Saturday 28 July 2018

Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life

Awaken to higher consciousness in a moment-by-moment living meditation

Would you like to receive powerful techniques compiled from sacred Eastern traditions to help you awaken and stay fully conscious in your daily life?

These ancient, experiential practices can help you unite your sacred masculine Shiva and sacred feminine Shakti within, so that your every experience becomes an opportunity for transcendence, psychic evolution, and mystical awakening.

On Wednesday, August 1 (replay August 4), spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will show you how to integrate these essential parts of yourself during a FREE online event: Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You: Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life.

>> You can register here for live event or get a recording <<

Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the secret ancient text, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, that was behind much of the development of Hatha Yoga, Tantric philosophy, and Kundalini

  • See how all your senses are portals to recognize the dance of Shiva and Shakti in you — and how they can contribute to moment-by-moment awakening

  • Practice the “Hum Sa” breath that creates deep relaxation and stillness rapidly, even in moments in which you feel off-center

  • Receive an instant heart-opening practice based on open-eyed meditation that connects Shiva and Shakti in you

  • Understand “inner sensing” by discovering how to listen to your heartbeat, which helps you access your highest consciousness

In this hour-long mini-workshop, Raja will take you into the magical realms of the sacred masculine and feminine that lie within each of us, and show you how facilitating this union can give you access to the blissful empowerment of nondual superconsciousness in literally every moment of your life.

You’ll come to understand how you can use breath, the senses, the mind, and your concentration to open up your potential as a truly balanced and evolved human being!

If you’d like to discover how to awaken to your highest consciousness in a moment-by-moment living meditation while fully immersed in the drama of daily living, don’t miss: Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You: Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life.

Want more? Watch one more related webinar recording below & sign-up for one above…

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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