Thursday 23 August 2018

Is Empathic Nature a Gift or a burden? Intuitive Healing Secrets - Listen live on Saturday!

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover how to detox other people’s energy…

Do you tend to take on other people’s emotions and energy — and have been doing so since you were a child?

Your empathic nature is actually a gift that you can tap into for deep healing, though sometimes it may feel more like a burden…

Yet you CAN stop taking on other people’s energy, detox heavy emotions, and set healthy boundaries… reclaiming your power as an empath, says Wendy De Rosa, a leading spiritual teacher and intuitive healer.

This week, you can discover how to shift a lifelong pattern of taking on other people’s emotions and energy. By learning how to “detox” patterns in your own energy system, you can be more centered in your power, and capable of expressing the gifts of your empathy.

Come Join us on Saturday, August 25 (replay later), for Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries.

>> Register here for this FREE virtual live event (get recording) <<

Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries

In this free video event, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 karmic wounds most overly empathic people carry with them — and how you can begin to clear these “contracts”

  • The reasons you automatically absorb other people’s energy, causing you to feel ungrounded, disempowered, or depressed

  • How to further transform energy blocks in your second chakra, so you can set and maintain healthy boundaries, feel grounded and safe, and create deeper intimacy with others

  • How to learn to intuitively read energy without taking it on — so you can share your healing gifts with others

  • A guided practice for detoxing heavy emotions (such as fear, shame, and guilt) — and resetting your emotional center

According to Wendy, empaths are here to model sensitivity as a vital form of human connection and communication… this energetic “vibration” is essential to our collective healing.

Yet, empaths must heal their over-sensitivity, stop energetic absorption, and learn to set healthy boundaries.

Understanding how you became overly empathic — so you can heal the wounds that contributed to losing your energetic autonomy — is the next step in reclaiming your power as an empath.

>> RSVP here to join Wendy De Rosa for this free event & special training offer <<

Please don’t miss this powerful event with Wendy De Rosa. You’ll discover how you can clear the specific blocks that empaths deal with (including karmic wounds and trauma) so that you can fully ground yourself as an empathic healer.

Save your space here for Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries

Rel.: Check out another event recording with Wendy De Rosa about clearing other people’s energy here.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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