Wednesday 30 May 2018

Discover Your Original Imprint of Energetic Archetypes

Become Reality bending superhuman

Chinese Wisdom to Align Your Life With Your Personality and Life Plan

Did you know that you were born with an original “imprint” of your personality and life plan?

And if you’re feeling restless, stuck, or even depressed — it may simply be because despite your best efforts, you’re unknowingly making choices that are working against your true imprint.

Your personality and life plan derive from this imprint, whose energies relate to the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal, according to Chinese Medicine.

And on Wednesday, June 6leading author, spiritual teacher, and energy healer Jean Haner will share insights, to help you get back in touch with your life plan and the truest expression of your personality during a FREE video event: Discovering Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny.

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording later <<

Discover Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny

During this fascinating, complimentary hour, you’ll discover:

  • The 9 energetic archetypes within this ancient personality and life-plan system

  • The hidden meanings in the year, month, and day you’re born, which provide clear life guidance

  • How your inner and outer life experiences are linked to the movement of energy and qualities embodied in the Five Elements of Chinese Medicine  

  • Live readings by Jean Haner, based on the timing of when people arrived in the world

  • A practice designed to closely align you with your lifestyle, relationships, and life purpose

Join Jean to discover how this ancient branch of Chinese medicine can help you realize what your life is actually meant to be all about… and how you can align your work, key relationships, and the next steps of your life with your original “imprint.”

If you’d like to discover the power and depth of this ancient Chinese personality system, which can help you align with the original “imprint” of your personality and life plan, don’t miss: Discovering Your Energetic Archetype & Life Plan: Ancient Chinese Wisdom to Align With Your Gifts, Divine Timing & True Destiny.


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Thursday 24 May 2018

Women’s Money Summit (May 22-24) Find Your Financial Power

Discover Powerful Practices & Profound Wisdom to Transform Your Financial Life

How does money make you feel?

Does thinking about finances stir feelings of struggle or regret? Or shame that you’re not earning what you want to?

Do you feel anxious because you don’t know what you think you should know — or even who to ask your most pressing questions?

Or does money make you feel confident and free… empowered to live your life more fully… in alignment with your values, goals, and purpose?

Most women fall into one of two categories: either you have the money you want and want to learn how to do more with your money… or you don’t have the money you want and you want to learn how to find your financial power.

Either way, you can can transform your relationship with money — AND your financial situation — by changing your attitudes, energy, and behaviors around “wealth.” Along the way, you’ll also need to acquire vital tools for generating wealth, stewarding your resources, planning your giving, launching your business or charity, and more.

That’s why I’m SO excited to invite you to join The Shift Network’s first-ever Women’s Money Summit — May 22-24, 2018 — where you’ll discover powerful women who are on fire with possibility and purpose… women who will guide you with their hard-earned wisdom, and who will support your personal journey to find your financial power!

women's money summit 2018 finding your financial power

You’ll find more than 16 experts — including Twist, Vicki Robin, Dr. Cozette White, Dame DC Cordova, Kate Levinson, Hazel Henderson, Patricia Stallworth, Carol Look, and many others — bringing you deep wisdom and practical tools for transforming your financial life forever...

During this groundbreaking 3-day event, you’ll discover how to:
  • Move out of your fear of scarcity around money and embrace the attitude that what you have is sufficient & sustainable
  • Use your finances to help you manifest your life purpose into reality
  • Realize financial freedom by overcoming issues that are preventing you from growing in abundance
  • Become more discerning about where you choose to focus your consumption
  • Simple practices to shift your experience around your possessions, so they serve you rather than run you
  • Understand and conquer your fear of success… so you can stop procrastinating & start shining!
  • Weave a commitment to generosity into your personal finance or business plan
Join this one-of-a-kind online event (at no charge) to learn from an incredible lineup of compassionate leaders — women who are illuminating the path for you as you heal money wounds, thrive abundantly, and manifest your highest potential!

>> RSVP here for Women’s Money Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Through these interviews with our brilliant speakers, you will…
  • Unpack your financial stories and limiting beliefs around money so you can discover your own sufficiency and inner wealth with Lynne Twist.
  • Learn about how to align your earning and spending with your values and dreams with Vicki Robin.
  • Stop stressing about money — with key tips from Dr. Cozette White — and start “decluttering” and restoring your financial health.
  • Get enlightened on how technological advancement is making rapid and great strides in renewable energy — which will create an avalanche of new wealth with Dame DC Cordova.
  • Explore the profound concept of “emotional currency” and how the feelings we have around money can actually help us better understand and navigate our lives with Kate Levinson.
  • Join the growing movement — spearheaded by women — for creating socially responsible, ethical, and green finance, through Hazel Henderson’s unique wisdom.
  • Master your money and make it work for you by using Patricia Stallworth’s five essential steps.
  • Learn how to clear your fear of success, stop sabotaging behavior, and find your next “yes!” so you can let yourself shine in all areas of your life with Carol Look.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Ayurvedic Herbalism with Dr. K.P. Khalsa - watch live video event May 23 (26)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover 5 Essential Ayurvedic Remedies

You’ve probably heard of or tried remedies from Ayurveda, an ancient healing tradition in India.

But have you found an approach (or teacher) that has made this comprehensive system easy for you to use?

Ayurveda is quite accessible (and practical), giving you simple and effective remedies to address anxiety, stress, and hormones — and improve your mental clarity, sleep, hair, skin, and more…

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to a complimentary virtual workshop with world-renowned Ayurvedic herbalist and teacher Dr. K.P. Khalsa on Wednesday, May 23 (replay on Saturday).

Join me for 5 Essential Ayurvedic Remedies for Healing & Living Disease-Free: Discover How to Apply Triphala, Shatavari, Gotu Kola & More.

>> You can RSVP for free here for live event or get a recording <<

Ayurvedic Herbalism remedies for healing and living disease free

K.P., one of the world’s experts in herbalism, has a grounded, systematic approach, allowing you to easily apply — with the right dosages for your body — Ayurveda remedies to balance your body’s three primary metabolic forces known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

During this illuminating online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How you can safely apply Ayurvedic herbalism for your healing and health — without having to learn and apply a whole new system

  • A set of potent antioxidants known as the Triphala

  • An anti-inflammatory remedy to help curb disease

  • Ashwagandha, a common Ayurvedic herb for decreasing anxiety

  • Shatavari, a special remedy for women for anti-aging and treating menopause

  • How you can improve your mental clarity and focus, using an herb called Gotu Kola

In addition to his 47 years of experience in natural medicine, Dr. Khalsa offers practical applications for healing and balancing the body, rather than a “mystical” approach, which is common in Ayurveda.

So do join me to discover how to apply 5 essential Ayurvedic remedies to decrease inflammation, improve your digestion, strengthen your immunity, and more!

>> And all for FREE… Register here <<

If you’re interested in preventing and healing inflammation and aging-related illnesses and conditions, don’t miss this free hour with world-renowned Ayurveda doctor and teacher Dr. Khalsa.

Watch sample Dr. Khalsa talks above

>> Visit our Ayurvedic section of Herbal store for some great remedies.

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Monday 14 May 2018

Receiving Wisdom from Your Past Lives (May 16 - Event)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Are you an Earth-based or Interplanetary soul?

If you’re like many seekers, you find the idea of past lives intriguing.

Perhaps you’ve glimpsed one in a dream, shamanic journey, or near-death experience…

… or a longstanding relationship feels like it has roots from an incarnation long ago.

If you’re interested in discovering the origins of your soul and the lessons of your soul “archetype” in this lifetime, I’m thrilled to invite you to a FREE virtual event on Wednesday, May 16, with renowned author, psychologist, and regression therapist Dr. Linda Backman.

You can find out more about 3 Keys to Mastering Your Soul’s Evolution: Discovering Your Guides, Soul Archetype & Interplanetary Past Lives and reserve your complimentary seat here for Live event or get a recording later.

Linda Backman master past lives souls evolution

There’s no better teacher on this subject than Dr. Backman, who brings a rare, grounded approach to working with past lives and soul evolution.

She’s concluded that the soul evolves and is influenced by three distinct factors: support of spirit guides, the archetypal energy of the soul, and the nature of incarnations on Earth — and for a small number of souls, other planets.

In this mind-expanding hour, you’ll discover:

  • Why you are on Earth now and what your soul may be here to learn in order to evolve

  • How you can begin to connect with, and receive support from your council of guides

  • The unique energy imprints of 7 soul archetypes — and how your soul brings this archetypal energy into different lifetimes

  • Whether you are an Earth-based or Interplanetary soul (and why you chose Earth this time)

  • How an interplanetary soul’s trajectory influences a person’s challenges and gifts on Earth

With all that’s unfolding in the world, you may wonder why you would choose to incarnate during this time…

If so, don’t miss this opportunity to have Linda guide you to a deeper awareness of your soul’s evolution through time.

Don’t miss your chance to have Dr. Linda Blackman, renowned author, psychologist, and regression therapist, guide you in past-life explorations. You can make exciting discoveries about your soul’s evolution and archetype, and how your guides can support your life, now.

> Register for 3 Keys to Mastering Your Soul’s Evolution: Discovering Your Guides, Soul Archetype & Interplanetary Past Lives <<

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Friday 11 May 2018

Can meditation & purpose of life help you live longer?

Become Reality bending superhuman

What is the one common factor that stands out among the healthiest and longest lived people on the planet?


These people have a reason to live.

Whether it is family, friends, community, work, charity or making a difference in the world in some way, they are clearly motivated to live their best lives.

Surprising fact: Scientific evidence suggests that community and purpose actually impact our physical health and longevity.

Did you know that when the world’s healthiest people are asked about their secrets to living long, healthy, happy lives, the most common answers have very little to do with food or exercise?

Some of the most common reasons they state as to why they live such long, healthy lives were things like purpose, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Episode 7 on 5PM ET, Tuesday May 15th of The Human Longevity Project revolves around mindset, community, spirituality, and emotional trauma. This might be the single most powerful episode of this incredible series!

>> Click the link to sign up for free <<

You’ll hear from leading researchers, doctors, and experts, as well as elders from the world’s healthiest populations, on how these often overlooked and undervalued factors may actually be the biggest keys to a long, healthy and happy life.

How meditation practice impact longevity?

In new 9 part documentary, The Human Longevity Project, Dr. Datis Kharrazian comments, “In states of meditation… you change your heart rate, you start to release opioids, you go into an anti-inflammatory state… it’s one of the most profound ways to really impact your physiology.” It’ll come as no surprise to you that meditation and mindfulness are good for you.

A new project by my friend and colleague, Jason Prall, actually looked into things like meditation, gratitude, and human connection in the planet’s healthiest people. He also spoke to some of the world’s thought leaders and luminaries, and for the first time, uncovered some of the underlying mechanisms that afford these people such vibrant health and longevity.

In his new series, The Human Longevity Project, Jason gives us a blueprint for living a life filled with purpose, abundant health, and profound happiness. Learn how to watch for free here.

In the upcoming 9 part documentary, The Human Longevity Project, JP Sears comments, “Maybe life loves us enough to gift us with pain, to get our attention, when we’re not calibrated with our life purpose.”

As my friend and health researcher, Jason Prall traveled the world to seek answers from the planet’s healthiest people, a few things became clear: What these extraordinary people all had in common were things like gratitude, community, connection, and a sense of purpose.

These things seemed even more important than diet and exercise. It was these intangible elements that indeed played the biggest role in why they were so happy and healthy, even into their 90s, 100s and beyond. If you’re not familiar with what I’m talking about, you should be.

See, Jason began his global quest 2 years ago, with something he calls, The Human Longevity Project.

You can reserve your spot now for the limited airing of this incredible documentary

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Kundalini Awakening advanced (part 2)

Become Reality bending superhuman

From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you…

On Saturday, May 12spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will guide you on a deeper exploration of the nature of Kundalini, the ways this sacred divine energy can be experienced more fully, and how it can transform your life, during a FREE online event: Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Bridging Heaven and Earth.

>> You can register here for live event or get a recording <<

Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Bridging Heaven and Earth

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Be given advanced techniques for raising your prana and inner vibrations, including 5 simple practices to rapidly summon the energy of Kundalini Shakti on demand

  • Experience yourself as the light bridge connecting the powers of heaven and earth to transform every aspect of your life to heal, lead, motivate, and energize others

  • Be shown how to draw the Garland of Letters in your body and trace the journey of Kundalini as it moves through your chakras

  • Discover how to become a living  temple or a Sri Chakra Meru so that you can call upon more than 108 sacred energies or Shaktis in your daily life

  • Explore how sacred geometry, the flower of life, and the Sri Yantra can help you map out and live an ideal life of evolving and expanding your consciousness 

  • Find out how to be a Sky Walker and awaken your Third Eye to explore the higher potential of your consciousness, from intuition and siddhis to creativity and manifestation

In this hour-long mini-workshop, he’ll dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway to work with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to open to the blessing of Kundalini.

As you open to this evolutionary force of divine power within you, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!

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Friday 4 May 2018

Discover daily magic & wisdom around you (active dreaming practice)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Learn How to Navigate life thru synchronicity discovering magic and wisdom around you from this Free online event with dream shaman Robert Moss On Wednesday, May 9 (replay on Saturday) 

Did you know that your everyday life is filled with portals to magic, coincidence, symbols, and synchronicities?

The guidance you seek in your life is truly all around you and wise oracles come in all forms….

Dream shaman and bestselling author Robert Moss knows this to be true and believes that we need to take our dreams more literally and our waking life more symbolically to let in the magic of these other realms.

On Wednesday, May 9, (replay on Saturday) Robert will show you how to recognize and decipher the symbols and synchronicities that appear in your life and to step into the bigger story that wants to be lived through you — during a FREE virtual event: Consulting Everyday Oracles: Opening to Synchronicity, Magic & the Wisdom All Around You.

>> You can register here for Live Event or get a recording <<

Consulting Everyday Oracles: Opening to Synchronicity, Magic & the Wisdom All Around You

During this fast and fun hour, you’ll:

  • Realize that the attitudes and energies you’re carrying walk ahead of you, generating events and encounters round the next corner

  • Play sidewalk tarot — a game to turn any moment in your life into an encounter with an oracle

  • Put your major questions to the world and receive guidance on a life theme as you walk in “the forest of living symbols that are looking at you”

  • Develop the arts and skills of a kairomancer, poised to  recognize and act on special moments of opportunity

  • Honor the Gatekeeper, the sacred power that opens and closes your doors in life

  • Become conscious of your mythic edge — the larger story that wants to be lived through you

This promises to be a mind-expanding hour that will show you how to use synchronicity to gain the power and wisdom you need to unearth the bigger story for your life!

This exciting hour with Robert will also be filled with his fascinating stories — of the synchronistic magic in his own life and in the lives of others who have crossed his path. Those who know Robert often find this one of the most enjoyable aspects of his teachings!

>> Register here for this FREE online event <<

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