Thursday 29 August 2024

Free Breathwork Event: 5-Minute Joy Jumpstart for Peace & Health (recording & training)

Explore intentional breathwork & begin each day feeling energized

Imagine starting your days feeling emotionally vibrant and full of energy, liberated from the weight of unresolved trauma and challenges, with a clear and focused mind.

Wouldn’t that be transformative?

Join us on to learn how you can create a foundation of emotional resilience with Breathflow, R. Christian Minson’s unique breathwork approach. It helps you navigate the chaos of modern life with more harmony and peace as you connect to your purpose and power.

Register right here. Discover the 5-Minute Joy Jumpstart: Use Breathwork to Turn Trauma Into Tranquility to Enhance Your Health, Sleep & Peace of Mind

5-Minute Joy Jumpstart Breathwork to Turn Trauma Into Tranquility to Enhance Your Health, Sleep & Peace of Mind

Christian will guide you through his Breathflow Integrative Breathing process, the 5-Minute Joy Jumpstart, to empower you to start each day feeling relaxed, present, more joyful, and less reactive in the moment. You may even feel physical sensations like tingling as you cultivate greater awareness of your physical being, 

When you practice it regularly, you’ll gently integrate your unexpressed emotions and energy, while increasing the awareness of how your breath is flowing (or not flowing).

Central to Christian’s transformative approach is that every breath you take can be intentional. This perspective can help you navigate and heal trauma, and move from pain to a life filled with beauty, even amidst chaos. 

Christian is a highly regarded breathwork facilitator, trainer, and founder of Breathflow Wellness International. He has over 17 years of experience in the field, including more than a decade spent as a monk in a yogic monastery.

Join this very special event (recording and extra training available)

Read more: Free Breathwork Event: 5-Minute Joy Jumpstart for Peace & Health (recording & training)

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Unlock the Power of Qigong & Sound Healing: Enhance Your Wellbeing w/ Voice & Energy

Experience Qigong sound healing to elevate your wellbeing. Use your voice, energy & movement to shift unhealthy emotional patterns.

Emotions are powerful energies that can impact every aspect of your life — from feeling stress at work to overreacting in your relationships —  influencing how you feel, think, and interact with the world around you. 

That’s why emotional healing is a crucial aspect of your overall health and wellbeing. Too often, we try to “fix” our emotions — with more emotions. 

By addressing and releasing emotional blockages at a deep, energetic, vibratory level, you can experience profound healing and improvements in your physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual connection. 

In a powerful new hour-long event with Master Mingtong Gu on Tuesday, August 27, you’ll learn how to use your voice and Qigong movements to release emotional blockages and cultivate inner harmony.

You can register here to watch live or get recording later.

Experience Qigong sound healing to elevate your wellbeing. Use your voice, energy & movement to shift unhealthy emotional patterns

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Become aware of your emotional patterns, discovering how they affect every aspect of your life, including your health

  • Feel the power of energy and understand how its vibration can change your patterns over time

  • Gain a sense of hope, regardless of your struggles, challenges, or diagnoses, and learn the next steps to work with your emotional energy for holistic wellbeing

  • Participate in a sound healing meditation to open your heart energetically, enhancing your awareness of emotions, feelings, and your capacity for love, joy, and inner peace

When you learn to work with emotions as transmutable energy rather than avoiding or suppressing them, you open the door to personal transformation that can even lead to the collective healing of humanity.

Master Mingtong will share with you how to identify and resolve ingrained emotional patterns that may be negatively impacting your life. 

He’ll also lead you through a sound-healing meditation designed to open your heart, which will help you become more aware of your capacity for love, joy, and inner peace…

… a simple tool you can use anytime to uncover and transform your emotional patterns and enhance your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

Join Master Mingtong and discover the profound impact of energy vibration and Qigong sound healing to help you begin your journey toward lasting emotional relief and holistic health.

We hope to see you there. You can RSVP for free here.

In Qigong Sounds for Emotional Relief: Shift Unhealthy Emotional Patterns Into Peace & Joy Using Voice, Energy & Movement with Master Mingtong Gu

… you’ll discover practical tools to address your underlying emotional patterns and stagnant energies by creating holistic emotional healing using Qigong sound healing to open your heart and enhance your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled on Tuesday, August 27. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording as soon as it’s available. Register for free here.

Read more: Unlock the Power of Qigong & Sound Healing: Enhance Your Wellbeing w/ Voice & Energy

Thursday 22 August 2024

Free Webinar: See Energy & Deepen Intuition with Quantum-Touch Instructor

Gain insights into the core energies of your health & relationships.

Would you like to gain deeper insights on the core energies of your health, relationships, career, or life path? 

Learning Tyler Odysseus’ practical process for seeing and perceiving energy may be able to help you. A senior Quantum-Touch instructor, Tyler began seeing energy as a child but temporarily lost this ability as he entered school and became conditioned to live in the “real world.”

He later retrained himself to see energy through a series of practices that overcome subconscious programming and essentially train the Third Eye to see what the physical eyes cannot…

During this free online event with Tyler on Saturday, August 24, Enhance Your Ability to Perceive Energy, he’ll share some of his most potent techniques for seeing energy, including a guided visualization to communicate and attune to the energy of flowers and perceive their experience of life.

Unlock the ability to see & perceive energy with Tyler Odysseus (Quantum-Touch)! Free webinar: Learn techniques, see flower energy & deepen intuition. Gain insights into health, relationships & life path. Register now!

This practice can have a massive impact on your capacity for compassion, peace, and love as you understand through their energy field what life is actually like for another living being.

In this insightful online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how seeing energy is an inroads to deepening your spirituality and creativity as you learn to see and receive intuitive information

  • Be guided in a visualization to attune and communicate with the energy of flowers

  •  Begin to create new programs around your ability to see and perceive energy

  • Learn how seeing energy can reveal the true energy of your relationships, health, and more — and empower your decisions

  • Explore how energy perception can deepen your connection to others and the natural world, instilling a felt sense of joy and presence that radiates outward

Learning how to see energy not only makes life more interesting and fun through an enriched experience of color, energy, and connection…

… but deepens your spirituality as you open to a more compassionate understanding of your own energy and how others might be experiencing life, which is often very different from how they portray themselves — or what your own judgments may be distorting. 

If learning how to see and perceive energy appeals to you, I hope you’ll join us for Tyler’s event. You can RSVP here.

Read more: Free Webinar: See Energy & Deepen Intuition with Quantum-Touch Instructor

Sunday 18 August 2024

Enneagram Workshop: Chart Your Personal Breakthrough w/ Beatrice Chestnut

Discover the Enneagram’s 3-stage path for self-development.

Do you feel stuck or unfulfilled in an area of your life — or confused about why you can’t seem to catch a break?

Beatrice Chestnut, Enneagram teacher and psychotherapist, says the Enneagram may be able to help you create a personal breakthrough by deepening your understanding of the aspects of your personality that support and prevent transformation.

Beatrice at this free online event will explore how working with this ancient personality typing tool can propel your evolution forward by unveiling your blocks and your gifts, and expanding your capacity for self-love and acceptance.
> Register here for Chart a Personal Breakthrough With the Enneagram. 

Chart a Personal Breakthrough With the Enneagram

During her event, she’ll guide us in an experience to begin cultivating “witness consciousness” — the ability to self-observe in a compassionate, unbiased way — as a powerful entry point to the Enneagram’s 3-stage path to self-development.  

In this workshop, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, its roots, and its 9 types — and how it can illuminate your unique path to transformation 

  • Explore what it means to disidentify from personality — and how you can use the Enneagram type to develop new capacities and strengths, including learning to love and accept yourself 

  • Discover the “3-stage” path of self-development mapped out by the Enneagram system — and how it can help you gain clarity on what you need to do to grow and change, and make progress in your self-development

  • Learn how the Enneagram can help you with your specific issues — and get motivated to change through the Enneagram’s process for relieving specific kinds of suffering

Beatrice has been working with the Enneagram for 30 years and has used the Enneagram as a lifelong tool for expanding her own inner work. 

She views its ancient teachings as an important modern-day framework for our personal and spiritual evolution — and for raising global consciousness to create a more positive, sustainable, and self-aware world.

If this calls to you join us for this free workshop (recording) and/or extra training starting August 29.

Read more: Enneagram Workshop: Chart Your Personal Breakthrough w/ Beatrice Chestnut

Find Wholeness & Guidance: Meet Your Nature Parents from the Q'ero Tradition

Explore the wisdom of the Q’ero people & your unique nature parents. Learn how to honor the natural world & receive blessings & guidance.

Are you seeking hope, empowerment, and a deeper more personal connection to the natural world — especially in light of the current global and climate crisis? 

By cooperating within this larger living system, you can receive help and guidance and create profound and reciprocal relationships with what the Q’ero see as your unique nature parents — your Mother Water and Father Mountain.

In a profound free online event Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero:

Experience a Guided Andean Cosmovision Energy Practice for Communion With the Natural World

… Elizabeth Jenkins, an anointed teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition of the Q’ero people of South America, will guide you in an exploration of Andean cosmovision and the teachings and practices of the Q’ero people, which can help you discover who your nature parents are.

Elizabeth will explain why the Q’eros see this spiritual connection and the accompanying wisdom as essential for achieving wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment. Not having a real relationship with your nature parents leaves a feeling of disconnection and lack of inner resources.  

Indeed, they can provide a wiser, more unconditional sense of support than your biological parents ever could.

When you learn how to ask them for assistance, you’ll experience a new way of perceiving yourself as part of a sacred geography that can guide and support your spiritual evolution with wisdom and unconditional love.

It’s a journey of deepening your inextricable and reciprocal connection with nature through communication with your Mother Water and Father Mountain spirits. 

One of the most important principles of the Q’ero people is the re-sacrelization of nature, and during this hour with Elizabeth, she’ll guide you through a sacred exchange with the living energies of nature

Why is that important? When you participate in a constant life-giving exchange with nature, you’ll know that you’re never alone, making life feel more vibrant and loving.

Over 35 years ago, Elizabeth had a profound spiritual encounter in Peru that radically changed the course of her life. 

Ever since, she’s been devoted to understanding, integrating, and deepening her journey in communication with nature and Mother Earth, through the Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero.

She carries out important service projects to help the communities of the Hatun Q’eros, which has given her credibility with their spiritual and governmental authorities. 

Her profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people from diverse paths achieve heightened wellbeing, find inner and outer harmony, and connect with their personal power.

> You can register here for Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero

Guided Andean Cosmovision Energy Practice for Communion With the Natural World

In this illuminating one-hour online event, you’ll:

  • Discover that you were born with FOUR parents — your birth parents and your unique nature parents (who are just for YOU!) — and, as you get to know your personal nature beings, you’ll feel more supported and loved and have a heightened sense of inner peace and resilience

  • Be guided in experiential energy exchanges with nature to feel your inseparable connection with your nature parents

  • Understand that you’re not alone, but part of a wise, unconditionally loving, sacred geography that’s alive and conscious and always guiding you to spiritually evolve 

  • Learn how to cultivate a cooperative, reciprocal relationship with nature — and communicate with this larger living system, which will offer you the assistance you need

  • Realize that the concepts of good, bad, positive, negative, heavy, or light don’t exist in nature, enabling you to live more freely

You can RSVP for free here

Read more: Find Wholeness & Guidance: Meet Your Nature Parents from the Q'ero Tradition

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Craft Healing Remedies from Trees w/ Medical Herbalist Free Webinar & Lessons

Discover the remarkable healing properties of trees.

Plant-based herbal products are well known as remedies to treat diseases and help maintain our health. Most people think of herbs, plants, and flowers when they seek out herbal remedies.

But what about trees?

Medical herbalist Chanchal Cabrera shares that trees are remarkable healers. 

One reason why is their ability to synthesize a vast array of bioactive compounds, producing substances like tannins, flavonoids, and essential oils that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, capable of addressing a multitude of health conditions and issues

You’re invited to join us Tuesday, August 20, at 5:30pm Pacific, for a new 60-minute event during which Chanchal will share with you how you can harness the healing potential of trees by making and using a simple, safe, and effective tree-based remedy that you can use daily.

Healing Power of Trees & Plants - Enjoy Healing Oils Honeys & Liqueurs for Life-Long Medicinal Crafting with medical herbalist Chanchal Cabrera

>> You can register for free here.

Learn safe techniques for infusing evergreen tops to produce oils, honeys, and liqueurs. From setting up maceration to straining and labeling the finished products, you’ll discover effective plant extraction methods essential for herbal remedy preparation.

With over 35 years of clinical experience, Chancal dedicates her career to helping people enhance their wellbeing through natural remedies. Her expertise guides individuals in utilizing herbs, flowers, roots, and trees to support immune function, emotional balance, and overall vitality.

You’ll witness how to prepare a simple, safe, and effective tree-based remedy, and gain insights into the reasons behind each important step, empowering you to recreate this process in your own kitchen.

By the end of this event, you’ll have crafted and experienced firsthand a tree-based remedy, equipping you with the knowledge and inspiration to integrate nature’s medicine into your daily life.

>> You can register for free here.

In Harness the Healing Power of Trees & Plants: Enjoy Healing Oils, Honeys & Liqueurs for Life-Long Medicinal Crafting with medical herbalist Chanchal Cabrera, you’ll:

  • Discover how to macerate, strain, and label herbal remedies

  • Infuse evergreen tops to create oils, honeys, or liqueurs using effective plant extraction methods

  • Learn how to make a penetrating tree-based liniment by blending infused oils with tinctures and essential oils for anti-inflammatory relief and pain management of aches and pains in the joints, muscles and fascia

  • Understand the emotional and spiritual solace trees can provide — helping you reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve mental wellbeing

We hope you’ll join us for this hour-long free online event Tuesday, August 20, at 5:30pm Pacific. RSVP for free here.

Read more: Craft Healing Remedies from Trees w/ Medical Herbalist Free Webinar & Lessons

Friday 2 August 2024

Build neurocircuitry, tap universal intelligence & embrace your true self

Discover your signature frequency and the universal being you are.

Have you noticed that you’re having more self-defeating thoughts –– especially in these turbulent times, when so much feels out of control?

The truth is, these thoughts aren’t based in reality at all — they’re not taking into account how the universe really works.

The power of the universe is here to support you.

And you have full access to this power anytime you want. You just have to make the decision to choose it and accept your own power.

On Tuesday, August 6, bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter will share how to build the neurocircuitry you’ll need to access the power of the universe that’s already within you.

You can register for Tap Into Your Key Energy Code to Help You Weather Life’s Storms: Find the Universal Intelligence Within to Stay Grounded in Grace Under Any Circumstance, here.

Find the Universal Intelligence Within to Stay Grounded in Grace Under Any Circumstance

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • See yourself as a universal energetic stream that connects from the cosmos to your body — which leads to a rediscovery of your wholeness

  • Recognize why life can be so hard when you’re not residing in your unique, signature frequency — your key energy code — and how to find it

  • Understand the master key to shifting your life by realizing that your outer life is a mirror to show you what you need to transmute next

  • Discover the 3 key pivots to shift from being a reactor to a creator

  • Experience how it feels to rewire your neurocircuitry, stop thinking of yourself as a personality, and start thinking of yourself as a soul during Dr. Sue’s guided practice — and reclaim lost parts of your soul that hold keys to your signature frequency

Based on decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, Dr. Sue’s Energy Codes® offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything in your life.

In this special hour, you’ll open the gateway between your conscious and subconscious mind — so you can stop merely reacting to circumstances and instead become an intuitive, empowered co-creator of your life. 

>> RSVP here for free <<

In Tap Into Your Key Energy Code to Help You Weather Life’s Storms: Find the Universal Intelligence Within to Stay Grounded in Grace Under Any Circumstance, you’ll discover how to embrace the cosmic, universal being you truly are, so that you can tap into your energetic potential to co-create the life and future you truly want. 

You’ll also receive a downloadable recording after the event (whether or not you attend the live session) so you can listen again or at a time that’s best for you.

Read more: Build neurocircuitry, tap universal intelligence & embrace your true self