Friday 5 June 2020

Experience Guided Dream Journey! Travel Beyond Your Ordinary Reality with Dream Shaman

Visit places of sanctuary & healing in your dreamtime…

We all have the capability — like the Indigenous shaman — to look to our dreams to better our lives, says bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss.

You stand at the edge of this power when you remember your dreams, wake up to what’s going on in them, and take action to embody their healing energy and divine guidance.

You grow this power when you learn to journey consciously into deeper realities to encounter soul allies, create places of sanctuary and healing, overcome nightmare fears, or scout out a desirable path into the future.

During these uncertain times, you can even use your dreamtime to travel beyond your ordinary reality and be with the people you want to be with in imaginal realms. Such dream travels can be healing in and of themselves.

On Wednesday, June 10, Robert will share how you can use your dreamtime to call on helpful allies — and how you can discover and create imaginal realms filled with comfort, healing, and renewal. Join Robert for a free online event, Heal Your Life in the Dreamtime: Create Sanctuaries, Overcome Nightmares & Call on Soul Allies With Shamanic Dreaming.

>> Join us here for Live Event & Experience (get recording + extended training) <<

In Heal Your Life in the Dreamtime: Create Sanctuaries, Overcome Nightmares & Call on Soul Allies With Shamanic Dreaming, you’ll experience a guided dream journey to connect with Archangel Gabriel, the Master of Dreams, and tap into your soul’s wisdom about your destiny

During this fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll discover:

  • How dreaming is traveling, taking you to places of self-discovery and healing nightly — where you can meet soul allies ready to help you navigate life challenges

  • The secrets of dream shamans, and how you can empower and heal your life by practicing the dreaming traditions of ancient cultures

  • Why a nightmare isn’t just scary — it’s a dream interrupted, potent with insights and healing, if you’re willing to explore it

  • What Tinker Bell can teach you about lucid dream adventures in the twilight state between sleeping and waking

  • How the teachings of the channeled entity Seth can inform your dream travels into multidimensional realities

I invite you to join me for this special hour to discover how to use your dreams as portals to places of healing, initiation, and transformation in a deeper reality.

>> RSVP to watch Live (or access replay + training later) right here <<

Dream shaman Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his 20+ books and his workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

In Heal Your Life in the Dreamtime: Create Sanctuaries, Overcome Nightmares & Call on Soul Allies With Shamanic Dreaming, you’ll experience a guided dream journey to connect with Archangel Gabriel, the Master of Dreams, and tap into your soul’s wisdom about your destiny.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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