Tuesday 31 July 2018

Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women - Join Live event - August 4

Become Reality bending superhuman

Learn how to Be Wise, Selfish & Real with Sarah Marshank

Do you sense a deep stirring from within… an urge to discover “what’s next?” in this next phase of your life?

The answer will only come from learning to be “wisely selfish,” according to Sarah Marshank, author and spiritual teacher. Uniting Self and Source, slowing down, listening and getting raw and real are the keys, says Sarah.

On Saturday, August 4, Sarah will illuminate a path forward so you can discover what is yours to do, during a FREE video event for women: How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real: A Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women.

>> You can register here for live event (or get a recording) <<

How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real: A Spiritual Path for Complex & Creatively Wild Women

Sarah’s powerful story — from escort to “monk” to grandmother — and her teachings are uniquely suited to help you artfully create the next phase of your life.

And to do so without reservation, embodying the fullness of your wild creativity… embracing your contradictions… thriving in the messiness of a life well-lived.

During this revelatory hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how to dismantle the outer and inner structures that keep you from experiencing your true Self and connection to Source

  • Learn how to take time to be in loving presence with your internal voices/selves and listen for what they need — so you can discern the best choices for you, right now

  • Learn ways to trust yourself and how to stop seeking outer approval or permission

  • Discover how to embrace all of your complexities and contradictions… and your desires and passions

  • Understand how to bring Source into the nitty gritty aspects of life — your daily decisions and choices 

If you long to open to a new phase of life rooted in your authentic Self, aligned with Source… don’t miss this inspiring hour with Sarah Marshank.

>> Register now for How to Be Wise, Selfish & Real <<

If you’re feeling a sense of urgency to make your unique contribution to help and heal our world, let Sarah Marshank help you begin to create the next phase of your life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 28 July 2018

Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life

Awaken to higher consciousness in a moment-by-moment living meditation

Would you like to receive powerful techniques compiled from sacred Eastern traditions to help you awaken and stay fully conscious in your daily life?

These ancient, experiential practices can help you unite your sacred masculine Shiva and sacred feminine Shakti within, so that your every experience becomes an opportunity for transcendence, psychic evolution, and mystical awakening.

On Wednesday, August 1 (replay August 4), spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will show you how to integrate these essential parts of yourself during a FREE online event: Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You: Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life.

>> You can register here for live event or get a recording <<

Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the secret ancient text, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, that was behind much of the development of Hatha Yoga, Tantric philosophy, and Kundalini

  • See how all your senses are portals to recognize the dance of Shiva and Shakti in you — and how they can contribute to moment-by-moment awakening

  • Practice the “Hum Sa” breath that creates deep relaxation and stillness rapidly, even in moments in which you feel off-center

  • Receive an instant heart-opening practice based on open-eyed meditation that connects Shiva and Shakti in you

  • Understand “inner sensing” by discovering how to listen to your heartbeat, which helps you access your highest consciousness

In this hour-long mini-workshop, Raja will take you into the magical realms of the sacred masculine and feminine that lie within each of us, and show you how facilitating this union can give you access to the blissful empowerment of nondual superconsciousness in literally every moment of your life.

You’ll come to understand how you can use breath, the senses, the mind, and your concentration to open up your potential as a truly balanced and evolved human being!

If you’d like to discover how to awaken to your highest consciousness in a moment-by-moment living meditation while fully immersed in the drama of daily living, don’t miss: Discovering the Shiva & Shakti in You: Ancient Secrets & Meditations for Waking Up in Your Daily Life.

Want more? Watch one more related webinar recording below & sign-up for one above…

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 27 July 2018

Practical Peace Solutions - August 7-9 - Finding Common Ground event

Discover Stories of Inspiration & Peacebuilding Practices for Personal & Collective Transformation

Are you disheartened by the increasing division showing up around the world?

Are you concerned for our future — and for the future of generations to come?

As troubling and overwhelming as the events filling our news feeds are, as a human race, we actually have within us what it takes to transform our world….

We have the will, the intelligence, the resources, the heart, and the leaders to address and heal the areas of our planet that need it most…

In fact, there are brilliant changemakers all over the globe making meaningful progress on critical issues — the environment, health, human rights, women’s issues, economic justice, and peace, to name a few.

Now we’re being called to work in collaboration and partnership like never before, to create the comprehensive changes we need… for a world that works for all.

And Finding Common Groundtaking place August 7-9, offers a path forward…

Free Online Event
Finding Common Ground
August 7-9, 2018

Discover Stories of Inspiration & Peacebuilding Practices for Personal & Collective Transformation

We’ŗe honored to invite you to join 30+ of the world’s leading peacebuilders and changemakers — including Caroline Myss, Marla Maples, Sister Jenna, Shariff Abdullah, Chief Phil Lane, Jr., Robert Thurman, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Deborah Greene, Shamil Idriss, Khalida Brohi, Daryl Davis and so many more — sharing cutting-edge peace practices for building bridges, closing gaps, and connecting and promoting agents for change who are working to create a comprehensive blueprint for global transformation.

This 3-day event will highlight changemakers and their personal stories of transformations that led them to authentic and powerful action. These stories include a Palestinian living in Bethlehem who turned to the ancient wisdom of Jesus (love your enemy) to learn how to love Israelis; a former CIA counterintelligence agent working with the U.S. military in the Iraq war who has created a global movement, “others into brothers,” turning enemies into allies; and an African American musician who befriended KKK leaders and engaged them in the work to end racism in America — and so many more.

Each day we’ll feature an incredible lineup of changemakers who will guide you in channeling your passion and purpose to make your most meaningful contribution to our world. They’ll share exactly how they’ve found common ground in their communities and created blueprints for change through their innovative peacebuilding work — that you can follow!

I invite you to join us each day of this summit as we take a deep dive into these life-changing, world-changing topics:

  • Day One: Personal Transformation How to prepare yourself to find common ground with others

  • Day Two: Interpersonal Transformation How to find common ground with anyone you’re looking at as “other”

  • Day Three: Collective Transformation How to find common ground in your community and our world

Together, we can create a peaceful, sustainable, transformed world.

>> RSVP here for Finding Common Ground — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s just a peek at what a few of our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Caroline Myss speaks to the importance of every one of our choices… because one clear choice, no matter how insignificant you might think it is, can redirect the course of your life in the blink of an eye.

  • Marla Maples and Dot Maver will highlight the key principles necessary to create “right human relations” in a time of great polarization and fear.

  • Robert Thurman will explore nonviolence and love as a pathway to common ground — focusing on the vital role of women in creating harmony and building a more sustainable future.

  • Shamil Idriss will provide the three steps in finding common ground with an adversary: choosing hope, building trust, and changing the underlying system.

Read more: Practical Peace Solutions - August 7-9 - Finding Common Ground event

Sunday 22 July 2018

Beyond Your Personality Type - Enneagram

Access the sacred qualities of the Enneagram to transform your life

The Enneagram is far more than a personality typing system…

It’s a practical and mystical path for discovering and embodying the deeper qualities of your body, heart, mind, and soul.

And when the depth teachings of the Enneagram are paired with holistic, experiential practices, you can actually begin to transmute your patterns (physiologically, cognitively, and emotionally) into the sacred aspects of your type…

July 25/28, renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb will share their experiential depth approach to the Enneagram that encompasses the rich and nuanced levels of the 9 types, including the Three Centers, Virtues, and the Holy Ideas — during a FREE virtual event, Discover the Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram: Exploring the Territory Beyond Your Personality Type.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this complimentary virtual event here <<

Discover the Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram: Exploring the Territory Beyond Your Personality Type

You’ll discover:

  • A cutting-edge teaching on the higher aspects of the Enneagram with correlating experiential exercises designed to help you embody the teaching

  • The sacred qualities of the Enneagram point beyond the level of personality — and how they can transform your orientation to life, your relationships, and your capacity to express your gifts

  • The transformational power of the types when experienced through all three centers — belly, heart, and head

  • The core Enneagram work — not as mere descriptions of the types, but as a method of transforming the type patterns into profound expressions of human potential and spirit

  • The Holy Idea of Inner Freedom and how it relates to the Virtue of Humility, along with an experiential practice to taste the integration of this Holy Idea in our lives

When you embody the sacred essence of your Enneagram type, you’re able to more freely activate your soul’s purpose, share your gifts, and love with all of your heart… which is SO needed in today’s world.

>> Feel free to join us for this illuminating, hour-long event here (get recording later) <<

They have pioneered an experiential depth approach that will help you truly navigate (and apply) the profound realizations available through the Enneagram.

P.S. To learn more about enneagram consider another related event recording available to listen for limited time only.

Read more: Beyond Your Personality Type - Enneagram

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Next Level of Energy Medicine with Dr. Sue Morter - July 14/17 - Watch live!

Become Reality bending superhuman

Explore the Energy Codes in this free virtual event

Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment…

…and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible.

It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences.

That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain and financial lack — is energy.

Or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field.

And it’s possible for you to remove subconscious and energetic blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation.

To help you do so, Dr. Sue Morter developed her world-renowned Energy Code teachings… so you can clear the way for profound healing and the ability to co-create EVERYTHING in your life.

On July 14/17, Dr. Sue — an early pioneer of Energy Medicine and bioenergetics — will present Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest.

>> You can register for this FREE virtual event right here <<

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest

You’ll discover:

  • The missing link in stewarding the energetics of your life for greater health and vitality 

  • Your ability to remove blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation by building new neural-circuitry in your body

  • Breathing techniques that allow you to defuse stress and shift out of “fight or flight” to access your powerful healing Self

  • How to address the deep energetic causes of health issues instead of the symptoms

  • How to operate outside of time by activating the creatorship capacity in your brain to work with things that have not yet come to pass…

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith says Dr. Sue “brings people to the core ‘Yes!’ of their being.”

As Dr. Sue says, the Energy Codes enable you to “build a set of circuitry so you can live from deep, intuitive space, always guiding your life from a higher vibrational frequency.”

If you’re ready to take full ownership of the energy that you ARE…

>> Click to Join here this  live event or get a recording <<

Since healing is a byproduct of working with your own energy field, don’t miss your chance to discover these life-changing techniques for working with your energy! 

Watch recording of another sample Masterclass with Dr. Sue Morter

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Past Life Regressions with Linda Backman - Watch Live - July 11/14

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover how your past lives can be revealed & explored to help you thrive in this lifetime…

If you’re like many healers and seekers, you find the idea of past lives intriguing.

Perhaps you’ve even explored a life very different from the one you’re living now through a past life regression.

Past life regression is a hypnosis-based process that can help us access important information from past lives to heal current wounds, find out why we’re stuck in our life now, and how we can truly shine and thrive.

If you’re interested in exploring how past life regression can be a valuable tool in your healing practice or personal spiritual evolution, I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE virtual event on Wednesday, July 11, (live replay July 14) with renowned author, psychologist, and regression therapist Dr. Linda Backman.

You can find out more about 3 Keys to Guiding Past Life Regressions: Discover the Tools for Resolving Issues From Other Lifetimes

>> Register here for this Live event or get a recording here <<

3 Keys to Guiding Past Life Regressions: Discover the Tools for Resolving Issues From Other Lifetimes

There’s no better teacher on this subject than Dr. Backman, who’s led hundreds in past life regression sessions, helping them to uncover and heal karma (life challenges) and illuminate and celebrate dharma (the soul’s purpose).

In this fascinating hour, you’ll discover:

  • How uncovering and releasing the elements of a past life that are showing up in your life today can help heal mind, body, and relationship symptoms

  • How to use past life regression to connect with guidance that can support current life choices

  • How the past life that emerges in a regression session is chosen by the client’s higher Self and their guides

  • What hypnosis is and is not and how to insure the comfort and safety of a past life regression client

  • Key aspects of hypnosis and how to guide a client into an altered state

Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the dynamics of past life regression and explore how this potent modality could be an additional tool in your healing practice or personal spiritual evolution.

And you don’t have to be a healing practitioner or hypnotherapist to join us!

Don’t miss your chance to discover 3 keys to guiding a past life regression — which can be a potent life-changing addition to a hypnotherapy or other healing practice as well as a profound means for accelerating your own spiritual and personal growth.

Register for 3 Keys to Guiding Past Life Regressions: Discover the Tools for Resolving Issues From Other Lifetimes now.

Reincarnation facts – related video

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Discover Unlimited Source of Inner Peace & Sacred Joy - Join Live Event on July 7

Become Reality bending superhuman

Access the Sacred heart of the Universe and enter the kingdom of Joy

The great mystics knew that joy is the nectar that feeds every aspect of our being, and the very essence of the spiritual life.

As the mystic Vilayat Inayat Khan noted, “‘Why aren’t you dancing with joy at this very moment?’ is the only relevant spiritual question.”

Indeed, the darker the times, the deeper the joy we need to weather them.

That’s why Andrew Harvey, one of today’s most celebrated mystic teachers, is saying that now is the time to refocus on the primacy of joy in our spiritual practices — and discover what it really takes to experience joy as a sustained baseline for our lives.

On Saturday, July 7, Andrew will show you how to bring joy to the center of your spiritual life so that you can have a rock-solid inner foundation, during The Sacred Practice of Joy: 3 Keys to Deepening Your Relationship With the Beloved.

>> Register now for free here <<

Sacred Practices of Joy

It’s not about denying the pain around you but finding a place of real inner freedom, reverence for the Divine, and unconditional love. Your being can then become more transparent and effervescent even while you deal with very difficult situations.

During this illuminating hour, you’ll:

  • See how to approach life like a dancer, as a living expression of Divine Love

  • Access and feel the sacred heart of the universe and its overwhelming love

  • Remember that you are the beloved of the Beloved and that your life is blessed beyond your imagination

  • See how to become a “humble secret agent of the light” in the larger transformation of our time

  • Access inner peace whenever you truly want it

  • Face what is happening in the world without being consumed by it

Believe it or not, joy is the secret to effective activism — it has the power to transform us in mysterious and remarkable ways.

So if you feel called to rewire how you think about joy and, more importantly, how you engage in spiritual practices to cultivate it, you’ll receive great value from this sacred hour with one of the wisest teachers of our day!

>> Register here for live event or get a recording later <<

During The Sacred Practice of Joy, Andrew will show you why joy is the fuel that keeps your batteries charged, your consciousness open, and your commitment to serve solid.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Daily Practices for Sacred Living: Annual Shamanism Summit - July 10-12

Become Reality bending superhuman

Co-create with the Earth, the elements & the spirit world

Are you intrigued by shamanism? Or seeking to deepen your shamanic wisdom?

Imagine living in greater alignment with Mother Earth, more fully present with your loved ones, and connected to the Spirit in all things…

Imagine connecting directly with your Higher Self, as well as your guides, as a path to healing your body and spirit

Imagine what might be possible for you, your health and your relationships through visioning, journeying, and your dreamtime…

The path of shamanism puts us in sacred relationship with all of life, in which we’re fully connected to ourselves, our world, and our greatest gifts. It’s a beautiful and powerful path for both personal and collective transformation.

That’s why I’m delighted to tell you about The Shamanism Global Summit  a free online event taking place July 10-12.

We’re honored to invite you to join esteemed shamanic teachers and healers — including Sandra Ingerman, Alberto Villoldo, Brooke Medicine Eagle, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, HeatherAsh Amara, Robert Moss, Flordemayo, José & Lena Stevens, and others. They’ll be sharing practical wisdom for you to access guidance, healing, and power for more sacred living.

Free Online Event
The Shamanism Global Summit

July 10-12, 2018

annual shamanism global summit

In The Shamanism Global Summit, the amazing speakers will unveil a shamanic way of being that is creative and intuitive, connected and life-affirming.

>> RSVP here for The Shamanism Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this powerful, annual 3-day summit, you’ll discover skills that relieve suffering and help foster more joy, radiant health, and fulfilling relationships as well as:

  • How shamanic healing is truly traditional medicine for the modern world

  • The impact of colonization on shamanism & racism

  • Heart-deepening experiences of visionary and practical shamanic ritual guidance applicable to personal & planetary transformation

  • How to draw on the invisible world for guidance & healing

  • Ways to tap into your unexpressed creative & intuitive power

  • Practical tools for healing negative feelings & toxic thoughts

  • The power of plant medicine to activate your higher brain

  • Your role as a co-creator with the Earth, the elements, & the spirit world — accelerating the conscious evolution of our planet

  • Methods for shapeshifting your story & transforming our world

  • How to access the subtle realms of consciousness (the upper & lower worlds) with guidance from allies there

  • Shamanic astrology — a unique view that taps into ancient shamanic practices

  • A deeper sense of presence and reverence for the natural world — including plants, animals, & Gaia herself

Hope you’ll join this special event to receive deep insights, rituals, and guidance for sacred living from some of the world’s most revered shamans and teachers of this ancient path.

Register for The Shamanism Global Summit now — and discover practices that can provide what you are seeking next on your spiritual journey — at no charge.

shamanism global summit

>> RSVP here for The Shamanism Global Summit — at no charge <<

Deeper connection with the natural and invisible world…

If you’re looking for a deeper sense of reverence for the natural world, richer relationships with loved ones and a rooted connection to your guidance, we highly encourage you to join this summit!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How To Make a Soul Shift into More Wisdom, Power & Peace - Join (June 16) live event

Do you have a mental list of things about your life, your relationships, and yourself that you’d like to change?

Would you like to stop getting stuck in the same self-sabotaging patterns — and experience more steadiness, confidence, and peace, no matter what’s happening around you?

There are times in our life when we feel like we’re at a turning point…

… like we’re standing at the threshold of attaining greater success, wisdom, and purpose, but either don’t know the next step to take or are too uncertain to take it…

What we do know is that how we’ve been living, working, and loving just isn’t enough anymore. We’re being called to something more significant, more authentic, and more meaningful.

If you’re ready not just for more change, but for profound transformation, then I have a very special invitation for you…

On Saturday, June 16, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Barbara De Angelis will show you how to transform yourself and your life from the inside out during a FREE virtual event: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment.

>> Register here for Live event or get a recording later <<

How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment

Barbara is one of the most renowned teachers of our time in the field of personal and spiritual developmentShe’s known for her eloquent yet down-to-earth guidance, and passionate, inspirational presentations.

For over four decades, she’s helped millions of people live with more fulfillment and freedom by showing them how to operate from true mastery at the deepest level of who they are… the Soul level.

During this uplifting and illuminating free hour with Barbara, you’ll discover:

  • A transformative practice you can use to stay clear, conscious, and centered — even in the most challenging of times

  • The surprising ways you may be sabotaging your success and happiness and how to start experiencing true soul accomplishments

  • How to get off of your emotional roller coaster and shift from micromanaging to life mastery, and from fear-based control to conscious choice

  • How to create more abundance and confidence by shifting from positive thinking to positive vibrating

  • The symptoms of “spiritual homesickness” and how it explains so much about your thoughts and emotions

  • Invaluable tools for experiencing everyday grace and practical spirituality

We’re living in what is undeniably a very unsettling time on our planet. Barbara says that now, more than ever, the world needs each of us to live our highest consciousness and accelerate our own process of transformation.

This online mini-workshop will help you do just that, and give you the life-changing insights and breakthroughs you’ve been hoping for.

Barbara will share her invaluable wisdom and proven techniques to help you make your own soul shift, and live with true emotional and spiritual freedom.

If you’re ready to remove the hidden blocks that keep you from fully connecting with your own wisdom, power, and highest self every daydon’t miss: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Shamanic Perception revealed by Respected Shamanism Teachers (June 30 live event)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Reclaim your sense of joy, belonging & connection to nature

Do you sometimes feel pangs of isolation living in this frenzied digital age?

Have you occasionally “forgotten” what it is to be truly human –– with the wholeness you seek seemingly and perpetually out of reach?

If so, you’re not alone. And perhaps the shamanic path has medicine for you…

If you long to experience the connectedness, love, and fulfillment that’s your birthright, you won’t want to miss a free video event with deeply respected shamanism teachers Sandra Ingerman and Evelyn Rysdyk on Saturday, June 30, called: How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception.

>> You can reserve your free space here for Live event or get a recording <<

How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • Miraculous stories of shamanic work to help you understand your place in the Web of Life and what you can experience when you establish a deep relationship with nature

  • Shamanic practices taught to young members of Indigenous communities that can help you uncover your innate gifts, strengths, and capabilities for healing

  • That to enter the Flow of Life, you must find your own voice and inner healer and be willing to face your old wounds, remove yourself from others’ projections, and remove the projections you’ve placed on others

  • That a grounded and rich inner life is the key to effectively working with the power of light for healing and transformation

  • Steps for opening the veils between dimensions and seeing beyond suffering to perceive the magnificent beauty, joy, love, and light of life

Attending this complimentary online event can help you start to reclaim “the shamanic life” that we are all innately designed to lead — and to open to rediscovering your full humanness with all its heart- and soul-filling qualities.

So do join us for this fascinating hour with two of the most renowned master teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details.

Don’t miss your chance to experience Sandra Ingerman and Evelyn Rysdyk as they share stories and potent insights that can help you start to restore your shamanic perception — the expanded view of life our ancestral shamans have preserved for us.

Viewing life through these sacred eyes can help you more fully open your heart, more deeply connect with all living things, and live in ways that ground you in being more fully human.

Discover more and reserve your free space for How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception.

Below we included related (internet radio) interview with Sandra Ingerman to listen on your spare time to learn more about amazing world of ancient teaching of shamanism.

First included video in header with shaman’s drumming (by Sandra Ingerman) is related to shamanic journeying practice. You can learn more about it by accessing recording here (while available).


We have also included another related interview with Evelyn Rysdyk that you might want to hear – listen below.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Daily Energy Practices - Ground In Your Own Power with Wendy De Rosa (Saturday June 23)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Stop Taking on Other People’s Energy — Not only for Emphats

Do you tend to take on other people’s energy — and have been doing so since you were a child?

Does this pattern create anxiety because you have trouble “finding your center?”

You can transform this tendency by learning how to “occupy your full energetic body,” says author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa.

And, when you do take on someone’s energy in an unhealthy way, knowing how to clear it out so you don’t feel drained, scattered, and disconnected from your own power.

This week, you can discover how to shift a lifelong pattern of taking on other people’s energy — and how to set healthy boundaries and begin to fully inhabit your own energy system.

I hope you’ll join us on Saturday, June 23, for Clearing Other People’s Energy & Setting Healthy Boundaries: Daily Energy Practices for Empaths to Stay Centered, Calm & in Their Power.

>> You can find out more and register here for this FREE virtual event <<

Clearing Other People’s Energy & Setting Healthy Boundaries: Daily Energy Practices for Empaths to Stay Centered, Calm & in Their Power

In this free video event, you’ll discover:

  • A simple grounding practice to help you stop taking on other people’s energy — at work, in your friendships, and within your most intimate relationships

  • Why connecting with your lower body helps you stay grounded in your own power center

  • The reasons you’re picking up on (and absorbing) the energy of others

  • The gift of empathy and being sensitive to other people’s energy (it’s where your true power is!)

Old energy patterns can be cleared too, effectively resetting your system to be aligned with your natural energies.

Wendy teaches that when we’re unfulfilled, tired, and rundown, or we have experienced trauma or violations of our boundaries at a young age, the unmet needs inside of us essentially leave an “energy vacancy.”  We’re then more susceptible to other people’s energy and emotional pain, which can be draining — and which can throw us off center and out of touch with our own needs and desires.

Applying Wendy’s practices, you’ll be able to go through your day and interact with people from a much more empowered and grounded place!

Please don’t miss this powerful event with Wendy De Rosa, to discover how to stop taking on other people’s energy so you can liberate your intuitive healing gifts!

>> Save your space here for Clearing Other People’s Energy & Setting Healthy Boundaries <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Awaken Your Conscious Dreaming skills - Dream Shaman Robert Moss - July 28/31 live

Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel

For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to the past and future to seek important information to apply in the present.

They’ve learned to dream consciously, which can open them to amazing adventures in space and time.

That may sound far out, but we now have convincing scientific evidence of precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and other supernormal abilities that come especially alive in dreaming.

If you’re intrigued by these frontiers, we’ve got great news!

On Saturday/Tuesday, July 28/31, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will present a free virtual event: Becoming a Quantum Dreamer: Experiment with Time Travel, Explore Parallel Worlds & Change Your Future for the Better.

>> Register here for Live event or get a recording <<

Becoming a Quantum Dreamer: Experiment with Time Travel, Explore Parallel Worlds & Change Your Future for the Better

During this exciting, hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to time travel in your dreams — consciously traveling to past, future, and parallel times

  • Explore how to identify challenges and opportunities that lie ahead (in your possible future), and create a better future for yourself

  • Grow your supernormal abilities including precognition, telepathy, and clairvoyance

  • Understand how the power of your dreams can impact the lives of others

  • Realize that you’re living, right now, in one of many interactive worlds — and the current theories in physics that may prove it

We invite you to join us for this mind-expanding hour — you’ll love Robert Moss, and especially learning how to use dreaming as a vehicle to travel much further and deeper into the universe than you ever thought possible.

And best of all, these practices can also apply to your waking state!

Robert Moss is the bestselling author of many books on the deeper dimensions of how conscious dreaming can enhance the quality of our lives. During this free virtual event, he’ll share fascinating stories that will bend your notions of time, space, identity, and causality.

He’ll help you develop your skills of Quantum Dreaming so you can reclaim your natural psychic abilities and open the portal to a far more fascinating world!

Read more: Awaken Your Conscious Dreaming skills - Dream Shaman Robert Moss - July 28/31 live

Friday 13 July 2018

Next Level of Energy Medicine with Dr. Sue Morter - July 14/17 - Watch live!

Explore the Energy Codes in this free virtual event

Imagine creating your entire life experience moment by moment…

…and releasing the story that your mind’s been telling you about what is and isn’t possible.

It all begins with working with the energy patterns that form your experiences.

That’s because the root of emotional and physical challenges — from stress at work to discord in relationships to chronic pain and financial lack — is energy.

Or rather, these challenges are the result of subtle blockages within your body’s energy field.

And it’s possible for you to remove subconscious and energetic blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation.

To help you do so, Dr. Sue Morter developed her world-renowned Energy Code teachings… so you can clear the way for profound healing and the ability to co-create EVERYTHING in your life.

On July 14/17, Dr. Sue — an early pioneer of Energy Medicine and bioenergetics — will present Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest.

>> You can register for this FREE virtual event right here <<

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Clear Hidden Blocks in Your Energy Circuitry to Liberate Your Inner Healer, Intuitive Guidance & Power to Manifest

You’ll discover:

  • The missing link in stewarding the energetics of your life for greater health and vitality 

  • Your ability to remove blocks to your health, achievement, and manifestation by building new neural-circuitry in your body

  • Breathing techniques that allow you to defuse stress and shift out of “fight or flight” to access your powerful healing Self

  • How to address the deep energetic causes of health issues instead of the symptoms

  • How to operate outside of time by activating the creatorship capacity in your brain to work with things that have not yet come to pass…

Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith says Dr. Sue “brings people to the core ‘Yes!’ of their being.”

As Dr. Sue says, the Energy Codes enable you to “build a set of circuitry so you can live from deep, intuitive space, always guiding your life from a higher vibrational frequency.”

If you’re ready to take full ownership of the energy that you ARE…

>> Click to Join here this  live event or get a recording <<

Since healing is a byproduct of working with your own energy field, don’t miss your chance to discover these life-changing techniques for working with your energy! 

Watch recording of another sample Masterclass with Dr. Sue Morter

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Healing From Sexual Violence - July 17-20 - Powerful, Intimate Stories

The #MeToo Dialogues: A Unique & Powerful Conversation

The #MeToo movement has ignited a revolution…

Starting with Tarana Burke’s powerful call for survivor-sisterhood in 2006, to Alyssa Milano’s tweet that sparked a global conversation, to a continuing wave of women (and men) standing up, speaking out, and unifying their voices to say #MeToo, #EnoughIsEnough, #TimesUp, #EndSexualViolence, and more…

It is critical that we continue to step forward and to share our stories.

Yet, we’re also ready to move beyond a message and a movement — to lasting social change.

As we continue to co-create safe spaces where we can express ourselves, and as we continue to heal, we are called to take action and advocate on behalf of those still suffering in silence.

The future of our shared humanity requires that we dismantle the structures that have allowed oppression, bias, and inequality to persist — not to mention the predatory behavior, sexual violence, and rape culture that continue.

To take the next step toward BEING the change, The Shift Network has created an incredible event for you — powerful dialogues with deeply inspiring people who are revealing how they moved from surviving to thriving to taking inspired action and more.  

Free Online Gathering
The #MeToo Dialogues
July 17-20, 2018

Tonya Pinkins Hosts Deeply Personal Interviews About Sexual Violence

Visionary women share the keys to living your most inspired life! – Join here to Listen Powerful, Intimate Stories of Healing From Sexual Violence – Free Online Gathering – The #MeToo Dialogues – July 17-20, 2018

We invite you to join 30+ women and men in conversation with Tonya Pinkins™— including Tarana Burke, Eve Ensler, Alicia Garza, Rosanna Arquette, Marisa Tomei, Michael Beckwith, MJ Rodriguez, Sara Ramirez, Lili Bernard, Kim Sykes, Lauren White, and many others — who are sharing their stories of healing, brave acts of breaking silence, and what’s next for the #MeToo movement.

They’ll share their deeply personal experience of child abuse, sexual violence, and human trafficking, as well as how YOU can take inspired action through innovative solutions, the arts, and grassroots activism.

PLUS… You’ll find resources to help you find your voice, reveal your story, and begin your healing journey.

I hope you’ll join this unique and important online series.

During this unparalleled 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Perspectives that you won’t often hear on mainstream media from people living with — and actively healing from — histories of trauma from sexual violence

  • How the #MeToo movement began & how you can get involved in taking action against sexual violence

  • What it takes to build a successful social movement and create positive social change

  • Unique internal challenges for people with gender nonconforming identities

  • What you can do to help make the world safer for women & girls

  • The unique challenges of being a celebrity in the #MeToo & #TimesUp movement

  • What empowered transfeminism looks like

  • Healing practices surrounding women’s sexuality that you can use, as necessary

  • What the more “voiceless” members of our society are doing to change the culture around sexual violence

  • Bodywork techniques you can do on yourself that can help you re-regulate & heal the trauma of childhood molestation

  • The importance of silence-breakers to change the way the government treats sexual violence

  • Why empowering young women holds the greatest hope for healing our culture

  • Strategies for making the world safer for transgender and gender nonconforming people

It’s time to passionately engage in bringing healing to your community… and lasting change to our world. We know this change is possible!

>> RSVP here for The #MeToo Dialogues — at no charge <<

P.S.  Here are just a few of the highlights from our #MeToo Dialogues:

  • Tarana Burke, who authored the #MeToo hashtag, talks with Tonya about how the movement began and how you can get involved…  and take empowered action against sexual violence. 

  • Eve Ensler, creatrix of The Vagina Monologues, discusses the growing movement of women reclaiming their bodies and their lives. Eve suggests ways for you to help make the world safer for women and girls.

  • Rosanna Arquette and Dr. Astrid Heger take a deep look into into issues transgender people face, and how the Alexis Arquette Family Foundation — co-founded by Rosanna and Dr. Heger — are helping the most vulnerable and sex-trafficked children.

  • Marisa Tomei, who’s been immersed in the entertainment industry for decades, offers an insider’s perspective on the #TimesUp and Times Up Now movement. She and Tonya address sexual coercion in the industry and how it affects women’s ability to work in entertainment.

  • Michael Beckwith speaks to the obligation we each have to discover our gifts and use them to serve the world — and he illuminates how the #MeToo movement is teaching men to be protectors, and addressing the need to heal the perpetrator.

  • MJ Rodriguez brings her experience as a transgender woman to a lively conversation about the shape transgender issues have taken in our world today.

  • Sara Ramirez and Alicia Garza gather with Tonya to discuss the most dangerous obstacles to victims of violence — sexual and otherwise — focusing particularly on challenges regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

  • Lili Bernard shares her experience of sexual violence at the hands of Bill Cosby while working on the Cosby Show, and how she continues to heal, make art, and encourage other women to speak out against perpetrators.

Read more: Healing From Sexual Violence - July 17-20 - Powerful, Intimate Stories