Saturday 29 April 2023

Guided Practice to Create a Harmonious Life & Home Environment

Summon the angel of your home for a blessed, peaceful & harmonious life.

As a spiritual seeker, your heart is instinctively and mindfully open. 

You’ve always had an intuitive sense that there’s something subtle and mysterious going on in and around you — but you’re not sure what it is, how to work with it, or how to harness its power to be of service to others. 

The truth is, you don’t need an elite practitioner from the “right” tradition to hone your inner spiritual skills. 

You already have the ability to become proficient, and ultimately an expert, in metaphysical practices — a spiritual growth process that helps you become more present, compassionate, and connected to yourself and those around you.

On Thursday, May 4, Dr. William Bloom, a renowned expert in spirituality, metaphysics, and wellbeing, will share how you can begin to use the spiritual tools you innately possess — as he guides you through a practice to connect with the archetypal energy of your home to create a nurturing and harmonious atmosphere.

>> You can register here for Discover the Magic of Metaphysical Tools & Techniques: Summon the Angel of Your Home for a Blessed, Peaceful & Harmonious Life <<

Learn about Dr. Bloom’s upcoming 7-week live video course, which he designed to demystify and democratize metaphysics and spirituality, making them accessible to everyone regardless of background. This course is a prerequisite to Dr. Bloom’s Applied Metaphysical Spirituality Certification Program: An Esoteric Study & Practice for Therapists, Coaches & Energy Workers

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • How you can work with energy to hone your innate intuitive skills — and become more compassionate, present, and connected to yourself and our world in the process

  • How to create a harmonious life and home environment that nourishes your mind, body, and spirit with a guided practice to call in the angel of your home and connect with this archetypal energy

  • Ways to deepen your connection with the benevolent Source energy that’s all around you, using your innate spiritual tools

  • How to cooperate with angels, nature spirits, and archetypes to enhance and improve every part of your life — including your health, relationships, art, work, or spiritual journey

  • common language for spiritual development that helps make life-changing spiritual growth accessible to everyone

  • How your mind, energy, and nervous system work together, empowering you to soothe, ground, and strengthen yourself at any time

During this event, you’ll learn how to hone your inner intuitive skills, connect with the angel of your home, and discover a common language for spiritual and metaphysical development. You’ll find that by connecting with Source energy, you can anchor and deepen your connection with angels and other spiritual beings.

Join us and learn how to bring metaphysical practices into your own life, starting right now — as you experience Dr. Bloom’s guided practice to help you create a peaceful and uplifting home environment that fosters happiness and wellbeing.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Magic of Metaphysical Tools & Techniques: Summon the Angel of Your Home for a Blessed, Peaceful & Harmonious Life with Dr. William Bloom…

… you’ll learn how you can use your innate metaphysical skills in every area of your life — starting with a practice to call in an angel to create a nurturing and harmonious environment in your home.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

You’ll also learn about Dr. Bloom’s upcoming 7-week live video course, which he designed to demystify and democratize metaphysics and spirituality, making them accessible to everyone regardless of background. This course is a prerequisite to Dr. Bloom’s Applied Metaphysical Spirituality Certification Program: An Esoteric Study & Practice for Therapists, Coaches & Energy Workers.

Read more: Guided Practice to Create a Harmonious Life & Home Environment

Thursday 27 April 2023

Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Discover the healing energies in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants.

The call of sacred plant medicine is inspiring people around the world to discover the powerful healing energies held in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants.

As you know, people have been working with the vibrations and energies of these medicinal offerings in ceremony for thousands of years. 

In the Amazon, for example, shamans brew and drink the visionary curative ayahuasca — composed of the ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves — to enter a deeply altered state of consciousness and travel to the spirit world. When they return to everyday consciousness, they recount their visions and share them with others. This transformative ritual has been going on for millenia.

Are you eager to find a new way to explore your own consciousness more deeply, or at least curious to learn more about how these ancient sacred plants can help you discover the infinite possibilities of healing and transformation?

With so much in disarray in the world around us, it’s time to become more intimate with our own consciousness, the spirit world, and the potential for healing and transformation that’s available and profoundly needed right now.

Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona — a remarkably warm and loving teacher, speaker, and facilitator of plant ceremonies — will share what it means to commune — and heal — with the spirit world

>> Register here to Connect With Reverence & Ceremony to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-Realization, Integration & Healing <<

Connect With Reverence & Ceremony to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-Realization, Integration & Healing

In this mind-expanding free online event, you’ll:

  • Receive an introduction to the magical world of ancestral sacred plants

  • Participate in a breath exercise, connecting energetically with Ayahuasca and San Pedro, and learn about the activation processes that take place in your heart, body, and mind when you breathe in their spirits 

  • Learn how communing with master plant teachers will help you safely integrate your experiences

  • Explore potent ways to manifest the teachings of the spirits — at the right time and with integrity 

  • Discover how to create clear intentions as you approach and call in the sacred plant spirits

Whether you’ve already experienced the impact of conscious-altering plant medicine… you wish to become better acquainted with this mystical realm… you want to take your current spiritual practice even deeper, or you yearn to connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health

… Puma will walk you through loving ways to approach and invite these ancient medicinal plants into your life, as you deepen your lifelong journey into your inner self.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Connect With Reverence & Ceremony to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-Realization, Integration & Healing with Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

… you’ll go beyond casual experimentation to long-term intentional practices of healing.

Read more: Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Monday 24 April 2023

Use of Ancient Vedic Face Reading to Uncover True Self & Your Destiny

At this point on your journey, are you feeling called to understand your essential character, past traumas, and karma more deeply — so you can activate lasting physical and spiritual transformation?

You may be surprised at how insights into your past, present, and future are literally written all over your face and held in the tissue of your body…

Thousands of years ago, Vedic sages understood the connection between the mind, body, and spirit — and developed tools to uncover the secrets behind physical, mental, and spiritual transformation.

These practices are just as powerful today, says energy medicine expert Deborah King. One such practice is Vedic face reading, the Indian sages’ sophisticated system for divining character, karma, and destiny through the analysis of individual facial proportions and characteristics.

On Thursday, April 27, you’ll learn how Vedic face reading combined with the analysis of energetic body types can facilitate self-analysis, insight, and healing. This powerful tool can help you relate and connect better with those around you, see yourself and others without judgment, and increase your connection to the present moment.

>> You can register here for Uncover Your Destiny & True Self Using Ancient Vedic Face Reading: Discover the Profound Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connection for Self-Discovery, Healing & Enlightenment <<

Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connectio for Self-Discovery, Healing & Enlightenment Uncover Your Destiny & True Self Using Ancient Vedic Face Reading

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How you can analyze your character and karma using Samudrika Shastra — the Vedic study of face reading, aura reading, and whole-body analysis

  • How Pancha Bhoota (the 5 elements) correspond to the 5 major face shapes — and reveal insights into your true personality and character

  • The technique of dividing the face into 3 major segments, identifying the most prominent section — so you can begin to read the face and uncover new insights into your inner world, your relationships, and even your potential romantic matches

  • How a Vedic teacher and healer like Deborah uses face reading to understand dominant planets and elements of a person’s astrological chart, revealing new understandings of their karma and fate

  • The ancient tool of Vedic face reading in action, as Deborah uses celebrities as examples — so you’ll see how major facial sections and traits correspond to character

This is your opportunity to discover how Vedic face reading can unlock new insights into your own inner truth — as it reveals how past traumas are stored in the body and provides insights into your fate and the future.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Uncover Your Destiny & True Self Using Ancient Vedic Face Reading: Discover the Profound Benefits of Your Mind-Body Connection for Self-Discovery, Healing & Enlightenment with Deborah King…

… you’ll uncover unexplored parts of your character and karma with the ancient practice of Vedic face reading — a sophisticated aspect of astrology that analyzes your individual facial proportions and characteristics to reveal your destiny.

Read more: Use of Ancient Vedic Face Reading to Uncover True Self & Your Destiny

Saturday 22 April 2023

Food for Health Event Guidebooks Brain, Heart, Immune System, Fight Cancer

Every year, I look forward to the lineup of the Food Revolution Summit that my good friends, John and Ocean Robbins, produce. And every year they outdo themselves by bringing together the brightest, most outspoken food and nutrition experts.

This year exceeds all expectations. They’ve gone even bigger and better with a brand new format that’s more riveting than ever before.

It’s the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries, an eight-part exposé that reveals this year’s biggest breakthroughs in food and health.

>> Get your ticket to watch the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries here. (It’s free!)

If you like good movies, you’re going to love this…

In the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries, an all-star lineup of 45 world-renowned experts shares this year’s most vital updates about food, health, the environment, and living longer.

Hundreds of thousands of people will tune in to watch — this is THE place to be if you believe that food matters…

If you want to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from food that’s linked to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and obesity…

If you want to discover this year’s most recent scientific breakthroughs…

If you want to know what YOU can do to take a real stand for a sustainable future…

>> Secure your spot for the Event at no charge, here.

Don’t miss out on this free event! Sign up to watch the 2023 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries now and transform your kitchen into a source of culinary inspiration and well-being

Can you guess the top 8 brain health superfoods?

Memory loss, brain fog, and fuzzy thinking can be scary and frustrating. On top of that, you might worry that these symptoms mean you’re on your way to getting dementia or even needing 24/7 care.

Many people wrongly assume these symptoms are just a normal part of aging or the result of bad genetics.

But here’s the truth — backed by the most recent and thrilling scientific developments:

MOST of these symptoms are easily prevented or reversed with food and small lifestyle shifts.

What’s even more exciting is this discovery:

Up to 90% of all Alzheimer’s cases are caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors (NOT genetics).

And the #1 way to control your risk is… what you eat!

My friends, best-selling authors John and Ocean Robbins, put together a free, research-backed guidebook on eight superfoods that can improve your brain health.

These aren’t exotic, expensive foods that are difficult to find. These are simple foods you can get at any grocery store, and they could make a huge difference.

Are you already eating some of these?

Which ones are you missing?

>> Download Brain Food: 8 Superfoods Your Brain Will Love.

Did you know that the gut produces more neurotransmitters than the brain? High-fiber diets, like a plant-based diet, feed the good bacteria in the microbiome. Discover the 8 superfoods your brain will love in this free guidebook

The pandemic and your heart.

In the last three years, since the start of the pandemic, heart-attack-related deaths have increased significantly amongst all age groups.

This means that taking care of your heart is more urgent than ever.

The good news is that scientists have discovered that the right diet and lifestyle can slash your risk of cardiovascular disease by 80% or MORE. (Even if it runs in the family.)

The best part…

It requires ZERO medications. NO surgeries. And NO invasive procedures.

My good friends John and Ocean Robbins from Food Revolution Network created this guidebook on the top 15 foods that are scientifically proven to help maintain a healthy heart.

How many of these are you already eating?

Which are you missing?

>> Download Heart Food: 15 Superfoods Your Heart Will Love now.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death on the planet, cutting lives short and devastating families. Learn how to slash your risk in your FREE copy of Heart Food: 15 Superfoods Your Heart Will Love

The top 6 foods for immune health.

Have you ever wondered why some people get sick while others who are exposed to the same germs stay healthy?

And among those who become infected, why do some people fare so much better than others of the same age and gender?

Over and over again, it turns out that a person’s diet and lifestyle make an enormous difference.

The truth is there are simple things you can do right now to strengthen your immune system.

And with all that’s going on in the world, these strategies are more important than ever.

My friends and Food Revolution Network founders, John and Ocean Robbins, put together a free Smart Immunity guidebook.

Inside, they share the specific foods that scientists recommend eating to stay healthy and help you make a swift recovery if you ever do become sick.

Which of these foods are you already eating?

And which ones are you missing?

>> Get your Smart Immunity guidebook here to find out.

What foods should you be eating to get the nutrients you need and strengthen your immune system? Find out how to make the smartest choices for yourself and your loved ones in this FREE guidebook

Discover 10 proven anticancer foods (and 6 to avoid!)

Did you know that more than 90% of all cancers are caused by diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors (NOT genetics)?

And the #1 way you can control your risk is…

By what you eat!

My friends and colleagues, John and Ocean Robbins, want you to know the truth, so they put together a free guidebook on the top 10 superfoods that are proven to be anti-cancer — and six foods to avoid at all costs.

How many of these anticancer foods are you already eating?

Which are you missing?

Some of these might surprise you!

>> Download Eat to Defeat Cancer: 10 Superfoods That Nourish Every Cell now.

A growing body of research has found that a healthy diet filled with a large variety of plant foods can help prevent or even reverse cancer. Learn more in your FREE copy of Eat to Defeat Cancer

The upsides and downsides of vegan snacks

These days you can go to many grocery store snack aisles and find an array of “healthy” snacks that would tempt even the most diehard Doritos devourer.

There are even vegan cheese puffs with the same bright orange “cheese” as their cheddar counterparts!

Unfortunately, these types of snacks may seem like they’re better for you, but they’re still loaded with processed ingredients, ultra-refined vegetable oils, and off-the-charts levels of sugar and salt.

So what’s a health-conscious, snack-loving person to do?

>> Get your ticket to watch the Food Revolution Summit Docuseries here. (It’s free!)

Throughout eight deeply moving episodes, you’ll get the latest on the best foods to eat to prevent disease, transform how you feel each day, and even reduce pollution. (Win-win-win!)

The series features some of the greatest minds in the food world, including top doctors, New York Times best-selling authors, researchers, journalists, health experts, and more.

So sign up and learn what you need to know NOW about the foods that can help you prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and more.

This blockbuster docuseries will open your eyes and transform how you eat — and snack — forever!

>> Watch the trailer and secure your spot for no charge, here.

Read more: Food for Health Event Guidebooks Brain, Heart, Immune System, Fight Cancer

Thursday 20 April 2023

Are Psychedelics the New Path in Mental Wellness & Holistic Healing?

Latest science & modern practices for exploring ancient plant medicines.

While psychedelic healing is an emerging frontier of modern Western mental health and wellness, it’s been an integral part of many Indigenous cultures, which have used psychedelics to receive wisdom and offer healing to their communities for thousands of years.

Many people around the world are exploring bridging therapeutic modalities and treatments with expanded states of consciousness to clear shame and heal personal, ancestral, and collective trauma.

The Psychedelic Healing Summit is more than just a rundown of the latest clinical research — it’s a 5-day voyage into the wisdom, intelligence, and integration of psychedelics and plant medicine you can apply to your whole-body wellness practice.

You’ll experience full days dedicated to the science behind psychedelic healing… the fundamentals for responsibly using sacred plants and psychedelics across traditions…

… a range of deep transformational practices across lineages and ancestral heritages… and an exploration of the role of sacred plants and psychedelics in opening up new pathways for healing, creativity, and connection.

Join us at this Free Online Event
Psychedelic Healing Summit
May 8–12, 2023

Psychedelic Healing Summit 2023

This event features 30 of today’s highly sought-after medicine men and women, clinical psychologists, healers, pioneering researchers, educators, and authors…

… including Paul StametsPuma Fredy Quispe Singona, Claudia Cuentas, Dr. Marie Mbouni, Laura Dawn, Dr. Ron Siegel, Zach Leary, Dr. Ali Maya, Dr. Andrea Pennington, Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe, Rutury Temay, Paul F. Austin, and Gül Dölen, MD.

Together, they’ll create a safe and knowledgeable foundation to empower you to tap into your innate healing intelligence and expand your consciousness.

This transformative event invites you to discover ways to deepen your inner healing and connect authentically with others on the collective healing path.

>> RSVP here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • What we’re learning about microdosing with psychedelics to address anxiety, trauma, and burnout

  • Promising therapeutic trials examining the use of psilocybin to treat tobacco addiction, major depressive disorder, and cancer distress

  • How you can integrate somatic experiencing tools to enhance your healing explorations with sacred plant medicine 

  • The healthiest and most respectful protocols to use with master plants

  • Ways in which the psychedelic renaissance can perpetuate historical trauma and colonialism, or help our society evolve to a place where we experience greater harmony with each other and the Earth

  • How to use breathwork, prayers, and visualizations to develop a relationship with the spirits of the medicines — even without ingesting them

>> RSVP here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s what our psychedelic healing experts have to share with you:

  • Puma Fredy Quispe Singona will guide you to connect with the spirits of master plant medicines Ayahuasca and San Pedro through prayers, visualizations, and breathwork to bring in powerful healing.

  • Paul Stamets will discuss the healing potential of psilocybin mushrooms, plus the synergistic effects created when they’re combined with lion’s mane mushrooms.

  • Dr. Marie Mbouni will address how you can prepare yourself before, during, and after using psychedelics — in order to unlock and sustain your “mystic brain” without creating a new traumatic experience.

  • Laura Dawn will explore how sacred plant medicines are profoundly valuable tools for cultivating creative cognition, including problem-solving and creative thinking — and why we need these skills now more than ever. 

  • Dr. Ronald D. Siegel will reveal what research in mindfulness, compassion, and psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy can teach you about the causes of human psychological suffering and its alleviation.

  • Claudia Cuentas will share an Indigenous perspective for conceptualizing trauma and trauma recovery that uses creativity and art as healing forms.

  • Zach Leary will review the recent history of psychedelics in the Western hemisphere, and how these medicines can best be used in the 21st century.

  • Dr. Ali Maya will talk about the importance of wise preparation, navigation, and integration of psychedelic plant medicine explorations. 

  • Dr. Andrea Pennington will share that by using the narrative therapy program LifeWriting, together with psychedelics and guided meditation practices, you can connect with your subconscious inner child and inner critic

  • Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe will explore taking a more ceremonial approach to microdosing, using it to heal depression, anxiety, and ancestral trauma as well as for connecting you more deeply to the Earth.

  • Rutury Temay will talk about the importance of creating — through rituals and ceremonies — a medicine plan that connects with everything around you.

  • Paul F. Austin will discuss the practice of microdosing — taking tiny amounts of psychedelic substances to enhance cognitive abilities, increase creativity, and alleviate anxiety or depression.

  • Gül Dölen, MD, will reveal how psychedelics can reopen developmental pathways for nervous system maturation — expanding the potential scope of disorders that psychedelics might be used to treat.

  • And much more! 

>> RSVP here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Are Psychedelics the New Path in Mental Wellness & Holistic Healing?

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Quantum-Touch - Simple yet Powerful Approach to Energy Healing

Experience a guided practice called “running energy” to send love to others.

Did you know you already have the power and skills to raise your energy levels to permanently correct posture and bodily alignment, reduce pain and inflammation, help balance emotional distress, and more?

This is the power of Quantum-Touch®, energy medicine pioneer Richard Gordon’s touch-based healing technique that can also be used to heal others near and far due to its remote healing capabilities.

This revolutionary technique uses the Qi of both the healer (that’s you) and the person seeking healing — bringing them into harmony so the body can heal itself.

Quantum-Touch uses energetic breathing and body-awareness techniques to raise your energy levels. From there, you as the healer can tap into your own extraordinary potential for both hands-on and distance-healing techniques. As Richard explains, space and time are transcended when you focus your intention and awareness on sharing the gift of healing.

Are you ready to begin testing your skills so you can heal yourself and others — by practicing the first step of Quantum-Touch?

>> Join us on Tuesday, April 25, for The Powerfully Simple Approach to Energy Healing With Quantum-Touch: Discover a Unique & Effective Hands-On & Distance-Healing Technique You Can Use on Yourself & Others <<

Discover Quantum-Touch to help yourself and others heal and revitalize

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Quantum-Touch, Richard’s energy-based healing technique that uses the Qi of both you as the healer, and the person seeking healing — bringing these energies into harmony so the body can heal itself

  • How to link body awareness to your breath with a guided breathing practice called “running energy” — the first step in the Quantum-Touch technique of sending love to others by accessing an inner space that’s free of judgment and full of love

  • Why and how Quantum-Touch can facilitate healing for young children and pets, who don’t understand how to participate in the energy healing process

  • How you can practice hands-on healing by learning to hold a high vibration in your hands — then allow the differing frequencies to match up through a process called biological entrainment

  • The doorways to new perceptions and understandings of human potential that Quantum-Touch unlocks — and the likelihood that you were taught the law of attraction backwards

You can use Quantum-Touch in tandem with all other healing modalitiesincluding Western medicine. Its efficacy has been attested to by physicians, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other healing professionals.

As your perspective shifts, you’ll learn to accelerate the healing of self and others, tune in to life’s synchronicities more deeply, and attract greater success and love into your life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Powerfully Simple Approach to Energy Healing With Quantum-Touch: Discover a Unique & Effective Hands-On & Distance-Healing Technique You Can Use on Yourself & Others with Richard Gordon…

… you’ll learn about the benefits and effectiveness of Quantum-Touch®, a leading-edge energy medicine technique for providing balance, healing, postural realignment, and increased energy for yourself and others.

Read more: Quantum-Touch - Simple yet Powerful Approach to Energy Healing

Saturday 15 April 2023

Discover Your true Astrological Sign from an Ayurvedic Perspective

Explore how Ayurvedic astrology can empower your wellbeing & heighten your immunity.

Did you know that you’re probably not the zodiac sign you think you are?

The Western healing tradition follows the tropical zodiac model, which reflects the more solar-masculine dominant society and egoistic aspects of our personality that have dominated global societies for over two millennia.

In Ayurvedic (or Vedic) astrology, however, it’s actually your moon sign that rules your zodiac and correlates to your dosha and true hidden nature.

Ayurvedic astrology reunites us with nature, connecting us to the powers of the moon, thus bringing humanity back into accordance with the much-needed feminine — or “soft powers” — that both our inner selves and larger culture so desperately need, according to mystic and Ayurvedic practitioner Mas Vidal.

Like many, you might already be applying Ayurveda techniques to your doshas or health issues. But what if you knew exactly how to adapt them to each new personal situation that arises? Understanding your Vedic astrological birth chart makes this possible…

On Thursday, April 20, you’ll discover how your Vedic astrological birth chart offers you the ability to examine your cosmic anatomy and personalize your Ayurveda practice accordingly — to prevent illnesspromote longevity and immunity, increase discernment of your life purpose, and cultivate more joy and wellbeing.

>> You can register here for What’s Your (Ayurvedic) Astrological Sign? How Cosmic Planetary Cycles Influence Your Doshas & Empower Your Wellbeing <<

Discover your Ayurvedic (Vedic) astrological sign. ow Cosmic Planetary Cycles Influence Your Doshas & Empower Your Wellbeing

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why you’re not the sign you think you are — and how you can discover your true astrological sign from an Ayurvedic perspective

  • How to return to a feminine-power culture through Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology — and surrender to deep healing through the power of the Divine Feminine

  • The cosmic origins of the 5 natural elements — and their interplay with human life on Earth per the cycles of the sun, moon, and Earth

  • How to implement the 3 stars of Vedic astrology in your life — Ayurveda for the body, yoga for the mind, and astrology for the soul

  • Vedic astrology’s power to resolve any negativity or poor health you’re experiencing according to your karmic and genetic coding — and reveal what’s coming ahead through the cycles of the planets

Armed with this new understanding of how Ayurveda and Vedic astrology intersect, you can become empowered to make healthy changes in your lifestyle and in your relationship with nature and the Earth for a long, happy, spiritually fulfilling life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In What’s Your (Ayurvedic) Astrological Sign? How Cosmic Planetary Cycles Influence Your Doshas & Empower Your Wellbeing with Mas Vidal… 

… you’ll learn how to go beyond your doshas and discover a personalized approach to wellbeing using your Ayurvedic astrology sign and birth chart — so you can understand your genetic coding and karma to better address health issues and heighten your immunity.

Read more: Discover Your true Astrological Sign from an Ayurvedic Perspective

Friday 14 April 2023

Receive Medicine of Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness

Invoke the transformational medicine, gifts, protection, and heart-renewal of Kali Ma.

Have you been feeling like you’re ready to make a significant change in your life, yet are lacking clarity about the best way forward?

Would you like to cultivate a practice that catalyzes your innate resilience, your soul spark, and divine creatrix magic that knows how to sculpt a thing of beauty, meaning, and possibility from the vast realities of life?

This inner pull to try something new may actually be revealing a new pathway or way of being that is trying to open up for you…

… or as shamanic creatrix Alana Fairchild says, open you to your shamanic intelligence, which recognizes your challenge or life change as a wonderful evolutionary opportunity for transformation.

When standing at the crossroads of challenge and change, the medicine of the sacred shamanic lineages of your heart can be invoked to bring clarity, courage, and new cycles of growth into your being and life — right where you need them.

In an online event with Alana, you’ll awaken three sacred shamanic heart lineages — the Dark Goddess Kali Ma, Christ Consciousness, and the Earth medicine of Cicada spirit guide  and receive their transformational medicine, gifts, and heart-renewing activations in the way that serves what you need most right now in your life.

>> You can register here for Awaken 3 Sacred Shamanic Lineages of the Heart: Experience Profound Renewal Through the Medicine of the Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness <<

Awaken 3 Sacred Shamanic Lineages of the Heart Experience Profound Renewal Through the Medicine of the Dark Goddess

In this captivating online event, you’ll:

  • Begin to fearlessly value your unique spiritual attractions to empower yourself completely, enrich your inner being, and manifest your sacred purpose

  • Recognize signs of the Dark Goddess as shamanic initiation in your life — and understand what this means for you and how you can respond creatively

  • Experience Christ Consciousness in your heart as a spiritual empowerment to evolve authentically from inner spiritual authority rather than societal conditioning

  • Intuit a vision of your profoundly transfigured life, self, and purpose — enhancing your inspiration and courage to engage in your soul’s shamanic creative process

  • Engage in a loving guided journey to bless and empower your path as you experience the protective presence of Kali Ma and the awakening of Christ Consciousness in your heart

If you’d like to gain deeper clarity on the challenges and changes you currently face by awakening the sacred shamanic lineages of your heart, join us.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Awaken 3 Sacred Shamanic Lineages of the Heart: Experience Profound Renewal Through the Medicine of the Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness with Alana Fairchild…

… you’ll receive the wisdom that resides at the crossroads of challenge and change by invoking the transformational medicine, gifts, protection, and heart-renewal of the goddess Kali Ma, Christ Consciousness, the sacred Cicada spirit guide — and your own divine shamanic lineages.

Read more: Receive Medicine of Dark Goddess, Cicada Spirit Guide & Christ Consciousness

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Experience a guided dance practice to free your blocks & experience joy

Experience sacred dance for personal & collective freedom.

What does freedom feel like to you?

Do you feel joyful, at ease, energized, and confident in your body… and know how to work with your body, mind, and spirit as they are right now to live your best life?

While we all yearn to feel free, most of us have been unnaturally conditioned to expect and live within some form of limitation — whether it concerns our bodies, health, careers, relationships, dreams, or the inherent right to self-direct our lives…

As a result, we’ve been cut off not only from the Source of life, but also what matters most to us, our optimal health, and our true selves and purpose — attuning instead to a restrictive version of who we are meant to be.

This oppression and repression is the root cause of much of our emotional, mental, and physical pain and illness, says Banafsheh Sayyad, an acclaimed embodiment teacher and sacred dancer.

On Thursday, April 13, with Banafsheh, you’ll explore sacred dance as a path to freedom and a potent technology for unlocking your body’s innate ability to transform emotional, mental, and physical burdens and blocks into vibrant health, expansiveness, and aliveness.

>> You can register here for Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom: Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act <<

Guided Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Experience dance as a fierce yet tender expression of freedom and activism — and a powerful ally to personal and social change

  • Learn how Sama, the sacred whirling dance, can alchemize inner and outer chaos as you shift into the stillness, purity, and higher truth of your innate energetic state — the same state of your whirling atoms 

  • Be guided in a dance practice that harnesses the power of presence and your body’s own ability to track and free blocks — and unleash joy

  • Explore sacred dance as a revolutionary act of embodiment, sovereignty, and love

  • Discover why patriarchal systems and totalitarian regimes are so threatened by the power of dance — and how one women-led movement is countering this oppression through fearless self-expression

Banafsheh will share how dance can reconnect us and teach us how to hold the joys and sorrows of life in a strong, compassionate, and wide-open heart, empowering the love and goodness that connects us all as we ground ourselves in the joy of being alive.

During the event, you’ll experience this ecstatic connection for yourself during a guided dance practice that harnesses the power of presence and your body’s ability to track and free blocks… and unleash the joy that is buried beneath the stress, tension, and trauma of modern living.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Sacred Dance for Personal & Collective Freedom: Transform Trauma, Open to the Divine & Embody Love as the Ultimate Revolutionary Act with Banafsheh Sayyad…

… you’ll dance to open yourself to Source energy, align with your authenticity, and transform your emotional, mental, and physical pain and sorrows into freedom — reconnecting with your body’s divinity, wisdom, and capacity for creating personal and collective change.

Read more: Experience a guided dance practice to free your blocks & experience joy

Monday 10 April 2023

Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

Transform your experiences into lasting growth, enduring Love & embodied awakening.

Have you had psychedelic experiences that offered a profound glimpse of a more sacred way of being… yet struggled to bring those insights back into your daily life in a practical way?

For many, these experiences have failed to produce profound, long-lasting shifts.

Simply having more amazing experiences doesn’t necessarily change anyone for the better — it may just lead to an addiction to experiences.

Instead, what if you embarked on your journey of working with sacred medicines as a prayer practice… one that is consecrated to the Divine… in service to your soul?

That is what Dr. Ali Maya offers: an approach to working with psychoactive medicines that is 100% a spiritual path — with every word, insight, and action infused with the intention that they contribute to the liberation of all beings. 

On Saturday, April 8, you’ll discover how to approach the entire period before and after an experience as a ceremony of prayer in which you are consecrating your whole body-mind-spirit to a new level of awakened depth, beauty, and love.

>> You can register here for The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening <<

Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Be introduced to the spiritual art of working with plant medicines in a safe and transformative way

  • Discover the importance of wise preparation, safe experience, and active integration of your journeys

  • Explore how experienced journeyers can bring their work with sacred plants to new levels of depth, insight, and healing

  • Receive insights into how to more completely groundintegrate, and embody the teachings of psychedelic experiences

  • Experience a safe and accessible ritual practice to cultivate your spiritual alliances with the healing plant spirits whenever you want

Ali’s approach to shamanic healing helps you discover your true potential and connect with your divine self, viewing plant medicines as beneficent beings here to collaborate in your own healing and the healing of our world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Integration of Love, Prayer & Psychedelic Plant Medicines: Turn Your Experiences Into a Path of Lasting Growth, Enduring Love & Embodied Awakening with Dr. Ali Maya…

… you’ll discover the art of integrating your plant medicine experiences in a safe and transformative way — using a unique approach to shamanic healing rooted in the transformative power of love and prayer — and activate your full potential and connection with the Divine within.

Read more: Experience the integration of love, prayer & psychedelic plant medicines

Saturday 8 April 2023

Experience Sound Medicine of Sacred Vedic & Kirtan Chanting, Mantra Singing

Experience gratitude, intention, and wellbeing through Vedic and kirtan chanting.

How do you cope when circumstances feel out of control?  

How do you sustain yourself and heal when events occur in your life, or in the outside world, that leave you feeling destabilized, afraid, or grieving  — as if you’ve been thrown off your path with no roadmap to follow?

According to beloved chantress Nina Rao, spiritual seekers have for centuries turned to the ancient devotional practice of chanting mantras to cultivate a powerful internal container — providing a sense of sanctuary and the kind of inner refuge we’re all longing for.

Even in our busy modern world, the discipline of a daily chanting practice can help you access this space of strength, comfort, and safety within yourself whenever you need to.

Chanting offers spiritual sustenance that feeds and supports you — providing inner strength and peace that you can return to time and again when life throws you off your axis.

On Tuesday, April 11, join Nina for a nourishing hour-long event where she’ll share the sacred practices of both Vedic and kirtan chanting, which you can carry with you into your own practice.

>> You can register here for The Sound Medicine of Sacred Vedic & Kirtan Chanting: Find Refuge, Dispel Fear & Open Your Heart With Mantras <<

Sound Medicine of Sacred Vedic & Kirtan Chanting Find Refuge, Dispel Fear & Open Your Heart With Mantras

During this illuminating experiential workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn how Vedic mantras are precise and rule-driven,which helps you develop stronger concentration, deepen your practice, and honor the ancient tradition… compared to the kirtan that most of us are used to hearing (and singing!) in the West

  • Discover how mantras create an auspicious inner state of gratitude, intention, and wellbeing — a sanctuary for refuge and sustenance in times of duress

  • Hear Nina chant one verse from the Sri Rudram, the invocation of Rudra in the Vedic style — to cope with the karma of life and ask Shiva for his blessings 

  • Sing Om Namah Shivaya with Nina in kirtan style — call and response — repeating the name of God to calm your mind, open your heart, and help realize your inner Self

  • Experience the dispelling of fear, and the peace and love that can wash over you as you chant mantras 

Chanting helps you develop a loving heart of kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity. As a form of prayer, mantras guide you to exercise your true free will, turning what can feel like helplessness into positive action

With Nina’s guidance, you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating truth that chanting is an expression of your own innate devotion.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Sound Medicine of Sacred Vedic & Kirtan Chanting: Find Refuge, Dispel Fear & Open Your Heart With Mantras with Nina Rao…

… you’ll experience an auspicious inner state of gratitude, intention, and wellbeing through the ancient devotional practices of Vedic and kirtan chanting — to access fortitude, focus, guidance, and inner peace during life’s most challenging times.

Read more: Experience Sound Medicine of Sacred Vedic & Kirtan Chanting, Mantra Singing

Sunday 2 April 2023

Wake up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen

Discover customized tools for accessing super-abundance – where synchronicity lives.

For most of us, daily life can be filled with mundane routines that can leave us feeling burned out and stressed.

Have you ever wondered, “Is this all there is?”

You’ll be delighted to know that there are portals to a world full of possibility and serendipity, where your eyes and your heart open to the magic of life’s abundant possibilities…

As women’s empowerment leader Kenlyn Kolleen notes, while these powerful evolutionary times may require much from you, they also open you to new portals.

These portals — unique, personal access points you can create — lead to the subtle field of the non-ordinary, where super-abundance lives.

Join us on Tuesday, April 4, to learn how to access the non-ordinary in the field of super-abundance — where you can co-create a new way of being with the universe to live your deepest desires.

>> You can register here for Discover Your Field of Super-Abundance: Wake Up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen <<

Discover Your Field of Super-Abundance Wake Up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen

In this life-enhancing workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A guided embodiment practice for stepping out of what Kenlyn calls the “should” spaces in your life — so you can figure out what you truly desire

  • A full-moon meditation — a spiritual cleansing to make space available for the new version of you to emerge

  • How to experience the field of super-abundance, where you’ll experience serendipity — synchronicity outside of linear time

  • The difference between super-abundance and manifesting

  • How the full moon, the equinox, the wormhole (the time between two eclipses), and the beginning of the astrological new year can support your manifestation, planting the seeds that you’ll fertilize for the rest of the year

  • How you have unique and personal access points that serve as portals to the field of super-abundance

You have a choice between feeding the fear frequency or stepping into a higher frequency of super-abundance — where synchronicity, flow, delight, and magic are a part of your daily life.

It’s where things just feel easier and more aligned, and you trust that the Universe is conspiring on your behalf, no matter what life brings to your door.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Your Field of Super-Abundance: Wake Up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen with Kenlyn Kolleen…

… you’ll discover a variety of customized tools, including shamanic breathwork, mudras, and guided visualizations, to access the field of super-abundance — where synchronicity, flow, delight, and magic become part of your daily life as you co-create a new way of being and live your deepest desires.

Read more: Wake up to Possibility & Magic in Life by Accessing New Opportunities in the Unseen