Friday 29 March 2019

Blessing from Freyja Norse Goddess, Ancestress of all Shamanic Practitioners

Health Hacker f(x)

Discover the healing wisdom of Norse mythology

In ancient times, it was common to turn to one’s elders when facing a challenge or feeling overwhelmed or lonely.

The profound wisdom they shared was often delivered in the form of myth.

These stories, passed down through the ages and shared by cultures around the world, can provide you with insights that help you solve your own life’s challenges and navigate these turbulent times…

In Norse mythology, Freyja carried the mantle of the great mother and goddess of the hunter-gatherers of Paleolithic times into the Middle Ages, and still “lives” within us today as an all-encompassing archetype of the Divine Feminine.

Freyja is an ancestor to all who practice shamanism today.

On Saturday, April 13, shamanism teacher Evelyn Rysdyk will show you how to learn and experience firsthand how to bring the healing nature of the Divine Feminine into your life and out into the world during a FREE video event: Freyja: Great Mother & Goddess of the Nordic People: Discover the Feminine Wisdom of the ‘First Shaman’ to Shape Your Destiny.

>> Reserve your free space here to this Live Event <<

Freyja: Great Mother & Goddess of the Nordic People: Discover the Feminine Wisdom of the ‘First Shaman’ to Shape Your Destiny

During this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Discover mythology as not only wonderful lyrical stories but as powerful ancient wisdom passed through time to help us solve today’s challenges 

  • Learn the Norse myth of Freyja and how this mistress of the animals can help you connect more deeply with nature, and thus with yourself and others 

  • Discover how the stories and perspectives of our ancestors can help you become more grounded in your humanness — and help our species become more unified 

  • Experience a guided journey to meet Freyja in her splendid, golden aspect as the Great Mother Goddess and receive a blessing or teaching from her 

  • Discover how Norse myths tell the stories of ancestors who faced calamitous changes — and how they can teach us how to live our lives today 

Attending this complimentary online event can help you start to connect to the fascinating teachings of Norse mythology and the transformative archetypal energies of the Goddess Freyja, which can open you to the healing and restorative powers of the Divine Feminine within…

So do join us for this rich and transformative hour with one of the most renowned teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

discover how the great myths of our ancestors can help provide you with what you’re truly longing for — a stable foundation within that can sustain you during personal life challenges and amidst the turbulence of the outer world

Don’t miss your chance to discover how the great myths of our ancestors can help provide you with what you’re truly longing for — a stable foundation within that can sustain you during personal life challenges and amidst the turbulence of the outer world.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Connect with Your Ancestors to Co-Create A Better World

Health Hacker f(x)

Join Ancestral Healing Summit April 8-12, 2019!

All around the globe, people have historically cultivated relationships with the wise ancestors in their bloodlines for wisdom, healing, and guidance…

In most modern societies, however, we’ve lost touch with the healing power of ancestor work and with our deep spiritual connection to those in our lineages who have a potent influence on our personal and cultural wellbeing.

The advances of modern technology, and healing are truly miraculous. Yet, as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific frontiers, we’ve too often become disconnected from our biological and spiritual connection to our roots — and the healing power that comes through recognizing our ancestors as our allies.  

That’s why we’re thrilled to invite you to The Ancestral Healing Summit — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality and shamanism, science and psychology, and ancient wisdom from around the world that will transform your life and your lineages.

Free Online Event
The Ancestral Healing Summit

April 8-12, 2019

The Ancestral Healing Summit will benefit anyone who is intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of a rich, and powerful connection with our loved ones beyond the veil

This special gathering will feature more than three dozen leading medical experts, and inspiring educators — including people like Sandra Ingerman, Gregg Braden, Dr. Sue Morter, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Daniel Foor, Raja Choudhury, Grandmother Flordemayo, Hank Wesselman, Heather Dane, Yeye Luisah Teish, Dawson Church, Langston Kahn, and others, and hosted by Ancestral Healing pioneer, Lisa Bonnice.

They’ll be sharing with you a number of practices and insights for working with practitioners, and advanced spiritual leaders in order to heal what ails you throughout your lineage.

>> RSVP here for The Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 5-day summit, you’ll discover:

  • Life-changing processes to heal your ancestral karma

  • How connecting with all sides of your ancestral lines helps you feel more rooted and whole (and how this includes you if you were adopted!)

  • How you can transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings

  • The connection between ancestral acupuncture and Recovering the Indigenous Mind

  • Celtic, Jewish, Japanese, LGBTQ, African Diaspora, Hindu, Native American, and many more perspectives

  • How to grieve and metabolize generational pain — so you can stop repeating the same cycles over and over

  • Exactly how epigenetics shows that you are more than your DNA

  • A framework for addressing transgenerational sexual trauma

  • The connection between ancestral reverence and practices for erotic wellness

  • How you can work with story, song, and your VOICE to connect with your ancestors and generations to come

  • Just how to flip your old, heavy inheritance — and turn it into a goldmine of wisdom and peace

… and MUCH more!

The Ancestral Healing Summit will benefit anyone who is intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of a rich, and powerful connection with our loved ones beyond the veil.

Whether you’re experimenting with ancestral communication, healing the burden of heavy familial karma, or you’re finding out that life as you know it just won’t do, and you’re looking to fill that void with the love you know is available to you through the deceased, you’ll find eye-opening sessions that will inspire, educate, and empower you.

>> Join a vibrant global community and an amazing panel of presenters to discover the curative and evolutionary powers of our ancestors — with many practices that you already possess…within! <<

Here’s just a small sampling of what the powerful speakers in this series will be sharing with you….

  • Sandra Ingerman will focus on the shamanic importance of restoring balance in your ancestral line… explaining how the shamanic understanding of soul stealing impacts your health and that of your ancestors and descendants.

  • Gregg Braden will explain how epigenetics and genetic plasticity reveal that we don’t have to be defined by our history.

  • Dr. Sue Morter will guide you to discover your true inheritance through the energy codes.

  • don Oscar Miro-Quesada will highlight the role of vista (visionary intuition), cuenta (inherited story,) and sanación (generational curing) for transforming unresolved soul traumas of the past that manifest as disease processes in the present.

  • Daniel Foor will describe how focusing ancestral repair work on blood lineages is one effective way to come into relationship with wise and loving ancestral guides — and safely partner with them for the healing and elevation of the still troubled deceased.

  • Raja Choudhury will offer ways to break the bonds of karma in this life through inner awakening and self-realization  — through meditation and Kundalini activation.

  • Grandmother Flordemayo will show how your life is influenced by our ancestral DNA, wisdom, customs, traditions, and experiences… and how your spiritual DNA determines who you are and what you do.

  • Hank Wesselman will dive deeply into the Ancestral Grand Plan — manifesting through all that’s happening in the world — and your place in it.

… and much more!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Monday 25 March 2019

6 Key Benefits - Reinvent Yourself + PDF Book

Health Hacker f(x)

6 Key Benefits of Reinventing Yourself

“Every day, You Reinvent Yourself. You’re always in motion. But you decide every day: forward or backward.”
~ James Altucher

We often make our way to the idea of reinvention after experiencing frustration and discontentment with our lives.

Sometimes there’s a sense of longing to do something different, to find a new way to live and to be. This kind of reinvention evolves from the human need to grow and to change. Change comes about because there has to be more to human existence than simply existing and most people sense that over time.

Sometimes though in the early stages of reinvention, we think about what benefits we might receive from building a new self. At first, perhaps we just want to be free of a stale, confining and suffocating way of life, but that might not seem enough to us right then.

Other than liberating yourself from a life with no change and no growth, what other benefits does reinvention offer?

>> Reinventing Yourself pdf Book – free to read here <<

reinvent yourself pdf book free download

1. You learn to face fear—and survive! Fear is the first roadblock to personal change. It’s not that easy to change one’s self and life without giving up something you’ve already got. For example, leaving a job that you’re well-established in for a new career is terrifying. The evil little phrase “What if? What if?” becomes a constant companion in the early days. As you continue on in the process, you learn to still those fears. You learn how to go forward even if your plan is in constant development.

2. Happiness goes up, frustration goes down. Reinvention brings us closer to who we want to be or what we want to do, usually both. Living closer to our authentic selves gets rid of all the frustration caused by dissonance. Life becomes a happier place.

3. Increased stress tolerance. Deliberately reinventing ourselves brings some stress, there’s no way around it. However, as we use new tools to help us on our way, we learn to diffuse and dissipate.

4. Clarity. You gain a clear understanding of what you want in life, from yourself and others. You also get a lot of practice with honesty. After all, you have to be honest with yourself about things you want to keep going forward—and what you want to jettison. Sometimes this involves relationships. It’s easy to get stuck in friendships with negative energy-draining people who will deride your changes. If people put down your need to become a better, truer you, evaluate your relationship with a clear eye and consider if they’re worth bringing to the new you.

5. You get a bigger toolbox of coping and thriving skills. Reinvention is all about changing for the better. Getting there takes a lot of new skills. You’ll boost your coping techniques and your tolerance for uncertainty.

6. You learn how to reinvent yourself. This benefit might seem obvious, but once going through the process of self-transformation for the first time, all future transformations become less scary. With fear removed, it’s easier to explore new options in life.

>> Learn more in our brand new – Reinvent Yourself Guide with great Bonuses <<

Of course, a huge benefit is a more authentic life that’s fulfilling to live. After all, that’s the first purpose of going through the transformative process. Perhaps more importantly, you learn how to be adaptable in the face of new challenges and that is a life skill that is useful in many ways.

You learn how to cope with new problems and new situations. Once you’ve been through one reinvention cycle, you’ll be ready to do it again when you feel the need.

You may never decide to reinvent yourself again, but that’s a matter of choice. You’ll know how to do it . That’s a life-changing benefit all on its own!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 23 March 2019

Master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive aka HSP

Health Hacker f(x)

Use your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance

Are you an empath or sensitive person who tends to easily pick up on other people’s energy?

Do you often receive intuitive “hits” about a person or situation that later turn out to be remarkably accurate?

If so, you may be likely to “absorb” other people’s energy, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, fragmentation, or ungroundedness — a clear signal that it’s time to master your intuitive gifts and energetic boundaries.

According to leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, the first step to mastering your intuitive gifts is understanding how — and where — your BODY is sensing energy and information.

Wendy will show you how to tune into your body’s chakras and open to ALL of your intuitive gifts — clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant — so you can fully empower yourself as a sensitive or an empath.

>> You can find out more about 4 Powers of Intuition for Sensitives & Empaths: Open New Doorways of Perception Through Your Chakras and register for this FREE video event here <<

Master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive aka HSP


You’ll discover:

  • Four different ways of perceiving, receiving, and mastering your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive

  • The relationship between the chakras and the “clairs” — clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and clairaudient

  • A guided practice to help you connect to the 4 “clairs” in your body

  • How knowing which of the 4 powers of intuition are most “natural” to you can empower you as an empathy

  • How you can read and perceive energy — without taking it on — and share your gifts of perception for healing yourself and others

As an empath, you may have accumulated emotional and energetic blocks that keep you from accessing and expressing your intuitive gifts in a healthy way.

So please join us to understand how to claim your unique gifts and consciously open to the full range of your intuitive powers!

>> RSVP here to join Wendy De Rosa for this free event <<

Empaths Use your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance

Please don’t miss this powerful event with Wendy De Rosa. By understanding how your body receives intuitive information and energy, you can consciously open to the full range of your clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant, and clairaudient powers.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Why Authentic Love Begins with Redefining the Way We Love Ourselves

Discover the crucial link between self-love, romantic love, and loving all of life

Do you ever feel (or have you ever been told?) that you’re too sensitive, too hurt, too fragile, too needy, too silent, too passionate, or too something, to be genuinely loved by others?

So much of what we’re conditioned to believe about love — and about ourselves — suggests that we’re too flawed, and that we can’t experience the intimacy we crave until we fix ourselves.

Finding and cultivating deep and abiding love — not only in romantic partnerships but also with friends or colleagues — is one of the greatest missions of our lives, yet at times it can feel almost impossible to attain.   

According to Ken Page, LCSW, renowned psychotherapist, host of The Deeper Dating Podcast and acclaimed author of the bestselling book, Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy, authentic love begins with redefining the way we love ourselves…

On Saturday, March 23, Ken will share how to find, deepen, and redefine soul-fulfilling love during a FREE virtual mini-workshop, Redefining Love: Discover Your Inner Mentor for A New Kind of Love & A Profoundly Passionate Life.

>> Find out more and register here to listen/watch for free <<

Redefining Love: Discover Your Inner Mentor for A New Kind of Love & A Profoundly Passionate Life

During this complimentary hour, Ken will teach you how to discover your Inner Mentor (the source of your “core intimacy” gifts) and how it can open you up to a life that’s filled with so much more love in every facet — because it’s connected to your passions, your Sacred Self, and your soul.

Combining timeless spiritual truths with the best of human intimacy theory and groundbreaking research, Ken will guide you to redefine love… by opening to the wisdom and magic of your Inner Mentor.

In this exciting virtual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A simple three step process to reveal your Inner Mentor — and an ongoing stream of loving inner guidance: a personal map to the life you desire

  • The secret to transforming your deepest wounds into intimacy and fulfillment

  • A guided practice — The Inner Mentor Process™, which is the most powerful process Ken knows! — to move you toward the soul connection and loving life you long for

  • The crucial link between self-love, romantic love, and loving all of life

  • A beautiful somatic practice for holding a positive feeling and allowing it to seep deep into your being

Ken is a truly compassionate, wisdom-filled teacher whose work has transformed thousands of peoples’ lives, and this workshop will fill you with hope on your journey to finding lasting love or cultivating deeper love in your existing relationships.

>> It’s free to attend, but you must RSVP here <<

Don’t miss Redefining Love: Discover Your Inner Mentor for A New Kind of Love & A Profoundly Passionate Life with renowned psychotherapist Ken Page.

Redefining Love: Discover Your Inner Mentor for A New Kind of Love & A Profoundly Passionate Life

Read more: Why Authentic Love Begins with Redefining the Way We Love Ourselves

How to use Lucid dreams to Awaken to a Deeper order of Reality - event recording & training

Robert Moss is the bestselling author of numerous books on the deeper dimensions of how conscious can enhance the quality of our lives.
During Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting, he’ll show you several ways to practice magic through dreaming, for more joy, healing and adventure in your daily life!

Read more: How to use Lucid dreams to Awaken to a Deeper order of Reality - event recording & training

Learn How to Lucid Dreaming from Dream Shaman, Active Dreaming Teacher

Discover how to Lucid Dreaming for Time Travel & Visiting Parallel Worlds every night while sleeping - listen free event recording:

Consider joining special training offered by dream shaman, author and active, conscious dreaming teacher Robert Moss. For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to travel intentionally to locales beyond the ordinary, bringing back gifts of wisdom for healing and protection. Now you too can discover exciting, magical ways to dream yourself into other realms, times, and healing places…. and how to bring back your discoveries to bring more joy, possibility, and wellbeing into your everyday life. Bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share a taste of this fascinating way of “conscious” dreaming, along with core techniques of “Active Dreaming,” his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Join us to Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting

Monday 18 March 2019

Align with the Moon to Bring Deeper Order, Vision, & Inspiration into Your Life

Health Hacker f(x)

Align with the power of the cosmos to manifest your soul’s purpose

Did you know that a time-honored source for uncovering your soul’s purpose — and providing a step-by-step guide for manifestation — is the Moon?

According to transformational leader Devaa Haley Mitchell, the Moon is a source of profound wisdom, a living metaphor that can support you in the unfolding of your soul’s work… the visions and dreams that are yours to bring forth in the world.

By aligning with the Moon and the feminine archetypes that correspond with her different phases, you can activate these archetypes through intention and ritual to ignite the magnetic pull of manifestation.

On Saturday, March 23, Devaa, the co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of Inspiring Women With Soul, will show you how to use each major phase of the lunar cycle to call in your personal power, set powerful intentions for bettering your life, and make your deepest longings manifest.

>> Register here for Discover the Lunar Cycles of Soul Work: How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision <<

Discover the Lunar Cycles of Soul Work: How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision

During this illuminating FREE online event, you’ll discover:

  • The role the Moon has played for millennia in helping us connect with our intuition and power to manifest

  • Feminine archetypes connected to major moon phases and how you can harness their power to support you

  • How to tap into the power of the lunar cycle to clarify and empower your intentions — so they can come to fruition with greater ease

  • How lunar wisdom can be applied to help you skillfully approach your goals, visions, and dreams

  • A practice to connect with the current Moon phase and the archetypal energy of the Primal Goddess — so you can clarify how to best spend your time and energy right now

Now is an ideal time to engage in the soul work of connecting with yourself and your vision for your ideal life… and to commit to bringing yourself into deeper contact with your own magic.

So don’t miss this opportunity to discover how aligning and working with the cycles of the Moon can provide a powerful, time-proven way for calling in what you long for and realizing your soul’s purpose!

During Discover the Lunar Cycles of Soul Work: How to Use the Moon to Manifest Your Deepest Vision, you’ll discover how to align with the Moon to access your deepest intentions, ignite profound healing, and live your deepest vision.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Now - Plant Medicine Summit Join for Personal, Spiritual & Ecological Wellbeing

Health Hacker f(x)

Did you know that the power to heal was all around you in the natural world?

Since the dawn of humanity, people from across the globe have used what was in “nature’s pharmacy” to heal themselves — botanical treatments, healing tinctures, and medicinal remedies from the herbs, flowers, and flora that surrounded them.

The advances of modern medicine are truly miraculous. Yet, as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific frontiers, we’ve too often lost touch with our biological and spiritual connection to nature, and the healing power that comes through our plant allies.

That’s why I’m so passionate about inviting you to join me for The Plant Medicine Summit, where you’ll discover how plants can purify, rejuvenate, and evolve us — as they sharpen our minds, extend our lives, and deepen our connection with this blessed planet.

Free Online Event
The Plant Medicine Summit

March 18-22, 2019

Plant Medicine Summit 2019

This special gathering will feature more than three dozen leading botanical medicine experts, health practitioners and inspiring educators — including people like David Crow, K.P. Khalsa, Lupo Passero, Pam Fischer, Sara Crow, Nicholas Schnell, and others.

They’re sharing with you practices and insights for working with medicinal herbs, flowers, mushrooms, aromatic ceremonial plants, and essential oils to revitalize your health, your community, and our planet.

Join us in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for The Plant Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 5-day summit, you’ll discover:

  • Plants for lowering stress, plus 3 healing treasures in nature’s pharmacy

  • Medicinal plants to transform sadness, grief, and depression — and deepen your connection with Spirit

  • The gut-brain connection and how a plant-based diet and medicinal spices can sharpen your mind

  • Key principles of Ayurvedic Herbalism in treating lung, breast, and prostate cancer

  • Natural remedies for effective treatment and relief of headaches  — from tension to migraine

  • Ways to incorporate herbal teas, tinctures, and flower essences for relaxation and inspiration

  • The secret language of plants and how you can communicate with our wise biological “allies” for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing

  • The healing properties of different medicinal mushrooms — and how to easily prepare and apply them

  • One of the leading causes of many health conditions, plus 3 herbs to rebalance your limbic system

  • The fascinating alchemical process of “living preparations” of plants, which can support all levels of your being

  • Risks of using plant medicine with prescription drugs (not all interactions are safe)

  • The healing power of herbal medicine in mainstream healthcare and hospitals — with inspiring patient stories and breakthrough research

… and MUCH more!

The Plant Medicine Summit will benefit anyone who is intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of botanical medicine as well as professionals across multiple disciplines who work with herbs, plants, oils, energetics or the environment.

Whether you’re experimenting with herbal gardening, supplementing your diet, seeking to treat a disease, or looking for tips on working with clients, you’ll find eye-opening sessions that will inspire, educate, and empower you.

Join a vibrant global community and an amazing panel of presenters to discover the curative and evolutionary powers of medicinal plants — many of which you can grow in your own garden or pick up in your neighborhood!

>> RSVP here for The Plant Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Plant Medicine Summit gathering of more than three dozen leading botanical medicine experts, health practitioners and inspiring educators — including people like David Crow, K.P. Khalsa, Lupo Passero, Pam Fischer, Sara Crow, Nicholas Schnell, and others

Here’s what some past participants had to say about David Crow and The Plant Medicine Summit

I have been using herbs for a long time, without full knowledge of what each herb can do and treat. I am now able to classify herbs in many different ways and now know how and when to take them for healt, and wellbeing.
— Helen Kobin, Chester, New Jersey

David Crow was amazing and had an incredible wealth of information to share! The course showed me that there are many options to heal naturally, and the most important thing is to responsibly try the individual herbs and note their benefits. Basically, ”make haste slowly.”
— Andrea Lacedonia, Willits, California

As a functional medicine physician who is very used to looking at botanic medicine from the point of Western science, this course expanded my appreciation and understanding of the incredible wisdom of their traditional use.
— Allyne Rosenthal, D.C., Chicago, Illinois

David is a wonderful teacher; he explains things so everyone can understand. I was also very impressed with the layout of the course… very easy, start at the beginning, work your way though, and achieve better health. My digestive problems are gone, I am experiencing more energy, clarity of mind and joy… thank you, David, you went far and beyond my expectations.
— Dianne DeVriendt, Ontario Canada

As one who already had a few years of study in this. I was amazed and delighted many times with the depth of insight I gained regularly. A truly amazing teacher.
— Bronwyn Norris, Kingston, Ontario

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Cultivate Deep and Lasting Love in Every Area of Your Life

Health Hacker f(x)

Do you ever feel (or have you ever been told?) that you’re too sensitive, too hurt, too fragile, too needy, too silent, too passionate, or too something, to be genuinely loved by others?

So much of what we’re conditioned to believe about love — and about ourselves — suggests that we’re too flawed, and that we can’t experience the intimacy we crave until we fix ourselves.

Finding and cultivating deep and abiding love — not only in romantic partnerships but also with friends or colleagues — is one of the greatest missions of our lives, yet at times it can feel almost impossible to attain.   

According to Ken Page, LCSW, renowned psychotherapist, host of The Deeper Dating Podcast and acclaimed author of the bestselling book, Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy, authentic love begins with redefining the way we love ourselves…

On Wednesday, March 20, (encore March 23) Ken will share how to find, deepen, and redefine soul-fulfilling love during a FREE virtual mini-workshop, Redefining Love: Discover Your Inner Mentor for A New Kind of Love & A Profoundly Passionate Life.

>> Find out more and register here for free <<

Explore how to find and cultivate deep and lasting love in every area of your life

During this complimentary hour, Ken will teach you how to discover your Inner Mentor (the source of your “core intimacy” gifts) and how it can open you up to a life that’s filled with so much more love in every facet — because it’s connected to your passions, your Sacred Self, and your soul.

Combining timeless spiritual truths with the best of human intimacy theory and groundbreaking research, Ken will guide you to redefine love… by opening to the wisdom and magic of your Inner Mentor.

In this exciting virtual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A simple three step process to reveal your Inner Mentor — and an ongoing stream of loving inner guidance: a personal map to the life you desire

  • The secret to transforming your deepest wounds into intimacy and fulfillment

  • A guided practice — The Inner Mentor Process™, which is the most powerful process Ken knows! — to move you toward the soul connection and loving life you long for

  • The crucial link between self-love, romantic love, and loving all of life

  • A beautiful somatic practice for holding a positive feeling and allowing it to seep deep into your being

Ken is a truly compassionate, wisdom-filled teacher whose work has transformed thousands of peoples’ lives, and this workshop will fill you with hope on your journey to finding lasting love or cultivating deeper love in your existing relationships.

>> It’s free to attend, but you must RSVP here <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Get Tapping Summit Recordings + Bonuses for less! - Quickly recall & learn more of EFT

The price of the Tapping World Summit will be going up 15 of March night at midnight…

The 2019 Tapping World Summit upgrade opportunity – which is owning the actual audio presentations, along with the workbook, transcripts and some incredible bonuses in either digital or hard copy format – ends March 15 at midnight Pacific Time, so later the price for the digital access will double to $197 and the price of the physical package will go up by 50% to $297.


It’s currently only $97 for the digital download access and $197 for the physical access (which includes the digital access). Plus right now you get a ton of bonuses that will also disappear tomorrow night, like Nick Ortner’s best-selling book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” with the physical package, additional Tapping Meditations, additional bonuses presentations, and many others.


It really is such a great deal. You can learn more and get the program here.


And beyond it being a great deal, it’s really more about the results you get with Tapping and with these presentations. Because a great deal on a poor quality program isn’t actually a deal. This is NOT that.


This program is phenomenal, life-changing, practical information that you can use right now to dramatically improve how you feel and the results you get in life.


And it’s not only because of the standards that they have for the program, but also because Tapping is just so darn effective at helping people to rewire their brain and body to feel better and get better results in life.


So I hope you take advantage of it before it disappears tomorrow night.


I think you’ll regret it if you don’t. Or at the very least… you just won’t see the improvements you’d like in your life. If you’re not actively using Tapping in your life, you’re missing out.

last chance for EFT tapping summit recordings access for less


Here are a few reasons why we recommend getting this program:

  1. – EFT or “Tapping” has been scientifically proven to work in a number of areas.

    For example, in one study Tapping was shown to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone in the body) by 24%, twice the regular rate as compared to talk therapy or no therapy at all…

    That’s impressive!  And it’s extremely relevant for all of us in our fast-paced society who need to be able to de-stress.  How would your life be different if you had less stress?

  2. – Tapping is highly supported by some of the world’s leading personal development experts such as Cheryl Richardson, Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and so many others.
    As well as world leading health experts like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Kris Carr, and Christiane Northrup, M.D.

    And even world-leading therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists like Eric Leskowitz (MD – Harvard University), David Feinstein Ph.D., and Dr. Dawson Church.

  3. – Beyond the scientific research that has been done and the world-leading experts who support it, what’s most impressive is how many people have said that they have gotten great results with Tapping.
    There is case after case after case of everyday people just like you sharing their results with Tapping, not only from this Tapping World Summit event but all over the web.

    They’ve shown results in pretty much any area you can think of… like improving finances, losing weight, eliminating physical pain, or negative emotions, or limiting beliefs, creating the relationship of your dreams and so much more…

    The list of what it works for really does go on and on.

  4. – The impact it’s having on a global scale is unreal.

    Earlier this week The Tapping Solution shared a video, which showed Tapping being used with tremendous results for those most deeply affected by the school shooting in Newtown, CT, and the more recent school shooting in Parkland, FL, with children survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda, and with war veterans suffering with PTSD.

    If Tapping is working on these extremely tough situations just imagine the miracles it can create in your life…

    So if you want to get the same results in your life that so many others are getting with Tapping…

    We HIGHLY recommend you visit the page below and check out the upgrade options.


The pricing is extremely reasonable.  In fact, this is the 11th year in a row they’ve run this event and the price has never gone up once (there aren’t many things you can say that about nowadays!)

And the reason it’s never gone up is that they care first and foremost about getting this information out to those who truly want to use it and get results.

Trust me on this one, this is one of those programs that is a must-have for changing your life…

Enjoy and please make sure to email me once you start using the Tapping and seeing the results for yourself.

Read more: Get Tapping Summit Recordings + Bonuses for less! - Quickly recall & learn more of EFT

Control yourself through Meditation

Health Hacker f(x)

In hustle and bustle of life, our mind and body exhaust and resign to daily pressure and stress we face. Physical illnesses may be treated with medicines but soul, which controls our morale, motivation and happiness, cannot be cured with scientific measures. To evaluate your emotions and bring harmony to feelings, you must practice meditation along with other tasks of your life. It relaxes your nerves and muscles and brings peace to your inner structure, which allows greater efficiency in other activities.

Although it’s an intangible mechanism, sill there is some themes that are followed for each distinct technique of meditation. It starts with understanding your own self, the pattern of nature and how both work coherently to bring peace. So instead of beginning the meditation practices randomly, read about the philosophy and underlying rules of that particular activity.

Once you start believing in unseen structures, you get to step closer to the higher purpose of life. This allows you to stay composed regardless of present condition of your life. Meditation enhances control over feelings and allows you to utilize them for your greater benefit. The moment you become aware of your inner personality traits, you can behave in a more optimistic and constructive manner thus nurturing your social relationships. When your mind becomes healthy, it casts positive impacts on your body and you feel active and competent than before.

God has created this universe maintaining a perfect balance in everything. All natural elements have energy in them that keeps them functional. A human body also has energy reservoirs but we consume a large amount in carrying out our daily activities. Moreover our speedy life spoils our peace of mind hinders us from understanding the spiritual details of our own self.

The meditation process requires that you focus your energy and attention to one place and then use it as your power to overshadow your fears and disruption. The division of your mental capability renders disruption and personality disorders followed by pessimistic thoughts that ruin your career. The tenure of meditation process depends on the nature of spiritual ailment.

It can help you control your blood pressure and lessen your anxiety. You can also cure your immune system, which also help you to maintain resistance against drugs and other addictions.

Through this self-evaluation process you can quantify your intangible feelings and get aware of the root cause of any disorder. Diagnosis then gives way to healing and cure the soul that ultimately strengthens your personality. By getting aware of your inner powers and how these can contribute to the well-being of the society, you are in a better position to achieve your goals. In ups and downs of life you often come across such situations where you lose hope or temper and are inclined toward bad ways.

At these crucial moments, it is imperative that you are clear about your vision of life and can cope with emotional disasters in a more rational manner. Meditation teaches you how to grow poise and calm in your mind to counter-attack such optimistic in life.

>> To Join Deepening meditation practice event or access recording if missed click here <<

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Tuesday 12 March 2019

Join Deep Meditation Practice - Next Level for Accelerated Awakening - Live Event

Health Hacker f(x)

Navigate your life with more groundedness, presence, and clarity

What if you could experience a “next-level stage” of meditation — one that takes you directly into the heart of the Divine…

And what if this practice took you into more blissful and expansive states of awakening while also leading you to be more grounded, available, and effective in the world?

The good news is that such a path exists, AND it can be even more accelerated and powerful than the traditional contemplative path — if you know how to make your daily life a meditation and work with the natural rhythms of fiery engagement, calm witnessing, and deep restoration.

On Thursday, March 14, pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher and internationally renowned mystic Thomas Huebl will explain how to integrate deep spiritual openings into your daily life in a FREE virtual event: The Next Level of Meditation: Discover an Accelerated Path of Awakening & How to Navigate Common Pitfalls of the Advanced Seeker.

>> Discover how to welcome the leading edge of meditation in your everyday life, RSVP free here <<

Join pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher and internationally renowned mystic Thomas Huebl to learn how to integrate deep spiritual openings into your daily life in a FREE virtual event: The Next Level of Meditation: Discover an Accelerated Path of Awakening & How to Navigate Common Pitfalls of the Advanced Seeker

Thomas’s gentle, yet profound teachings help you integrate light and shadow, ascent and embodiment, inner exploration with full outer engagement and solo time with spiritual community — in one coherent dance of awakening.

During this free online event you’ll discover:

  • Practices that help expand the energy of your lower energy centers for more stability as you open to the “heights” of realization

  • How to navigate shadow material that invariably arises in your practice

  • The potential to work with collective fields of karma, energy, and intention

  • How to metabolize and transform karma

  • How to remedy becoming ungrounded, vague, and unfocused

  • The importance of embodiment and relationships in the next level of meditation

You’ll love how Thomas navigates advanced realms of spiritual mastery while also showing up in a delightfully warm, transparent, and brotherly way. He embodies the best of modern-day enlightenment through deep thinking, clear seeing, and remaining heartfully accessible.

So, if you’re ready to expand your conscious capacity for higher insight, communion and realization while navigating your daily life with increased presence, focus, and clarity, do join us!

>> Register for FREE here for Live event or get a recording <<

In The Next Level of Meditation: Discover an Accelerated Path of Awakening & How to Navigate Common Pitfalls of the Advanced Seekeryou’ll discover how to expand your capacity to open to higher states of awareness through meditation and prayer AND by increasing your groundedness in everyday experiences.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 8 March 2019

Practice Magic through the Art of Conscious Dreaming - Join March 16 Event

Health Hacker f(x)

Discover how your dreams can awaken you to a deeper order of reality

For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to travel intentionally to locales beyond the ordinary, bringing back gifts of wisdom for healing and protection.

Now you too can discover exciting, magical ways to dream yourself into other realms, times, and healing places…. and how to bring back your discoveries to bring more joy, possibility, and wellbeing into your everyday life.

On Saturday, March 16, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share a taste of this fascinating way of “conscious” dreaming, along with core techniques of “Active Dreaming,” his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism.

>> You can register here for Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting <<

Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting

During this exciting, FREE hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • Real magic is the art of bringing the energy, guidance, wild fun, and adventure you experience in your nighttime dreams into your everyday life

  • You’re a time traveler in your dreams, making excursions to past, future, and parallel lives

  • Your dreams rehearse you for challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and, when you learn to read and apply their messages correctly, you can change your future for the better

  • A short Active Dreaming exercise and how the royal road to lucid dreaming is to start out lucid and stay that way

  • How to navigate your life via synchronicity — by taking your dreams more literally and waking life more symbolically

Robert, one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts, has inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

You won’t want to miss this high-energy adventure, where you’ll discover a path of real magic… and master the art of bringing gifts from your dream world into this world!

>> You can RSVP for free here for Live event or get a recording <<

Robert Moss is the bestselling author of numerous books on the deeper dimensions of how conscious dreaming can enhance the quality of our lives.

During Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting, he’ll show you several ways to practice magic through dreaming, for more joy, healing and adventure in your daily life!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.