Monday 10 April 2023

Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

Transform your experiences into lasting growth, enduring Love & embodied awakening.

Have you had psychedelic experiences that offered a profound glimpse of a more sacred way of being… yet struggled to bring those insights back into your daily life in a practical way?

For many, these experiences have failed to produce profound, long-lasting shifts.

Simply having more amazing experiences doesn’t necessarily change anyone for the better — it may just lead to an addiction to experiences.

Instead, what if you embarked on your journey of working with sacred medicines as a prayer practice… one that is consecrated to the Divine… in service to your soul?

That is what Dr. Ali Maya offers: an approach to working with psychoactive medicines that is 100% a spiritual path — with every word, insight, and action infused with the intention that they contribute to the liberation of all beings. 

On Saturday, April 8, you’ll discover how to approach the entire period before and after an experience as a ceremony of prayer in which you are consecrating your whole body-mind-spirit to a new level of awakened depth, beauty, and love.

>> You can register here for The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening <<

Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Be introduced to the spiritual art of working with plant medicines in a safe and transformative way

  • Discover the importance of wise preparation, safe experience, and active integration of your journeys

  • Explore how experienced journeyers can bring their work with sacred plants to new levels of depth, insight, and healing

  • Receive insights into how to more completely groundintegrate, and embody the teachings of psychedelic experiences

  • Experience a safe and accessible ritual practice to cultivate your spiritual alliances with the healing plant spirits whenever you want

Ali’s approach to shamanic healing helps you discover your true potential and connect with your divine self, viewing plant medicines as beneficent beings here to collaborate in your own healing and the healing of our world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening with Dr. Ali Maya…

… you’ll discover the art of integrating your plant medicine experiences in a safe and transformative way — using a unique approach to shamanic healing rooted in the transformative power of love and prayer — and activate your full potential and connection with the Divine within.

Read more: Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

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