Friday 4 May 2018

Discover daily magic & wisdom around you (active dreaming practice)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Learn How to Navigate life thru synchronicity discovering magic and wisdom around you from this Free online event with dream shaman Robert Moss On Wednesday, May 9 (replay on Saturday) 

Did you know that your everyday life is filled with portals to magic, coincidence, symbols, and synchronicities?

The guidance you seek in your life is truly all around you and wise oracles come in all forms….

Dream shaman and bestselling author Robert Moss knows this to be true and believes that we need to take our dreams more literally and our waking life more symbolically to let in the magic of these other realms.

On Wednesday, May 9, (replay on Saturday) Robert will show you how to recognize and decipher the symbols and synchronicities that appear in your life and to step into the bigger story that wants to be lived through you — during a FREE virtual event: Consulting Everyday Oracles: Opening to Synchronicity, Magic & the Wisdom All Around You.

>> You can register here for Live Event or get a recording <<

Consulting Everyday Oracles: Opening to Synchronicity, Magic & the Wisdom All Around You

During this fast and fun hour, you’ll:

  • Realize that the attitudes and energies you’re carrying walk ahead of you, generating events and encounters round the next corner

  • Play sidewalk tarot — a game to turn any moment in your life into an encounter with an oracle

  • Put your major questions to the world and receive guidance on a life theme as you walk in “the forest of living symbols that are looking at you”

  • Develop the arts and skills of a kairomancer, poised to  recognize and act on special moments of opportunity

  • Honor the Gatekeeper, the sacred power that opens and closes your doors in life

  • Become conscious of your mythic edge — the larger story that wants to be lived through you

This promises to be a mind-expanding hour that will show you how to use synchronicity to gain the power and wisdom you need to unearth the bigger story for your life!

This exciting hour with Robert will also be filled with his fascinating stories — of the synchronistic magic in his own life and in the lives of others who have crossed his path. Those who know Robert often find this one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teachings!

>> Register here for this FREE online event <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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