Wednesday 29 August 2018

Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana

How would it feel to be truly comfortable and at ease in your own skin? To be able to release the residue of traumas and long-held blocks that may be hijacking your joy, creativity, and vitality?

The key to experiencing this powerful shift lies in discovering how to reconnect with the deep wisdom of your body.

Doing that can be challenging when influences from our culture, education, childhood, and the past cause us to “live” in our heads or only in part of our bodies –– misreading or unaware of the signals and knowledge we’re receiving from the rest of our system.

On Wednesday, September 5 or/and Saturday, September 8 you will start to expand into your full-body wisdom when you join leading conscious awareness expert Suzanne Scurlock-Durana for Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System: How to Listen to Your Bones and 5 More Wisdom Areas to Heal Trauma & Increase Intuition.

>> Registration for this virtual event is free. Reserve your space now <<

Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System: How to Listen to Your Bones and 5 More Wisdom Areas to Heal Trauma & Increase Intuition

When you join this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • Why you likely have only one or two body wisdom centers open right now — and how that undermines your access to the full spectrum of intelligence and guidance waiting within you

  • Why it’s critical to inhabit the back of your heart as much as the front

  • How your gut holds the key to your security… and how to use its wisdom correctly to know when your next step is the right one

  • How the intelligence of your bones holds the master key for deep, nourishing meditations

  • One of the top myths that’s blocking you from accessing your body’s wisdom in any single moment

Suzanne’s focus and passion is teaching you how to draw from the power in your body wisdom areas so you can be more present, healthy, wise, and joyful.

If you’ve been looking for an exciting, experiential approach to awakening, healing, and living your life with full-tilt vitality, you’ll want to join Suzanne for this fascinating event!

>> RSVP for free here to listen live event and don’t miss special training offer <<

During Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System, you’ll discover how to attune to your body’s wisdom areas to dissolve stress, pain, and overwhelm — and liberate your intuition, wisdom, personal power, and joy!

Read more: Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana

Thursday 23 August 2018

Is Empathic Nature a Gift or a burden? Intuitive Healing Secrets - Listen live on Saturday!

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover how to detox other people’s energy…

Do you tend to take on other people’s emotions and energy — and have been doing so since you were a child?

Your empathic nature is actually a gift that you can tap into for deep healing, though sometimes it may feel more like a burden…

Yet you CAN stop taking on other people’s energy, detox heavy emotions, and set healthy boundaries… reclaiming your power as an empath, says Wendy De Rosa, a leading spiritual teacher and intuitive healer.

This week, you can discover how to shift a lifelong pattern of taking on other people’s emotions and energy. By learning how to “detox” patterns in your own energy system, you can be more centered in your power, and capable of expressing the gifts of your empathy.

Come Join us on Saturday, August 25 (replay later), for Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries.

>> Register here for this FREE virtual live event (get recording) <<

Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries

In this free video event, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 karmic wounds most overly empathic people carry with them — and how you can begin to clear these “contracts”

  • The reasons you automatically absorb other people’s energy, causing you to feel ungrounded, disempowered, or depressed

  • How to further transform energy blocks in your second chakra, so you can set and maintain healthy boundaries, feel grounded and safe, and create deeper intimacy with others

  • How to learn to intuitively read energy without taking it on — so you can share your healing gifts with others

  • A guided practice for detoxing heavy emotions (such as fear, shame, and guilt) — and resetting your emotional center

According to Wendy, empaths are here to model sensitivity as a vital form of human connection and communication… this energetic “vibration” is essential to our collective healing.

Yet, empaths must heal their over-sensitivity, stop energetic absorption, and learn to set healthy boundaries.

Understanding how you became overly empathic — so you can heal the wounds that contributed to losing your energetic autonomy — is the next step in reclaiming your power as an empath.

>> RSVP here to join Wendy De Rosa for this free event & special training offer <<

Please don’t miss this powerful event with Wendy De Rosa. You’ll discover how you can clear the specific blocks that empaths deal with (including karmic wounds and trauma) so that you can fully ground yourself as an empathic healer.

Save your space here for Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath: Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries

Rel.: Check out another event recording with Wendy De Rosa about clearing other people’s energy here.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 17 August 2018

Join: Meditations for Women - Liberating Practices w/ Camille Maurine - August 18/21 - Live!

Become Reality bending superhuman

Online mini-workshop reveals liberating practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self

Did you know that simply observing your inner Self in meditation is not enough for most women?

According to renowned meditation teacher, dancer, and integrative energy practitioner Camille Maurine, women need ways to participate with their inner movement –– that dynamic inner flow of the body –– and to embrace and dance with all of who they are.

Camille’s approach to meditation for women sheds notions of stillness, purity, and perfection.

She finds these constructs misleading and fragmenting because they split us off from the life force in our bodies that is our power, freedom, and love.

On August 18/21, Camille will show you how to move into freedom and deeper joy in meditation and in your life during a FREE video event for women: Liberating Practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self: Discover Expressive, Subtle & Embodied Meditations for Women.

>> You can register here for live event <<

Meditations for Women - Online mini-workshop reveals liberating practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self

During this 60-minute, online mini-workshop with Camille, you’ll discover ways to:

  • Claim your inner authority through embodied practices for women to cultivate sovereignty in meditation and in your life

  • Ease and release old patterns of tension using subtle movement

  • Create a healthy meditation practice that you love and want to do

  • Be tender with yourself as you flow with the transformations you experience in meditation

  • Embrace your Woman Self through a “Loving Hands” guided practice

  • Open with wonder and awe to the Big Picture –– the mystery of creation and your place within it

If you’re ready to liberate feelings of freedom, wellbeing, and joy… with a practice unique to your needs, supportive of your inner resilience, and liberating to who you truly are … don’t miss this empowering hour with Camille Maurine!

If you’d like to receive tips for becoming “healthy in meditation” and in your outer expression of your authentic Self, don’t miss Camille Maurine’s embodied movement meditation practices.

>> RSVP for Liberating Practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self: Discover Expressive, Subtle & Embodied Meditations for Women for free, here <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 16 August 2018

EFT for Weight Loss, Control & Body Confidence - Free eBook

We have an awesome free ebook to share with you today that will revolutionize how you think about losing weight and gaining body confidence but before we get to that, let me ask you this…

When you think about how to release extra weight, what are the first things that you think of?

Eating better and exercising, right?

I know that’s what most people think of and those things are a huge component in what I teach but I can’t tell you how often I hear from people that they know what they should be doing, but they just can’t get themselves to do it.

We live in an age of chronic stress. Stress about work, stress about the kids, stress about our health. It very often feels like it’s never-ending. And so with our busy lives, trying to live a balanced lifestyle where we eat well and exercise can be challenging.

My friend and New York Times best-selling author Jessica Ortner is an expert in helping women to actually be able to make the changes they need to make to be able to lose weight. And as Jessica says…

“Only focusing on diet and exercise when trying to release weight, can lead to stagnant results that keep you stuck.

The challenge is that the ability to eat well, exercise, and feel safe releasing weight are all run unconsciously in your brain, and if your brain isn’t wired the way you want it to be, then you’re just setting yourself up for failure.

If you’ve struggled and gone from diet to diet, you’re likely to continue the trend UNLESS you get to the root of the problem.”

You see Jessica has been taking a much different approach towards helping women and she’s been getting some startlingly good results.

And I think that the approach she takes, in dealing with the unconscious wiring in our brains, is so critical to being able to actually put in place so much of the health information we teach…

Jessica shares details on her approach to helping women find and overcome the unconscious emotions, beliefs, traumas and more that keep women from releasing weight in a free ebook she’s just released called:

Get EFT technique for weight loss and control free ebook download

In the ebook, Jessica will not only help you to find the issues that are keeping YOU stuck, she’ll also teach you about a technique she uses with her clients to rewire the brain for achieving optimal results. The technique is known as “EFT” or “Tapping.” If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry as she’ll explain exactly what it is, how it works, and why so many people are using it today with powerful results.

Here’s some of what Jessica shares in this ebook:

On the science and research:

  • What goes on in the body biologically with negative emotions like stress, anxiety and overwhelm and the specifics on how they affect your weight (The way it affects digestion, blood vessels and brain function is fascinating!)

  • What happens in your brain that causes you to overeat when you are emotional (and how to counteract this)

  • Why people yo-yo with diets and why they actually put on more weight when going from diet to diet
And here is some of what she’ll cover on how to use Tapping for Weight Loss:

  • How to pinpoint the underlying unconscious blocks to your weight loss and then eliminate them with Tapping

  • How both large and small past traumatic events (some that you might not even remember) can keep you from feeling safe to lose weight. (And she’ll show you how to release these traumas with Tapping)

  • How to use Tapping to make any nutritional or exercise program work for you!

  • And so much more…

>> Find it here <<

Jessica is both extremely passionate about this subject because of her own previous struggle with her weight, as well as extremely knowledgeable on the subject, having coached over 10,000 women over the past few years.

We hope you check this out. You’ll be glad you did

Every woman deserves to be happy and confident in her body.

Here are two of the hundreds of emails Jessica has received from clients she has worked with about her approach:

“The results were DRAMATIC. I stopped wanting and eating sugar. I began to WANT to exercise. I lost 11 lbs. within just 2 months. After 5 more months, I’d lost 7 lbs. The day after New Year’s, I stepped on a scale and I had lost another pound instead of gaining anything. In the year since the 2010 TWS, I HAVE NOT DIETED or restricted food AT ALL!”

-Rhonda Robinson

I have struggled for over 15 years with weight fluctuations and emotional issues surrounding food and body image.

Through working with Jessica, I was able to discover the root cause of my eating/body issues and understand how to move forward.

Not only is there a physical transformation, but also a significant emotional weight loss as well…”

-Christine Haskin

Related: Using EFT Tapping Affirmations

Read more: EFT for Weight Loss, Control & Body Confidence - Free eBook

Monday 13 August 2018

Inspiration & Direction from Women Redefining Life After 50 - August 20-24 Live

Discover The Keys to Thriving in Your “Next Act”

Are you ready to flourish in your “next act”?

Are you passionate about fulfilling your true purpose? Ready to share your wisdom and lived experience… especially at a time when our world so desperately needs it?

You’ve already lived a rich life, and now you may be thinking “What’s next?”

Maybe you’ve loved your career, your family, but want to spend the rest of your life doing_________ … fill in the blank!

Or maybe you imagine fulfilling a lifelong dream, a fantasy from childhood, an outrageous aspiration that you’ve never even shared out loud!

In our mainstream culture, there’s an underlying message that after you arrive at a certain age, you’ve already achieved your goals, reached your pinnacle, and mastered what was meant for you in this lifetime…

Yet, the life experiences you’ve navigated, the path you’ve pioneered, the work you’ve done in the world, is only the beginning — a launchpad into an inspiring, fulfilling “third act,” where you give and receive in equal parts, enriching the lives of others and making a difference in everything you do.

That’s why we’re SO excited to invite you to join Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 — August 20 – 24, 2018 — where you’ll discover a clear path, with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with tools, tips, and practices that will help you manifest your highest potential… and fulfill your wildest dreams!

Free Online Event
Thriving in Your Third Act:
Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 
August 20-24, 2018

Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire & Fulfillment After 50 — August 20-24

You’ll find more than 20 leaders — including Jean Shinoda Bolen, Annie Kay, Anodea Judith, Yeye Luisah Teish, Grandmother Flordemayo, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Joan Borysenko, Cynthia James, Katie Hendricks, Reverend Deborah Johnson, Camille Maurine, Sarah Marshank, and many others — guiding you with their trailblazing wisdom to support your personal journey of transformation at whatever stage of life you’re in.

>> RSVP here for Thriving in Your Third Act — at no charge <<

During this unparalleled 3-day gathering, you’ll discover:

  • How to be a “juicy crone” & discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live

  • How to be a “juicy crone” & discover the Goddesses and Archetypes that are active in the postmenopausal phase of your live

  • Practices for worry-proofing yourself & avoiding the midlife “happiness dip” by retraining your brain 

  • The role of stress as the most critical (yet unrecognized) nutrition issue of our time

  • Explore how to harvest the charge in your energy body and bring more life force into your tissues

  • Exciting possibilities for reinventing your life, your focus, & your passions

  • Key practices to help you renew your life and reinvent yourself — free of cultural myths — and bask in the great joy of presence, connection, & new forms of play

  • How to create a supportive, thriving community of your choice

  • How to maintain optimal health during your wisdom years

  • How to express yourself spiritually as you become an Elder 

  • Practices for igniting the power of your empathy and intuition to revitalize every area of your life

  • Step into the fullest expression of yourself as you journey to a new adventure in your 50s and beyond

  • Embody your inner boldness, expand your capacities in standing for Love

Thriving in Your Third Act is specifically designed to empower you to unleash your true potential…

Your passion and your wisdom are not only vital for your life… they’re also key to solving the issues facing our precious planet and our global family.

Join in to find exciting new ways you can use your unique gifts to help create a thriving world for future generations — and explore what’s next for you on your journey to YOUR inspired life.

>> RSVP here for Thriving in Your Third Act — at no charge <<

Read more: Inspiration & Direction from Women Redefining Life After 50 - August 20-24 Live

Herbs for brain health, better memory, mood & focus - August 15 Live event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Join no-cost online event with national expert, herbalist and naturopathic physician Dr. Mary Bove

We all experience changes in our brain health as we age, which can affect our mental performance, including our memory, cognitive function, and mood.

The good news is that by being proactive about your brain health, you can slow down the natural progression of aging, mitigate the effects of hormone shifts, and support your mood and mental clarity — keeping your brain clear, sharp, and adaptable.

And to get you started, on Wednesday, August 15 (replay August 18), herbalist, naturopathic physician, and director of medical education at Gaia Herbs, Dr. Mary Bove, will share some of the most effective natural medicinals for your brain health — both preventative and symptom-specific.

You can RSVP for free here for Discovering Medicinal Herbs for Better Brain Health: How to Enhance Your Mood, Memory, and Reduce the Effects of Stress & Aging.

Discovering Medicinal Herbs for Better Brain Health: How to Enhance Your Mood, Memory, and Reduce the Effects of Stress & Aging

You’ll discover:

  • Two simple brain-protecting herbal teas for improving mental clarity, focus, and attention

  • Herbs that can help lower the risk of dementia, including 3 herbs that improve memory and recall while also decreasing forgetfulness

  • Herbs for mood support, brain resilience, and revitalization of spirit — to minimize the effects of stress on aging

  • Adaptogen plants that protect us from and enhance our ability to adapt to stress

  • Proven herbal remedies for nourishing your brain daily, including the benefits of brewing herbal teas

A healthy, well-functioning brain is a key part of a vital and active life.

Dr. Bove is a national expert on brain health and can help you boost the wellbeing of this important organ to nourish and revitalize your entire system!

>> Register here to listen live or get recording if missed <<

If you’d like to discover how to become more proactive in slowing down the effects of aging on your brain and boost your energy and better enjoy your life, register now for: Discovering Medicinal Herbs for Better Brain Health: How to Enhance Your Mood, Memory, and Reduce the Effects of Stress & Aging

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Untold Stories of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary & Miriam, Sister of Moses

Become Reality bending superhuman

A Feminine Mystical Path for Radical Transformation (Join Mirabai Starr)

Are you feeling the call for radical change in your life and our world?

Perhaps the mystical wisdom from three powerful women prophets may reveal a profound new path of transformation for you…

World-renowned interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr is intimately familiar with the path of the feminine mystics. She can guide you to draw on their healing energies — deep compassion, radical wisdom, and fierce and loving presence — during a August 11/14, free video event:

Meeting the Marias: Mother Mary, Mary Magdale & Miriam, Sister of Moses

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Untold Stories of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary & Miriam, Sister of Moses

You’ll discover a unique — and previously untold — perspective on the “Three Marias” to deepen your connection with yourself and the Beloved, and ground your actions in the sacred feminine.

During this sacred video event, you’ll:

  • Learn about Mary in the Bible and the Qur’an

  • Restore Mary Magdalene to her rightful place in the mythos of the Christ

  • Uncover your own story in stories of Miriam

  • Engage in a guided meditation to deepen your connection to the Divine Feminine

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to receive profound wisdom from these three powerful women prophets and discover how you can find your unique prophetic voice.

This is your invitation to enter a refuge where you can lay down your burdens, nourish your soul, and receive healing and guidance for your daily life and our world!

>> You can RSVP for free here to listen live (or get recording later) <<

If you’re ready come home to your full Self, let Mirabai Starr show you how to find deeper refuge, healing, and solutions with the “Three Marias” during Meeting the Marias: Mother Mary, Mary Magdale & Miriam Sister of Moses.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Why Is It So Hard to Build Healthy Habits?

Become Reality bending superhuman

As a species, humans are resistant to change by nature. Because of that resistance, it takes us a while to break a bad habit or implement a new one – up to as long as a month. During this transition period, it is easy to fall back into our old ways, unless we consciously keep ourselves on track until our new change has taken hold as a habit.

In the case of healthy habits, not only can introducing them increase our resistance to disease now, but they also improve life later down the road. That means taking fewer prescribed drugs in the future, maintaining independent living longer and more longevity as we age. But the road to change can be bumpy if not done correctly.

Healthy Eating

Do you like food that is not good for you, Food that is high in calories and fat, If so, you are not alone… and it is not your fault! We are genetically engineered to gravitate toward that kind of food from our ancestral days. Hunting, gathering and exploring the surrounding area took a lot of energy and so food with a lot of calories and fat provided the energy.

But the food today is different than it was eons ago. Today processed and fast food lurks around on every corner, inviting you to come in … and while you are there, super-size everything making for even more fat and calories. But that isn’t the end of the story. Food is addictive. So, if you succumb to eating a lot of processed and fast food, that is what your body becomes accustomed to eating, what it prefers, and in fact, what it craves.

However, the opposite side of the coin is also true. If you start eating healthy, it too over time will become addictive also. The trick is to make small incremental changes over time and not a big change all at once. That way your body will slowly change and adapt to your new way of eating. What gets people into trouble and they fail is they try to make too much of a change in too short a time. Don’t quit eating bad food cold turkey – slowly start eating less bad food and more good food over the course of say a month.

Healthy Fitness

The same rationale of change also applies to exercising. At the start of each New Year, people make all-or-nothing commitments in the form resolutions where they are going to conquer the world fitness-wise – exercise five days a week, run a marathon in a month, etc. But after the first time or two in the gym, they are so sore they can hardly move. They take a few days to heal up and never return to the gym again.

Instead, they should have started slowly by doing some short easy workouts a day or two the first week and gradually increase the frequency, workout time and type of workout over the course of the first month.

Building healthy habits is a process of setting an attainable and realistic end goal with several milestones of mini-goals along the way. Be sure to reward yourself in a positive way after reaching each milestone as it provides the mental boost to continue forging ahead to the next one.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.