Wednesday 10 August 2022

Sacred Acoustics Audio Meditation + Brainwave, NDE, Life Purpose & fear of death

Harness the wisdom, wonder & life-affirming power of near-death experiences.

One of the most painful realities we face in life is how to live in a world where those we loved most have physically departed.

While it’s certainly normal to feel waves of grief, fear, and uncertainty in the aftermath of loss…

… many of us become paralyzed by these emotions, losing precious time with the life that remains.

Renowned neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and sound-journey facilitator Karen Newell believe that overwhelming proof of life after physical death can relieve us of these fears, heavy emotions, and the pain of separation…

… bringing us into an even deeper connection with departed loved ones, the true meaning of our lives, and the oneness of All That Is.

On Saturday, August 13, with Eben and Karen, you’ll lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife by exploring the remarkable commonalities of near-death experiences across cultures and time, easing the fear of death and the pain of separation — and reconnecting to joy and the eternity of life.

>> Register here for Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences <<

Find your Life Purpose through NDE & Sacred Acoustics audio meditation with brainwave entrainment technology

In this special online event, you’ll:

  • Lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife and ease the fear of death by exploring the remarkable commonalities and aftereffects of near-death experiences across time and cultures 

  • Understand and empower your spiritual health and the healing power of love to cultivate meaningful connections with others — and a deeper integration of the oneness of all

  • Learn how shifting from mind over matter to spirit over matter can help you recognize and align with the higher purpose that your soul has for you

  • Discover the mental layer of the Universe — the One Mind that we’re all related through, and its tremendous power to bring wholeness and healing into existence

  • Experience a Sacred Acoustics audio meditation with brainwave entrainment technology to enliven a connection with the one mind shared by all of sentient consciousness.

Ultimately, in joining this eye-opening event with Eben and Karen, you’ll find comfort in a broader scope of reality that’s increasingly supported by science: that although the physical body inevitably dies, that’s not the end of your awareness or connection with those you love.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Harness the Wisdom, Wonder & Life-Affirming Power of Near-Death Experiences with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell… 

… you’ll lift the veil on the mysteries of the afterlife — and ease the fear of death and pain of separation — by exploring the remarkable commonalities and aftereffects of near-death experiences across cultures and time.

Read more: Sacred Acoustics Audio Meditation + Brainwave, NDE, Life Purpose & fear of death

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