Sunday 25 September 2022

Create powerful plant remedies from your garden for protection, intuition, and wellbeing

Discover the powerful ritual of making moon water for protection and healing.

Are you intrigued by the mysterious powers of the moon? Do you notice how the energy of the moon sometimes shifts your state of being — in body, mind, or spirit?

According to the ancient wisdom of medical astrology, the moon, the sun, and all the planets in our solar system hold archetypal energies that correspond to different aspects of our bodies. 

Did you know that plants also hold archetypal qualities that, when prepared and used correctly, positively affect how our physical, mental, and emotional systems function? 

Renowned rainforest herbalist and medicine maker Adriana Ayales, an educator, writer, and founder of Anima Mundi Herbals, bridges the principles of these ancient remedies, along with the power of ritual…

… to connect ancestral ways of diagnostics and the spiritual aspects of the natural world with the preparation and usage of herbal medicine.

On Saturday, October 29, Adriana will share the history and relationship of herbs and their planetary correspondences — and how to use their base medicinal properties as tools for understanding the archetypal energies inherent in plants.

>> You can register here for Explore Lunar Herbalism Using Plant Energies & Archetypes: Discover the Powerful Ritual of Creating Moon Water for Protection & Healing <<

Discover medical astrology and how herbs are tied to planetary correspondences

During this event, Adriana will be joining us from her home in Costa Rica to:

  • Guide you through the ritual process of making moon water using common plants you can grow in your own garden — to draw on plant energy and vitality for emotional and spiritual healing

  • Explore the power of archetypes and ceremony in making powerful plant remedies for protection, intuition, overall wellbeing — and for accessing the intelligence of nature

  • Demonstrate how physical, energetic, spiritual, and emotional imbalances can be understood and healed based on their archetypal qualities inherent within plants and nature

  • Share a brief history of medical astrology and how herbs were used based on planetary correspondences to prevent and treat dis-ease  

As you’ll discover, ritualizing your life with these ancient practices can move you into a greater state of health and wellbeing, so you can live a more energetically grounded life, with the power to heal yourself with your own home pharmacy.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Lunar Herbalism Using Plant Energies & Archetypes: Discover the Powerful Ritual of Creating Moon Water for Protection & Healing with Adriana Ayales…

… you’ll explore the ancient wisdom of medical astrology — the correlation between the archetypal energies of herbs, their planetary influences, and how they correspond to the various systems of our body — and how that knowledge can help you heal health challenges by creating medicine from the plants in your own garden. 

Read more: Create powerful plant remedies from your garden for protection, intuition, and wellbeing

Saturday 24 September 2022

Somatic Enneagram – the missing piece to your Personality Type

Learn how you can integrate the Enneagram’s wisdom through somatic movement.

You likely carry certain default patterns of behavior based on past survival mechanisms and responses to trauma.

What if you could relax those automatic responses, learn to feel when you’re in true danger, and ease many of the survival strategies that only seem to cause more stress in mind, body, and spirit?

The Enneagram, an ancient system illuminating nine primary personality types, sheds light on elements of your personality that you may not be aware of — including those parts that are easily triggered in challenging situations — and how your type has certain default behavioral patterns based on past trauma or survival needs.

According to Somatic Enneagram teacher Marion Gilbert, the Somatic Enneagram uses your body intelligence to relax the automatic reactivity of your Enneagram type patterns.

On Saturday, September 24, with Marion, you’ll learn how you can work with your body’s intelligence to uncover the unconscious reactions and behaviors of your specific Enneagram type — so that they’re not automatically activated and causing undue stress on your body.

>> You can register here for Discover the Somatic Enneagram: The Missing Piece to Your Personality Type — A New System That Connects the Enneagram to Your Body Wisdom for Greater Mental & Emotional Freedom <<

Somatic Enneagram allows you to experience increased emotional freedom, awareness, and unconditional love — and respond more consciously to your life as you live it with less stress and reactivity

In this eye-opening online event, you’ll:

  • Learn about the 9 personality types of the Enneagram — and how your type affects your default behavioral patterns

  • Discover the Somatic Enneagram — a new way of looking at how you can better understand your personality through your body’s wisdom

  • Explore how to discern between regular somatic practices that don’t require conscious awareness and those that do require conscious awareness to build new connections in your brain 

  • Create greater awareness of yourself in the present moment through the placement of your attention in various parts of your body

  • Experience a whole-body scan to help you discover where you hold on to memories that may be impacting how you move through the world today

Marion will share how the Somatic Enneagram allows you to experience increased emotional freedom, awareness, and unconditional love — and respond more consciously to your life as you live it with less stress and reactivity.

Join us for this insightful hour and discover how to apply your body’s wisdom in conjunction with your personality type to experience a more open mind, a less defensive heart, and a more vital and resilient body — resulting in a greater capacity for receiving, knowing, and sensing.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Somatic Enneagram: The Missing Piece to Your Personality Type: A New System That Connects the Enneagram to Your Body Wisdom for Greater Mental & Emotional Freedom with Marion Gilbert…

… you’ll learn how you can integrate and embody the Enneagram’s psychological wisdom through somatic movement — and experience a more open mind, a less defensive heart, and a more vital and resilient body…

Read more: Somatic Enneagram – the missing piece to your Personality Type

Thursday 22 September 2022

Channeling? Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side

Confirm your inner voice aligns with higher guidance through automatic writing.

That path of direct communication is available to anyone who earnestly seeks to deepen their connection with loved ones and other benevolent beings on the other side of the veil.

If you’ve attempted it yourself, the first hurdle is contending with the obvious question: “What if I’m just making all this up?”

Wouldn’t it be great to have a reliable approach to spiritual mediumship (a.k.a. channeling) that allows you to bypass the meddling influence of our miraculously analytical, survival-seeking, storytelling brain — and make verifiable contact with the other side?

Yet, how do you validate it to yourself? How do you trust you’re not subliminally feeding yourself your own ego-serving script — when it’s your soul you want in the driver’s seat… particularly when traversing the veil.

World-renowned automatic writing teacher Michael Sandler will share simple and elegant body-based exercises — sourced in the energy and the power of love — that can help you make the subtle adjustments you need to know for certain you’re successfully connecting with the other side. 

>> You can register here for Am I Channeling or Just Making It Up?! Join a World-Renowned Automatic Writing Expert to Explore & Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side <<

Join Channeling & Automatic Writing Expert to Explore & Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Learn to hear, receive, and ultimately trust the inner voice/wisdom that bridges to other worlds

  • Discover how to deeply listen — to truly hear this voice on a moment’s notice

  • Learn the subtle but important keys to discern if the voice is really coming from you or your ego

  • Understand when to take action on this inner voice, rather than to hold back and wait for additional information

  • Develop trust that this inner voice has your best interests at heart (by testing the advice you receive)

Michael will show you the first steps toward dropping into a trance-like state that can help you communicate with loved ones on the other side for peace, understanding, and guidance far beyond the thinking mind.

If you’re seeking to understand the big picture — when most of us are desperately seeking answers to many of our personal and global issues — now is the time to begin or restart your dialogue with wise friends, guides, angels, and departed loved ones.

==>> You can RSVP for free here <<==

In Am I Channeling or Just Making It Up?! Join a World-Renowned Automatic Writing Expert to Explore & Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side with Michael Sandler… 

… you’ll experience a proven guided process that’s the first step to communicating with departed loved ones and other beings beyond the veil…

Read more: Channeling? Validate Making an Authentic Connection to the Other Side

Sunday 18 September 2022

Energy Medicine Yoga to Fortify your Biofield and prevent trauma

Discover how EMYoga techniques can help you access the intelligence of your biofield.

Your boundaries — whether physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual — have an enormous impact on not only your health… 

… but the extent to which you can access your authentic self and nurture that authenticity within yourself and others.

Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga) creator Lauren Walker teaches that even the slightest hole or tear in your biofield diminishes your capacity to handle stress or trauma, leaving you vulnerable to mental and emotional breakdown, and even physical illness. 

Strengthening your energetic boundaries can fortify your health at every level of your being — and make higher consciousness, your true self, and your purpose more easily accessible to you.

On Tuesday, September 20, with Lauren, you’ll learn powerful Energy Medicine Yoga techniques for repairing the holes and tears in your biofield that have left you vulnerable to mental, emotional, and physical pain and suffering — and ultimately depleted your health and wellbeing for far too long. 

In doing so, you’ll strengthen your ability to deflect unwanted energies and prevent overwhelm, trauma, and illness.

>> You can register here for Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health by Reprogramming Your Boundaries: Energy Medicine Yoga to Fortify Your Biofield & Prevent Trauma <<

Energy Medicine Yoga to fortify your biofield and prevent trauma

During this online event, youll:

  • Explore the different types of boundaries that are shaping your life — and your capacity for healing

  • Learn how trauma is metabolized within your physiology and greater biofield over time — and the ripple effect that energetic boundaries have on your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health

  • Discover how healthy energetic boundaries support the evolution of your authentic, organized, and coherent self — and the difference between healthy boundaries and “armoring up” 

  • Learn Energy Medicine Yoga techniques that you can do to mitigate trauma in the moment when a boundary is breached

  • Be guided through EMYoga practices you can use every day to repair these boundaries and restore balance after they have been breached

Lauren will show you how to create deep coherence throughout your entire being, liberating the inherent intelligence that resides within your greater field and increasing the strength and resiliency of all of your boundaries. 

You’ll explore how healthy energetic boundaries support the evolution of your authentic, organized, and coherent self — and the difference between healthy boundaries and hardened ones.

== >> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health by Reprogramming Your Boundaries: Energy Medicine Yoga to Fortify Your Biofield & Prevent Trauma with Lauren Walker…

… you’ll repair energetic boundaries, liberate your authentic self and the inherent intelligence of your biofield, and elevate the health of your entire being with holistic Energy Medicine Yoga techniques.

Read more: Energy Medicine Yoga to Fortify your Biofield and prevent trauma

Friday 16 September 2022

Empaths 4 Powers: Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant - Access Way

Experience your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing & guidance.

Do you easily pick up on other people’s energy? Do you often receive intuitive “hits” about a person or situation that later turn out to be remarkably accurate?

As an empath or a sensitive person, you’re uniquely gifted… yet, your ability to intuit information or emotions can prove to be quite challenging at times.

Unless you know how to claim your intuitive skills and energetic boundaries, you’re likely to absorb other people’s energy, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, fragmentation, or ungroundedness.

You may also tend to merge others’ energy with your own, or have difficulty interpreting visions or your inner knowing because it’s tangled up with other people’s energy and information. 

According to leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, the first step in activating your intuitive genius is understanding how — and where — your BODY is sensing energy and information. 

Join Wendy on Thursday, September 22, in a complimentary online event in which she’ll share how your intuitive ability corresponds to your chakras — and the amount of life force, or prana, moving through these energy centers.

>> You can register here for 4 Powers of Intuition for Sensitives & Empaths: Open the Doorways of Awareness Through Your Chakras <<

Sensitives & Empaths Access to Intuitive Gifts Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant using Chakras

During this powerful video event, you’ll discover:

  • An immersive guided practice to help you connect to the 4 “clairs” in your body… to understand the power of your intuitive genius, and how to use it to ground yourself and create healthy boundaries

  • Four different ways to perceive and receive the information all around you, and, with practice, master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive 

  • The relationship between the chakras and the clairs, and how understanding the source of energy in your body can serve to protect and guide you 

  • How knowing which of the 4 powers of intuition is most natural to you can empower you as an empath and release feelings of overwhelm 

  • The difference between empaths and mystics — and how you may even be both!

You’ll learn that there are actually four powers of intuition: clairvoyance (clear or psychic seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling or sensing), and claircognizance (clear knowing). 

The greater your capacity to tune in to your body and chakras, the easier it will be to accurately access your intuition in all its forms.

==>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In 4 Powers of Intuition for Sensitives & Empaths: Open the Doorways of Awareness Through Your Chakras with Wendy De Rosa…

… you’ll experience your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance, as you open to all your intuitive gifts as a clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, or claircognizant — empowering yourself as a sensitive or an empath to ground, center, and gain clarity on what type of intuitive feels most natural to you….

Read more: Empaths 4 Powers: Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant - Access Way

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Andean Shamanic Practices to Experience the Radiant Lightness of Being

Follow the condor’s Incan journey Into crystal consciousness.

With so much darkness in the world around us, this is the time to become an alchemist. 

We need to call on our powerful spirit allies to help us liberate the heaviness in our hearts — whether we have taken it upon ourselves consciously or unconsciously — so we can transmute it and heal.

For thousands of years, the Inca people have called upon the spirit of the condor, the sacred bird of the Andes, to find spiritual awakening and initiatory pathways to be of greater service on the planet. 

The energy of the condor can infuse us with unconditional love — and prepare us to offer it from our light crystal hearts as a gift to the community and the rest of the world.

Are you ready to become a light, radiant being who transmutes darkness and shares the resulting light with others?

Join us for a powerful hour on Saturday, October 8, with Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, a remarkably warm and loving teacher and facilitator of plant ceremonies, as he shares what it means to have a light crystal heart — and helps you discover how to share this lightness with others.

>> You can register here for Follow the Condor’s Incan Journey Into Crystal Consciousness: Shamanic Practices to Heal Your Heart, Rejuvenate Your Spirit & Experience the Radiant Lightness of Being <<

Be guided by the heart of the condor to transmute your darkness into light & love

In this heart-expanding free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience deep connection with ancestral medicine

  • Allow your heart to heal with the support of Pachamama (Mother Earth)

  • Discover the alchemy of transforming heaviness into love and lightness

  • Be bestowed with the eyes, perception, and heart of the condor — to rise above

  • Discover the ritual of Incan ceremony to help you maintain a light heart for the rest of your life

Puma can help you discover the greater meaning of your life — and become infused with unconditional love and the potential for healing and transformation that’s available to you right now.

With integrity and devotion, he’ll help you connect with the power of the condor and alchemize any heaviness into a light and love-filled heart. 

He’ll share with you how to rise above angst and heaviness using the wings of the condor as you visualize “crystalizing” your heart and transforming trauma, depression, and frustration into love. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Follow the Condor’s Incan Journey Into Crystal Consciousness: Shamanic Practices to Heal Your Heart, Rejuvenate Your Spirit & Experience the Radiant Lightness of Being with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona…

… you’ll rise above the daily stresses of life as you’re gently guided by the heart and perception of the mighty condor to transmute your darkness, heaviness, trauma, or depression — into light, radiance, and love. 

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available <<

Read more: Andean Shamanic Practices to Experience the Radiant Lightness of Being

Monday 12 September 2022

Secrets of Plants for Healing us Physically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually

Deepen your relationship with plants to support your nervous system.

Plants are far more than static substances — they are brilliant agents helping us evolve beyond our personal and collective crises.

Tapping into the secrets of plants and herbal allies can help us be more centered, calm, resilient, resourceful, and confident. 

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to >> The Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit <<

You’ll feel empowered on your healing path as you discover new ways to increase your knowledge of plant medicine modalities

The Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit is arriving at a time of global awakening to the importance of holistic approaches to disease, emotional distress, and planetary healing. These esteemed Ayurvedic and integrative medical doctors and pharmacists, herbalists, researchers, educators, and healers are shaping the future of herbal medicine. 

You’ll be hearing from more than 30 leading natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators — including Dave Asprey, Dr. Vandana Shiva, David Crow, Dr. Brenda Krulikowski, Sajah Popham, Dr. Rosita Arvigo, Dr. David Frawley, Robin Rose Bennett, Trupti Gokani, Rocio Alarcón G.and many others — alongside co-hosts Dr. Marc Halpern, Emma Farrell, and Selima Harleston Lust.

They’ll be sharing up-to-date practices and insights for working with medicinal herbs — practical, hands-on, DIY tools you can use at home right now (or with clients) to help with sleep, pain, anxiety, and reproductive issues. 

>> RSVP here for the Evolutionary Plant Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Explore adaptive healing pathways with botanical allies

During this unparalleled 5-day gathering, you’ll discover:

  • Revelatory practices to help you experience Earth as a parent-mirror 

  • The dynamic co-creative potential of tapping into the psycho-spiritual healing capabilities of plants

  • The direct link between your gut microbiome and your immune system and ways to support healthy microbes through your diet

  • How seasonal eating synchronizes your biological clock with nature’s circadian rhythms — so you can maintain a healthy intestinal environment and microbiome

  • Ways to apply basic Tibetan medical principles to your practice, matching plant medicine offerings to human pathology in order to heal physical imbalances

  • How plants communicate with each other — and the messages they give us for creating a brighter future

  • And much more…

Join us for this free online event, taking place September 26–30, 2022. 

>> RSVP at no charge here <<

Read more: Secrets of Plants for Healing us Physically, Emotionally, Mentally & Spiritually

Saturday 10 September 2022

Advanced Qigong practices to stay Centered & Healthy amid Life’s Chaos

Discover how Wuji Hundun Qigong can help you enjoy each day with a peaceful heart.

As uncertainty in our world persists, it’s time for dedicated seekers to discover the ancient wisdom of Wuji Hundun Qigong — one of the “secret” lineages that is only now being taught online in the West. 

Used by practitioners and healers for over 800 years (and once used to treat and heal the Chinese Royal Family), it features 18 movements specifically designed to help you find, restore, and maintain your balance in the midst of turbulence — both within and outside yourself.

With its beautiful, vitality-boosting synchronicity between breath and movement, Wuji Hundun Qigong helps you nurture an embodied way of living amidst the unknown — with greater ease and resilience, and a fully engaged presence. 

Join us for a complimentary online event on Thursday, September 15, with renowned Qigong teacher Daisy Lee, the founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong, and experience the healing power of Wuji Hundun Qigong for yourself.

>> You can register here for Advanced Qigong Practices to Stay Centered & Healthy Amid Life’s Chaos: Increase Your Wellbeing, Productivity & Optimism With the Ancient 18-Movement Wuji Hundun Qigong System <<

Advanced Qigong Practices to Stay Centered & Healthy Amid Life’s Chaos: Increase Your Wellbeing, Productivity & Optimism With the Ancient 18-Movement Wuji Hundun Qigong System

In this transformational experience, you’ll discover: 

  • A special practice from Daisy featuring 3 of Wuji Hundun Qigong’s 18 movements — one to open your day with inspiration, another to remain curious to new revelations, and a final movement to close your day with a contented heart

  • Why the 800-year-old, 18-movement Wuji Hundun Qigong healing system is more relevant than ever for balancing your physical and emotional stressors

  • How Wuji Hundun Qigong connects you to your breath, freeing up your mind and cultivating trust in your own body, while also deepening your spiritual sense

  • How Wuji Hundun Qigong unblocks the body’s energy pathways, expands your range of motion, and stimulates circulation to boost your immunity and wellbeing 

  • How Wuji Hundun Qigong movements can be intuitively initiated by your body’s innate wisdom to address the self-care or clarity you need in any moment 

This is your opportunity to experience three of Wuji Hundun Qigong’s 18 movements to build self-trust and confidence in your body’s feedback — recognizing old energetic patterns and allowing them to be released gently as you grow new levels of self-awareness.

==>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Advanced Qigong Practices to Stay Centered & Healthy Amid Life’s Chaos: Increase Your Wellbeing, Productivity & Optimism With the Ancient 18-Movement Wuji Hundun Qigong System with Daisy Lee… 

… you’ll discover how to enjoy each day with a peaceful heart and calm mind using three movements from the Wuji Hundun practice, a form of Qigong that can keep you grounded in the midst of life’s ups and downs.

Read more: Advanced Qigong practices to stay Centered & Healthy amid Life’s Chaos

Friday 9 September 2022

Ancient Indian Yogic Meditation Techniques to Expand Consciousness

Enter a Gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness called Turiya.

During your meditation practice, have you ever caught a glimpse of a vast, infinite, and intelligent Void — just beyond apparent reality?

Did you sense that this infinitVoid is the source of all consciousness and energy? That it is, in fact, your true home?

Did you feel trepidation at the threshold — yet suspect that, if you were able to enter this expansive state, you may not want to return to this reality?

This is the Turiya state.

Spiritual teacher and beloved Shift faculty Raja Choudhury describes it as the Fourth State of Consciousness — beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.

In many ways, this state is the primary goal for all yogic practices, leading to a nondual experience of life — in which we delight in all of life’s expressions as part of the divine play.

Join us for a new hour-long event on Saturday, September 10, as Raja immerses us in the Fourth State and shares three ancient Indian practices to help you begin to access and stabilize the Turiya state…

>> You can register here for Crossing the Threshold of the Enlightened Witness: 3 Ancient Indian Practices to Access Turiya & Observe Your Life With Balance, Clarity & Joy <<

Ancient Indian yogic meditation to enter a gateway into an enlightened, expanded state of consciousness

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Receive a map of consciousness that gives you a clear overview of the 3 key stages of the journey into stabilizing in the Enlightened Witness

  • Learn how to specifically approach the chanting of a mantra to enter into Turiya, the fourth state of consciousness

  • Experience an advanced Tantric Yoga meditation technique that illuminates how everything around you can be a gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness

  • Discover a deeper understanding of the 3 levels of consciousness represented by Om, which helps you fully dissolve into the Enlightened Witness

  • Learn 3 ways to address your fears of the threshold or Void, which is represented by the fearsome Threshold Guardians in advanced spiritual traditions

  • Explore how to begin reimagining your life after returning from the Void

Raja affirms that you can reside in this Turiya state all the time, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing.

As he’ll explain, when you cross the threshold and enter the state of Turiya, you’ll find absolute stillness and complete awareness in a universe of perpetual change… 

This state of observation from the transcendental Void brings immense clarity, peace, joy — and pure and infinite bliss.

== >> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Crossing the Threshold of the Enlightened Witness: 3 Ancient Indian Practices to Access Turiya & Observe Your Life With Balance, Clarity & Joy with Raja Choudhury…

… you’ll be guided through 3 ancient Indian yogic meditation techniques to enter a gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness called Turiya — and experience clarity, bliss, and joy..

Read more: Ancient Indian Yogic Meditation Techniques to Expand Consciousness

Sunday 4 September 2022

Practice Intentional Dreaming w/ Nature Spirits, Manifesting Dreams Daily & Nightly

Discover how to connect with other-than-human spirits thru European bee shamanism.

During these challenging times, we may find ourselves asking, What is home? What is our purpose? We know that the answers to these questions will help us feel connected with the Divine and to the Earth. 

No matter what our external circumstances may be, dreamwork can help reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives.

Within this vast inner framework, the mythic language of dreams can help us not only dream ourselves back home — we can also dream the seemingly impossible into being — healing the Earth. 

We can be the Earth, healing itself. 

Join us on Tuesday, September 13, for a fascinating 60-minute event with shamanic practitioner and bee guardian Ariella Daly, who will introduce you to the soul healing that is possible through connecting with nature spirits that are everywhere.

>> You can register here for Intentional Dreaming With Nature Spirits: Turn Your Nights Into a Time of Soulful Healing With Ancient & Evolving Shamanic Practices <<

Intentional Dreaming With Nature Spirits dreamwork as ancient tradition of European bee shamanism

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Better understand animism and shamanism —and why they’re relevant today 

  • Discover how to access communication and relationship with the spirits and aspects of nature outside your front door and all around you — for personal wellbeing, healing, wisdom, sense of purpose, love, and serenity amidst the chaos of turbulent times

  • Explore how to come back home to the Earth and yourself — and the nourishment from the safety and security that comes with this type of love

  • Understand that nature is not something outside you — you ARE nature — you are the dream of the Earth

  • Discover how dreams can enhance your communication with the animate spirits of the Earth

You’ll be introduced to the concept of connecting your dreamworld with the nature spirit realm, and learn techniques to invite them into your dreams to receive the healing and wisdom you need. 

Ariella will share how dreaming with other-than-human spirits can uniquely affect your dream state, how intentions manifest your greatest dreams, and how to “do the work” during the day… and dream with it at night.

==>> You can RSVP for free here <<


In Intentional Dreaming With Nature Spirits: Turn Your Nights Into a Time of Soulful Healing With Ancient & Evolving Shamanic Practices with Ariella Daly…

… you’ll learn how to work with your dreams and explore techniques through the ancient tradition of European bee shamanism to connect with other-than-human spirits — to discover your purpose, share your gifts, and find your natural abilities as a healer in your own life and for the Earth.

Read more: Practice Intentional Dreaming w/ Nature Spirits, Manifesting Dreams Daily & Nightly

Saturday 3 September 2022

Try EFT tapping combined with eye movements to retrain your brain

Experience a deep clearing of limiting emotions and align with your true presence using simple tapping exercise.

Are you loyal to your soul?

Or are you living a life molded by someone else… perhaps by your parents, partner, culture, or even your lineage? 

Perhaps your inner light is dimmed by past traumas, disappointment, or overwhelm… 

There’s a high price to pay — emotionally, physically, and spiritually — when you don’t answer the call of your own soul.

Suppressing your true desires or living small in the shadows of the past can cause undue stress, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune issues, heart disease, and a myriad of other physical and emotional issues. 

Ultimately, when we don’t honor our soul’s longings, we can’t thrive, or receive and embrace the fullness and joy of life — which we all deserve. 

On Thursday, September 8, with energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise, you’ll discover a proven approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — also known as tapping.

>> You can register here for Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your True Presence <<

Simple EFT Tapping Exercise Deep-Clearing Energy Healing Practice

During this liberating event, you’ll:

  • Discover tapping as a powerful, proven approach to transforming fear, guilt, anxiety, and anger quickly and effectively — and grounding you in the present moment

  • Explore a customized approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) based on the original healing system created by Roger Callahan, which includes eye movements that help retrain your brain for deeper energy clearing

  • Experience a tapping exercise to transmute a difficult emotion and its limiting energy triggered by a challenging relationship — to neutralize your charge around this person and become more grounded in your own true presence

  • Discover how all healing happens in the space of love — and how the high frequency of self-love and self-trust is the best place from which to activate powerful intentions when using EFT

  • Understand the energy psychology associated with Eastern medicine’s division of the body into meridians, which link to specific organs and provide clues to the emotions behind limiting energies

By transmuting the energies of unbeneficial thinking and beliefs, you can start raising your vibration and attracting what you truly want in life.

Join Mary for this powerful event on self-healing and open the door to a congruent and completely ensouled life — so you can confidently share your unique gifts with the world.

== >> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Experience Deep-Clearing EFT to Transmute Limiting Emotions & Align With Your True Presence with Mary Sise…

… you’ll experience a powerful approach to EFT tapping to transmute a difficult emotion and its limiting energy triggered by a challenging relationship — and ground in your own true presence.

Read more: Try EFT tapping combined with eye movements to retrain your brain

Friday 2 September 2022

Fine-Tune Your Body, Mind & Life With Biosonic Tuning Forks & Other Sound-Healing

Experience a Fibonacci sound concert that combines a tuning fork and crystals.

By harnessing the science of sound and a regular sound-healing practice, you can create a state of coherence between your nervous system, heart, and gut  — releasing stress at a cellular level to properly vibrate in perfect harmony. 

Ah, but what happens when you integrate sound healing with other healing modalities? 

Life-changing healing effects are profoundly amplified, according to Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, a naturopath, psychologist, and composer.

For many years, researchers and practitioners have integrated sound healing with other modalities like plant medicine, color therapy, crystals and gems, touch, and the power of intention.

This sensory integration brings on a relaxation response and induces a cascading of positive molecules. These integration healing methods can even be customized to target specific conditions — everything from depression to cancer, addictions to anxiety, and more. 

On Tuesday, September 6, with Dr. John, one of the world’s preeminent pioneers of sound-healing methodologies, you’ll learn how the power of sound healing integrates in powerful ways with just about any healing modality.

==>> You can register here for Fine-Tune Your Body, Mind & Life With Biosonic Tuning Forks & Other Sound-Healing Modalities <<

Fine-Tune Your Body, Mind & Life With Biosonic Tuning Forks & Other Sound-Healing with Dr. John Beaulieu

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to integrate sound healing with other healing modalities to fine-tune your mind and body for illuminating new breakthroughs in every area of your life

  • The science behind coherent resonance, and how coming into coherent resonance with any sound will induce a state of trance

  • How Dr. Beaulieu’s leading edge sound healing and visualization protocols support your body’s healing response 

  • What unfolds when you use the healing effects of sound journeys (sound baths and playing sounds) to safely enter alternate states of consciousness… without the use of psychedelics

  • Fibonacci sound concert from Dr. Beaulieu — featuring a crystal he’ll tap with a tuning fork — so you can begin to expand your consciousness and dissolve your ego… a practice that ultimately leads to enlightenment and inner peace

Join us and explore how you can integrate the power of sound healing with just about any healing modality — and enjoy a sound concert featuring tuning forks and healing crystals to dissolve the ego so you can more easily explore your creativity and adaptability. 

==> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Fine-Tune Your Body, Mind & Life With Biosonic Tuning Forks & Other Sound-Healing Modalities
 with Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, a naturopath, psychologist, and composer…

… you’ll explore how sound healing tools integrate with other proven mind-body modalities for profound healing — featuring a Fibonacci sound concert that combines a tuning fork and crystals to amplify the transformative effects of both.

Read more: Fine-Tune Your Body, Mind & Life With Biosonic Tuning Forks & Other Sound-Healing