Thursday 29 February 2024

Reprogramming Your Brain to Dramatically Transform Your Health

Create new neural pathways to improve your health & relationships.

Are you seeking solutions for persistent health challenges?

Maybe you’ve tried meditation or alternative methods for healing, but nothing seems to work.

You have the power to truly change your life when you change your thoughts, says Brandy Gillmoremind-body-energy expert.

The question is, how, exactly, do you make this happen? It’s not as easy as just “thinking differently,” Brandy says, and popular practices like meditation just aren’t enough.

Join Brandy on Tuesday, March 5 for a brand-new hour-long event as she explores how repatterning the way your mind responds to emotional connections, energy, and the relationships in your life can unlock your body’s self-healing ability.

>> Register here: How to Reprogram Your Brain for Healing: Transforming Negative Thought Patterns Into New Neural Pathways to Improve Your Health & Relationships <<

Reprogramming your brain to dramatically transform your health

Brandy will guide you through a powerful visualization practice to reveal how underlying emotional hurt — for example, negativity you may be experiencing in a relationship — can impact your energy right on the spot, while positive emotions also have immediate physical impacts.

In this hour-long, free online event, you’ll explore:

  • guided visualization “awareness” practice to experience first-hand how negative emotions can instantly impact your energy — and how positive emotions have immediate physical impacts, too

  • The surprisingly counterintuitive role of love and self-love in your healing process (or in illness and injuries)

  • What Brandy learned from the breakthrough discovery that people with multiple personalities can have different ailments when they are in different personalities — providing fascinating insights into the connection between energy and emotions, and how you can create a radical shift in your health

  • Misconceptions about energy healing that are keeping you stuck — including the myth that practices such as meditation and theta state relaxation can change your mind’s programming (they actually can’t, says Brandy)

  • How Sigmund Freud’s work on repetition compulsion illustrates how your emotional patterns can repeat themselves — and how you can change your patterned ways of thinking and feeling

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to heal but have been unable to achieve true healing, or if you’ve made progress but haven’t yet made a full recovery, then I encourage you to come to this transformative event with Brandy.

>> RSVP right here to watch live event or/and get recording later >>

Create new neural pathways to improve your health and relationships.

When you join us for How to Reprogram Your Brain for Healing with Brandy Gillmoremind-body-energy expert, you’ll gain clarity on how to achieve radical healing results.

I hope you’ll join the event as scheduled on Tuesday, March 5. But if you register for the event and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes.

Read more: Reprogramming Your Brain to Dramatically Transform Your Health

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Explore What it Means to be a Green Witch to Enhance your Health

Meet your inner Green Witch & Understand how plants can deepen your intuition.

How would your life be different if you considered plants and trees to be sentient beings?

There is a fascinating new movement of people called “Green Witches.” They believe that, while plants can provide us with medicines and healing, they don’t exist just for us. Plants have an independent sentience that calls for a deeper kind of partnership and dialogue.  

It’s an intriguing extension of the realization that Spirit animates the entire cosmos and that sentience is much wider than we first imagined.

On Wednesday, February 28, with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett, you’ll learn what it means to be a Green Witch — someone who respects plants as sentient, living beings, and who understands that while plants do provide us with medicines and healing, they don’t exist just for us.

During the event, Robin Rose will guide you through a ritual journey to connect with your inner Green Witch — your authentic, natural self and the ultimate authority on what is true and good for you, so you can receive guidance and feel deeply connected to the Earth.

Walking the path of the Green Witch can help you attain a profound sense of peace, a stronger connection with your inner wisdom, and a renewed sense of belonging in the web of life.

You can register here for Meet Your Inner Green Witch: Discover Your Wise, Wild Essence Through the Healing Power of Root, Leaf, Flower & Tree Medicines <<

Explore what it means to be a Green Witch to enhance your health

In this enriching free online event, you’ll:

  • Gain a clear understanding of what it means to be a Green Witch — and how this path can enrich your life, opening doors to a world where plants are more than just pretty vegetation or delicious ingredients; they’re teachers and healers

  • Meet your inner Green Witch, a powerful source of wisdom and guidance that lies within you, waiting to be discovered and embraced through a guided meditative journey

  • Discover how to make the Sacred Moments Herbal Smoke Blend, a ceremonial recipe to invoke Spirit — enhancing your spiritual practice, deepening your connection with the Earth and your inner wisdom, and relaxing you in body and mind

  • Explore the unique benefits of herbs like Mullein, Coltsfoot, and Mugwort — and understand how these plants can be used in everyday life to deepen your intuition and connect you more profoundly with your inner self

Join Robin Rose and discover how you can deeply connect with the plants and flowers around you so you can receive their healing gifts, affirming that you are one with all living beings on Earth, and providing you with a potent sense of kinship and a powerful antidote to loneliness.

>> You can RSVP for free here >>

In Meet Your Inner Green Witch: Discover Your Wise, Wild Essence Through the Healing Power of Root, Leaf, Flower & Tree Medicines with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett… 

… you’ll explore what it means to be a Green Witch — honoring plants and trees as loving, conscious beings — and discover how you can work with them to enhance your health, deepen your intuition, and connect with nature.  

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Explore What it Means to be a Green Witch to Enhance your Health

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Unlock Your Intuition by Attuning to The Higher Vibrations of Life for Empaths & HSPs

Join us to receive a channeled message from the Beings of Light.

Have you ever felt the physical, mental, or emotional pain of someone else and instead of lifting them up your energy lowered to meet their vibration? 

That’s the greatest challenge of empathy, say Rob Schwartz, a between-life soul regression hypnotist, and his wife, co-teacher, and channeler Liesel Fricke

… but it’s also a great gift — once you learn how to attune to the higher vibrations of life such as love, joy, and peace and are able to maintain your vibration regardless of what’s happening outside of you.

Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition, Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil

During this 60 min free online event called: Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition, Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil, with Rob and Liesel on Saturday, February 24...

… you’ll explore how to do just that as they share how you can begin to “turn the dial” to more expansive frequencies to infinite your intuition and empower your empathic and sensitive nature.

During this event, you’ll:

  • Explore how attuning to the vibrations of love, peace and joy can help you effectively work with the gifts of empathy and sensitivity 

  • Learn how you can “turn the dial” to different frequencies using attention and intention — and start expanding your capacity for empathy and sensitivity 

  • Be guided in a powerful meditation channeled by Liesel from the Beings of Light to open to the deep love of your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters 

  • Discover the Divine virtues that we are are often working on as a soul choosing to incarnate at this time and era of ascension — allowing for greater ease and a release from suffering while here on Earth

  • Receive potent tips for how you can thrive as an intuitive empath or HSP during this tumultuous time of evolution

Compassionate wayshowers in this liminal time of personal and collective evolution, Rob and Liesel share a profound ability to help others reach their full potential by activating their intuition — and attuning to the greater plan for their lives.

This begins with a deep remembrance of their Divine virtues, which Rob and Liesel spark through meditation, hypnotic regression, and channeled messages from the Beings of Light.

In joining us, you’ll gain potent tools that will help you attune to love, your higher self, spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters as you as you explore the greater purpose of your empathic gifts.

>> If this resonates with you, you can RSVP here for Rob and Liesel’s event <<

Join us on Saturday, February 24, for Tune In & Turn Up Your Intuition: Use your Empathy and Sensitivity to Merge into the Vibration of Oneness Consciousness & Overcome Turmoil, a free online event with Rob Schwartz, a between-life soul regression hypnotist, and his wife, co-teacher, and channeler Liesel Fricke.

With Rob and Liesel, you’ll raise your vibration through unity consciousness and the loving wisdom of the Beings of Light to accelerate your ascension, access more expansive frequencies, and catalyze the healing potential of your empathic and intuitive gifts.

You’ll also be among the first to learn about their new 7-week course on how your Divine virtues can help you transmute suffering and trauma and embody the gifts of empathy and sensitivity — to positively transform your life and our world.

>> Register here to join us!

Read more: Unlock Your Intuition by Attuning to The Higher Vibrations of Life for Empaths & HSPs

Friday 16 February 2024

Practices to awaken your physical, mental & spiritual power

Explore the 3 pillars of Qigong to actualize your intentions.

Does your movement practice engage your physical and energetic anatomy?

The 3 pillars of Qigong — medical, martial, and spiritual — can do both, all while illuminating a path to sustained health and wellbeing, and infusing the mind, body, and spirit with vitality, strength, and presence. 

Actualize Your Intentions With the 3 Pillars of Qigong: Explore a Fusion of Medical, Martial & Spiritual Practices for Increased Energy, Resilience & Strength, a special free online event on Tuesday, February 20, with Qigong expert Matthew Cohen

… will explore how the 3 pillars of Qigong can awaken your physical, mental, and spiritual power — and deepen your access to it. Register here to join us.

Join Qigong Practice Online Explore a Fusion of Medical, Martial & Spiritual Practices for Increased Energy, Resilience & Strength

A movement practice that touches all that you are simultaneously allows you to cultivate what Matthew calls intentional health

… an inner presence so deep that it not only permeates your body with a deep sense of wellbeing but steadies your mind and opens your heart as well, allowing you to befriend and transform challenges, conflicts, and uncertainties — and better control how they influence your health.

During this event, you’ll:

  • Discover how 3 pillars of Qigong bring balance, strength, and equilibrium to your health and life

  • Be guided through “5 Expressions of Silkworm” — a practice that shows five different ways of using the same movement for different results

  • Explore the sacred trinity of the 3 pillars and how they intersect through movement and in various areas of your life 

  • Learn how the 5 elements Qigong can help you adjust and regulate your energy, balance emotions, and develop functional strength

  • Explore how Matthew’s approach to Qigong practice can enhance your focus and ability to be more present and efficient by harnessing the power of intention, attention, and awareness 

As the founder of Sacred Energy Arts, Matthew is known for his integrative, calm, and reassuring teaching style that adapts to all levels of learning. If you’re looking for a movement practice that can meet you where you are on your journey, you’ll definitely want to tune in to this event.

Matthew’s deep and artful synthesis of Qigong, breathwork, poetry, embodiment practices, and meditation…

… can help you enhance your ability to regulate your energy, live compassionately — and face life with greater resilience, ease, and clarity.

>> If this calls to you, you can RSVP here to join us.

Join us on Tuesday, February 20, for Qigong teacher Matthew Cohen’s free online event, Actualize Your Intentions With the 3 Pillars of Qigong: Explore a Fusion of Medical, Martial & Spiritual Practices for Increased Energy, Resilience & Strength…

… where you’ll explore an inspiring multidisciplinary approach to Qigong that increases your functional capacity, empowers your goals, and primes your mind, body, and spirit for strength, compassion, resilience, and peace.

>> Register here to reserve your spot and/or get recording later.

Read more: Practices to awaken your physical, mental & spiritual power

Monday 12 February 2024

Learn How Sound, Light & Your Thought Can Lead to Vibrant Health

Explore how every part of your life is interconnected with your wellbeing.  Work with water, light, sound, frequency & quantum flow to elevate your wellness.

Imagine that your health isn’t just a matter of biology but a beautiful dance with the universe. This is the heart of Quantum Biology, a field that extends beyond traditional medicine to explore how quantum phenomena, like entanglement and superposition, play a crucial role in powering our biology.

If you’ve been searching for a deeper, more magical and interconnected path to wellness, one that’s in tune with the seasons, the sun, and the earth, and that can help you understand your health on a spiritual level, Quantum Biology is for you.

On Tuesday, February 13, with Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Catherine Clinton, ND, you’ll learn how to harness universal energies, including light, sound, and coherence, for radiant wellness, deep connection, and profound wellbeing — helping you live a more vibrant and fulfilling life. 

>> Register here for Discover Your Quantum Biology: How Light, Sound & Your Thoughts Can Lead to Vibrant Health >>

Discover Your Quantum Biology: How Light, Sound & Your Thoughts Can Lead to Vibrant Health

In this illuminating hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the mystery and science of Quantum Biology to feel a profound sense of unity and belonging as you learn about the energetic flow connecting us all

  • Discover how Quantum Biology empowers you to influence your health, nurturing deeper connections with the world and reducing feelings of isolation

  • Shift your perspective on life, embracing the idea that you are part of a universal energy and enhancing your sense of purpose and vitality

  • Learn about the transformative effects of light, sound, and coherence on your wellbeing, bringing balance and efficiency to every cell in your body

  • Participate in a coherence exercise for immediate relaxation and expanded awareness, leading to a more regulated nervous system

You’ll hear about how sound and light can address specific health concerns, like inflammation, sleep disorders, and hormonal imbalances, and how Quantum Biology can offer potent solutions that conventional medicine may overlook.

You’ll see how Quantum Biology can help you establish a deeper connection with the world, fostering a sense of belonging and safety and reducing feelings of anxiety and isolation during turbulent times. 

You’ll explore how external environmental factors, like sunlight and the earth’s energy, play a crucial role in your wellbeing, and how internal factors, such as mitochondrial health and psychoimmunology, are influenced by your emotions and thoughts.

Dr. Clinton will also lead you through a coherence exercise, which will give you an immediate and expanded sense of awareness and relaxation. You can use this exercise anytime during your day to regulate your nervous system and relieve stress and anxiety. 

Join Dr. Clinton to gain a deeper understanding of your body and learn simple, free things you can do to immediately amplify your health.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live and/or get recording later >>

In Discover Your Quantum Biology: How Light, Sound & Your Thoughts Can Lead to Vibrant Health with Licensed Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Catherine Clinton, ND

… you’ll learn for yourself how quantum phenomena, like entanglement and superposition, play a crucial role in powering your biology.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled on Tuesday, February 13. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Learn How Sound, Light & Your Thought Can Lead to Vibrant Health

Thursday 8 February 2024

Learn Possibility Accelerator Formula or Science-based Way to Manifest Your Dreams

Learn how to amplify your true purpose to live a life of passion.

What if there were an actual science-based process of manifestation that we could all discover and apply to more effectively create our dream life?

The good news is that leading-edge scientists are increasingly concluding that key, repeatable principles can help increase the efficacy of our intentions.

On Saturday, February 10th, with the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Director of Experience and Engagement Kerstin Sjoquist, MA, and Senior Designer of Experiential Programs Nina Fry-Kizler, MA

… you’ll learn two essential components of their proprietary, customizable manifestation process, the Possibility Accelerator Formula: Reveal and Imagine. 

Kerstin and Nina will lead you through a guided meditation similar to shamanic journeying, where you’ll find your Reveal portal…

… harnessing the power of attention to unlock information typically beyond the reach of your everyday intellect that can illuminate your path and remove the mental blocks that may be hindering your progress.

The Imagine practice complements the Reveal practice by focusing on the power of your creative mind. Through another guided experience, you’ll learn to imbue an object in your space with your intention, continually reminding yourself of your goals and aspirations.

More than just exercises, these practices are gateways to realizing the abundance of opportunities and resources you have, which may have been previously invisible to you…

… helping you find the clarity and means to do what you want and create the change you desire in your life and in the world.

>> Register here for Explore a Science-Based Framework for Manifesting Your Dreams A Customizable Process for Unearthing Your True Purpose & Living a Life of Passion and Possibility >>

Science-based Formula to Manifest Your Dreams Possibility Accelerator Formula

In this highly experiential free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the Reveal aspect of the Possibility Accelerator Formula, using the power of focused attention to uncover insights and information beyond your usual intellectual reach

  • Dive into the Imagine component of the Possibility Accelerator Formula, employing your creative mind and intentions to influence your material reality 

  • Discover techniques to remove mental and emotional roadblocks, paving the way for smoother and faster progress in your personal and professional life

  • Gain clarity on your path forward, employing new perspectives and understanding about your life’s direction and purpose

  • Learn to recognize and utilize the abundant resources and opportunities around you, enhancing your ability to manifest your desired outcomes

Join Kerstin and Nina and discover how you can take the first step toward a more fulfilling life full of passion and purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live and/or get recording later >>

From The Shift Network Team:

In Explore a Science-Based Framework for Manifesting Your Dreams A Customizable Process for Unearthing Your True Purpose & Living a Life of Passion and Possibility

with Institute of Noetic Sciences Director of Experience and Engagement Kerstin Sjoquist, MA, and Senior Designer of Experiential Programs Nina Fry-Kizler, MA…

… you’ll experience for yourself two essential components of their proprietary customizable manifestation process, the Possibility Accelerator Formula.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled on Saturday, February 10. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Learn Possibility Accelerator Formula or Science-based Way to Manifest Your Dreams

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Unlock Your Full Potential: Dive into 'Winning The 'Inner Game' of Success' Free Book

Master the 7 Keys to Unleash Your Subconscious Superpowers, Overcome Limiting Beliefs, and Achieve Unstoppable Success. Limited Time Offer: Grab Your Free Amazon Bestseller Book Copy and Exclusive Access to the Live Event on February 8th!

Would you want to be mentored by an expert brain and mindset coach?

The world’s #1 Mindset Coach (and my mentor) John Assaraf just released his new book…


7 Keys to Unleashing The Superpowers of Your Subconscious

>> Click here to download it now for free! <<

Download winning the inner game of success book amazon bestseller for free

In case you don’t know John Assaraf, he is a world-renowned brain & success expert whose books and programs have helped 100,000 people around the world to unlock life-changing success.

He is known as “the brain whisperer” for his ability to help his students take any challenge, failure, limiting belief or fear… and turn it into your fuel for unstoppable success.

Go grab your copy now before it goes full price! 

Inside the book, you will discover:

  • 7 keys to unleashing the power of your subconscious mind for more confidence, more focus, and more success

  • Quick tips to improve confidence and release the limiting beliefs and fears that may be holding you back from massive success

  • The #1 mindset mistake people make in their daily life (that can literally set you back for months or even years!)

  • A “100,000 success story” guide you can easily follow to achieve any goal faster - backed by the latest brain science

  • Simple, yet ground-breaking methods to supercharge your focus and productivity

  • The ONE crucial mindset shift you need to manifest your dream life (Warning: Even with ALL success tools at hand, failure is still in the cards if you overlook this)

  • The little-known "Dual Forces" inside your mind and how to create synergy between them so you can achieve your biggest goals faster and easier

  • The 3 questions you must ask yourself to instantly unlock your brain’s fullest power and potential (this one is HUGE)

  • An urgent look at the 2 paths you can take after reading this book (Hint: one is filled with many potential setbacks, while the other has been scientifically proven to create rapid success)

In short, the exact steps you need to: “Winning The ‘Inner Game’ of Success” right now.

The more you apply the scientifically proven techniques in this book, the more empowered you'll feel to achieve your biggest goals and dreams.

If you want to experience it for yourself…

>> Go here now and download your free copy! >>

John has spent the last 10+ years studying the “brain unlocking secrets” and manifestation secrets of the world’s most successful people.

And he’s put it all in this new book.

The bottom line is…

>> This stuff works and can dramatically improve your income, confidence, resilience, and success.

But again, only available for our members for free for a limited time.

So grab your copy today!

Trust us - You've never experienced a book quite like this :-)

It's a fully interactive experience that combines a traditional book narrative with a live event designed to trigger an even deeper subconscious transformation within you. Don’t miss out. Once you sign up, you’ll see the option to add a free ticket to the live event on February 8th.

Read more: Unlock Your Full Potential: Dive into 'Winning The 'Inner Game' of Success' Free Book

Monday 5 February 2024

Self-healing w/ Native American Wisdom, Prayers & Clearing Techniques

Awaken your healing powers with the gifts of your Hočhóka

What if you had a compassionate team of wise advisors by your side — to guide you through life’s most challenging moments and illuminate even the darkest nights of the soul?

Lakota guide Brandy Tuttle affirms that through the power of prayer, guided visualizations, meditation, and transcendent storytelling, you can connect with your team of spirit guides who’ll help you facilitate remarkable levels of healing in every part of your life.

Join us for a brand-new event on Thursday, February 8, as Brandy, born into the Lakota culture, introduces you to your Hočhóka, which means “the place where ceremony happens”  — to help you do your part to heal humanity and shine your inner light.

>> Register here for Awaken Your Healing Powers With the Gifts of Your Hočhóka: Explore the Purifying Medicine of the 7 Directions & More Native American Wisdom >>

Explore healing through the 7 Directions in Native American medicine

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A guided grounding exercise where you’ll go into the earth, feeling into life’s intricacies as you clear out the static of your analytical mind that keeps you from connecting with your highest Self, in the process, you’ll identify the energies that serve you, and those that don’t 

  • How you can call on the spirits in each of the directions for different kinds of guidance

  • How you can embrace your journey of self-discovery, claiming your personal power and realization along the way

  • The importance of self-healing and merging with Source — so you can transcend this physical world and stop relying on outside forces to facilitate your healing 

  • Ancestral clearing, and why your emotional and spiritual struggles must be transmuted so new generations don’t inherit it

When you use the gifts you’ve been given for the greater good, you’ll find that your own life’s polarities come into balance, forming a unified whole. From there, your higher Self can emerge. 

Your soul’s seed, having reached its full potential, can then blossom vibrantly — so you can share the fruits of your labor, life, and experiences.

Brandy is a powerful guide who can help you bridge ancient and modern worlds and make a real relationship with the Other Side a practical, daily reality.

>> Join us to watch live and/or get recording later >>

When you join master spiritual alchemist Brandy Tuttle for Awaken Your Healing Powers With the Gifts of Your Hočhóka, you’ll connect to your inner Hočhóka (a Lakota term for “the place where ceremony happens”)…

… awakening your healer within and integrating your mind, body, and spirit for personal healing, growth, and worldly contribution.

We hope you’ll join us as scheduled on Thursday, February 8. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes. Register now >>

Read more: Self-healing w/ Native American Wisdom, Prayers & Clearing Techniques

Thursday 1 February 2024

Watch Unsinkable SUPER Conference 2024 - The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!

Join Sonia Ricotti, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Les Brown, and Others! 10 Motivational Speakers & You!

We're super excited to announce that Sonia Ricotti will be airing her all-day Unsinkable SUPER Conference this weekend!

It’s truly one of the most inspirational all-day events you’ll ever experience (and it’s free!).

The focus will be on one thing – YOU, and how YOU can reboot your life, bounce back BIG, and live your greatest life!

The speakers include Sonia Ricotti, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Rhonda Britten.

Join Free to Watch Live Unsinkable Super Conference by Sonia Ricotti & 10 Motivational Speakers + Sound Healing Concert

>> Reserve your spot now by visiting this link <<

You’ll also experience a beautiful “Sound Healing” session from the wonderful Mark Romero that will help you immediately shift how you feel and put you in a positive, happy, peaceful state.

Plus, there will be a beautiful tribute to the legendary Bob Proctor, and his life-changing teachings (including his entire interview from the Unsinkable movie). It’s powerful.

This will be a moving, inspirational, and life-changing event.

You will learn how to let go of all negativity, end all suffering, heal the past, be happy now, and bounce back higher than ever!

You will have a new lease on life.

>> Go here to reserve your spot now.

Here’s a sneak peek at all the sessions in this conference:

  • Sonia Ricotti:
    How to Bounce Back BIG!

  • Bob Proctor (Tribute): Honoring this Legendary Man and His Life-Changing Teachings

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Heal Your Body with Your Mind

  • Lisa Nichols: Winners Never Quit: Rising Above the Impossible

  • Dr. John Gray: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Especially During Difficult Times!)

  • John Assaraf: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain's Hidden Power

  • Les Brown: Mind Over Health: The Secret to Living a Long and Happy Life

  • Marci Shimoff: The 3 Steps to Being Happy NOW (Even When Life Isn’t Perfect)

  • Rhonda Britten: The Power of Forgiveness to Set YOURSELF Free!

  • Mark Romero: “Sound Healing” Session

  • Sonia Ricotti: 6 Steps to Manifesting Money!

…and so much more!

This is one of those "must-attend" life-changing events, so make sure you reserve your spot and block it off in your calendar.

And that's not all! The conference is packed with even more life-enriching sessions and surprises!

The Unsinkable SUPER Conference is an absolute "must-attend" event if you're seeking positive transformation in your life. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Reserve your spot and mark your calendar to ensure you're fully immersed in this extraordinary experience.

>> Click here to reserve your spot now.

Enjoy the conference!

Read more: Watch Unsinkable SUPER Conference 2024 - The Most Inspirational Event of the Year!