Saturday 6 June 2020

Zang Fu Gong to Balance Your Energy & Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit with Daisy Lee

Discover how to use this unexpected time at home to strengthen your mind, body & spirit.

The increased time many of us are spending inside means we only rarely put our bodies in motion, engage our creative muscles, or care for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

If you’re feeling a sense of stagnation — not just within your body, but your mind too — you’re certainly not alone.

Thankfully, these long days are actually an ideal time to cultivate or refine your own daily Zang Fu Gong practice — a gentle, accessible form of Qigong — to help you detox, heal, and revitalize your wellbeing.

On Saturday, June 13, celebrated Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee will share how deepening into a healing Zang Fu Gong practice can strengthen your life-force energy — so you can continue to cultivate a deep sense of wellbeing, protecting your health and inner peace.

She’ll also explain how incorporating vibrational sound healing brings healing from the inside out, while your movement practice calls in healing from the outside in.

>> Join us for Zang Fu Gong to Balance Your Energy & Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit: Deepen Your Qigong Practice With Vibrational Sound Healing & Color Energy, here <<

Join Zang Fu Gong Live Event Practices to Balance Your Energy & Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit with Daisy Lee

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to tune in to what YOUR body needs to thrive — so you can love yourself while better serving others

  • How 4 core elements — movement, meditation, sound, and color — can deepen your Qigong practice

  • The power of flowing into stillness as you move from motion to meditation

  • A guided practice, Uniting the 3 Hearts, to quiet your mind and release your worries, replacing them with a sense of tranquility and renewed understanding

  • A healing Heart Sound Meditation, during which you’ll use the Ahhh sound to tap into your reservoir of inner strength

Daisy will guide you through a powerful Qigong movement, “Uniting the 3 Hearts,” to bring you peace, balance, and a deep sense of communion with the greater forces of the Earth and the Cosmos.

You’ll then move into a Heart Sound Meditation, focusing on the heart center of your body. When you feel more connected to this center, you’ll increase your capacity for love and compassion, more easily navigating life’s ups and downs…

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register here <<

In Zang Fu Gong to Balance Your Energy & Strengthen Your Mind, Body & Spirit: Deepen Your Qigong Practice With Vibrational Sound Healing & Color Energy, you’ll discover how to use this unexpected time of solitude and stillness to cultivate the groundedness and discernment you’ll need to navigate the changing world around you.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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