Tuesday 31 July 2018

Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women - Join Live event - August 4

Become Reality bending superhuman

Learn how to Be Wise, Selfish & Real with Sarah Marshank

Do you sense a deep stirring from within… an urge to discover “what’s next?” in this next phase of your life?

The answer will only come from learning to be “wisely selfish,” according to Sarah Marshank, author and spiritual teacher. Uniting Self and Source, slowing down, listening and getting raw and real are the keys, says Sarah.

On Saturday, August 4, Sarah will illuminate a path forward so you can discover what is yours to do, during a FREE video event for women: How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real: A Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women.

>> You can register here for live event (or get a recording) <<

How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real: A Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women

Sarah’s powerful story — from escort to “monk” to grandmother — and her teachings are uniquely suited to help you artfully create the next phase of your life.

And to do so without reservation, embodying the fullness of your wild creativity… embracing your contradictions… thriving in the messiness of a life well-lived.

During this revelatory hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how to dismantle the outer and inner structures that keep you from experiencing your true Self and connection to Source

  • Learn how to take time to be in loving presence with your internal voices/selves and listen for what they need — so you can discern the best choices for you, right now

  • Learn ways to trust yourself and how to stop seeking outer approval or permission

  • Discover how to embrace all of your complexities and contradictions… and your desires and passions

  • Understand how to bring Source into the nitty gritty aspects of life — your daily decisions and choices 

If you long to open to a new phase of life rooted in your authentic Self, aligned with Source… don’t miss this inspiring hour with Sarah Marshank.

>> Register now for How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real <<

If you’re feeling a sense of urgency to make your unique contribution to help and heal our world, let Sarah Marshank help you begin to create the next phase of your life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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