Monday 29 April 2024

Free Event: Energy Medicine Techniques for a Sharper Brain (Dr. Melanie Smith)

Discover a holistic approach to brain health with energy medicine techniques.

You may be surprised to hear that your brain already begins its aging process at the tender age of eight!

With that in mind, doesn’t it make sense to do everything you can to protect, preserve, and enhance your cognitive function to ensure that you maintain healthy mental acuity well into your elder years?

According to advanced energy medicine practitioner Dr. Melanie Smith, there are many things that can chip away at our brain health starting at a very young age — even in utero! 

And, if we don’t intentionally enhance our brain’s resilience, we can start losing memory, focus, and clarity — and possibly develop conditions like Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, or even compromise our gut health and immunity.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to join Dr. Melanie in a free video event on Tuesday, April 30, at 5:30pm Pacific, in which you’ll discover that…

… regardless of your stage of life and what’s happened in your personal world, there are many things you can do to rejuvenate, restore, and sharpen healthy brain activity — particularly energy medicine practices — to counteract and prevent the often negative impact of an aging brain.

You’ll learn important (and fascinating!) information about the chronology of brain development. For example, did you know that we come into the world with all the brain cells we’re ever going to have?

Dr. Melanie will provide a variety of self-care measures you can take on your own to bring relief, while supporting and enhancing your brain potential at any age.
> You can register for The Power of Energy Medicine for the Aging Brain: Learn 3 Techniques to Build Neuroplasticity, Detox Your Brain & Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve

The Power of Energy Medicine for the Aging Brain Learn 3 Techniques to Build Neuroplasticity, Detox Your Brain & Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve

In this hopeful and healing hour-long workshop, you’ll discover:

  • 3 energy-healing techniques to build neuroplasticity, detox your brain, open up new neural pathways, and calm your nervous system

  • The chronology of brain development and the importance of having a fully developed brain before the age of eight

  • How synapses are “communication connectors,” and the important role they play in developing brain neuroplasticity 

  • Why your early childhood and other difficult circumstances may still be impacting you now

  • The role of the vagus nerve, which manages your parasympathetic nervous system, and how its development in early childhood can affect your gut health and cause anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, and so much more

  • Ways that exposure to poor nutrition, food additives, processed food, toxins, and EMFs — especially in early childhood — can negatively impact your brain health even in your later years

You’ll walk away from this event understanding that it’s never too late to heal and enhance your brain by incorporating energy medicine practices into your everyday life. 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live and/or get free recording and extra training <<

Read more: Free Event: Energy Medicine Techniques for a Sharper Brain (Dr. Melanie Smith)

Friday 26 April 2024

Free Qigong Event: Master Ancient Shaolin Practice for Inner Strength & Rejuvenation

Learn the Qigong that Master Bodhidharma introduced to Shaolin monks.

What if growing older didn’t have to mean a decline in health and vitality? 

What if you could tap into your inner power with an ancient wisdom system that can protect your vital energy field, acting like biological armor that shields your immune system and rejuvenates your spirit?

Register to join The Shift Network on Saturday, April 27, for a free online event with Master Robert Peng, world-renowned Qigong teacher and healer, as he introduces you to Four Cycles Qigong, a movement meditation rooted in Shaolin wisdom. 

>> Register here: Discover the 4 Cycles of Shaolin Qigong: Practice an Ancient Movement Meditation That Protects Your Strength, Resilience & Immunity.

Discover the 4 Cycles of Shaolin Qigong: Practice an Ancient Movement Meditation That Protects Your Strength, Resilience & Immunity

Originally developed for warriors, Four Cycles Qigong offers a pathway for anyone seeking to cultivate life force, enhance health, and achieve mindful awareness. 

In this hour-long event, you’ll explore:

  • The 4 Cycles Qigong’s first cycle, “Supporting the Sky, Raising the Earth,” extending your energy upward and downward, establishing a strong foundational stance to improve posture and ease back pain

  • How Guardian Qi helps protect your energy, strengthening your physical body like biological armor so you’re not injured as easily and shielding your immune system, which would normally decline with age 

  • The practice of ripening the melon to understand nourishing Qi, bringing awareness to your lower dantian

  • A mantra to repeat when you go to bed or rest so you can practice Qigong even in your dreams, harnessing its profound tranquility and sense of peace

  • What “dantian” actually means, and how to access your elixir field’s energy of vitality through your lower dantian

You’ll learn how Four Cycles Qigong is done with simple breathing and mudras as a moving meditation. This engages the entire body, enhancing circulation and flexibility, and promoting the smooth flow of Qi through the meridians.

Legend has it that the great spiritual master Bodhidharma introduced the Four Cycles to Shaolin monks, rejuvenating their bodies and minds. Now Robert brings you this ancient practice that’s designed to strengthen your Guardian Qi and connect you with the essence of your being.

>> Register for free here to watch live.

When you register for Discover the 4 Cycles of Shaolin Qigong with master Robert Peng, world-renowned Qigong teacher and healer

… you’ll move through the first form of 4 Cycles Qigong — “Supporting the Sky, Raising the Earth” — to improve posture and alleviate back pain as you extend your energy upward and downward.

I hope you’ll join the event as scheduled on Saturday, April 27. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes. Register for free right here.

Read more: Free Qigong Event: Master Ancient Shaolin Practice for Inner Strength & Rejuvenation

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Free Breathwork Workshop: Master Prāṇāyāma for Health & Consciousness (Gary Kraftsow)

Did you know that each breath you take holds the potential to transform something you’re struggling with?

In fact, master yoga teacher Gary Kraftsow teaches that you can program your breath using ancient prāṇāyāma (the science of breath) techniques that not only empower your intention…

… but integrate all the dimensions of your being — physiologically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Gary will share how this works this Thursday, April 25, during his online event, Experience Sacred Breath: Ancient Techniques for Elevating Your Health & Consciousness From a Renowned Western Prāṇāyāma Master 

Free Breathwork Workshop: Master Prāṇāyāma for Health & Consciousness (Gary Kraftsow)

… where you’ll have the rare opportunity to explore the authentic teachings of prāṇāyāma — rare to find in the West today — to increase vitality, balance your emotions and nervous system, manage stress, overcome suffering, and cultivate the spiritual dimensions of life.

The secrets of prāṇāyāma were once held in and transmitted through lineages — very few of which survived into modern times

As a teenager, Gary was initiated into prāṇāyāma while studying in India with T.K.V. Deśikācar and his father, T. Kriṣṇamācāryaa, a renowned Yogi who brought the great tradition of authentic yoga to the West. He and his son served as a bridge between ancient and modern practice. 

These traditional teachings illuminate a multidimensional approach to breathwork that creates conscious relationships with our body systems that are powered by intention.

In this free online workshop, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of breath — and how you can work with it for health and wellbeing 

  • Be guided in an integration breathwork experience on directional flow and expanding the threshold of the breath to support balanced sympathetic-parasympathetic regulation

  • Learn about the relationships between breathing, chanting, and meditating — and the power of the breath to weave together these tools 

  • Begin to understand different ways to control the flow of the breath to produce different effects

  • Discover how to fully utilize the threshold breath — a powerful, yet often misunderstood, secret of yoga — and why this is tremendously useful for your health and wellbeing 

For more than 50 years, Gary has been an innovator in the transmission of yoga for health, healing, and personal transformation.

He’ll share how the ancient and modern science of prāṇāyāma can create an integrated path of healing and awakening by harnessing conscious intention to improve your health

… and supporting sympathetic-parasympathetic regulation that helps you stabilize your health and unlock deeper layers of meaning, connection, and fulfillment.

If this calls to you, I warmly invite you to join us this Thursday for Gary’s event on authentic prāṇāyāma — where you can begin to build a conscious relationship with the breath as a powerful ally to your health and spiritual evolution. 

>> You can RSVP here to watch live event (or get recording)

Read more: Free Breathwork Workshop: Master Prāṇāyāma for Health & Consciousness (Gary Kraftsow)

Saturday 20 April 2024

Free Drumming Workshop: Relieve Stress & Awaken Chakras w/ Elemental Rhythms

Join frame drummer Krista Holland for a FREE online Event & Enliven your chakras & wellbeing with elemental drumming.

Do you ever feel swept away by the stress, demands, and cadence of modern living?

What if tuning in to your own pace, your own inner rhythm, was all you needed to regain your footing, reclaim equilibrium, and experience clarity and peace in the midst of chaos and uncertainty?

A special event on Thursday, May 2, with frame drummer Krista Holland, founder of the Sacred Drumming Academy, offers a profound glimpse into the possibility drumming holds to transform the overwhelming areas of our lives into pulsating presence

the grounding and uplifting rhythms that naturally arise within us when we’re attuned to our inner selves, as well as the deeper connections, meaning, and gifts that simply being alive affords us. Register here to join us.

A special event on Thursday, May 2, with frame drummer Krista Holland, founder of the Sacred Drumming Academy, offers a profound glimpse into the possibility drumming holds to transform the overwhelming areas of our lives into pulsating presence…

The Earth’s elemental energies permeate our bodies with the wisdom of time. And every element has a rhythm, Krista says, that holds the potential to balance us, reinvigorate us with aliveness, and reconnect us to the life-force energy that animates all things

Chakras are the body’s primordial energetic reservoirs. Each elemental stroke on the drum also inspires its corresponding chakra to reverberate, sending waves of healing frequencies through you, and into every facet of your life. 

Krista has devoted more than 25 years of research and practice to the frame drum and its ancient history — and infused it with ritual, myth, and ancient yogic and feminine drumming insights.

If this resonates with you, I’d love for you to join us on Thursday, May 2, for Krista’s event. She’ll also guide us in a drumming chakra meditation to activate the power imagination holds to dissolve stress and instill calm. You can RSVP here.

Read more: Free Drumming Workshop: Relieve Stress & Awaken Chakras w/ Elemental Rhythms

Thursday 18 April 2024

Bi-location: Access Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical (Free Event)

Enhance your connection to the universe

What if you knew without a doubt that knowledge, guidance, love, and support were always within your reach? 

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

In a powerful new hour-long event with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD, learn how you can unlock the doorway to the nonphysical realms and gather real wisdom for your physical reality.

> You can register here to watch free event recording or join extended classes

Discovering your multidimensional nature bridges the gap between the seen and the unseen and connects you to a sphere of beneficent caring allies who are no longer in a body, enabling you to feel the love that is the source of everything within and around you at every moment.

Scott has devoted his life to making this bridging of worlds something that you can explore as a regular practice for healing, inspiration, and guidance.

In this illuminating hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Receive new understandings about bi-location — how it works and what benefits it offers

  • Explore the nonphysical universe’s ability to communicate with you in real time

  • Learn how to trust and test your intuition, distinguishing between emotions originating from within and those coming from external sources 

  • Strengthen your antenna, enabling you to pick up on all the information available to you, enhancing your connectivity on multiple dimensions

  • Discover that a near-death experience (NDE) isn’t necessary to successfully harness these skills, and reap the benefits of NDE insights without undergoing an actual NDE

Just as you can bi-locate and see the nonphysical world, others in the nonphysical world want to reach you with guidance, comfort, and support

… and to expand your awareness, awaken you to the possibilities that exist beyond our physical reality, give you a deeper sense of purpose and understanding, and serve as a catalyst for personal and collective growth and evolution.

Drawing from his decades of research and teaching — as well as from his personal experience — Scott will paint a clear path, helping you confidently navigate the inner reaches of your own consciousness and open up to be receptive to the nonphysical world.

He’ll guide you through an intuitive exercise about how to trust and test your intuition, identifying one specific signal for “yes” and another for “no”…

…. and showing you that you’re already communicating with the universe on multiple levels.

Join Scott and learn to master a broad spectrum of perceptual abilities and practical skills for manifesting your intentions in the physical world. 

We hope to see you there. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Bi-Location to Experience the Multidimensional Nature of Your Soul with renowned shared-death experiencer Scott M. Taylor, EdD

… you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating power of bi-location to commune with your dead loved ones and pets and meet anyone else of your choosing in the nonphysical realms.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you missed live event, RSVP below to receive a recording. 

>> Register for free here <<

Read more: Bi-location: Access Guidance & Love from Beyond the Physical (Free Event)

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Heal Naturally: Free Event on Aligning with Nature for Vibrant Health

Reset your Biorhythms by aligning with the Natural Forces of the Earth

Do you crave a simpler, more conscious way of living and being in the world? 

A simpler lifestyle that’s in alignment with nature’s rhythms not only brings you greater joy and balance — but can inspire your body’s ability to reverse pain and chronic health conditions, says osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle.

Join us Saturday, April 13 for a free online event with as Brian shares potent bioharmonic practices that have existed for millennia — and still have the power to realign us with the potent wisdom of nature’s laws, to recalibrate our systems for vibrancy, connectedness, and joy.

>> Register here <<

Heal Naturally: Free Event on Aligning with Nature for Vibrant Health

Known as a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher, Brian’s holistic approach to health weaves together embodied awareness, somatic movement, and osteopathic medicine to meet you where you are on your healing journey… 

You’ll experience this firsthand as Brian guides you in an embodied journey to create deeper potency in your field and the inner foundation needed to experience natural law and the health in your system.

You’ll discover how learning to live in alignment with nature and using its forces and rhythms — such as circadian and biorhythms, electromagnetism, light, and gravity — to harmonize your body systems, mind, and spirit is the basis of good natural hygiene and vibrant health.

You’ll learn more about the pure detoxing power of natural hygienics, including how you can begin to harness the powerful and healing intelligence of nature’s laws to reset your biorhythms, detox your body, and optimize your health and wellbeing.

>> I hope you’ll join us! RSVP here.

In Detox Your Energy System by Aligning to Nature’s Rhythm with osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle…

… you’ll inspire your body’s ability to reverse pain and chronic health conditions by realigning with the healing essence of nature and returning to a simple and joyful way of living and being.

We hope you’ll join us as scheduled on Saturday, April 13 at 10:00am Pacific. But if you register and miss it, we’ll send you a recording soon after the event concludes. Register for free here.

Read more: Heal Naturally: Free Event on Aligning with Nature for Vibrant Health

Sunday 7 April 2024

Free Event: Discover Your Supersensory Gift w/ an Ancestral Guide

Unlock Your Ancestral Wisdom: Free Event on Discovering Your Supersensory Gift

Do you possess supersensory gifts — such as energy healing, medical intuition, any of the four clairs, mediumship, or the ability to access the Akashic records? 

Or perhaps you suspect you have such gifts but don’t know how to establish and use them.

Join Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive and healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest on Tuesday, April 9, for a brand-new event with The Shift Network with as she guides you to connect with an ancestor on a guided medicine journey.

>> Register here: Your Most Important Supersensory Gift: Connect With an Ancestor to Tap Into Your Psychic Gift & Align It With Your Life’s Purpose

Unlock Your Ancestral Wisdom - Free Event on Discovering Your Supersensory Gift

Your ancestor will unveil one of your supersensory gifts and explain how you can harness its full potential to support your soul’s evolution as you serve others.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • A guided medicine journey to meet with an ancestor who’ll reveal (or remind you of) the most important supersensory gift you incarnated with — and explain how you’re meant to use it in this lifetime for your own soul growth 

  • Specific ways to further develop your gift so you serve the greater good and help others

  • How this gift or gifts you were born with are connected to gifts you’re meant to develop going forward, so you can align with your purpose for this incarnation

  • How certain practices and habits, including meditation, can sharpen your spiritual gifts and expand your consciousness

  • An overview of your soul’s journey — including pre-incarnation, post-incarnation, life purpose, karma, and soul lessons — so you can better understand where your newly uncovered spiritual gift fits into your journey

You’ll learn how to feel more connected to — and empowered by — your intuitive gifts as you explore them through an Indigenous framework. 

I hope you’ll join us! >> RSVP right here <<

When you join us for Your Most Important Supersensory Gift with Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive and healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest…

… you’ll connect with an ancestor and identify or confirm one of the supersensory gifts you were born with — and take a huge step toward understanding the reason your soul incarnated at this time.

We hope you’ll join the event as scheduled on Tuesday, April 9. But if you register and miss it, we’ll send you a recording soon after the event concludes. Register for free here! <<

Read more: Free Event: Discover Your Supersensory Gift w/ an Ancestral Guide

Monday 1 April 2024

Unlock Healing & Higher Consciousness with Sound Vibrations

Explore the healing power of sound & vibration.

The universe is in constant motion — everything is vibrating.

The whole universe can be thought of as music, says sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson.

In fact, your own body is both a set of vibrational frequencies and a frame for holding sound, which responds to specific healing frequencies and vibrations. When you discover how vibration works, you’re empowered to use sound for healing the stuck emotional energy in your system.

Join David on Tuesday, April 2 for a special event with The Shift Network, as he provides a glimpse into his insights, techniques, and practices for accessing the full range of healing vibrations.

You can register here for the free online event: The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves <<

How sound healing can help you discover the specific frequencies and timbres of each chakra — and raise your energy body vibration

In this illuminating event, you’ll discover:

  • A powerful practice to embrace all the frequencies within you to help you access higher consciousness — which David also refers to as Source or God

  • How frequencies, sounds, music, and intention can release stuck emotions and significantly transform your life — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

  • How sound healing can help you discover the specific frequencies and timbres of each chakra — and raise your energy body vibration

  • How binaural beats activate specific systems within your brain, promoting heightened wellbeing as well as relaxation, positivity, and improved memory 

  • Experience the powerful frequency of Source itself — and sense the bliss of being at one with the Universe

  • How the entire physical body is made up of different frequencies —and how to tap into them as you work with your voice and instruments

You can learn which specific sounds help you reach a sense of peace… open your heart so you can transform emotional issues as they arise… and even explore the realms of higher consciousness by reaching a theta brain state.

I hope you’ll join us! >> You can RSVP right here <<

In The Vibration of Healing & Consciousness: How Frequencies, Sounds, Music & Intention Transform Your Body, Emotions & Brainwaves with David Gibson

… you’ll experience the power of sound and vibration, and uncover the healing frequency you need most right now — to reduce pain, calm anxiety, heal disease, and raise your consciousness.

I hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled on Tuesday, April 2. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes. Register here <<

Read more: Unlock Healing & Higher Consciousness with Sound Vibrations