Wednesday 6 November 2019

Join Healing With The Masters Summit – free online Nov. 18-21

Experience Advanced Guided Healings & Receive Proven Self-Healing Tools

Are you intrigued by self-healing techniques?

Do you want to master the lessons your soul is here to learn, so you can give your greatest gifts and truly flourish in this lifetime?  

Maybe you’ve run out of “traditional” solutions to heal a health challenge… 

Or you’re experiencing the painful effects of upset during these interesting times we find ourselves in?

That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about the Healing With The Masters Summit — a free online taking place November 18–21, produced by The Shift Network.

Free Online Event
>> Healing With The Masters Summit <<

November 18-21, 2019

Healing With The Masters Summit – online November 18-21

This event will feature 20 esteemed healers and spiritual teachers — including Marianne WilliamsonLisa NicholsJack CanfieldAnita MoorjaniDonna EdenRam DassMarci ShimoffEileen McKusickMarie Diamond, and Dr. Sue Morter.

During this powerful, unparallelled 4-day summit, you’ll experience self-healing techniques and methods you can apply right now to create total wellbeing, raise your vibration in the face of challenges, and continue to manifest the health, life, and abundance you desire.

“Healing with the masters” literally means that you’ll receive a healing in every session… from energy medicine to spontaneous transformation techniques… to epigenetics… to sound vibration and electric biofield tuning… and more.

During this exclusive legacy event, you’ll:

  • Experience what it’s like to be in your power, connected to your soul’s wisdom

  • Heal old wounds in the moment… and deepen your spiritual journey and capacity to love  

  • Receive proven techniques to remove blocks in your energy system, and get your soul energy online 

  • Begin to move beyond your conditioned limited instincts and into your full intuition

  • Gain insights into how to cultivate deeper self-love and self-worth

  • Apply new tools to lower stress and increase your vitality 

  • Discover wisdom to become an energy master and create a vibration for abundance and love 

  • Connect with your Divine self… to heal, expand, and thrive beyond anything you’ve ever experienced

  • Transform survival-based patterns, get crystal clear about what you want… and focus your attention on that

  • Experience practices for aligning with the greatest vision you have for your life

… and much more!

>> RSVP here for the Healing With The Masters Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join this special event to receive teachings, techniques, and practices that can help you finally move the needle on what you’ve been waiting and hoping for — from some of the most accomplished healers and spiritual teachers of our time, all in one place.

Whether you’re seeking relief for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or trauma… wanting to resolve financial debt or overcome a scary diagnosis… or hoping to find a direct path to your intuition and your soul’s wisdom…

Join this amazing gathering of presenters — and be prepared to experience new quantum levels of energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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