Thursday 21 March 2019

Learn How to Lucid Dreaming from Dream Shaman, Active Dreaming Teacher

Discover how to Lucid Dreaming for Time Travel & Visiting Parallel Worlds every night while sleeping - listen free event recording:

Consider joining special training offered by dream shaman, author and active, conscious dreaming teacher Robert Moss. For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to travel intentionally to locales beyond the ordinary, bringing back gifts of wisdom for healing and protection. Now you too can discover exciting, magical ways to dream yourself into other realms, times, and healing places…. and how to bring back your discoveries to bring more joy, possibility, and wellbeing into your everyday life. Bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share a taste of this fascinating way of “conscious” dreaming, along with core techniques of “Active Dreaming,” his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Join us to Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting

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