Wednesday 30 May 2018

Discover Your Original Imprint of Energetic Archetypes

Become Reality bending superhuman

Chinese Wisdom to Align Your Life With Your Personality and Life Plan

Did you know that you were born with an original “imprint” of your personality and life plan?

And if you’re feeling restless, stuck, or even depressed — it may simply be because despite your best efforts, you’re unknowingly making choices that are working against your true imprint.

Your personality and life plan derive from this imprint, whose energies relate to the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal, according to Chinese Medicine.

And on Wednesday, June 6leading author, spiritual teacher, and energy healer Jean Haner will share insights, to help you get back in touch with your life plan and the truest expression of your personality during a FREE video event: Discovering Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny.

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording later <<

Discover Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny

During this fascinating, complimentary hour, you’ll discover:

  • The 9 energetic archetypes within this ancient personality and life-plan system

  • The hidden meanings in the year, month, and day you’re born, which provide clear life guidance

  • How your inner and outer life experiences are linked to the movement of energy and qualities embodied in the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine  

  • Live readings by Jean Haner, based on the timing of when people arrived in the world

  • A practice designed to closely align you with your lifestyle, relationships, and life purpose

Join Jean to discover how this ancient branch of Chinese medicine can help you realize what your life is actually meant to be all about… and how you can align your work, key relationships, and the next steps of your life with your original “imprint.”

If you’d like to discover the power and depth of this ancient Chinese personality system, which can help you align with the original “imprint” of your personality and life plan, don’t miss: Discovering Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny.


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