Wednesday 27 November 2019

Discover 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

Learn Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power

Ancient Chinese medicine tells us we’re each born with an inner vibration that’s aligned with one or two of the Chinese Five Elements — Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal…

And when you know which element (or elements) you’re aligned with, you’re a step closer to breaking through painful thought patterns and stuck energies that can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and other imbalances that may be zapping you of your wellbeing and happiness.

On Wednesday, December 4, you can discover how to tune into your unique elemental rhythms, and how gentle movement — in the form of belly dancing — as well as sacred ceremony can ignite incredible healing shifts in your life and relationships.

>> Register here for The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power with highly experienced energy medicine and dance teachers — and sisters — Dondi Dahlin and Titanya Monique Dahlin <<

The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power

In this experiential hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover how to uncover your unique personality characteristics — through the Chinese Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal

  • Discover belly dancing as “energy medicine” that can give you more energy and a stronger body

  • Learn how sacred ceremony — tailored to balance your dominant elemental energy — can awaken your true essence and help you learn how to easily work with fear, anger, panic, worry, and grief

  • Learn to do a “shimmy,” a belly dance movement that quickly connects you to the feminine power of the fire element, which is about passion and fun!

  • Be guided in a simple, hip “figure 8” belly dance to embody the water element — aligning the left and right hemispheres of your brain to balance your energies and bring calm

Viewing your personality characteristics — and those of others — through the Chinese Five Elements enables you to better understand your temperament, emotions, and stuck places — and honor and break through them.

The sacredness and sheer bliss of belly dancing can help you embody your truest essence, and experience the joy and liberation of living on your own terms.

This is NOT Las Vegas-style belly dancing, performed in scant, navel-exposing, see-through, and sequined costumes choreographed to be alluring to men — the incorrect perception many have of this ancient dance form.

This is belly dancing in its most traditional form… Traced back to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa, this ancient dance form was originally performed by women for women — during fertility and pre-marriage ceremonies, as well as to celebrate each other’s beauty, femininity, and stages of womanhood.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Poweryou’ll discover how to dissipate old thought patterns and stuck energies through the Chinese Five Elements AND belly dancing as energy medicine to activate your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover Belly Dancing as ‘Medicine’ to Activate Deep Healing

Uncover your unique energy type through the Chinese Five Elements

Ancient Chinese medicine tells us we’re each born with an inner vibration that’s aligned with one or two of the Chinese Five Elements — Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal…

And when you know which element (or elements) you’re aligned with, you’re a step closer to breaking through painful thought patterns and stuck energies that can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and other imbalances that may be zapping you of your wellbeing and happiness.

On Wednesday, December 4, you can discover how to tune into your unique elemental rhythms, and how gentle movement — in the form of belly dancing — as well as sacred ceremony can ignite incredible healing shifts in your life and relationships.

>> Register here for The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power with highly experienced energy medicine and dance teachers — and sisters — Dondi Dahlin and Titanya Monique Dahlin <<

The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power

In this experiential hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover how to uncover your unique personality characteristics — through the Chinese Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal

  • Discover belly dancing as “energy medicine” that can give you more energy and a stronger body

  • Learn how sacred ceremony — tailored to balance your dominant elemental energy — can awaken your true essence and help you learn how to easily work with fear, anger, panic, worry, and grief

  • Learn to do a “shimmy,” a belly dance movement that quickly connects you to the feminine power of the fire element, which is about passion and fun!

  • Be guided in a simple, hip “figure 8” belly dance to embody the water element — aligning the left and right hemispheres of your brain to balance your energies and bring calm

Viewing your personality characteristics — and those of others — through the Chinese Five Elements enables you to better understand your temperament, emotions, and stuck places — and honor and break through them.

The sacredness and sheer bliss of belly dancing can help you embody your truest essence, and experience the joy and liberation of living on your own terms.

This is NOT Las Vegas-style belly dancing, performed in scant, navel-exposing, see-through, and sequined costumes choreographed to be alluring to men — the incorrect perception many have of this ancient dance form.

This is belly dancing in its most traditional form… Traced back to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa, this ancient dance form was originally performed by women for women — during fertility and pre-marriage ceremonies, as well as to celebrate each other’s beauty, femininity, and stages of womanhood.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Poweryou’ll discover how to dissipate old thought patterns and stuck energies through the Chinese Five Elements AND belly dancing as energy medicine to activate your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

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Read more: Discover Belly Dancing as ‘Medicine’ to Activate Deep Healing

Saturday 23 November 2019

Discover the Wisdom of Feng Po Po, the Goddess of the Wind in Chinese Mythology

Expand Your Creativity & Restore Balance with the Wisdom of the Wind

Do you feel called to create a new map for your life that’s true to your essence?

If so, let the cardinal winds be your guide…

Like helping spirits accessed by shamans, and the archetypal energies in nighttime dream images, the wind is an alchemical force you can align with whenever you need guidance.

For example, the four cardinal winds hold specific wisdom and transformative energies: the East tells of new beginnings, the West relates to your physical body, the South reveals your emotional needs and desires; and the North tells the tale of your spiritual Self.

On Tuesday, November 26, Nautilus Gold Award-winning author, soul coach, and wind whistler Renee Baribeau will show you how to summon what she calls the Wind of Your Specific Intention to make it your ally and harness its transformative energies during a FREE video event, How to Become a Wind Alchemist: Shamanic Practices to Dissipate Negative Thoughts & Align Your Life With Healing Wisdom.

>> Join us here for Live event (get recording later) <<

Discover the wisdom of Feng Po Po, the goddess of the wind in Chinese mythology & Learn How to Become a Wind Alchemist

In this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • Wind Spirits to call on for regeneration, renewal, and creativity

  • Shamanic qualities of the wind that will guide you to your spiritual, magnetic north

  • How the cardinal winds of the sky help you bend time and create a map for your life that is true to your essence

  • A thought-clearing journey invoking the healing energies of Wind Goddess Feng Po Po — to dissipate unwanted thoughts

  • How to bend linear time to evoke your own natural rhythms and the healing energies of cyclical time

Renee will also share how to use your own “wind” — with the help of a wind whistle — as well as how to align with the archetypal potency of the Wind Gods and Goddesses…

… to clear negative thoughts, heal old beliefs, and tap into your true nature… your Magnetic North… the place where you can weather whatever comes your way, and stay the course as you create what you are here to bring to the world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get recording <<

In How to Become a Wind Alchemist: Shamanic Practices to Dissipate Negative Thoughts & Align Your Life With Healing Wisdomyou’ll discover how the winds blowing through your life can be a path that can help you heal your body and mind, restore balance when it’s lost, and guide your creativity.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Expand Your Creativity & Restore Balance with the Wisdom of the Wind

Discover the Wisdom of Feng Po Po, the Goddess of the Wind in Chinese Mythology

Do you feel called to create a new map for your life that’s true to your essence?

If so, let the cardinal winds be your guide…

Like helping spirits accessed by shamans, and the archetypal energies in nighttime dream images, the wind is an alchemical force you can align with whenever you need guidance.

For example, the four cardinal winds hold specific wisdom and transformative energies: the East tells of new beginnings, the West relates to your physical body, the South reveals your emotional needs and desires; and the North tells the tale of your spiritual Self.

On Tuesday, November 26, Nautilus Gold Award-winning author, soul coach, and wind whistler Renee Baribeau will show you how to summon what she calls the Wind of Your Specific Intention to make it your ally and harness its transformative energies during a FREE video event, How to Become a Wind Alchemist: Shamanic Practices to Dissipate Negative Thoughts & Align Your Life With Healing Wisdom.

>> Join us here for Live event (get recording later) <<

Learn How to Become a Wind Alchemist & Discover Shamanic Practices to Dissipate Negative Thoughts & Align Your Life With Healing Wisdom

In this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • Wind Spirits to call on for regeneration, renewal, and creativity

  • Shamanic qualities of the wind that will guide you to your spiritual, magnetic north

  • How the cardinal winds of the sky help you bend time and create a map for your life that is true to your essence

  • A thought-clearing journey invoking the healing energies of Wind Goddess Feng Po Po — to dissipate unwanted thoughts

  • How to bend linear time to evoke your own natural rhythms and the healing energies of cyclical time

Renee will also share how to use your own “wind” — with the help of a wind whistle — as well as how to align with the archetypal potency of the Wind Gods and Goddesses…

… to clear negative thoughts, heal old beliefs, and tap into your true nature… your Magnetic North…the place where you can weather whatever comes your way, and stay the course as you create what you are here to bring to the world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get recording <<

In How to Become a Wind Alchemist: Shamanic Practices to Dissipate Negative Thoughts & Align Your Life With Healing Wisdomyou’ll discover how the winds blowing through your life can be a path that can help you heal your body and mind, restore balance when it’s lost, and guide your creativity.

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Read more: Expand Your Creativity & Restore Balance with the Wisdom of the Wind

Thursday 21 November 2019

Create a Life of Meaning, Purpose & Impact - Join Visionaries Global Summit Dec. 3-5

Equip yourself with the skills you need to help transform our world

As a visionary in these challenging times, you’re being called to be your most inspired, prosperous, connected, happy, and healthy self… open-minded and spirit-filled…

Intuitively, you know you must evolve into your deepest, truest state of self-actualization… because real-world change demands your highest potential

Your passion and wisdom are not only vital for your life… they’re also key to solving the issues facing our precious planet and our global family — sexual violence, political corruption, natural disasters, gun violence, racism, environmental destruction, poverty, and human trafficking, to name a few.

That’s why we’re delighted to tell you about the Visionaries Global Summit — a free online event in which acclaimed teachers, leaders, and change-makers will guide you to step into your true power and connect with a global wave of transformation… 

… by sharing your unique gifts in your circles of influence — creating new possibilities for yourself, your relationships, and the world. 

Free Online Event
Visionaries Global Summit

December 3-5, 2019

Join us for Visionaries Global Summit – free online December 3-5

We’re honored to invite you to join 35+ visionaries — including Michael BeckwithMatthew Fox, David Gershon, Dereca Blackmon, Jeffrey Smith, Amandine RocheClaire DuBois, Philip Hellmich, and so many others! 

The Visionaries Global Summit offers a path forward for personal fulfillment AND planetary healing that’s sourced from your heart and your highest calling. It’s a path that’s uniquely YOUR OWN, yet contributes to the collective solutions to the most pressing problems of our day.

Visionaries speak truth to power and stand boldly in their commitment to a better world. They carry the message of love and justice — refusing to back down because they know change isn’t only possible, it’s necessary.  

You are one of these unapologetic heroines and heroes…

… willing to do the healing that’s necessary in your own life, so you can courageously embrace your calling and equip yourself with the skills you need to help transform our world. 

In this era, we need visionaries more than ever — catalytic innovators with unprecedented ideas and bold solutions.

During this powerful 3-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How small, daily actions create massive impact

  • Tools for stepping into soul-powered leadership and service to help create a just, sustainable world

  • Tips for inviting inspiration and empowered action into your everyday life

  • Radical acceptance as the key to the transformation of society and consciousness

  • Practices to heal the wounds of trauma, oppression, and injustice in your life and in the world

  • The power and wisdom of staying open to miracles

  • Insights on how change can be enacted in your life, your city, your nation, and the world

  • How binary thinking impedes your path of personal and collective transformation

  • Practical guidance for engaging the challenges of our era with authenticity, peace, and power

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Visionaries Global Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join this special online event to receive the empowerment, inspiration, and practical guidance you need to step fully into your destiny as a visionary…

Register for the Visionaries Global Summit now, and bring your WHOLE SELF to this transformative online gathering — because changing the world will take nothing less.

P.S. Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you during the Visionaries Global Summit

  • Michael Beckwith will call for you to rise and recognize possibilities where there are obstacles and safely embrace what’s emerging.

  • David Gershon will illuminate a bottom-up strategy for facilitating personal and collective transformation… using the planet’s 5 strategic levers — climate, development, peace, knowledge, and money.

  • Dereca Blackmon will show how going beyond blame and shame empowers you to heal the wounds of oppression and cultivate a life of bravery and safety.

  • Jeffrey Smith will reveal the grave dangers of current U.S. food policies — and share effective ways to protect the health of your body and our planet.

  • Claire DuBois will explain how your awareness of nature opens you to miracles, deepens your awakening, and infuses your life with wild, radical hope.

  • Amandine Roche and Philip Hellmich will offer tips for overcoming trauma and post-traumatic stress as an essential part of our individual and global journey toward peace.

>> RSVP here for the Visionaries Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Visionaries Global Summit to Create a Life of Meaning, Purpose & Impact

Equip yourself with the skills you need to help transform our world

As a visionary in these challenging times, you’re being called to be your most inspired, prosperous, connected, happy, and healthy self… open-minded and spirit-filled…

Intuitively, you know you must evolve into your deepest, truest state of self-actualization… because real-world change demands your highest potential

Your passion and wisdom are not only vital for your life… they’re also key to solving the issues facing our precious planet and our global family — sexual violence, political corruption, natural disasters, gun violence, racism, environmental destruction, poverty, and human trafficking, to name a few.

That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about the Visionaries Global Summit — a free online event in which acclaimed teachers, leaders, and change-makers will guide you to step into your true power and connect with a global wave of transformation… 

… by sharing your unique gifts in your circles of influence — creating new possibilities for yourself, your relationships, and the world. 

Free Online Event
Visionaries Global Summit
December 3-5, 2019

Visionaries Global Summit – free online December 3-5

We're honored to invite you to join 35+ visionaries — including Michael BeckwithMatthew Fox, David Gershon, Dereca Blackmon, Jeffrey Smith, Amandine RocheClaire DuBois, Philip Hellmich, and so many others! 

The Visionaries Global Summit offers a path forward for personal fulfillment AND planetary healing that’s sourced from your heart and your highest calling. It’s a path that’s uniquely YOUR OWN, yet contributes to the collective solutions to the most pressing problems of our day.

Visionaries speak truth to power and stand boldly in their commitment to a better world. They carry the message of love and justice — refusing to back down because they know change isn’t only possible, it’s necessary.  

You are one of these unapologetic heroines and heroes…

… willing to do the healing that’s necessary in your own life, so you can courageously embrace your calling and equip yourself with the skills you need to help transform our world. 

In this era, we need visionaries more than ever — catalytic innovators with unprecedented ideas and bold solutions.

During this powerful 3-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How small, daily actions create massive impact

  • Tools for stepping into soul-powered leadership and service to help create a just, sustainable world

  • Tips for inviting inspiration and empowered action into your everyday life

  • Radical acceptance as the key to the transformation of society and consciousness

  • Practices to heal the wounds of trauma, oppression, and injustice in your life and in the world

  • The power and wisdom of staying open to miracles

  • Insights on how change can be enacted in your life, your city, your nation, and the world

  • How binary thinking impedes your path of personal and collective transformation

  • Practical guidance for engaging the challenges of our era with authenticity, peace, and power

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Visionaries Global Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join this special online event to receive the empowerment, inspiration, and practical guidance you need to step fully into your destiny as a visionary…

Register for the Visionaries Global Summit now, and bring your WHOLE SELF to this transformative online gathering — because changing the world will take nothing less.

P.S. Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you during the Visionaries Global Summit

  • Michael Beckwith will call for you to rise and recognize possibilities where there are obstacles and safely embrace what’s emerging.

  • David Gershon will illuminate a bottom-up strategy for facilitating personal and collective transformation… using the planet’s 5 strategic levers — climate, development, peace, knowledge, and money.

  • Dereca Blackmon will show how going beyond blame and shame empowers you to heal the wounds of oppression and cultivate a life of bravery and safety.

  • Jeffrey Smith will reveal the grave dangers of current U.S. food policies — and share effective ways to protect the health of your body and our planet.

  • Claire DuBois will explain how your awareness of nature opens you to miracles, deepens your awakening, and infuses your life with wild, radical hope.

  • Amandine Roche and Philip Hellmich will offer tips for overcoming trauma and post-traumatic stress as an essential part of our individual and global journey toward peace.

>> RSVP here for the Visionaries Global Summit — at no charge <
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Read more: Join Visionaries Global Summit to Create a Life of Meaning, Purpose & Impact

Saturday 16 November 2019

How to Turn Your Sacred Dream Encounters into Stepping Stones to a Heart-Centered Life

Discover how to feel your dreams deeply to access the wisdom of your soul

Are you ready to move beyond dream interpretation into a more organic experience of your sacred dream encounters?

Instead of trying to figure out what a dream means, Natural Dreamwork invites you to ask yourself, What did I see… hear… sense? What do I feel in my body… in my heart?

It’s a powerful approach to personal and spiritual growth rooted in Carl Jung’s perception of dreams as natural experiences…

… asking you to delve so deeply into a dream image that it comes alive in you. In this “sacred encounter,” teachers and healers can emerge to help and inspire you.

On Saturday, November 23, Rodger Kamenetz, a bestselling author and certified dream therapist, will show you how Natural Dreaming can open a portal to deeper levels of healing, imagination, and creativity…in your waking life.

>> Join us here for Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life <<

Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life

In this thought-provoking and practical FREE hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to move beyond dream interpretation — and see your dreams as transformative experiences, guided by your feelings and senses

  • What defines a sacred encounter in your dreams, and how these profoundly healing connections with a living presence elicit feelings of awe, wonder, and pain

  • Why it’s important to distinguish between facts and fantasies in your dreams

  • Dreams reveal old reactive patterns by personifying them, as well as ways to shed these patterns — to feel more deeply

  • A powerful experiential practice to help you recognize your sacred dream encounters

The beauty of Natural Dreamwork is that the more you practice immersing yourself in the feelings arising in your dreams, the more “sacred encounter” dreams you experience…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how your sacred dream encounters can be stepping stones to a richly felt, heart-centered life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life, you’ll learn how to move from interpreting your dreams to feeling them deeply… so you can uncover and transform old reactive patterns and listen to your soul.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Instead of Looking for What Your Dream Means Ask Yourself, What You See, Hear, Sense

Experience a powerful practice to help you recognize your sacred dream encounters

Are you ready to move beyond dream interpretation into a more organic experience of your sacred dream encounters?

Instead of trying to figure out what a dream means, Natural Dreamwork invites you to ask yourself, What did I see… hear… sense? What do I feel in my body… in my heart?

It’s a powerful approach to personal and spiritual growth rooted in Carl Jung’s perception of dreams as natural experiences…

… asking you to delve so deeply into a dream image that it comes alive in you. In this “sacred encounter,” teachers and healers can emerge to help and inspire you.

On Saturday, November 23, Rodger Kamenetz, a bestselling author and certified dream therapist, will show you how Natural Dreaming can open a portal to deeper levels of healing, imagination, and creativity…in your waking life.

>> Join us here for Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life <<

Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life

In this thought-provoking and practical FREE hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to move beyond dream interpretation — and see your dreams as transformative experiences, guided by your feelings and senses

  • What defines a sacred encounter in your dreams, and how these profoundly healing connections with a living presence elicit feelings of awe, wonder, and pain

  • Why it’s important to distinguish between facts and fantasies in your dreams

  • Dreams reveal old reactive patterns by personifying them, as well as ways to shed these patterns — to feel more deeply

  • A powerful experiential practice to help you recognize your sacred dream encounters

The beauty of Natural Dreamwork is that the more you practice immersing yourself in the feelings arising in your dreams, the more “sacred encounter” dreams you experience…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how your sacred dream encounters can be stepping stones to a richly felt, heart-centered life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Sacred Encounters in Your Dreams: Natural Dreamwork to Truly Feel Your Dreams & Bring Them to Life, you’ll learn how to move from interpreting your dreams to feeling them deeply… so you can uncover and transform old reactive patterns and listen to your soul.

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Read more: Instead of Looking for What Your Dream Means Ask Yourself, What You See, Hear, Sense

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma with Raja Choudhury

Discover how to expand your consciousness & function at your highest potential

Have you ever wondered if your karma is holding you back from becoming who you’re truly meant to be?

Do you wish there was a way to balance your good and bad karma — and find a path to becoming free of the burdens caused by the negative energies and vibrations that surround you?

The ancient yogis and tantrics of India discovered advanced techniques for activating magical inner energies to burn away the effects of past mistakes — and experience deep healing, limitless vitality, and true liberation.

On Wednesday, November 20, you can discover how to ignite your Inner Fire and burn away bad karma, trauma, stress, anxiety, and disease, when you join spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker Raja Choudhury for Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma: Discover the Kundalini Shakti Path to Healing Karmic Patterns, Finding True Freedom & Awakening Bliss.

>> You can register here to watch live (access recording) <<

Clearing Karma Practice with Raja Choudhury

In this powerful FREE virtual mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore the nature of Karma and the Secret Fire that sits within each and every one of us that can burn away bad karma

  • Relax and heal your body with a miraculous new way of chanting AUM

  • Explore 3 magical breathing techniques to activate your prana and Kundalini Shakti — and get rid of all the negative karma stored in your apana

  • Be initiated into the ancient secret Beej Mantra of Durga Chandi that will activate the power and magic of Shakti and light your Inner Fire

  • Use your newfound Inner Fire for healing, wellness, power, control, and becoming free of the consequences and burdens of karma

  • Finally, discover the 3 Centers of Bliss in your body and discover how the beautiful Hum Sah breath can keep you balanced and light as a feather at all times.

Raja will reveal some of the secrets kept hidden in mystery schools and secret doctrines — and teach you how to become a magician within, discovering true inner energy and healing and accessing vast cosmic intelligence in physical, tangible, and repeatable ways.

You’ll discover how to use your body, breath, concentration, prana, sacred geometries, secret mantras, and vivid visualizations to awaken your Kundalini, light your Inner Fire, deeply heal yourself, and begin freeing yourself of karma!

>> You can Join here for Live event (get recording) <<

During Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma, you’ll receive 5 ancient techniques from Tantric and Kundalini Shakti practices to heal yourself and become karma-free.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the Kundalini Shakti Path to Healing Karmic Patterns

Learn how to ignite your Inner Fire and burn away bad karma, stress & anxiety

Have you ever wondered if your karma is holding you back from becoming who you’re truly meant to be?

Do you wish there was a way to balance your good and bad karma — and find a path to becoming free of the burdens caused by the negative energies and vibrations that surround you?

The ancient yogis and tantrics of India discovered advanced techniques for activating magical inner energies to burn away the effects of past mistakes — and experience deep healing, limitless vitality, and true liberation.

On Wednesday, November 20, you can discover how to ignite your Inner Fire and burn away bad karma, trauma, stress, anxiety, and disease, when you join spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker Raja Choudhury for Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma: Discover the Kundalini Shakti Path to Healing Karmic Patterns, Finding True Freedom & Awakening Bliss.

>> You can register here to watch live (access recording) <<

Clearing Karma Practice with Raja Choudhury

In this powerful FREE virtual mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Explore the nature of Karma and the Secret Fire that sits within each and every one of us that can burn away bad karma

  • Relax and heal your body with a miraculous new way of chanting AUM

  • Explore 3 magical breathing techniques to activate your prana and Kundalini Shakti — and get rid of all the negative karma stored in your apana

  • Be initiated into the ancient secret Beej Mantra of Durga Chandi that will activate the power and magic of Shakti and light your Inner Fire

  • Use your newfound Inner Fire for healing, wellness, power, control, and becoming free of the consequences and burdens of karma

  • Finally, discover the 3 Centers of Bliss in your body and discover how the beautiful Hum Sah breath can keep you balanced and light as a feather at all times.

Raja will reveal some of the secrets kept hidden in mystery schools and secret doctrines — and teach you how to become a magician within, discovering true inner energy and healing and accessing vast cosmic intelligence in physical, tangible, and repeatable ways.

You’ll discover how to use your body, breath, concentration, prana, sacred geometries, secret mantras, and vivid visualizations to awaken your Kundalini, light your Inner Fire, deeply heal yourself, and begin freeing yourself of karma!

>> You can Join here for Live event (get recording) <<

During Ancient Secrets for Clearing Karma, you’ll receive 5 ancient techniques from Tantric and Kundalini Shakti practices to heal yourself and become karma-free.

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Read more: Discover the Kundalini Shakti Path to Healing Karmic Patterns

Friday 8 November 2019

Activate Self-love through Kundalini Yoga with Gloria Latham + Training Course

Break through old patterns at the source to fully embody self-love and self-worth

When you’re not allowing your heart’s wisdom to guide you, you block the clarity and creative energy you need to manifest your true purpose…

… which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and diminished self-worth…

How would it feel to break through these old patterns deep in your energy system — to finally step into the more courageous, self-loving place of your full potential?

Kundalini yoga incorporates meditation, mantras, and breathing practices that can allow you to move beyond the confines of the ego-mind into an awakened state.

On Saturday, November 16, Gloria Latham, one of the world’s most influential yoga teachers, will show you how Kundalini yoga can specifically help you activate the powerful energies of your third chakra — your solar plexus — to liberate your feelings of self-love and self-worth… and take your personal power back.

>> Register here for Activating Self-Love Through Kundalini: Heal Patterns in Your 3rd Chakra to Liberate Your Authentic Power <<

Kundalini yoga practices for self-love, healing, manifestation

In this powerful FREE virtual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The secret to using yoga’s powerful mind-body connection to break through self-imposed limitations rooted in feelings of unworthiness

  • Kundalini yoga as the “humblest yoga,” able to quickly free you of a false self-image… and anyone of any physical ability can do it!

  • How using the breath and mantras in Kundalini yoga — instead of focusing on “poses” and “levels” — allows addictive personalities to be more present in the moment

  • The value of linking self-inquiry with yoga to plant seeds for self-realization and greater joy

  • How to ask yourself questions and trust the answers

  • A guided meditation and mantra to get comfortable being uncomfortable, overcome self-imposed limitations, and experience how your body guides you in being in the moment

Kundalini yoga restores you to your “center” and liberates your authentic life force, your ability to love yourself, and your creative energy…

Gloria will show you how these mind-body practices can help you break through self-limiting beliefs and stuck patterns you’ve perhaps struggled with for years!

>> You can RSVP free here to listen Live (get recording later) <<

In this special hour with Gloria Latham, you’ll experience a powerful Kundalini practice to dissipate blocks in your third chakra, transform self-limiting beliefs, and  liberate your personal power. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the “Humblest Yoga”— it’s Not About Mastering Poses & Postures

Experience a powerful Kundalini practice to transform self-limiting beliefs

When you’re not allowing your heart’s wisdom to guide you, you block the clarity and creative energy you need to manifest your true purpose…

… which can lead to feelings of low self-esteem and diminished self-worth…

How would it feel to break through these old patterns deep in your energy system — to finally step into the more courageous, self-loving place of your full potential?

Kundalini yoga incorporates meditation, mantras, and breathing practices that can allow you to move beyond the confines of the ego-mind into an awakened state.

On Saturday, November 16, Gloria Latham, one of the world’s most influential yoga teachers, will show you how Kundalini yoga can specifically help you activate the powerful energies of your third chakra — your solar plexus — to liberate your feelings of self-love and self-worth… and take your personal power back.

>> Register here for Activating Self-Love Through Kundalini: Heal Patterns in Your 3rd Chakra to Liberate Your Authentic Power <<

Activate Self-Love Through Kundalini: Heal Patterns in Your 3rd Chakra to Liberate Your Authentic Power

In this powerful FREE virtual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The secret to using yoga’s powerful mind-body connection to break through self-imposed limitations rooted in feelings of unworthiness

  • Kundalini yoga as the “humblest yoga,” able to quickly free you of a false self-image… and anyone of any physical ability can do it!

  • How using the breath and mantras in Kundalini yoga — instead of focusing on “poses” and “levels” — allows addictive personalities to be more present in the moment

  • The value of linking self-inquiry with yoga to plant seeds for self-realization and greater joy

  • How to ask yourself questions and trust the answers

  • A guided meditation and mantra to get comfortable being uncomfortable, overcome self-imposed limitations, and experience how your body guides you in being in the moment

Kundalini yoga restores you to your “center” and liberates your authentic life force, your ability to love yourself, and your creative energy…

Gloria will show you how these mind-body practices can help you break through self-limiting beliefs and stuck patterns you’ve perhaps struggled with for years!

>> You can RSVP free here to listen Live (get recording later) <<

In this special hour with Gloria Latham, you’ll experience a powerful Kundalini practice to dissipate blocks in your third chakra, transform self-limiting beliefs, and  liberate your personal power. 

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Read more: Discover the “Humblest Yoga”— it’s Not About Mastering Poses & Postures

Thursday 7 November 2019

How Music Sound Frequencies Transform Our Bodies, Emotions & Consciousness

Apply different sound vibrations to clear energy blocks and rebalance your chakras

You may be aware of the profound healing that certain vibrational frequencies can provide…

For example, soft, warm sounds known as zero-activation frequencies have been shown to alleviate anxiety…

… the calming sounds of Tibetan bowls or the harp can ease depression…

… and there are even specific sound frequencies that can move you through the stages of grief.

On Wednesday, November 13, celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson will share the ways that you can use frequencies, sounds, music, and intention to clear blockages physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.

>> Register here for Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves <<

Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves

During this transformative FREE online event, you’ll discover:

  • How frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and transform negative beliefs

  • How sound healing can help you discover the specific vibrations of each chakra and raise your energy body vibration

  • How binaural beats activate specific systems within your brain — promoting everything from relaxation to positivity to improved memory

  • The powerful difference between setting an intention with and without sound

  • How to hold 100% focus on an intention to evoke a trance-like state for manifesting anything you want

  • Your “soul note” — through receiving a guided practice to uncover and experience the healing vibrations that you need most right now

Most importantly, you’ll discover how to minimize the chaotic vibrations our busy world is always offering up — and how to benefit from the frequencies that are ideal for your body’s sound framework.

Additionally, David will share how you can use many tools and instruments (gongs, Tibetan bowls, harps, and more) to access the deepest levels of healing.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording later) <<

During Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves, you’ll experience the power of sound and vibration — and uncover the healing sound frequency YOU need most right now.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the Healing Sound Frequency YOU Need Most Right Now…

Learn How Music Frequencies & Sound Vibrations Transform our Bodies, Emotions, Brainwaves and Consciousness

You may be aware of the profound healing that certain vibrational frequencies can provide…

For example, soft, warm sounds known as zero-activation frequencies have been shown to alleviate anxiety…

… the calming sounds of Tibetan bowls or the harp can ease depression…

… and there are even specific sound frequencies that can move you through the stages of grief.

On Wednesday, November 13, celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson will share the ways that you can use frequencies, sounds, music, and intention to clear blockages physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.

>> Register here for Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves <<

Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves

During this transformative FREE online event, you’ll discover:

  • How frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and transform negative beliefs

  • How sound healing can help you discover the specific vibrations of each chakra and raise your energy body vibration

  • How binaural beats activate specific systems within your brain — promoting everything from relaxation to positivity to improved memory

  • The powerful difference between setting an intention with and without sound

  • How to hold 100% focus on an intention to evoke a trance-like state for manifesting anything you want

  • Your “soul note” — through receiving a guided practice to uncover and experience the healing vibrations that you need most right now

Most importantly, you’ll discover how to minimize the chaotic vibrations our busy world is always offering up — and how to benefit from the frequencies that are ideal for your body’s sound framework.

Additionally, David will share how you can use many tools and instruments (gongs, Tibetan bowls, harps, and more) to access the deepest levels of healing.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording later) <<

During Vibration, Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves, you’ll experience the power of sound and vibration — and uncover the healing sound frequency YOU need most right now.

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Read more: Discover the Healing Sound Frequency YOU Need Most Right Now…

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Join Healing With The Masters Summit – free online Nov. 18-21

Experience Advanced Guided Healings & Receive Proven Self-Healing Tools

Are you intrigued by self-healing techniques?

Do you want to master the lessons your soul is here to learn, so you can give your greatest gifts and truly flourish in this lifetime?  

Maybe you’ve run out of “traditional” solutions to heal a health challenge… 

Or you’re experiencing the painful effects of upset during these interesting times we find ourselves in?

That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about the Healing With The Masters Summit — a free online taking place November 18–21, produced by The Shift Network.

Free Online Event
>> Healing With The Masters Summit <<

November 18-21, 2019

Healing With The Masters Summit – online November 18-21

This event will feature 20 esteemed healers and spiritual teachers — including Marianne WilliamsonLisa NicholsJack CanfieldAnita MoorjaniDonna EdenRam DassMarci ShimoffEileen McKusickMarie Diamond, and Dr. Sue Morter.

During this powerful, unparallelled 4-day summit, you’ll experience self-healing techniques and methods you can apply right now to create total wellbeing, raise your vibration in the face of challenges, and continue to manifest the health, life, and abundance you desire.

“Healing with the masters” literally means that you’ll receive a healing in every session… from energy medicine to spontaneous transformation techniques… to epigenetics… to sound vibration and electric biofield tuning… and more.

During this exclusive legacy event, you’ll:

  • Experience what it’s like to be in your power, connected to your soul’s wisdom

  • Heal old wounds in the moment… and deepen your spiritual journey and capacity to love  

  • Receive proven techniques to remove blocks in your energy system, and get your soul energy online 

  • Begin to move beyond your conditioned limited instincts and into your full intuition

  • Gain insights into how to cultivate deeper self-love and self-worth

  • Apply new tools to lower stress and increase your vitality 

  • Discover wisdom to become an energy master and create a vibration for abundance and love 

  • Connect with your Divine self… to heal, expand, and thrive beyond anything you’ve ever experienced

  • Transform survival-based patterns, get crystal clear about what you want… and focus your attention on that

  • Experience practices for aligning with the greatest vision you have for your life

… and much more!

>> RSVP here for the Healing With The Masters Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join this special event to receive teachings, techniques, and practices that can help you finally move the needle on what you’ve been waiting and hoping for — from some of the most accomplished healers and spiritual teachers of our time, all in one place.

Whether you’re seeking relief for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or trauma… wanting to resolve financial debt or overcome a scary diagnosis… or hoping to find a direct path to your intuition and your soul’s wisdom…

Join this amazing gathering of presenters — and be prepared to experience new quantum levels of energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual healing!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.