messages that hold important cues for what we need at any given moment, often not hearing what our body is saying until it “shouts” louder… and discomfort turns into illness.

By tuning in to your own energetic vocabulary, you can tap into your innate healing and creative capabilities.

Learning to communicate with your body in this way is the key to true healing, according to medical intuitive Ellen Meredith. It’s how you unite your three selves — body, mind, and spirit — which are constantly communicating just under the surface of your awareness to collaborate in your healing.

When you’re fluent in the language of your body, you’re speaking energy, says Ellen, an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner (EEM-AP)…

… because speaking energy enables you to sense subtle energies, shift patterns, and activate your body’s miraculous ability to heal.

You’ll discover how this fluency allows you to create your own energy medicine unique to your specific needs to address physical, emotional, or spiritual challenges — from autoimmune disorders and chronic diseases to depression, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of purpose.

==>> You can register here for Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Healing Abilities Using the Language of Energy <<

activate your body’s healing abilities with the language of energy, guided practice to help you identify where your body is asking for attention, How to use the language of energy and more

During this self-empowering hour with Ellen, you’ll discover:

  • Energy medicine exercises to calm reactivity, reset your energies, and feel grounded in your deeper purpose 

  • Techniques to shift your perspective from chemical to energetic to activate your natural abilities to heal and thrive

  • A guided practice to help you identify where your body is asking for attention and offering you gifts

  • How to use the language of energy to communicate with your body and use its wisdom to guide self-healing

  • Energy communication tools to support your body, mind, and spirit — and strengthen your resilience when navigating challenges

By learning to use and interpret a rich vocabulary of gesture, sound, imagery, movement, and rhythm, you can allow your built-in guidance system to show you what you need — moment to moment. You can then respond to your symptoms with energetic practices that can shift the pain and imbalance, and provide you with deeper understanding. 

As Ellen affirms, no one knows your body, mind, and spirit better than you do —  and by exploring how to use energy dialogue, you can practice becoming your own energy medicine healer.

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Activate Your Body’s Miraculous Healing Abilities Using the Language of Energy with Ellen Meredith…

… you’ll discover how to speak energy — a healing way of communicating with your body’s own language — to identify its needs and activate your miraculous ability to heal.

Read more: Guide to Activate Your Body’s Healing Abilities w/ the Language of Energy

Thursday 18 August 2022

Simple Qigong practices to improve your posture, breathing, and energy levels

Experience a powerful meditation from a Qigong and Tai Chi grandmaster.

Have you been intrigued — but perhaps also a bit intimidated — by the powerful healing and enlightening practices available to you within the Chinese wisdom lineage?

These wisdom gifts from China connect you with the “wind of life” (Qi) and the way (the Tao) of being in the world that leads to harmony with all that is. 

On Thursday, August 18, you can join Qigong and Tai Chi grandmaster Ken Cohen for an hour-long immersion in exploring and experiencing the stillpoint-tapping power of a Yi Quan Qigong standing meditation.

Yi Quan (pronounced YEE-CHUEN) consists of brief, easy-to-learn postures, exercises, and meditations that improve skills used in Tai Chi, Qigong, sports and everyday life. 

Like Tai Chi, Yi Quan is both a healing art and a vocabulary of martial arts skills. Yet, unlike Tai Chi, it does not require learning a long and complex choreography.

>> You can register here for Discover Yi Quan Qigong for Health, Mental Clarity & Longevity: Explore a Little-Known Movement & Meditation Practice at the Root of Chinese Martial Arts <<

Yi Quan Qigong for Health, Mental Clarity & Self-Defense

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Learn how Yi Quan combines meditation and Qigong in a series of simple motions based on animals, water, and ancient martial arts

  • Experience a guided standing practice — emphasizing the elements of properly aligned posture, distributed weight, balanced breathing, and relaxed (slightly bent) joints — to feel rejuvenated and activated

  • Connect with the archetypal energy of the bear through mythos and posture as a symbol of nature’s vitality and healing power that come from grounding in a solid stance

  • Explore a brief history of Yi Quan — and how Ken transmits authentic knowledge by virtue of his tutelage by teachers who trace back to the style’s originator, Wang Xiangzhai

  • Discover how you can apply this easy-to-learn Qigong practice into your daily life for health and wellness

Through strategic and powerful standing and walking meditations, animal movements based on the bear and the turtle, and other simple flowing exercises, you release dysfunctional habits, preserve the health of your  joints, improve balance and coordination, deepen your breath, and mobilize hidden resources of strength. 

However, body training is only half the answer. Yi Quan includes sophisticated methods of healing imagery to train mental focus, relaxation, inner peace, and connection with nature.

Ken will introduce this dynamic system to you with a blend of story, Qigong insights, and standing meditation exercises to refine your posture, align your breathing patterns, and replenish your energy reserves.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Yi Quan Qigong for Health, Mental Clarity & Longevity: Explore a Little-Known Movement & Meditation Practice at the Root of Chinese Martial Arts with Ken Cohen…

… you’ll explore the unique benefits of the ancient Qigong style that underlies Kung Fu and Tai Chi to refine your posture, align your breathing patterns, and replenish your energy reserves — for optimal mind/body/spirit wellness..

Read more: Simple Qigong practices to improve your posture, breathing, and energy levels

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Discover How to Move Beyond Trauma & into Healing & Happiness

Discover the 6 Rs for moving beyond trauma and rewiring your nervous system.

Trauma affects the best of us, and effects can linger, limiting your ability to live your life with joy and abundance.   

Unresolved, traumatic experiences may lead to anxiety and depression, significantly affecting your physical and mental health. 

While experiencing painful events may be almost unavoidable, trauma doesn’t have to dominate your life or detract from its experience.  

You have the power to determine its ultimate impact on your life, develop methods of resilience, and even rediscover trust, which helps you move past chronic suffering towards hope and true happiness.   

Clinical psychologist Arielle Schwartz, PhD, presents therapeutically tested methods to empower you to move past the pain into meaningful change.

Arielle will share secrets for overcoming traumatic pain — and how to reframe it in a way that empowers you.

>> You can register here for Beyond Trauma to Healing & Happiness: Thrive in Life by Removing the Roadblocks That Impede Your Post-Traumatic Growth <<

Achieving True Happiness Healing post-traumatic stress using therapeutically tested methods and vagus nerve

In this heart-opening online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how Arielle’s 6 R’s can help you move past trauma by rewiring your nervous system

  • Learn the 5 types of resilience — and how to develop your own method for discovering what’s best for you

  • Discover how to access your deep well of spiritual resilience through awareness of your authentic nature 

  • Explore the vagus nerve and why it’s called the body’s superhighway to health

  • Be given simple tools for regulating your nervous system to give you greater control over how you respond

You’ll discover that accessing Arielle’s wisdom and practical tools can help you feel more connected to others — and view these traumatic times as a portal leading to unparalleled growth and empowerment.

Join us to discover how you can heal past trauma, be happier and healthier, and live with more purpose and meaning. You may find that you can then help others to free themselves as well.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Beyond Trauma to Healing & Happiness: Thrive in Life by Removing the Roadblocks That Impede Your Post-Traumatic Growth with Arielle Schwartz, PhD…

… you’ll unburden yourself from the debilitating consequences of post-traumatic stress by addressing your pain with a renewed sense of personal power — and catalyzing a deeper recognition of how it can fuel your life’s meaning and purpose.

Read more: Discover How to Move Beyond Trauma & into Healing & Happiness

Saturday 13 August 2022

Discover the 4 Types of Intuition: embodied, creative, integrative, & visionary

Receive an energetic clearing to access the intuitive wisdom of your 7 Inner teammates.

Your intuition is your birthright.

It’s also your most accurate and trustworthy guidance for zeroing in on what you yearn to be and bring to the world — your precious soul gifts. 

If you want to live your best life, be more successful in your relationships, work, or community, or boost your health or creativity, harnessing your intuition is the key to discovering and manifesting the future you want.

For women especially, learning to access, translate, and trust this inherently feminine ability is perhaps the most important step toward self-empowerment.

Yet, like many, your access to your intuition’s profound powers may be partially or even completely blocked.

You may feel trapped in a “busy mind” or life, overwhelmed by our troubled world, stifled by past traumas, or feeling too sensitive to face life’s harsh realities. 

Or, if you are tuning in, you may find your intuitive hits sparse or illusive. 

Mellissa Seaman, a much-sought after professional intuitive, business mentor, and spiritual teacher, will share practical systems that make recognizing and accessing your intuition easy — an everyday tool you can tap into at any moment to live with heart, integrity, joy, and success.

>> You can register here for Upgrade Your Everyday Intuition: How to Access Trustworthy Guidance From Your 7 Inner Teammates to Liberate Your Soul’s Calling <<

Discover the 4 types of intuition (embodied, creative, integrative, and visionary) Receive an energetic clearing to access the intuitive wisdom of your 7 Inner teammates

During this empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the 4 types of intuition (embodied, creative, integrative, and visionary) as important catalysts for a happy, successful life — and how you may be blocking them

  • Experience a powerful energetic clearing to dissipate blocks to your 7 Inner Teammates, align their potent wisdom, and gain clarity and confidence to make an important decision you’re pondering right now  

  • Learn how your intuitive powers can be easily, practically, and successfully used in your everyday life — in work, creative endeavors, and relationships 

  • Discover the 3 realms of spirit guides always available to you — and how to recognize and learn to trust these valuable helpers

  • Start to activate your intuition to unveil your soul gifts and become a much-needed healing force for these times 

Mellissa demystifies intuition — without diminishing its magic — and helps you learn to trust your powerful inner knowing by refining its accuracy. And if you think you’re already an expert in this area, she just might surprise you with refreshing new perspectives. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Upgrade Your Everyday Intuition: How to Access Trustworthy Guidance From Your 7 Inner Teammates to Liberate Your Soul’s Calling with Mellissa Seaman…

… you’ll experience a powerful energetic clearing to access the intuitive wisdom of your 7 Inner Teammates — and gain clarity and confidence to make an important life decision you’re pondering right now.   

Read more: Discover the 4 Types of Intuition: embodied, creative, integrative, & visionary

Thursday 11 August 2022

Simple & Proven Energy Healing Method to Address Health & Life Imbalances

Learn how to use the Emotion Code to help yourself, children & animals.

We all want to feel good, be happy, and enjoy life…

Yet it’s part of being human to suffer physical ailments, emotional upheavals, material depletions such as financial woes, and spiritual and soul-related “droughts” that tap our creative juices and zest for life.

If not addressed, the difficult feelings we generate due to these challenges can get the best of us, escalating over time into chronic illnesses, long-term depression, anxiety disorders, soul loss, and more.

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, an internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher, unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of our body’s imbalances — and in the case of pain, they’re behind 90 percent of symptoms.

Join Dr. Brad as he introduces you to the Emotion Code®, an approach to energy healing that taps into your subconscious to locate and move stuck emotional energies from your body quickly and easily.

>> Register here for Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances <<

Learn an easy but powerful, proven energy healing technique to quickly release trapped emotions

During this inspiring hour of hope and healing, you’ll:

  • Discover the Emotion Code — an easy, yet powerful approach to energy medicine — that releases trapped emotions and addresses the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances 

  • Witness a powerful one-on-one demonstration of how the Emotion Code can be used to catalyze healing and transformation

  • Learn the Sway Test, the simplest method for connecting with your subconscious and zeroing in on blocks to your wellbeing

  • Discover what a Heart-Wall is, ways to find out if you have one, and to dissipate it for optimal health and happiness

  • Learn how the Emotion Code can be used not only to help yourself, but others as well, including children and animals

He’ll share how this powerful process can help you find and resolve underlying imbalances that may be causing disease, anxiety, and other personal challenges, including relationship issues, PTSD, addiction, self-sabotage, and more. You’ll learn how this process can be used to help others, including your children, grandchildren, and even your pets.

You’ll also discover how many of us have formed what Dr. Brad calls a Heart-Wall® — an energetic barrier that prevents us from fully loving ourselves and others and truly enjoying life — and you’ll learn how you can start to break through this barricade to a better life.

>> You can register here <<

In Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances

… you’ll discover an easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing that quickly releases trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

Read more: Simple & Proven Energy Healing Method to Address Health & Life Imbalances

Feel Centered Even in the Midst of Personal & Global Chaos - Being Everyday Mystic

Your daily life is a portal for deeper aliveness and sacredness.

We’re living in the midst of environmental destruction, war, food shortages, financial insecurities, political dysfunction… and the list goes on.  

You may also be facing your own personal challenges that seem just as daunting — a sense of hopelessness, loss, or grief — and the unsettling realization that no one is coming to your rescue.  

Can the spiritual awareness you’ve so worked hard to attain keep you centered and grounded in the midst of personal and global chaos?

Interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr, translator of the mystics, presents a refreshingly subversive and tenderly empowering perspective on what it means to be a mystic in today’s world 

On Saturday, September 3, she’ll reframe conventional ideas on mysticism, guiding you to surrender the outmoded belief of yourself as flawed or imperfect. She’ll show you how to use your daily life — the challenges, concerns, and uncertainties — as a portal for deeper aliveness and a more intimate connection with the sacred.  

>> Register here for Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness <<

Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness

In this free transformational event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a powerful, deep dive into the blocks and obstacles you unintentionally use to minimize your true spiritual nature, and receive a ceremonial blessing from Mirabai, for the wholeness of your sacred self

  • Break down the misconceptions you hold about what’s wrong with you so you can be of service to yourself and the suffering world

  • Discover that everything about you is already sacred and holy

  • Learn that the great mystics of the past, across all spiritual traditions, embodied the sacred, not despite but rather as a result of their humanness 

  • Experience a sense of hope and relief, and reclaim your whole self

Mirabai dismisses the commonly accepted notion that enlightenment requires a lifetime of effort, and affirms that a direct experience of mystical connection is possible. 

She teaches that life is about fully embracing the human experience exactly as it is and precisely as you are, but with a new and deeper understanding.  

By the end of this hour, you may start to see yourself as an everyday mystic, fully embodying your humanity and your holiness

You’ll understand why your broken heart opens you to deeper love and intimacy with the Divine, becoming a threshold to sacred space.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness with Mirabai Starr… 

… you’ll release outdated misconceptions about the spiritual path and celebrate a deeper connection with your sacred self — so you can experience the magnificence of your life.

Read more: Feel Centered Even in the Midst of Personal & Global Chaos - Being Everyday Mystic

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Sacred Acoustics Audio Meditation + Brainwave, NDE, Life Purpose & fear of death

Harness the wisdom, wonder & life-affirming power of near-death experiences.

One of the most painful realities we face in life is how to live in a world where those we loved most have physically departed.

While it’s certainly normal to feel waves of grief, fear, and uncertainty in the aftermath of loss…

… many of us become paralyzed by these emotions, losing precious time with the life that remains.

Renowned neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and sound-journey facilitator Karen Newell believe that overwhelming proof of life after physical death can relieve us of these fears, heavy emotions, and the pain of separation…

… bringing us into an even deeper connection with departed loved ones, the true meaning of our lives, and the oneness of All That Is.

On Saturday, August 13, with Eben and Karen, you’ll lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife by exploring the remarkable commonalities of near-death experiences across cultures and time, easing the fear of death and the pain of separation — and reconnecting to joy and the eternity of life.

>> Register here for Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences <<

Find your Life Purpose through NDE & Sacred Acoustics audio meditation with brainwave entrainment technology

In this special online event, you’ll:

  • Lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife and ease the fear of death by exploring the remarkable commonalities and aftereffects of near-death experiences across time and cultures 

  • Understand and empower your spiritual health and the healing power of love to cultivate meaningful connections with others — and a deeper integration of the oneness of all

  • Learn how shifting from mind over matter to spirit over matter can help you recognize and align with the higher purpose that your soul has for you

  • Discover the mental layer of the Universe — the One Mind that we’re all related through, and its tremendous power to bring wholeness and healing into existence

  • Experience a Sacred Acoustics audio meditation with brainwave entrainment technology to enliven a connection with the one mind shared by all of sentient consciousness.

Ultimately, in joining this eye-opening event with Eben and Karen, you’ll find comfort in a broader scope of reality that’s increasingly supported by science: that although the physical body inevitably dies, that’s not the end of your awareness or connection with those you love.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell… 

… you’ll lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife — and ease the fear of death and pain of separation — by exploring the remarkable commonalities and aftereffects of near-death experiences across cultures and time.

Read more: Sacred Acoustics Audio Meditation + Brainwave, NDE, Life Purpose & fear of death

Friday 5 August 2022

Discover Yourself as One with the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying

Activate the Merkabah (light-spirit-body) of your soul.

Have you been lonely or felt the weight of these past few years?

Are you struggling with anxiety, and feeling vulnerable and uncertain as you face the future?

don Oscar Miro-Quesada discovered a powerful way to meet and transform these very human feelings many years ago… through a deep shamanic journey that connected him with the healing wisdom of the sky beings of the Andean Highlands of Peru.

We all have the capacity to adopt shamanic ways of being, affirms this beloved Peruvian Maestro Curandero and renowned shamanism teacher… and you don’t need to be in the Peruvian Andes to do so. 

When you join don Oscar, you’ll discover how to make contact with the starlight of your origins — the cosmic wisdom and capacity for healing we’re all connected to.

>> Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying: Encounter 5th Dimension Consciousness for Expanded Awareness & Healing <<

Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying: Encounter 5th Dimension Consciousness for Expanded Awareness & Healing

In this soul-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Hear don Oscar’s never fully told stories of his intimate befriending of Peru’s legendary sky beings, as well as historical accounts of interdimensional encounters and their impacts on humanity

  • Discover Fifth Dimensional Consciousness and how it can dissipate feelings of loneliness and despair while deepening your connection to Spirit  

  • Uncover your capacity to contact non-ordinary realities to access healing for yourself and others

  • Discover the power of stillness and peaceful surrender in aligning with sacred seen and unseen dimensions of life — a profound medicine for dark times

  • Experience a guided shamanic journey to activate the Merkabah of your human soul and access interstellar travel inwardly for expanded awareness and healing

During this fascinating hour with this highly revered shamanic elder, you will hear don Oscar’s stories of his contacts with other realms — many of which he has not yet shared.

You’ll learn about the historical evidence of otherworldly shamanic contact between Indigenous peoples and legendary visitors from the skies, and how such visitations have influenced our cultural development.

You’ll also discover how experiencing such visitations can help you cultivate the courage, strength, and love you need to face and transform life’s challenges.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Yourself as One With the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying: Encounter 5th Dimension Consciousness for Expanded Awareness & Healing, you’ll tap into your starlight origins through a shamanic journey to activate the Merkabah (light-spirit-body) of your soul and access expanded awareness and healing. 

Read more: Discover Yourself as One with the Cosmos Through Shamanic Journeying

Thursday 4 August 2022

How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self

Journey to visit a previous version of yourself & offer wise counsel to your younger self.

Do you ever look back on your younger years and wish you’d done things differently? 

What if you could somehow provide the sage advice your younger self so desperately needed and deserved, based on the life experience you have now?

As a dreamer, you can move in and out of time and connect with your younger self, according to Robert Moss, creator of Active Dreaming, his powerful original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism.

You can connect with your past selves — including people you may have been in this life, before you changed our world or it changed you — and bring back what supports life, while leaving aside what does not.

In the process, you can reclaim and reintegrate fragments of your soul that were previously left behind. 

On Saturday, August 6, with Robert, you’ll explore how you can navigate parallel universes and meet your alternate selves through the practice of conscious shamanic dreaming. 

>> Register here for Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling <<

How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self, Reclaim your Soul's calling

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Robert’s guided practice where you’ll journey to visit a younger version of yourself — so you can bring their gifts and energy into your present life

  • The deep inner healing and transformation that’s possible as you travel through time in your dreams

  • Why you suffer soul loss — becoming separated from parts of your vital energy and identity  and how the practice of soul recovery helps you reclaim lost pieces of your soul so you can experience greater wholeness, energy, and passion for life

  • How to reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain, grief, or trauma in your earlier life

  • How skills like dream incubation and shamanic dreaming provide direct access to the realm of the ancestors who sometimes reach out to you in your dreams 

You can be the friend and protector your younger self needed, but didn’t have. As you’ll discover, tremendous healing can flow from this connection for both of you — healing for you in your present time, and for your younger self in their own time.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling with Robert Moss…

… you’ll journey to visit a previous version of yourself — to offer wise counsel and encouragement to your younger self and bring back lost pieces of who you are — so you can experience deep inner healing and wholeness in your present-day life. 

Read more: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Practice of Storytelling to Heal from Your past, Awaken to Your True Nature

Untangle yourself from stories of the past so you can rewrite a better future.

At some point in our lives, many of us have struggled with the decision to end relationships that were unhealthy, leave unfulfilling jobs that didn’t exercise our greatest gifts, or pursue dreams that others deemed as impractical.

As a result, our confidence and our health may suffer. We may find ourselves living in a state of fear and regret.

The way to change course and live a vibrant, purposeful life is to get back into the driver’s seat.

Scientific studies reveal that expressive writing has remarkable physical and psychological benefits.

Through the deeply transformative process of self-examination, bestselling author, teacher, and speaker Mark Matousek teaches, “When you tell the truth, your story changes. When your story changes, your life is transformed.” 

Join us on Thursday, August 4, for an insightful exploration of self-examination and written expression — to manifest healing and transformation.  

>> Register here for Become the Storyteller, Not the Story: Untangle Yourself From Stories of the Past so You Can Rewrite a Better Future <<

Practice of Storytelling to Heal from Your past, Awaken to Your True Nature

In this transformational online healing event, you’ll:

  • Explore how to connect to the witness within and wake up to your true nature

  • Discover how the stories you tell yourself can delude and derail you into believing that you are your story — and learn how to live in your truth instead

  • Uncover which stories you’re telling yourself on a regular basis that are not actually true

  • Begin releasing yourself from the grip and pain of your past

  • Learn writing exercises that will support you in your healing process

  • Excavate where you’re not being honest and authentic

  • Learn how your sense of imagination can make way for valuable insights — and lead you to your truth

You’ll explore different areas in your life — from relationships with others, to yourself, and the world — and the overarching narrative of the substories you’re telling yourself.

Mark will provide tools and techniques that can help you break bad habits, pursue your dreams, and live to your highest potential

With a heightened perspective, you’ll discover that when you arrive at truths on the page, you’ll become more open to receive the epiphanies that naturally follow.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Become the Storyteller, Not the Story: Untangle Yourself From Stories of the Past so You Can Rewrite a Better Future with Mark Matousek…

… you’ll face your deepest truths as you exercise the transformative power of expressing your own story so you can heal from your past, awaken to your true nature, and connect with the witness within — to design your dream life.

Read more: Practice of Storytelling to Heal from Your past, Awaken to Your True Nature