Saturday 23 March 2019

Master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive aka HSP

Health Hacker f(x)

Use your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance

Are you an empath or sensitive person who tends to easily pick up on other people’s energy?

Do you often receive intuitive “hits” about a person or situation that later turn out to be remarkably accurate?

If so, you may be likely to “absorb” other people’s energy, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, fragmentation, or ungroundedness — a clear signal that it’s time to master your intuitive gifts and energetic boundaries.

According to leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, the first step to mastering your intuitive gifts is understanding how — and where — your BODY is sensing energy and information.

Wendy will show you how to tune into your body’s chakras and open to ALL of your intuitive gifts — clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant — so you can fully empower yourself as a sensitive or an empath.

>> You can find out more about 4 Powers of Intuition for Sensitives & Empaths: Open New Doorways of Perception Through Your Chakras and register for this FREE video event here <<

Master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive aka HSP


You’ll discover:

  • Four different ways of perceiving, receiving, and mastering your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive

  • The relationship between the chakras and the “clairs” — clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and clairaudient

  • A guided practice to help you connect to the 4 “clairs” in your body

  • How knowing which of the 4 powers of intuition are most “natural” to you can empower you as an empathy

  • How you can read and perceive energy — without taking it on — and share your gifts of perception for healing yourself and others

As an empath, you may have accumulated emotional and energetic blocks that keep you from accessing and expressing your intuitive gifts in a healthy way.

So please join us to understand how to claim your unique gifts and consciously open to the full range of your intuitive powers!

>> RSVP here to join Wendy De Rosa for this free event <<

Empaths Use your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance

Please don’t miss this powerful event with Wendy De Rosa. By understanding how your body receives intuitive information and energy, you can consciously open to the full range of your clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and clairaudient powers.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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