Saturday 16 November 2019

Instead of Looking for What Your Dream Means Ask Yourself, What You See, Hear, Sense

Experience a powerful practice to help you recognize your sacred dream encounters

Are you ready to move beyond dream interpretation into a more organic experience of your sacred dream encounters?

Instead of trying to figure out what a dream means, Natural Dreamwork invites you to ask yourself, What did I see… hear… sense? What do I feel in my body… in my heart?

It’s a powerful approach to personal and spiritual growth rooted in Carl Jung’s perception of dreams as natural experiences…

… asking you to delve so deeply into a dream image that it comes alive in you. In this “sacred encounter,” teachers and healers can emerge to help and inspire you.

On Saturday, November 23, Rodger Kamenetz, a bestselling author and certified dream therapist, will show you how Natural Dreaming can open a portal to deeper levels of healing, imagination, and creativity…in your waking life.

>> Join us here for Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life <<

Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life

In this thought-provoking and practical FREE hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to move beyond dream interpretation — and see your dreams as transformative experiences, guided by your feelings and senses

  • What defines a sacred encounter in your dreams, and how these profoundly healing connections with a living presence elicit feelings of awe, wonder, and pain

  • Why it’s important to distinguish between facts and fantasies in your dreams

  • Dreams reveal old reactive patterns by personifying them, as well as ways to shed these patterns — to feel more deeply

  • A powerful experiential practice to help you recognize your sacred dream encounters

The beauty of Natural Dreamwork is that the more you practice immersing yourself in the feelings arising in your dreams, the more “sacred encounter” dreams you experience…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how your sacred dream encounters can be stepping stones to a richly felt, heart-centered life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life, you’ll learn how to move from interpreting your dreams to feeling them deeply… so you can uncover and transform old reactive patterns and listen to your soul.

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Read more: Instead of Looking for What Your Dream Means Ask Yourself, What You See, Hear, Sense

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