Thursday 28 September 2023

Energy Management for HSPs, Empaths & Intuitives (Event)

Protect your energy & thrive as an empath, sensitive, or intuitive.

Have you ever been told that you’re overreacting, being dramatic, or are too sensitive?

Some people, but not all, possess extraordinary qualities that allow them to more deeply connect with the emotional tapestry of the world.

The downside of this sensitivity is that these souls can often find themselves ungrounded, frazzled, uncentered…

… and struggling with strong emotions that frequently tip them into feeling over-saturated.

Do any of these statements ring true for you? If so, then you may actually be an empath, highly sensitive person (HSP), or intuitive.

Yet despite facing such a wide array of potentially debilitating challenges, empaths, HSPs, and intuitives like you possess unique and invaluable gifts… 

… and you can learn to navigate your emotional terrain, turning your vulnerability into strength and your empathy into a force for healing and connection.

You’re invited to join the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, where you’ll discover a unique set of science-backed tools to master your gifts of sensitivity — allowing you to harness your innate abilities in your work, your purpose, your relationships, and more.

If you choose to attend, you’ll become part of a worldwide community of empaths, intuitives, and HSPs who want to develop effective self-care practices to enhance their lives — while learning to establish firm energetic boundaries and trust their intuition.

And you’ll be led by an inspiring gathering of empathy experts, luminaries, doctors, and teachers. 

You’ll receive demonstrations of these potent strategies and practices from Judith Orloff, MD, Alane Freund, Imi Lo, Michael R. Smith, PhD, Dr. Natasha Fallahi, Dr. William Bloom, Nina Khoo, Rob Schwartz, and many more. 

They’ll illuminate your path and inspire you to rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose. 

Join this Free Online Event
Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit
October 10-12

Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2023jpg

Join many of today’s highly sought-after empath experts and teachers — including Judith Orloff, MD, Alane Freund, Imi Lo, Michael R. Smith, PhD, Dr. Natasha Fallahi, Dr. William Bloom, Wendy De Rosa, Nina Khoo, Karen Curry Parker, Langston Kahn, Rob Schwartz, and many other luminaries.

This free online gathering is being hosted by author, speaker, and coach for highly sensitive people (HSPs) Melissa Schwartz… and guest host David Gandelman, who’s a spiritual teacher, author, and founder of the Meditation School App.

Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 3-day event, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be a sensitive sensation seeker, and unique opportunities for you to self-actualize over a lifetime

  • How to intentionally nurturing your sensitive nervous system, unlock your potential to flourish, and uncover your empathic gifts

  • Five of the most common personal core wounds that sensitives, intuitives, and empaths experience — and powerful ways to reclaim your confident, capable, resilient self

  • How to spot an energy vampire, set clear and strong boundaries, and level up your psychic self defense, so you can feel safe and powerful in the world

  • How to use the Flower of Life and the Merkaba to step into the power of your energy bodies to heal yourself, your relationships, and the planet 

  • Insights from Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy that can show how you may have developed parts as coping mechanisms in a non-sensitive world

And much more…

In the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, you’ll discover energy management and boundary-building skills, plus other science-based practices to transform overwhelm, anxiety, and distraction into discernment, autonomy, and groundedness. 

Please join me for this landmark event. I look forward to seeing you there.

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Judith Orloff, MD, will review the common causes of burnout — including the drain from having “too much empathy” — and how to reverse this to achieve more balance.

  • Alane Freund will share a meditation technique designed especially for sensitives, plus 3 tools to use when feeling out of sorts.

  • Imi Lo will review traits and upsides of being emotionally, intellectually, and/or spiritually intense, as well as the kinds of difficulties highly sensitive and intense people can face.

  • Michael R. Smith, PhD, will discuss how to learn cutting-edge strategies to ignite your intuition so you can receive clear communication and guidance from your spirit guides. 

  • Dr. Natasha Fallahi will reveal the root causes of common issues sensitive people face, and natural ways to heal many chronic health imbalances.

  • Dr. William Bloom will explain why you need to practice core psychic safety skills to protect yourself from negative vibrations when you closely connect with Source, spirits, and subtle energies. 

  • Wendy De Rosa will discuss how to become empowered as an empath and stop taking on the energy of others.

  • Nina Khoo will share why she believes that highly sensitive people (HSPs) first need to heal childhood traumas in order to show up fully and comfortably as leaders.

  • Karen Curry Parker will reveal why it’s more important than ever before to understand intuition, and how to tune into the correct frequency to “hear” the information being broadcast to you

  • Langston Kahn will share tools to break the cycle of losing yourself in others’ emotions or isolating to protect yourself — guiding you back into joyful relationships with your sensitivity, authenticity, community, and the Earth.

  • Rob Schwartz will guide you to reframe how you perceive your empathic nature and your tremendous gifts — offering opportunities to raise your vibration and consciousness while tapping your natural superpower to merge with Source.

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Energy Management for HSPs, Empaths & Intuitives (Event)

Tuesday 26 September 2023

Explore Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks

You’re surrounded by sound and its vibrations every day… yet probably take it for granted.

You may also be unaware of the profound healing that certain vibrational frequencies can provide. Or perhaps you are, and regularly enjoy the deeply calming, rejuvenating effects of a gong or tuning fork “sound bath” or specially composed piece of music.

Whether you’re new to the healing balm that sound provides or are a frequent recipient of its many positive effects on your physical, emotional, and spiritual being, there’s always more to discover and experience.

On Saturday, September 30, with Jonathan Goldman, the foremost pioneer in the field of harmonics, you’ll discover simple sound-healing techniques you can try yourself that can have powerful healing effects on your entire system. One of these activities is humming.

Studies show that humming not only helps with stress levels, sleep, and blood pressure but also increases lymphatic circulation and melatonin production, releases endorphins, creates new neural pathways in the brain, and releases nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter fundamental to our health.

During this highly experiential hour with Jonathan, he’ll also share the powerful vibrational medicine of tuning forks to raise your vibrational frequencies, optimize your emotional and physical wellbeing, and heighten your consciousness.

>> You can register here for Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks: Raise Your Vibrational Resonance for Higher Consciousness, Health & Harmony <<

Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks: Raise Your Vibrational Resonance for Higher Consciousness, Health & Harmony with Jonathan Goldman

You’ll discover:

  • The basic principles of why sound heals

  • How to access powerful vibrational medicine through both tuning forks and humming  

  • How sound is your “hotline” to the Divine

  • Humming is a powerful psychospiritual healing tool that can elevate your frequency and shift your consciousness

  • A step-by-step process for activating heart-brain coherence and raising your own vibration and the vibration of the planet

  • The healing vibrational resonance of tuning forks through an experiential exercise to raise your vibrational frequencies and level of awareness

  • By being guided in self-created sound, through tonal humming, how you can transform stress into self-empowerment

There’s so much to discover and experience through sound healing — and by humming, you’ll discover during this transformative hour with Jonathan that you hold a powerful non-pharmaceutical prescription for self-healing that has only positive side effects, including better health, more happiness, and deeper spiritual awareness.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks: Raise Your Vibrational Resonance for Higher Consciousness, Health & Harmony with Jonathan Goldman… 

… you’ll discover humming as a powerful non-pharmaceutical prescription that can help improve stress levels, sleep, and blood pressure — and even create new neural pathways in your brain.

Read more: Explore Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks

Sunday 24 September 2023

Try Sonic Meditation | Open Unique Signature Sound of Your Voice Alchemy

Discover your sacred magnetic voice for harmony, love & prosperity.

What if you could bring a powerful sense of vitality, wellbeing, love, and joy into your life — all by harnessing the innate power of your own voice?

Within your speaking voice lies a unique signature sound that comes from your “soul made flesh,” says master of voice Stewart Pearce, an angelic emissary and inspirational speaker.

Once you locate your unique authentic voice, you can discover and expand your personal sovereignty, resolve past karmic challenges, and enliven your divine blueprint.

By centering your note within the heart chakra, your voice arises from the deeper well of your being — so you can use your voice to communicate with greater power, purpose, and gravitas.

Stewart will guide you through a sonic meditation to help you open the unique signature note (or tone) of your voice.

>> RSVP here to watch free recording (access extra training) for Discover Your Sacred Magnetic Voice: How to Access the Signature Note of Your Soul as a Force for Harmony, Love & Prosperity <<

Sonic Meditation to Discover Your Sacred Magnetic Voice or How to Access the Signature Note of Your Soul as a Force for Harmony, Love & Prosperity

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Find your signature note during a guided sonic meditation, and experience how locating your signature note can ultimately transform the way you live — and heighten your awareness around every part of your personal communication, relationships, and work in the world

  • Use your breath to notice your initial impulse to sound and express, which brings a new quality of flow to your speaking, moving, and sensing

  • Discover how your voice holds the power to influence, magnetize, and empower your creative process into the beauty of manifestation

  • Center your signature note within your heart chakra so your voice can arise from the deeper part of your being and communicate the power, purpose, gravity, and authentic truth of your being

  • Learn how, once you harmonize your voice, your internal organs, blood flow, and neural activity transform to create an inner peace that expands your capacity to navigate life

As you’ll discover during the sonic meditation, when this signature note is open, you can immediately perceive profound harmony moving throughout your whole body — and eventually, throughout your life.

Awakening your signature note helps you feel the powerful truth that your heart is the seat of the soul — empowering you to allow your true, authentic power to resonate in the world.

>> You can watch this 60 min event for free here <<

In Discover Your Sacred Magnetic Voice: How to Access the Signature Note of Your Soul as a Force for Harmony, Love & Prosperity with Stewart Pearce…

… you’ll find your soul’s signature note to harmonize your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, bringing a new magnetic energy into your relationships, work, and spiritual journey — all through the authentic and alchemical song of your soul.

Read more: Try Sonic Meditation | Open Unique Signature Sound of Your Voice Alchemy

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Qigong for Women to Navigate Midlife Transitions w/ Ease & Grace

As you embrace this new chapter of your life, have you encountered any menopausal symptoms, such as lower libido, brain fog, or fatigue?

Or, maybe this midlife transition is right around the corner, and you want to lay the foundation to navigate this pivotal time with as much ease and grace as possible…

You can feel younger and slow down the aging process with the ancient healing traditions and practices of Qigong, says Deborah Davis, a respected holistic practitioner and women’s Qigong and sexuality coach.

Through Qigong practices specifically designed for women, you can bolster your Qi through breath and movement — and direct it to different parts of your body for healing. 

This will empower you to more effectively nurture yourself as you navigate hot flashes, insomnia, stress, anxiety, chronic illness, grief, sadness, or just feeling out of touch with your body…

On Tuesday, September 26, you can join Deborah to learn to heal and nurture yourself with Timeless Body Qigong, featuring practices made for a woman’s body.

>> You can register here for Discover “Timeless Body” Qigong: Practices for Slowing Aging, Boosting Your Energy & Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health & Beauty <<

Qigong Practices for Women to Slow Aging, Boosting Your Energy & Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health & Beauty

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • A grounding Qigong practice for addressing the symptoms of your hormonal changes — featuring the uterine palace, your female energy center, located above your public bone

  • Why women’s Qigong is much more than a moving meditation — and how these Qigong movements also activate the meridians, operating within the organ systems to ease symptoms on the deepest levels

  • How your Qigong practice can evolve in different seasons of life — in our youth, we focus on nourishing blood and moving stagnant Qi… and as we enter perimenopause or menopause, we must instead nourish the yin energy, clear heat, and regulate the hormones and nervous system

  • The 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong, a guided practice to ease symptoms commonly associated with the second spring of life, including hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, and more

  • How self-care techniques — including breathwork, acupressure, and self-massage — can complement your Qigong practice and help you reclaim your vibrancy, peace, and joy in the second half of life

Join Deborah and begin your journey to not just successfully navigate the second spring of your life — but wholeheartedly embrace it as you proactively address your symptoms and cultivate new levels of balance, inner peace, and joy with Timeless Body Qigong.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover “Timeless Body” Qigong: Practices for Slowing Aging, Boosting Your Energy & Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health & Beauty with Deborah Davis…

… you’ll learn how you can heal and prevent disease, eliminate hot flashes, revitalize your libido, and much more as you age — with Qigong designed for a woman’s body.

Read more: Qigong for Women to Navigate Midlife Transitions w/ Ease & Grace

Sunday 17 September 2023

Unlock Inner Peace & Vitality: Discover Power of Qi Gong for Stress Relief

1. Enjoy a FREE webinar from Qi Gong master Lee Holden

Life has always had its share of stressors, but it's safe to say that these are far from the best of times. Fortunately, we're living in an era where we have an array of tools at our disposal to help us gracefully navigate through the tension and uncertainty that surrounds us. Among these tools, the ancient practice of qi gong stands out as one of the most effective ways to combat stress and tackle negative emotions head-on.

With over two decades of experience in teaching qi gong, Lee Holden has witnessed remarkable transformations among his students. From relieving chronic pain to regaining lost mobility, the results speak for themselves. The good news is, we're delighted to offer you access to these techniques and wisdom in a brief, complimentary webinar.

>> Join Free Webinar with Lee Holden Here <<

Lee Holden Qigong Routine Free Classes and Training for Inner Peace and Vitality Discover the Power of Qi Gong for Stress Relief

In this video, titled "The Key to Health, Happiness, and Vibrant Energy," Lee Holden will guide you through a beginner-friendly qi gong routine designed to ease physical tension and enhance mental well-being. Our intention is not only to equip you with valuable stress management tools but also to inspire you to take charge of your overall mental and physical health.

This opportunity is especially significant if you've been grappling with chronic distractions, worries, or fears in recent months. We encourage you to take a break from endlessly scrolling through the latest news and instead, immerse yourself in this invigorating webinar. The movements and meditations Lee will share promise to bring you both a profound sense of peace and a surge of positive energy.

Don't miss out on the chance to unlock inner peace and vitality through the transformative practice of qi gong. Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey toward a calmer, more energized you.

2. You may be asking… What exactly is qi gong?

This ancient Chinese practice, which means “energy work”, includes practices of tapping into and moving your body’s innermost energies, so that you can cultivate true fulfillment, tranquility, and joy. We believe in the power of qi gong, which is why we partnered with Lee Holden in his upcoming course, Qi Gong for Health and Healing.

Lee is one of the most respected teachers of qi gong in the West. He's offered these practices for more than 20 years both in person, online trainings, and appearances on PBS. His personable, straightforward teaching style makes it easy for anyone to learn these powerful techniques of qi gong.

 Discover an energy practice for all seasons. Let Lee Holden show you the way toward vibrant health and energy

Some Frequently Asked Questions —
Do I need to know anything about qi gong or other movement practices before starting this course?

No, you do not! Qi Gong for Health and Healing is designed to quickly bring you up to speed on the basics of the practice and establish its fundamentals. You will immediately learn exercises that form the bedrock of a balanced qi gong flow. 
So, it's a series of exercises. What does qi gong offer that other fitness routines don't?

Qi gong isn't simply physical exercise. These practices are designed not only to engage your body but also the very energies that animate it. Once you learn how to tap into your body's network of meridians, you'll soon be able to move, activate, or discharge emotional and mental energies. 
Are the physical practices in this course accessible to anyone? 

While qi gong is not meant to push you to your limits, it should be noted that it is still a physical exercise. That said, Lee has designed this course to be as gentle as possible in introducing you to the practice. If you have any concerns about your ability to complete a roughly 30-minute standing exercise routine, we highly recommend that you consult a physician before starting Qi Gong for Health and Healing.
I'm already a student of qi gong. Will this course teach me anything new?

This depends on your overall level of experience with qi gong, energy practices, and traditional Chinese medicine. While Qi Gong for Health and Healing is optimized to be a gateway into the practice, the course also covers deeper topics such as the Six Healing Sounds and the Microcosmic Orbit. 
A solid qi gong practice can be the anchor around which you build more vigorous and resilient days. With Qi Gong for Health and Healing, you can find just such an anchor in Lee Holden's expert teachings.

Read more: Unlock Inner Peace & Vitality: Discover Power of Qi Gong for Stress Relief

Friday 15 September 2023

See How to Become a Professional Medical Intuitive

Learn from healing experts in the field of intuitive medicine.

As a committed, dedicated student of the healing arts — whether you’re a seasoned therapeutic medical professional or a holistic energy healer — you may be asking yourself if expanding your toolkit to include medical intuition might be the next logical step in your evolving practice.

Medical intuition skills can — and do — benefit people who are engaged in a wide variety of healing practices across a broad spectrum of Western and Eastern modalities…

…such as energy workers, Reiki masters, mediums, and traditional medical professionals who’ve earned their advanced-level degrees studying more conventional Western medicine allopathic practices.

Many therapists, doctors, nurses, clinicians, holistic health coaches/teachers, and those looking to explore a rewarding career at the leading edge of the healthcare revolution, backed by exciting new science, are already enthusiastically exploring this new frontier, while facilitating profound healing experiences for their clients.

The Medical Intuition Summit will illuminate new avenues of healing and tools for addressing chronic illness. You’ll explore powerful ways to work with your clients and patients… 

… magnifying the healing power of intuitive medicine through daily meditative routines, Eastern and Western medicinal tools, and proven energy healing techniques.

I’m beyond thrilled to invite you to the Medical Intuition Summit! You’ll discover how to help your clients reconnect with their body’s inner wisdom — and how to leverage this skill to promote optimal health and healing throughout your community.

Join Free Online Event
>> Medical Intuition Summit <<
September 23-24

Discover how to become a professional medical intuitive.

Join this weekend’s sought-after intuitive healers, doctors, and researchers — including Penney Peirce, a respected clairvoyant empath and an early pioneer in the intuition development movement…

… groundbreaking neuroscience researcher Dawson Church, PhD… Afro-Indigenous medical intuitive, mystic, ceremonialist, and healer Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest 

… and Thornton Streeter, the founder of the Centre for Biofield Sciences and the Energy Medicine Exchange who’s spent 30 years researching the human biofield.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about medical intuition, and offer practical exercises and techniques that can help you strengthen this inner connection.

Both novice and experienced medical practitioners can learn to apply divination, intuition, and psychic skills on behalf of clients and patients to address persistent illness.

>> RSVP here for the Medical Intuition Summit — at no charge <<

This free 2-day summit comes at the perfect time, as individually and collectively we’re looking for holistic ways to stay healthy and keep active.

During this groundbreaking event, you’ll discover:

  • How intuition can serve as a third-eye assistant, helping to decode and diagnose root causes of autoimmune diseases

  • Trusted methods to identify the spiritual basis of mystery illnesses that evade traditional diagnosis

  • Ways to expand your practitioner’s toolbox so you can holistically support your clients and students

  • How sadness, grief, or guilt can create a heavy heart and affect your emotional/physical wellbeing and trigger illness

  • An awareness of internal signals that can open new pathways to learning about specific illnesses or life struggles

  • How thoughts, beliefs, and emotions influence health — and practices to bring the body back into alignment emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically

  • The Biofield Viewer, an extremely subtle energy imaging system allowing healers to investigate, monitor, and improve their treatment protocols

  • How to combine contemporary science and medicine with spiritual understanding to maximize practical applications for healing and wellness

  • Ways to deepen your diagnostic awareness to address various subtle energies that can affect health such as emotional or psychic stressors, and Wi-Fi

  • And much more…

In this groundbreaking summit hosted by The Shift Network, you’ll receive inspiring yet practical insights into how to leverage your own inner wisdom to support the natural healing processes of those you serve. 

You’ll converge with well-respected physicians, educators, medical intuitives, lightworkers, health practitioners, and energy healers — plus knowledge-seekers like you from around the globe. 

Attending the Medical Intuition Summit will help you gain confidence that you do have the power to positively impact healing outcomes for your clients and patients through use of medical intuition techniques…

… and that you can use this knowledge to address persistent symptoms, chronic conditions, and even the spiritual root causes of disease.

>> RSVP here for the Medical Intuition Summit — at no charge <<

Our intuitive medicine experts will guide you through a variety of experiences, including…

  • Penney Peirce will introduce you to an exercise involving the “diamond light body,” guiding you to reconnect with your essence and make conscious choices for holistic wellbeing.

  • Francesca McCartney, PhD, will discuss adding medical intuition as an adjunct skillset to your professional healthcare practice — and how to use it to identify and diagnose mysterious illnesses.

  • Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest will share the definition of medical intuition and explain how you can use it on your own healing journey.

  • Dawson Church, PhD, will discuss Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and its effectiveness in reducing stress, anxiety, and trauma while enhancing overall health and wellbeing.

  • Dondi Dahlin will discuss how you can learn to monitor what’s happening physically and emotionally to your energy system, and how it can be a game-changer.

  • Jaime Tanna will demonstrate how to quiet the mind through breathwork so you can hear the voice underneath the noise and become aware of your soul’s larger purpose.

  • Beverly Rubik, PhD, will demystify laboratory research revealing insights about the biofield’s connection to vitality, consciousness, and intuition.

  • Thornton Streeter will share how medical intuition bridges the two sciences of precision-guided healing and etheric surgery to deliver sustainable healthcare.

  • Lloyd Burrell will reveal the measurable impact of EMFs on our biology and how sound can be harnessed to counteract these effects and enhance emotional wellbeing.

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Medical Intuition Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: See How to Become a Professional Medical Intuitive

Saturday 9 September 2023

Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self

Engage the powerful forces of the Earth & Cosmos to ignite your boundless potential.

Are you yearning for a more fulfilling spiritual journey, where you can tap into the endless well of your creative, wise, and magical self?

In a world where modern distractions, anxieties, and disconnection often rule, a deep-rooted call beckons us back to our origins — to the unifying fabric that weaves us into the grand tapestry of the Universe — waiting to guide us back to our true selves and to the eternal wisdom that connects all life.

Druidry, the ancient path of wisdom and insight that was forged in the heart of the British Isles, is a spiritual tradition like no other. Its lessons, veiled in the lore of the land and the cycle of the seasons, speak to our deepest selves, helping us navigate the turbulence of modern life so we can reconnect with the ageless wisdom of the Earth.

It’s intertwined with Celtic Shamanism, often encompassing shamanistic elements, such as journeying to other realms and communicating with the spirit world, in its rituals and teachings — highlighting the deep-seated spiritual bond between the Celts and their environment.

On Tuesday, September 12, Philip Carr-Gomm, an acclaimed expert in the fields of psychology and Druidry, will guide you into the mystical undercurrents of Druidry.

>> You can register here for Explore the Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self With a Powerful Tree Ally Practice <<

Way of the Druid Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self With a Powerful Tree Ally Practice

In this illuminating online event, you’ll:

  • Receive teachings on how to shift your life’s direction, guided by the wisdom of the Inner World, leading to a life enriched with magic and serendipity

  • Experience a Druidic practice to heighten your interconnectedness with Nature, humanity, and the spiritual life, cultivating a deep sense of community with like-minded souls around the globe

  • Discover new perspectives on life and existence through the unique lens of Druidry, leading you towards a path of freedom from societal dogmas and self-imposed limitations

  • Uncover the vibrant plant, animal, and seasonal lore of the Druids, enriching your understanding of the world and nurturing your relationship with Nature

Druidry is not a path walked in solitude, but a journey that weaves you into the community of creation — the fabric of life and existence itself. By embracing its teachings, you open yourself to the wisdom of the Earth, the stars, and the timeless truths that lie within your own soul.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self With a Powerful Tree Ally Practice with Philip Carr-Gomm…

… you’ll open to the mystical world of Druidry and engage the powerful forces of the Earth and Cosmos to ignite your potential for boundless creativity, wisdom, and spiritual connectedness.

Read more: Way of the Druid: Awaken Your Creative, Wise & Magical Self

Thursday 7 September 2023

Flower Medicine Holistic Self-care & Meditation Practice

Explore flower power to ease stress, anxiety & inflammation, and cool your body & mind.

Did you know that flowers hold some of the highest healing energies in the natural world?

These elevated vibrations are suffused with a cosmological intelligence that knows how to uplift and inspire us at the core of who we are… 

… resonating with the true essence of our souls and — with the right application — restoring our health and wellbeing.

This is where renowned master herbalist and aromatherapist David Crow’s extensive experience in flower medicine and its many healing dimensions can come in handy.

David has been effectively applying flower medicines to address a range of physical, mental, and emotional ailments for decades — whether digestive problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression, or inflammation.

On Saturday, September 9, you’ll experience this deeper power of flowers when you join David’s free online event, where he’ll share how flowers can be easily integrated into your self-care regimen, upleveling your health and wellbeing and deepening your spiritual practice and connection with the healing frequencies of the Earth.

>> You can register here for Explore Flower Medicine That Cools the Body & Calms the Mind: Discover the Potent Healing Applications & Ancient Cosmological Intelligence of Flowers <<

Flower Medicine potent healing applications preparation methods with a master herbalist

In this insightful online event, you’ll:

  • Discover why flowers are a unique category of botanical medicine that are highly effective for treating a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional conditions

  • Participate in a contemplative spiritual practice to experience how meditating with certain flower formulations in the form of teas, tinctures, essential oils, and flower essences can cool your body — which is distinctly important for reducing inflammation   

  • Harness the sense of taste and smell to embody the ancient cosmological intelligence that is in flowers during a mindfulness meditation demonstration — and learn how to apply this sensory experience to your health concerns

  • Explore flower medicine as a potent ally in preventive health care that can also improve the quality and enjoyment of your life

  • Observe different forms and preparation methods of flower medicines such as teas, tinctures, essential oils, and flower essences

If you’d like to be immersed in the healing potential of flower medicines and how to apply them to amplify your health and wellbeing, join us. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Flower Medicine That Cools the Body & Calms the Mind: Discover the Potent Healing Applications & Ancient Cosmological Intelligence of Flowers with David Crow… 

… you’ll add flower power to your holistic self-care regimen and meditation practice to ease stress, anxiety, and inflammation, cool your body and your mind — and elevate your physical and spiritual health and wellbeing.

Read more: Flower Medicine Holistic Self-care & Meditation Practice

Tuesday 5 September 2023

Microdosing Sacred Mushrooms - Indigenous Approach

Can you feel a boundless wellspring of ancestral wisdom within, patiently awaiting your discovery?

Imagine if this ancient knowledge could be unlocked through a profound connection with your plantcestors.

Join our free event with Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe — a 5th-generation Indigenous medicine woman with over 25 years of experience and you’ll explore the transformative potential of sacred mushrooms as a bridge to ancestral wisdom, personal healing, and profound self-discovery.

You’ll be shown more about the curative power of sacred mushrooms to kindle your higher consciousness and reestablish your bond with the wisdom of your forebears.

This journey has the potential to pave the way for a transformative spiritual revolution capable of profoundly recalibrating your entire outlook on life. This is especially valuable if you’re ensnared in cyclical patterns of health, prosperity, or relationship challenges — and have been seeking a release from these recurring trials.

>> You can register here for Explore the Sacred Mushroom Pathway: Receive Ancestral Blessings for a Flourishing Future With an Indigenous Microdosing Approach <<

Sacred Mushroom Pathway Receive Ancestral Blessings for a Flourishing Future With an Indigenous Microdosing Approach

Throughout this illuminating online event, Xochitl will guide you to:

  • Establish a profound connection with your inner self and with mushrooms as your plantcestors — learning how these sacred organisms provide a tangible link to our ancestral roots, reminding us that we are never truly alone

  • Understand how the spirit of mushrooms and the practice of microdosing can help you tap into the wisdom and guidance of your ancestors, forming a council of support that can be accessed at any time

  • Learn to discern and connect with the “well ancestors” — those ancestral spirits who are free from unresolved traumas and are best positioned to provide supportive guidance and wisdom

  • Gain practical tips on constructing an ancestral altar — a physical space to honor your ancestors and the mushroom spirit, enhancing your spiritual connection

  • Write a letter to your ancestors and the spirit of the sacred mushroom that can live in your own ancestral altar

Mushrooms have long played a critical role in Indigenous healing practices. Revered as plantcestors, or plant ancestors, psilocybin mushrooms are seen as powerful allies in this journey of healing. Through their guidance, you can begin to mend the broken bonds of your lineage and step forward with newfound clarity, purpose, and strength.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the Sacred Mushroom Pathway: Receive Ancestral Blessings for a Flourishing Future With an Indigenous Microdosing Approach with Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe…

… you’ll embark on a journey of healing through the mystical practice of microdosing psilocybin, time-honored Indigenous healing traditions, and a profound connection with your ancestors.

Read more: Microdosing Sacred Mushrooms - Indigenous Approach

Saturday 2 September 2023

Power of Tapping w/ Eye Movements for Deeper Energy Clearing

When you reflect on your life, how do you feel? Would you say you’re living the life your soul wants?

Or, are you living according to a template created by someone else — perhaps by your parents, partner, culture, or even your lineage?

Or perhaps your inner light is dimmed by past traumas, disappointment, or overwhelm.

There’s a high price to pay — emotionally, physically, and spiritually — when you don’t answer the call of your soul, affirms energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise.

Suppressing your true desires or living small in the shadows of the past can cause undue stress, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune issues, heart disease, and a myriad of other physical and emotional issues, says Mary.

Ultimately, when you don’t honor your soul’s longings, you can’t thrive, much less receive and embrace the fullness and joy of life, which we all deserve.

On Wednesday, September 6, join an empowering workshop with Mary and discover a proven approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — also known as tapping.

>> You can register here for Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your Core Essence <<

Experience EFT tapping with eye movements for deeper energy clearing

During this inspiring event, you’ll:

  • Discover tapping as a powerful, proven approach to transforming fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively, and grounding you in the present moment 

  • Explore a customized approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) based on the original healing system created by Roger Callahan, which includes eye movements that help retrain your brain for deeper energy clearing

  • Experience a tapping exercise for transmuting a difficult emotion and its limiting energy triggered by a challenging relationship to neutralize your charge around this person — and become more grounded in your own true presence

  • Discover how all healing happens in the space of love — and how the high frequency of self-love and self-trust is the best place from which to activate powerful intentions when using EFT

  • Understand the Energy Psychology associated with Eastern Medicine’s division of the body into meridians, which link to specific organs and provide clues to the emotions behind limiting energies 

Join Mary for this powerful self-healing event and open the door to being loyal to your soul and bringing the gifts you’re here to share into the world for a happier, healthier life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your Core Essence with Mary Sise…

… you’ll experience a powerful approach to EFT tapping to transmute a difficult emotion and its limiting energy triggered by a challenging relationship — and ground in your own true presence.

Read more: Power of Tapping w/ Eye Movements for Deeper Energy Clearing