Monday 13 August 2018

Inspiration & Direction from Women Redefining Life After 50 - August 20-24 Live

Discover The Keys to Thriving in Your “Next Act”

Are you ready to flourish in your “next act”?

Are you passionate about fulfilling your true purpose? Ready to share your wisdom and lived experience… especially at a time when our world so desperately needs it?

You’ve already lived a rich life, and now you may be thinking “What’s next?”

Maybe you’ve loved your career, your family, but want to spend the rest of your life doing_________ … fill in the blank!

Or maybe you imagine fulfilling a lifelong dream, a fantasy from childhood, an outrageous aspiration that you’ve never even shared out loud!

In our mainstream culture, there’s an underlying message that after you arrive at a certain age, you’ve already achieved your goals, reached your pinnacle, and mastered what was meant for you in this lifetime…

Yet, the life experiences you’ve navigated, the path you’ve pioneered, the work you’ve done in the world, is only the beginning — a launchpad into an inspiring, fulfilling “third act,” where you give and receive in equal parts, enriching the lives of others and making a difference in everything you do.

That’s why we’re SO excited to invite you to join Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 — August 20 – 24, 2018 — where you’ll discover a clear path, with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with tools, tips, and practices that will help you manifest your highest potential… and fulfill your wildest dreams!

Free Online Event
Thriving in Your Third Act:
Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 
August 20-24, 2018

Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 — August 20-24

You’ll find more than 20 leaders — including Jean Shinoda Bolen, Annie Kay, Anodea Judith, Yeye Luisah Teish, Grandmother Flordemayo, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Cynthia James, Katie Hendricks, Reverend Deborah Johnson, Camille Maurine, Sarah Marshank, and many others — guiding you with their trailblazing wisdom to support your personal journey of transformation at whatever stage of life you’re in.

>> RSVP here for Thriving in Your Third Act — at no charge <<

During this unparalleled 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:

  • How to be a “juicy crone” & discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live

  • How to be a “juicy crone” & discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live

  • Practices for worry-proofing yourself & avoiding the midlife “happiness dip” by retraining your brain 

  • The role of stress as the most critical (yet unrecognized) nutrition issue of our time

  • Explore how to harvest the charge in your energy body and bring more life force into your tissues

  • Exciting possibilities for reinventing your life, your focus, & your passions

  • Key practices to help you renew your life and reinvent yourself — free of cultural myths — and bask in the great joy of presence, connection, & new forms of play

  • How to create a supportive, thriving community of your choice

  • How to maintain optimal health during your wisdom years

  • How to express yourself spiritually as you become an Elder 

  • Practices for igniting the power of your empathy and intuition to revitalize every area of your life

  • Step into the fullest expression of yourself as you journey to a new adventure in your 50s and beyond

  • Embody your inner boldness, expand your capacities in standing for Love

Thriving in Your Third Act is specifically designed to empower you to unleash your true potential…

Your passion and your wisdom are not only vital for your life… they’re also key to solving the issues facing our precious planet and our global family.

Join in to find exciting new ways you can use your unique gifts to help create a thriving world for future generations — and explore what’s next for you on your journey to YOUR inspired life.

>> RSVP here for Thriving in Your Third Act — at no charge <<

Read more: Inspiration & Direction from Women Redefining Life After 50 - August 20-24 Live

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