Wednesday 27 October 2021

Experience a Powerful Practice to Regulate Your Nervous System Whenever You Need to

Reset and restore your nervous system with Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement.

When you’re experiencing chronic stress, your body and nervous system can easily become dysregulated and out of balance…

It’s understandable as we continue to live in a traumatized world. We’re navigating a worldwide pandemic, climate disasters, racial injustice, and much more.

The resulting stress can show up as everything from anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, physical aches and pains, illness, and more.

Thankfully, you have the power to regulate your own nervous system.

According to Dr. Martha Eddy, exercise physiologist and and founder of Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy, calming and restoring your nervous system provides a baseline — so you can reactivate it until your awareness mechanism, your nervous system is fully alive and receptive… resulting in a happier, more balanced you. 

To calm your nervous system, you’ll first need to know how it works, take time to feel it, and get clear on how it impacts your everyday behavior. A powerful way to deeply understand and regulate your nervous system is through Martha’s Dynamic Embodiment somatic movement method

On Wednesday, October 27, you’ll discover how to integrate technical skill-building exercises with meditation, relaxation, healing postures, and your own personalized rituals…

Plus, you’ll explore the skill of improvisation, responding to your surroundings as you stay present in each moment, which helps your body respond to its surroundings — all that is going on in your life and in our interconnected world.

>> RSVP here to Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement <<

Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement with Dr. Martha Eddy

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The inner workings of your nervous system — including what movements can calm or energize you

  • How to read your own body language as it communicates whether you’re safe or in danger, or have feelings of safety or danger

  • How you might use this knowledge of your nervous system to work with other people during times of conflict — both in your life and in the larger world

  • The difference between setting up boundaries as a healthy response to stress and when it becomes “othering” of people, contributing to your stress and causing you to miss out on essential connections with others, which is the true key to healing

  • A powerful practice to help you regulate your nervous system whenever you need to, as you adapt movements for your own body — Martha will guide you to deepen the breath and use the cerebrospinal fluid rhythm to calm down and become aware of the present, of whatever you are feeling, and of the next steps you need to take

You do not need any prior movement or dance experience to fully embrace Martha’s unique movement practice >> so come as you are and join us for this invigorating new event <<

In Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement

… you’ll explore the inner workings of your nervous system as you move through a guided Dynamic Embodiment practice to refine your creative responses to any level of stress and experience greater peace.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Reset & Restore your Nervous System with Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement

Experience a guided practice to expand your creative capabilities.

When you’re experiencing chronic stress, your body and nervous system can easily become dysregulated and out of balance…

It’s understandable as we continue to live in a traumatized world. We’re navigating a worldwide pandemic, climate disasters, racial injustice, and much more.

The resulting stress can show up as everything from anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping, physical aches and pains, illness, and more.

Thankfully, you have the power to regulate your own nervous system.

According to Dr. Martha Eddy, exercise physiologist and and founder of Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy, calming and restoring your nervous system provides a baseline — so you can reactivate it until your awareness mechanism, your nervous system is fully alive and receptive… resulting in a happier, more balanced you. 

To calm your nervous system, you’ll first need to know how it works, take time to feel it, and get clear on how it impacts your everyday behavior. A powerful way to deeply understand and regulate your nervous system is through Martha’s Dynamic Embodiment somatic movement method

On Wednesday, October 27, you’ll discover how to integrate technical skill-building exercises with meditation, relaxation, healing postures, and your own personalized rituals…

Plus, you’ll explore the skill of improvisation, responding to your surroundings as you stay present in each moment, which helps your body respond to its surroundings — all that is going on in your life and in our interconnected world.

>> RSVP here to Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement <<

Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement with Dr. Martha Eddy

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The inner workings of your nervous system — including what movements can calm or energize you

  • How to read your own body language as it communicates whether you’re safe or in danger, or have feelings of safety or danger

  • How you might use this knowledge of your nervous system to work with other people during times of conflict — both in your life and in the larger world

  • The difference between setting up boundaries as a healthy response to stress and when it becomes “othering” of people, contributing to your stress and causing you to miss out on essential connections with others, which is the true key to healing

  • A powerful practice to help you regulate your nervous system whenever you need to, as you adapt movements for your own body — Martha will guide you to deepen the breath and use the cerebrospinal fluid rhythm to calm down and become aware of the present, of whatever you are feeling, and of the next steps you need to take

You do not need any prior movement or dance experience to fully embrace Martha’s unique movement practice >> so come as you are and join us for this invigorating new event <<

In Reset & Restore Your Nervous System With Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement

… you’ll explore the inner workings of your nervous system as you move through a guided Dynamic Embodiment practice to refine your creative responses to any level of stress and experience greater peace.

Read more: Reset & Restore your Nervous System with Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement

Monday 25 October 2021

Raise the Voltage of Your Energetic Blueprint at Free Online Summit, November 1–5

Imagine being so in tune with the subtle energies that course through your being that you could assess and treat energetic imbalances on the spot. 

Picture yourself releasing challenging energetic build-ups and blockages arising from stress, illness, or difficult relationships.

The latest evidence-based research reveals that YOU have the power to restore your energetic balance when you’re feeling off physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

There’s a powerful life-force energy that’s within and all around you at all times. You can activate this well of pure potentiality and gain a higher perspective on your life through the potent workings of energy medicine.

Energy medicine is based on the understanding that physical, mental, and behavioural problems have a counterpart in the body’s energies, and can be treated at this level. It provides a holistic approach to healing — by addressing not only your physical self but by also working with your emotions, past trauma, and your connections to others both present and past.

As you attune to the factors that are muddling your energy, you move closer to the quantum field that holds your true blueprint for divine wisdom.  

You can cultivate this exquisite web of energy using therapeutic practices that empower you to access your vagus nerve, release emotional baggage, transform the stored energies created from living through a global pandemic, and much more.

New science-based research shows the myriad ways that we are interconnected energetically, while also supporting the different forms of energy medicine that promote healing. During the Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll learn how to access and activate the electromagnetic web of your body for therapeutic purposes.

Free Online Event
Energy Medicine Summit

November 1–5, 2021

I’m thrilled to invite you to join more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors and healers — including Dr. Karen Kan, Eileen McKusick, Mona Delfino, Dr. Shamini Jain, Dr. Maya Shetreat, Rollin McCraty, PhD, Dr. Bradley Nelson, Dr. Sue Morter, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices! 

Energy Medicine Summit November 1-5, 2021 speakers

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s just a small sampling of what we’ll be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Karen Kan will demonstrate how to quickly seed the quantum field with your desired intentions — to auto-heal all levels of your being.

  • Eileen McKusick will teach you how to raise the voltage of your electromagnetic energetic field to improve your health, resiliency and immunity.

  • Mona Delfino will share how her own journey of awakening can serve as a catalyst for liberating your energetic power in these times of profound, accelerating change.

  • Dr. Shamini Jain will explain how to harness the power of your mind using healing psychoneuroimmunology techniques to foster bioenergetic health.

  • Maya Shetreat will explore how our physical, emotional, and energy bodies evolved with the support of plants and animals, and why the ​​intricate relationships we have with these living beings are necessary if we wish to be healthy, balanced, and resilient.

  • Rollin McCraty, PhD, will discuss the latest research on energetic interconnectivity — and how planetary, solar, and cosmic energies affect our emotions, mental functions, health, and behaviors.

  • Dr. Bradley Nelson will demonstrate how his mind-mapping system works with muscle testing to quickly identify and release harmful emotions.

  • Dr. Sue Morter will explain how specific energy codes can help you build neurocircuitry to clear subconscious beliefs and embody your true potential beyond beliefs.

  • Dr. Marie Mbouni will share tools to access your innate divine codes so you can live your dream life by removing blocks in the areas of health, abundance, and relationships. 

  • Beth McDougall, MD, will demonstrate how consciously aligning your pristine blueprint to the interconnected unified field enables radical transformation.

  • Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza will show you how doing shadow work and aligning with Mother Earth’s energy can help bring you into balance and more harmonious living.

Plus, you’re in good hands with summit hosts Vanessa Codorniu, a soul coach and founder of the School of the Healing Artes, and Dr. Christine Schaffner, a naturopathic physician.

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. During this vibrant 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to align your pristine blueprint with the unified field to radically transform your life

  • Four practices to start activating your inner healer by tapping into “radical intuition”

  • A powerful guided meditation to heal deep subconscious wounds, accessing your soul’s light to release energy that no longer serves you

  • Effective ways to raise the electromagnetic vibrational voltage of your human biofield to increase health, resiliency, and immunity

  • Your soul’s “signature energy,” empowering you to sustain higher levels of consciousness by transmuting shadow aspects

  • How to access your own medical intuitive abilities by clearing blockages that obscure intuitive information about your physical health

  • How EFT (a.ka. tapping) can help to regulate your nervous system in minutes, reduce stress and anxiety, and transform chaos to calm

  • How to tap into the vagus nerve to release childhood trauma and stress that created a negative imprint in your energy field

  • Clearing as a gentle but powerful way to create healthy energetic boundaries by releasing other people’s energy and unresolved past issues

  • Ways to open your lungs, shift your alignment, and soften your ribcage, so you can begin to transform and finally discharge the stored energies of this past year

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Activate your body’s energetic language for self-healing, resilience & vitality - November 1-5 Event

Imagine being so in tune with the subtle energies that course through your being that you could assess and treat energetic imbalances on the spot. 

Picture yourself releasing challenging energetic build-ups and blockages arising from stress, illness, or difficult relationships.

The latest evidence-based research reveals that YOU have the power to restore your energetic balance when you’re feeling off physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

There’s a powerful life-force energy that’s within and all around you at all times. You can activate this well of pure potentiality and gain a higher perspective on your life through the potent workings of energy medicine.

Energy medicine is based on the understanding that physical, mental, and behavioural problems have a counterpart in the body’s energies, and can be treated at this level. It provides a holistic approach to healing — by addressing not only your physical self but by also working with your emotions, past trauma, and your connections to others both present and past.

As you attune to the factors that are muddling your energy, you move closer to the quantum field that holds your true blueprint for divine wisdom.  

You can cultivate this exquisite web of energy using therapeutic practices that empower you to access your vagus nerve, release emotional baggage, transform the stored energies created from living through a global pandemic, and much more.

New science-based research shows the myriad ways that we are interconnected energetically, while also supporting the different forms of energy medicine that promote healing. During the Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll learn how to access and activate the electromagnetic web of your body for therapeutic purposes.

Free Online Event
Energy Medicine Summit
November 1–5, 2021

I’m thrilled to invite you to join more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors and healers — including Dr. Karen Kan, Eileen McKusick, Mona Delfino, Dr. Shamini Jain, Dr. Maya Shetreat, Rollin McCraty, PhD, Dr. Bradley Nelson, Dr. Sue Morter, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices! 

Energy Medicine Summit November 1-5, 2021 speakers

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s just a small sampling of what we’ll be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Karen Kan will demonstrate how to quickly seed the quantum field with your desired intentions — to auto-heal all levels of your being.

  • Eileen McKusick will teach you how to raise the voltage of your electromagnetic energetic field to improve your health, resiliency and immunity.

  • Mona Delfino will share how her own journey of awakening can serve as a catalyst for liberating your energetic power in these times of profound, accelerating change.

  • Dr. Shamini Jain will explain how to harness the power of your mind using healing psychoneuroimmunology techniques to foster bioenergetic health.

  • Maya Shetreat will explore how our physical, emotional, and energy bodies evolved with the support of plants and animals, and why the ​​intricate relationships we have with these living beings are necessary if we wish to be healthy, balanced, and resilient.

  • Rollin McCraty, PhD, will discuss the latest research on energetic interconnectivity — and how planetary, solar, and cosmic energies affect our emotions, mental functions, health, and behaviors.

  • Dr. Bradley Nelson will demonstrate how his mind-mapping system works with muscle testing to quickly identify and release harmful emotions.

  • Dr. Sue Morter will explain how specific energy codes can help you build neurocircuitry to clear subconscious beliefs and embody your true potential beyond beliefs.

  • Dr. Marie Mbouni will share tools to access your innate divine codes so you can live your dream life by removing blocks in the areas of health, abundance, and relationships. 

  • Beth McDougall, MD, will demonstrate how consciously aligning your pristine blueprint to the interconnected unified field enables radical transformation.

  • Dra. Rocio Rosales Meza will show you how doing shadow work and aligning with Mother Earth’s energy can help bring you into balance and more harmonious living.

Plus, you’re in good hands with summit hosts Vanessa Codorniu, a soul coach and founder of the School of the Healing Artes, and Dr. Christine Schaffner, a naturopathic physician.

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. During this vibrant 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to align your pristine blueprint with the unified field to radically transform your life

  • Four practices to start activating your inner healer by tapping into “radical intuition”

  • A powerful guided meditation to heal deep subconscious wounds, accessing your soul’s light to release energy that no longer serves you

  • Effective ways to raise the electromagnetic vibrational voltage of your human biofield to increase health, resiliency, and immunity

  • Your soul’s “signature energy,” empowering you to sustain higher levels of consciousness by transmuting shadow aspects

  • How to access your own medical intuitive abilities by clearing blockages that obscure intuitive information about your physical health

  • How EFT (a.ka. tapping) can help to regulate your nervous system in minutes, reduce stress and anxiety, and transform chaos to calm

  • How to tap into the vagus nerve to release childhood trauma and stress that created a negative imprint in your energy field

  • Clearing as a gentle but powerful way to create healthy energetic boundaries by releasing other people’s energy and unresolved past issues

  • Ways to open your lungs, shift your alignment, and soften your ribcage, so you can begin to transform and finally discharge the stored energies of this past year

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Activate your body’s energetic language for self-healing, resilience & vitality - November 1-5 Event

Sunday 24 October 2021

Enjoy Learning About Health at the Resilience Roadmap Summit & Get 4+ Free Gifts

What if the toughest moments of your life were not dependent upon how prepared you were or your financial savings or your friends and family or doctors?

What if recovering from every hurdle you ever faced was about how resilient you are?

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from and adapt to difficult life events, including trauma, illness or any kind of physical, mental or emotional setback.

It is also a fundamental feature of normal, everyday coping skills: You need resilience in order to change your diet, improve your sleep, lose weight (and keep it off), remember to take your supplements, choose to get out of bed in the morning and exercise.

All change needs resilience, and it is something we learn, something we can enhance and build upon.

The Resilience Roadmap Summit could help you answer questions like:

  • What is resilience?

  • How do I build and maintain a resilient mindset?

  • What kind of skills do I need to support resilience?

  • Does diet affect resilience?

  • Could I be compromising my resilience?

  • Why is emotional connection so important for resilience?

  • I feel stuck. What can I do right now to move forward?

  • Get answers to these and many more questions!

Learn Resilience with Jodi Cohen at Free Resilience Roadmap Summit October 25

Enhance your resilience when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for October 25-31, 2021!

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Jodi Cohen, forged the path to resilience on her own when no roadmap existed, finding a way to navigate overwhelming grief and heartache after her son, Max, died in a car accident. Over time, and through trial and error, she was able to identify certain strategies that always helped.

During this time, she also began to seek out experts to research and understand HOW and WHY these particular tactics seemed to help. This summit is her compilation of that fieldwork and research.

She’s here to share her wisdom and experience with you.

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

We’ll see you online at the Resilience Roadmap Summit when you register now!

Learn to fix your sleep & enhance resilience – download new eGuide below!

Are you having trouble getting a good night’s rest?

If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep for seven to eight hours per night, you could be compromising your ability to heal.

Learn how deep, restful, restorative sleep can improve your resilience and fix your sleep, when you…

Free eBook to Improve Resilience by Fixing Your Sleep

Download your complimentary eGuide, Improve Your Resilience: Fix Your Sleep!

When you are physically exhausted, you have less capacity for resilience.

Restful, restorative sleep has been shown to increase resilience, making it easier to cope with stress and regulate our emotions. Sleep even impacts how well your brain adapts and how you are able to process emotion.

Restful sleep can:

  • Improve mental clarity and memory

  • Enhance athletic performance

  • Boost mood and energy

  • Improve immune function

  • Increase your tolerance to stress

Sleep deprivation compromises your ability to focus, connect and make thoughtful decisions. Resilience requires energy and poor sleep depletes your energy reserves. So when you don’t get enough sleep, small day-to-day stressors like coping with work pressure or relationship hiccups can feel more overwhelming.

Sleep also appears to restore our emotional brain circuits, supporting healthy levels of mood supporting hormones, including serotonin, dopamine and cortisol, that affect your tools of resilience, including your thoughts, mood and energy.

This eGuide is intended to help you understand the root cause of your sleep challenge, so that you might address the underlying issue and restore restful sleep.

Gain immediate access to the 34-page Improve Your Resilience: Fix Your Sleep eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Resilience Roadmap Summit taking place on October 25-31, 2021, where over 50 experts will teach you more about easy, actionable and immediate tools and practices to cultivate resilience!

Boost your physical, mental & emotional resilience another new eGuide as a gift for joining!

Toxins are a huge energy drain!

Maintaining effective detoxification frees up energy for resilience, while impaired pathways can significantly impact your health.

Learn how you can amplify your ability to detoxify the food, chemicals and emotions that are draining your energy and vitality, when you…

Learn How Detoxification Boosts Resilience Free eGuide

Download your complimentary eGuide, How Detoxification Boosts Resilience!

You need energy to make positive shifts in your life.

The more you eliminate the food, chemicals and emotions that are draining your resilience, strength, energy and vitality, the more you free up energy to be used in a positive fashion.

While physical detox is all about releasing toxins (like chemicals and heavy metals), emotional detox involves letting go of the past and releasing the emotions, beliefs and experiences that no longer serve us.

To enhance your capacity for resilience, you need to reduce your exposure to depleting environmental toxins, irritants and negative energy AND support the organs that help eliminate the toxins stored in your body to help free up your physical, mental and emotional resilience.

Gain simple strategies to support detox and reduce the drain on your resilience!

Gain immediate access to the 40-page How Detoxification Boosts Resilience eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Resilience Roadmap Summit taking place on October 25-31, 2021, where over 50 experts will teach you more about easy, actionable and immediate tools and practices to cultivate resilience!

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Healthy Recipes Cookbook to Bolster Your Physical, Mental & Emotional Resilience - Free Gift

Receive 56 complimentary recipes for resilience. Enhance your capacity to recover, heal & thrive!

As you may know, the nutrients you consume are one of the main building blocks of resilience.

Healthy food choices can both help improve your health and give you a sense of taking your health into your own hands.

Fortify your body with Jodi Cohen’s delicious, nutrient-dense recipes to bolster your resilience, when you…

Free Download Recipes Cookbook for the better resilience

Download your complimentary eBook, Recipes for Resilience!

Your dietary choices have a dramatic impact on your energy reserves. The food you consume serves as the building blocks for physical and mental vitality.

For example, a healthy supply of protein helps support a healthy supply of vital amino acids that calm your nervous system and enhance resilience. Similarly, a variety of organic fruits and vegetables help support the healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which helps prevent the overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria that can deplete vital energy and resilience.

In this cookbook, Jodi shares 56 of her family’s favourite easy-to-prepare recipes for every meal of the day, including snacks and condiments, to help enhance your resilience.

These are just a few possibilities on offer for your next meal:
  • Easy Almond Flour Pancakes

  • Tomato-basil Quiche w/ Bacon and Spinach

  • Green-fed Meatballs

  • Chicken Pot Pie

  • Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins

  • Sugar Free Spicy BBQ Sauce

Jodi’s recipes are high in protein, feature a variety of vegetables and intentionally avoid ingredients like sugar, grains, dairy, soy and other artificial ingredients that can trigger inflammatory reactions.

Gain immediate access to the 67-page Recipes for Resilience eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Resilience Roadmap Summit taking place on October 25-31, 2021, where over 50 experts will teach you more about easy, actionable and immediate tools and practices to cultivate resilience!

When faced with a difficult situation, you have a choice…

You can either choose to find a way to overcome it and open your heart and mind to opportunities for self-awareness, growth and self-improvement, or you can choose to feel victimized by your circumstances.

When you choose to view a challenge or obstacle as an opportunity for growth and resolve to handle your emotions in a healthy way, you are choosing a path of resiliency.

Resilience Roadmap Summit - October 25-31

Enhance your resilience at the complimentary and online Resilience Roadmap Summit!

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from and adapt to difficult life events, including trauma, illness or any kind of physical, mental or emotional setback.

Resilience is something we learn, something we can enhance and build upon through both internal and external factors, such as developing good problem-solving skills, expressing gratitude, focusing on the present, seeking help and helping others.

The more you strengthen your physical, mental and emotional resilience the better prepared you will be to navigate the next wave when it hits.

At the Resilience Roadmap Summit, you’ll learn:
  • How resilience predicts success in every health challenge or trauma

  • How trauma alters brain chemistry

  • Strategies for releasing & processing trauma

  • Benefits of compassion & forgiveness

  • Connection between mental health & chronic pain

  • Strategies to help release the victim mentality & support your intuition

  • Importance of vulnerability & asking for help

  • How to stay objective during challenging situations

  • Why transformation, gratitude & positivity are essential for healing

  • Tools to rewire your threshold for stress

  • And so much more!

If resilience is the key to lasting health, don’t you owe it to yourself to unlock it today?

Please attend this free event, to learn how this tool can be applied to your life!

Be sure to mark your calendar for October 25-31, 2021!

When you register for the Resilience Roadmap Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

Read more: Healthy Recipes Cookbook to Bolster Your Physical, Mental & Emotional Resilience - Free Gift

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Access your Book of Life for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge

Experience a guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine.

We’ve all heard about the power of love to heal and transform us… mind, body, and soul…

Science agrees, citing the feel-good hormones that love generates.

And spiritual traditions speak of a profound unconditional love associated with Spirit and the afterlife, proclaiming that those who have transitioned experience its soothing balm as All There Is.

On Wednesday, October 20, preeminent intuitive and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale will share about a sacred, love-filled space within you that ancient traditions believed connects you to all four levels of reality. 

It’s known as the “God Spot,” and when you incorporate it into energetic healing practices, you can achieve a seamless attunement with the love and healing powers of the Divine. 

>> Join here for Energy Medicine Event to Discover Your “God Spot” & Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy: How to Accelerate Healing & Manifestation by Amplifying Love, Joy & Positivity <<

Experience a profound guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge... during an hour that expertly weaves the healing powers of science, spirituality, and energy medicine.

During this fascinating online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover the sacred, love-filled space within your chest called the God Spot — and how incorporating it into energetic healing practices can transmute physical, physiological, and spiritual difficulties

  • Learn about your own unique Book of Lifea record kept by the Divine of everything you’ve ever done, thought, and said — as well as what is yet to occur

  • Experience a profound guided meditation to gain insights from your Book of Life — and unveil God’s point-of-view on a current life issue for comfort, resolution, or healing

  • Learn about the 7 Molecules of Joy, hormones that keep us healthy and performing optimally — and how to stimulate, activate, and balance them

  • Learn about the 4 Pathways of Reality, including the Power Pathway, through which you can amplify supernatural forces, and the Divine Pathway, which helps you transform the negative into the positive — uplifting your spirits and evolving you spiritually 

Cyndi will also share about the Four Pathways of Reality, through which you can amplify your innate ability to draw from the energetic healing powers of the Universe

… including energy radiated by light rays, electromagnetic scalar waves, and even the healing energies of spirit allies — all potent energy medicines that speed up the healing of physical, psychological, and spiritual disease

>> Register here to watch live or get free recording <<

In Energy Medicine to Discover Your “God Spot” & Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy: How to Accelerate Healing & Manifestation by Amplifying Love, Joy & Positivity

 you’ll experience a profound guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge… during an hour that expertly weaves the healing powers of science, spirituality, and energy medicine.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How Energy Medicine Can Help You Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy

Access your Book of Life for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge.

We’ve all heard about the power of love to heal and transform us… mind, body, and soul…

Science agrees, citing the feel-good hormones that love generates.

And spiritual traditions speak of a profound unconditional love associated with Spirit and the afterlife, proclaiming that those who have transitioned experience its soothing balm as All There Is.

On Wednesday, October 20, preeminent intuitive and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale will share about a sacred, love-filled space within you that ancient traditions believed connects you to all four levels of reality. 

It’s known as the “God Spot,” and when you incorporate it into energetic healing practices, you can achieve a seamless attunement with the love and healing powers of the Divine. 

>> Join here for Energy Medicine Event to Discover Your “God Spot” & Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy: How to Accelerate Healing & Manifestation by Amplifying Love, Joy & Positivity <<

Experience a profound guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge... during an hour that expertly weaves the healing powers of science, spirituality, and energy medicine.

During this fascinating online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover the sacred, love-filled space within your chest called the God Spot — and how incorporating it into energetic healing practices can transmute physical, physiological, and spiritual difficulties

  • Learn about your own unique Book of Lifea record kept by the Divine of everything you’ve ever done, thought, and said — as well as what is yet to occur

  • Experience a profound guided meditation to gain insights from your Book of Life — and unveil God’s point-of-view on a current life issue for comfort, resolution, or healing

  • Learn about the 7 Molecules of Joy, hormones that keep us healthy and performing optimally — and how to stimulate, activate, and balance them

  • Learn about the 4 Pathways of Reality, including the Power Pathway, through which you can amplify supernatural forces, and the Divine Pathway, which helps you transform the negative into the positive — uplifting your spirits and evolving you spiritually 

Cyndi will also share about the Four Pathways of Reality, through which you can amplify your innate ability to draw from the energetic healing powers of the Universe

… including energy radiated by light rays, electromagnetic scalar waves, and even the healing energies of spirit allies — all potent energy medicines that speed up the healing of physical, psychological, and spiritual disease

>> Register here to watch live or get free recording <<

In Energy Medicine to Discover Your “God Spot” & Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy: How to Accelerate Healing & Manifestation by Amplifying Love, Joy & Positivity

 you’ll experience a profound guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge… during an hour that expertly weaves the healing powers of science, spirituality, and energy medicine.

Read more: How Energy Medicine Can Help You Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy

How Herbal Medicine Provides an Effective & Sustainable Approach to Healing

Discover how to use herbs and spices to create 3 formulas for digestive problems.

If you’re like many of us, you probably have a cabinet full of medicines for everything under the sun.

But do you ever stop and wonder about alternatives that may be safer, more effective, and far less expensive than what we’re buying over the counter?

If you prefer a holistic form of healing that allows you to take control of your health — with prevention and the treatment of symptoms in mind — then look no further than plants in the great outdoors.

On Saturday, October 30, David Crow, one of the world’s leading experts in botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare, will explore highly effective plant medicine formulas and how they serve different functions when they are consumed.  

>> Join here for Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine for Enhanced Healing, Immunity & Resilience <<

Herbalist David Crow will show you several reputable store-bought herbal medicines — what’s in their formulas and how they aid different ailments ranging from digestion problems to stress.

In this fascinating hour, you’ll discover:

  • Some of the most important formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Western plant medicine traditions — some dating back over a thousand years — that do everything from building up your immune system to supporting liver and kidney function

  • How to use readily available herbs and spices to create 3 formulas, following important principles of herbal compounding, for common digestive problems

  • How to create blend infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powders, and essential oils

  • Three ancient formulas from Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating the physical consequences from different forms of stress

  • A classical Ayurvedic formula for rejuvenation — and how to know if it’s appropriate for your constitution

  • How to demystify the formulas of plant medicines sold in stores

We’re so focused on our busy lives these days that we’ve forgotten how to care for ourselves, prevent illness, and treat simple ailments when they occur.

David will show you several reputable store-bought herbal medicines — what’s in their formulas and how they aid different ailments ranging from digestion problems to stress.

After his demonstration, you’ll be able to confidently walk into any pharmacy, natural product store, or health food store, and buy a high-quality botanical formulated that works best for you.

>> RSVP here to watch live or get recording or extra training <<

In Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine for Enhanced Healing, Immunity & Resilience

… you’ll discover how herbal medicine works on a holistic level, strengthening the body from the inside out — not masking symptoms, but providing an effective, safer, and more sustainable approach to healing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine

Discover a classical Ayurvedic formula for rejuvenation.

If you’re like many of us, you probably have a cabinet full of medicines for everything under the sun.

But do you ever stop and wonder about alternatives that may be safer, more effective, and far less expensive than what we’re buying over the counter?

If you prefer a holistic form of healing that allows you to take control of your health — with prevention and the treatment of symptoms in mind — then look no further than plants in the great outdoors.

On Saturday, October 30, David Crow, one of the world’s leading experts in botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare, will explore highly effective plant medicine formulas and how they serve different functions when they are consumed.  

>> Join here for Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine for Enhanced Healing, Immunity & Resilience <<

Herbalist David Crow will show you several reputable store-bought herbal medicines — what’s in their formulas and how they aid different ailments ranging from digestion problems to stress.

In this fascinating hour, you’ll discover:

  • Some of the most important formulas found in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Western plant medicine traditions — some dating back over a thousand years — that do everything from building up your immune system to supporting liver and kidney function

  • How to use readily available herbs and spices to create 3 formulas, following important principles of herbal compounding, for common digestive problems

  • How to create blend infusions, decoctions, tinctures, powders, and essential oils

  • Three ancient formulas from Traditional Chinese Medicine for treating the physical consequences from different forms of stress

  • A classical Ayurvedic formula for rejuvenation — and how to know if it’s appropriate for your constitution

  • How to demystify the formulas of plant medicines sold in stores

We’re so focused on our busy lives these days that we’ve forgotten how to care for ourselves, prevent illness, and treat simple ailments when they occur.

David will show you several reputable store-bought herbal medicines — what’s in their formulas and how they aid different ailments ranging from digestion problems to stress.

After his demonstration, you’ll be able to confidently walk into any pharmacy, natural product store, or health food store, and buy a high-quality botanical formulated that works best for you.

>> RSVP here to watch live or get recording or extra training <<

In Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine for Enhanced Healing, Immunity & Resilience

… you’ll discover how herbal medicine works on a holistic level, strengthening the body from the inside out — not masking symptoms, but providing an effective, safer, and more sustainable approach to healing.

Read more: Demystifying the Herbal Formulas of Chinese, Ayurvedic & Western Plant Medicine

Sunday 10 October 2021

Discover How Kirtan & Bhakti Yoga Open You to Profound Love, Compassion & Connection

Experience a practice for releasing all your worries and concerns to the Divine.

The rishis of ancient India believed that all of our emotions are vital in bringing light to our whole being. These venerable seers developed bhakti yoga as a way to harness the energy of our emotions — both positive and negative — and propel us back to connection with Source.

The spiritual practice of bhakti enables us to face ourselves with courage while surrendering to the Divine. We’re able to expand our conscious awareness when we accept both the upside and the downside of our anger, grief, and shame, so we can transform it into compassion for ourselves and others.

Bhakti, perhaps the simplest and most powerful of the four classical schools of yoga, is the practice of selfless devotion and recognition of the Divine in everything. It requires little to no physical movement, just a loving and open heart, and is often accompanied by beautiful kirtan chanting, sacred music that celebrates our connection to God.

On Saturday, October 16, Jai Uttal, an internationally renowned kirtan sacred musician, will introduce you to bhakti and how it can help you uncover the place within where your true nature resides —a place where you desire nothing because you are fully immersed in the present moment, and your heart, mind, and soul are filled with joy.

>> Join free here for Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices With Jai Uttal: How to Uncover Your True Nature & Become an Instrument of Grace, Unconditional Love & Joyful Service <<

Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices with Jai Uttal

In this uplifting hour, you’ll discover:

  • How bhakti is a devotional practice, enabling you to nurture an exalted, heart-centered relationship with the Divine

  • A practice that can help you release all your worries and concerns to the Divine, enhancing spiritual awareness and awakening compassion in your daily life

  • The power of kirtan and devotional chanting

  • The ways that practicing bhakti can remove stress and anxiety, replacing them with positivity, love, and awe

  • How following the path of bhakti can enhance your soul connection and provide a respite in difficult times

Bhakti is all about surrendering your intellect and leading with your heart.  Jai will show you how bhakti, along with kirtan, India’s ancient call-and-response sacred chanting — and the most important technique in bhakti yoga — can eliminate our feeling of separateness and connect our hearts through song.

You’ll see how bhakti and kirtan together can help you invoke the energies of various deities through chanting — and transform you into an instrument of grace, unconditional love, service, and gratitude, exalting you to a life of joyful celebration. 

>> You can register here to watch live or get recording <<

In Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices With Jai Uttal: How to Uncover Your True Nature & Become an Instrument of Grace, Unconditional Love & Joyful Service

… you’ll experience higher consciousness through the practice of sacred kirtan chants and bhakti, as you devote yourself to the Divine and open yourself to more profound love, compassion, and connection to others.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices

Experience how bhakti provides you with courage while surrendering to the Divine.

The rishis of ancient India believed that all of our emotions are vital in bringing light to our whole being. These venerable seers developed bhakti yoga as a way to harness the energy of our emotions — both positive and negative — and propel us back to connection with Source.

The spiritual practice of bhakti enables us to face ourselves with courage while surrendering to the Divine. We’re able to expand our conscious awareness when we accept both the upside and the downside of our anger, grief, and shame, so we can transform it into compassion for ourselves and others.

Bhakti, perhaps the simplest and most powerful of the four classical schools of yoga, is the practice of selfless devotion and recognition of the Divine in everything. It requires little to no physical movement, just a loving and open heart, and is often accompanied by beautiful kirtan chanting, sacred music that celebrates our connection to God.

On Saturday, October 16, Jai Uttal, an internationally renowned kirtan sacred musician, will introduce you to bhakti and how it can help you uncover the place within where your true nature resides —a place where you desire nothing because you are fully immersed in the present moment, and your heart, mind, and soul are filled with joy.

>> Join free here for Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices With Jai Uttal: How to Uncover Your True Nature & Become an Instrument of Grace, Unconditional Love & Joyful Service <<

Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices with Jai Uttal

In this uplifting hour, you’ll discover:

  • How bhakti is a devotional practice, enabling you to nurture an exalted, heart-centered relationship with the Divine

  • A practice that can help you release all your worries and concerns to the Divine, enhancing spiritual awareness and awakening compassion in your daily life

  • The power of kirtan and devotional chanting

  • The ways that practicing bhakti can remove stress and anxiety, replacing them with positivity, love, and awe

  • How following the path of bhakti can enhance your soul connection and provide a respite in difficult times

Bhakti is all about surrendering your intellect and leading with your heart.  Jai will show you how bhakti, along with kirtan, India’s ancient call-and-response sacred chanting — and the most important technique in bhakti yoga — can eliminate our feeling of separateness and connect our hearts through song.

You’ll see how bhakti and kirtan together can help you invoke the energies of various deities through chanting — and transform you into an instrument of grace, unconditional love, service, and gratitude, exalting you to a life of joyful celebration. 

>> You can register here to watch live or get recording <<

In Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices With Jai Uttal: How to Uncover Your True Nature & Become an Instrument of Grace, Unconditional Love & Joyful Service

… you’ll experience higher consciousness through the practice of sacred kirtan chants and bhakti, as you devote yourself to the Divine and open yourself to more profound love, compassion, and connection to others.

Read more: Experience Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting & Healing Bhakti Practices

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Release Fear with Gentle Somatic Movements Called Fear Melters®

Discover how befriending fear can deepen your connection with yourself and others.

Many of us have been in a constant state of fear for the past couple of years, with adrenaline becoming our main source of “energy” — and we may not even be aware of it.

This could be you… especially if you find that even mildly alarming situations are triggering an amplified fear response disproportionate to what’s actually happening.

Our fight-flight-freeze-faint response protects us in appropriate situations, such as escaping danger, but if it’s “switched on” all the time, it can become a danger to us. The elevated cortisol levels resulting from fear are linked to lower immune function, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and lower life expectancy.

The good news is that we can shift this trajectory with new ways of thinking and being.

On Wednesday, October 13, body intelligence pioneer, author, and evolutionary catalyst Katie Hendricks, PhD, will share why — now more than ever — it’s so important to your health, relationships, and happiness to become aware of your body’s fear response and learn how to “repurpose” the heightened energy behind it to empower your mind, body, and spirit.

>> Join here to Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear: Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices <<

Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear - Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices

In this 60-minute online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover the “medicine of attention,” how awareness of how fear is triggered in your body, and how learning to repurpose its energy can shift every aspect of your life for the better

  • Learn 2 ways the body holds fear (fight and faint) and experience gentle somatic movements — which Katie calls Fear Melters — to release fear, cultivate presence and self-awareness, and feel more self-empowered

  • Discover the 4 fear signatures (fightfleefreeze, and faint) and start to demystify your own unique fear signature

  • Learn a fear “Fast Aid” exercise that can help you release fear quickly in the moment

  • Learn what it means to befriend fear — and how deep engagement with this unsettling feeling can pave the way for an expanded view on life, deeper connection with yourself and others, and greater capacity to live a healthy, happy life 

When you’re more present with what’s happening within your body and around you, you can make better decisions, be more empathetic and connected in your relationships, more tapped into your creative side…

… and become a better steward of your health, helping your nervous system maintain homeostasis so your immune system remains strong and working optimally

You’ll also discover that befriending fear can expand your view of life, your acceptance and love of yourself and others, your capacity to be spontaneous, creative, and fulfilled, and your ability to shift from a protective to a growth mindset.

>> You can register here to watch live event

and/or get recording + extended training later <<

In Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear: Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices

… you’ll imagine living without fear as you learn practical, easy-to-access, mind-body practices to release it… and expand your view of life for greater presence, connection, and wellbeing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.