Monday 27 June 2022

Practice to Activate Generous & Loving Energy of Money & Clear Blocks

Discover how money is the energetic currency of your soul’s deepest desires.

What if there was a deeper paradigm of understanding money that aligned with your spiritual beliefs and could heal your sense of lack, challenge, or misalignment you may feel around money?

That shift of paradigm is at the heart of leading author and money consciousness teacher Sarah McCrum’s work.

Rather than seeing money as a cold or destructive force, Sarah sees it as a conscious entity that is all about helping your soul accomplish what it’s here to do.

As you adopt this perspective — instead of fighting subconscious beliefs that hold you back from financial freedom — you can align yourself with money as a positive ally, setting the stage for magic to happen.

On Tuesday, July 5, you’ll discover precise and practical methods to clear unhealthy imprints in your energy field, expand your vibrational capacity, and receive the loving energy of money.

>> Register here for Activate the Generous & Loving Energy of Money: Ignite the Healing Power of Financial Abundance to Experience Expanded Happiness & Creative Flow <<

Experience a guided healing to clear blocks around money and raise your vibration to align with the energy of love

During this free mind-expanding online event, you’ll:

  • Understand how guilt, shame, and judgment around money keep you stuck, leaving you unable to face money and receive its love and generosity 

  • Discover how money is aligned with and connected to the deep wishes of your soul and your true purpose

  • Experience a guided healing to clear blocks around money and raise your vibration to align with the energy of love

  • Find out why making beautiful requests is the most natural way to engage with the energy of money — and how to do this so it works for you 

  • Receive grounded insights about money triggers and cultural patterns which you may be unwittingly buying into — and how to release money blocks

From Sarah’s perspective, the energy of money is loving, generous, and abundant beyond your imagination. It is infinite, constantly available to every human being on the planet, and waiting for you to wake up and see it for what it really is.

Once you recognize the deeper nature of money, you can let go of unhealthy imprints in your energy field that may be associated with childhood experiences, family patterns, and media-driven culture.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording  <<

In Activate the Generous & Loving Energy of Money: Ignite the Healing Power of Financial Abundance to Experience Expanded Happiness & Creative Flow with Sarah McCrum…

… you’ll see how money is the energetic currency of your soul’s deepest desires — and discover precise, practical methods for clearing unhealthy imprints around money within your energy field and expanding your capacity for more flow. 

Read more: Practice to Activate Generous & Loving Energy of Money & Clear Blocks

Saturday 25 June 2022

Try Kinēsa™ - New Feldenkrais Method® Somatic Movement for Vitality & Freedom

Experience a throat chakra exercise to help you find your voice and speak your truth.

If you’re like many of us, you move through your days without a clear understanding of how you function physically. That understanding would alter the trajectory of your wellbeing, because how you move your body is how you move through life.

Without that knowledge, your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects never have the chance to fully align, leaving you with physical pain, emotional turmoil — and a sense of feeling spiritually stuck.

Your physical body is a sacred vessel that contains a universe of possibilities. The keys to unlocking its life-changing secrets are embodiment and connection.

Lavinia Plonka’s brand-new Feldenkrais®-inspired somatic method, the Kinēsa process, helps you fully inhabit your body as your vessel — so you can connect to your emotions and ignite your understanding of your potential in this world.

Kinēsa is a synthesis of many different disciplines, including Feldenkrais, the work of G.I. Gurdjieff, martial arts, Emotional Body®, yoga, and more. It’s a movement practice that melds somatics and spirituality — to better equip you to realize your dreams.

On Thursday, June 30, Lavinia will teach about Kinēsa for the first time ever in a public workshop. You’ll deepen your understanding of physical movement and emotional fluency — and how your life can become more fulfilling when you feel things more deeply.

>> Join Kinēsa™: A New Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement System: Liberate Yourself From Physical & Emotional Pain for Greater Mobility, Vitality & Freedom <<

Kinēsa is a synthesis of many different disciplines, including Feldenkrais, the work of G.I. Gurdjieff, martial arts, Emotional Body®, yoga, and more. It’s a movement practice that melds somatics and spirituality — to better equip you to realize your dreams

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The power of emotional fluency — and explore how your life becomes more fulfilling when you feel things more deeply with tools designed to help you navigate your feelings

  • Strategies for improving your posture and relieving tension in your body

  • A process to relieve tension in your mouth and tongue — and learn how they connect to other parts of you

  • movement-learning process to show you how you’re more than just your physical body

  • powerful throat chakra exercise to help you find your voice and speak your truth

Join Lavinia for this powerful hour and explore how Kinēsa can empower you to find emotional and spiritual freedom within your body — so you can experience greater tenderness and compassion, clearer thinking, emotional resilience… and a powerful sense of overall wellbeing as you expand what’s possible for your life. 

>> You can RSVP for free here for free hour event and even get extra training offered <<

In Kinēsa™: A New Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement System: Liberate Yourself From Physical & Emotional Pain for Greater Mobility, Vitality & Freedom with Lavinia Plonka…

… you’ll experience Lavinia’s first-ever public Kinēsa workshop — her unique synthesis of Feldenkrais, ancient wisdom traditions, mindfulness practices, and neuroscience — to lessen physical pain, cultivate greater tenderness and compassion, and attain clear thinking, emotional fluency, and an expanded sense of possibility for your life.

Read more: Try Kinēsa™ - New Feldenkrais Method® Somatic Movement for Vitality & Freedom

Friday 24 June 2022

Activate the Suṣumnā Pathway for more Energy, Flow & Healing

Explore a multidimensional approach to understand yoga’s original purpose.

Yoga is far more than stretching and holding poses. As a practice, it goes much deeper.

At its origins, yoga is a path to fulfillment and liberation — used by those who seek to eliminate suffering, promote healing, find purpose, and unlock feelings of joy and happiness.

The word yoga links our intelligence to our energy. With practice, it can influence every aspect of our lives and wellbeing. 

The Ancients viewed human beings as complex and multidimensional — they used mystical symbols known as Cakra-s and Nāḍī-s to map the subtle dimensions within people and provide a path toward spiritual realization. 

One important symbol they discovered was the Central Channel, Suṣumnā, also known as the Mokṣa Mārga — the path to liberation, a divine bliss.

On Tuesday, June 28, you’ll have a chance to explore these ancient yogic teachings with master yoga teacher and therapist Gary Kraftsow, the founder and director of the American Viniyoga Institute.

>> Register here for Open Your Yoga Practices to Higher Dimensions: Activate the Suṣumnā Pathway for More Energy, Flow & Healing <<

Learn Yoga Practices to Higher Dimensions: Activate the Suṣumnā Pathway for More Energy, Flow & Healing with master yoga teacher and therapist Gary Kraftsow

In this informative online event, you’ll:

  • Learn a multidimensional approach to yoga  merging ancient teachings with modern science and giving context to your vital systems so you can create more energy  

  • Gain insights into managing and optimizing your wellbeing regardless of age or ability

  • Gather an appreciation of yoga’s origins, who and why they were developed, and how to integrate them into your lifestyle

  • Experience a guided visualization, supported by the breath, to locate and consciously enter the Central Channel or Suṣumnā

  • Discover the true practical relevance of yoga and how to adapt and apply it to meet your specific health and wellness interests

Are you ready to free yourself from the entanglements that obstruct your path to liberation… and experience joyful living?  

Whether you’re new to yoga or a deep practitioner, you’ll discover how to open pathways to expanded consciousness, better health, and deeper fulfillment.

Join Gary as he takes your yoga practice to new heights with yoga’s ancient science and mystical symbolism.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording or join training program <<

In Open Your Yoga Practices to Higher Dimensions: Activate the Suṣumnā Pathway for More Energy, Flow & Healing with master yoga teacher and therapist Gary Kraftsow…

… you’ll explore a multidimensional approach combining Eastern wisdom, modern science, and mystical symbolism to understand yoga’s original purpose. 

Read more: Activate the Suṣumnā Pathway for more Energy, Flow & Healing

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Explore Evolving Shamanic Practices for Navigating Perilous Times

Bridge the gap between your professional & personal worlds with shamanic practices.

Difficult times are often the most powerful and important times for spiritual practice.

It’s clear that we’re in a perilous, unstable, and uncertain time on planet Earth. Even so, it’s possible to find sacred ground on which to stand and offer healing in these times… if you know how to access it.

Shamanic practices emerged in ancient times as a response to challenge — ancient people had to navigate drought, famine, disease, war, and threats to their very existence.  

The way of the shaman involves a serious search for deeper wisdom, healing, and knowledge to help weather difficult times. And amid the cacophony of the demands of modern living, shamanic practices are still offering new possibilities and solutions for healing.

Shamanic practices are becoming increasingly popular now for this very reason — they urge us to live congruently within ourselves and in community with others so that all beings can freely and consciously participate in life, sharing their gifts and generational wisdom within the context of an even greater shared purpose.

On Saturday, June 25, with world-renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman, you’ll learn how you can apply shamanic journeying and practices in your everyday world, including in professions such as medicine, business, and law, where you might not think they belong. 

>> Register here for Shamanic Journeying for Community Healing Now: Evolving Shamanic Practices for Navigating Perilous Times <<

Join Shamanic Journeying for Community Healing Now Evolving Shamanic Practices for Navigating Perilous Times

In this extraordinary online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the gifts of personal sensitivity as they relate to shamanic practice — and learn why it’s important to stop being a sensitive who creates boundaries with the world

  • Discover how you can integrate shamanic journeying practices in a wide variety of professions, including medicine, education and law 

  • Gain fresh insights on how to use shamanic practices to help children and others who are struggling with the realities of an uncertain future and find peace, healing, and hope now 

  • Be guided in a meditation to hear the messages of resilience, strength, and hope of past generations within a stone — and leave guidance for enduring uncertainty and change for future generation within your own sacred stone

  • Discover the tangible benefits of shamanism — and how to best bring ancient shamanic practices into the modern Western world now

It has been said that the shamanic path isn’t something you seek — it finds you. And, it beckons you to be of service with what you have to give while you remain connected with others and your communities. 

Shamanic journeying can give us direct access to the sustenance of our souls and teach us how to obtain all of our needs. 

Join Sandra, a beloved Shift teacher and devout shamanic healer, to discover how you can harness the power of shamanism in humanity’s hour of need.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording or even learn subject deeper <<

In Shamanic Journeying for Community Healing Now: Evolving Shamanic Practices for Navigating Perilous Times with world-renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman…

… you’ll explore how evolving shamanic practices can help you bridge the gap between your professional, personal, and spiritual worlds.

Read more: Explore Evolving Shamanic Practices for Navigating Perilous Times

Monday 20 June 2022

Unlock Wisdom Held in Your Family Lineage - Decode Ancestral DNA

Explore family systems & constellations to release inherited patterns.

It’s common knowledge that physical traits and predispositions are passed down in families from generation to generation. But are you aware that you may have also inherited equally prominent and powerful patterns of thinking, acting, and reacting… even likes, dislikes, interests, and passions?

This invisible yet powerful inheritance is what makes up your emotional DNA —  a legacy of thoughts, feelings, and actions created in response to the decisions made about events, conditions, and often traumatic experiences of those who’ve come before you… 

… situations and events significant enough to impact your mental and physical health, the code of ethics by which you live, your sense of purpose, your relationship to money — and how you relate to success, failure, leadership, and all the people in your life.

The good news is that you can unwrap the origins of these imprints to understand how they manifest for you — and discover the hidden wisdom and gifts they carry in order to create long-term transformation in your life.

You can become an agent of change, cultivating new, healthier patterns — not only for yourself, but for future generations. 

Judy Wilkins-Smith, a highly regarded, profoundly wise, and delightful coach and trainer in the field of Systemic Work & Constellations, can help you recognize the living patterns of ancestral DNA within you… and show you how to use those limitations as a launching pad to manifest a remarkable life.

On Thursday, June 23, Judy will share how your emotional inheritance can serve as a guide, an igniter, and a treasure trove of clues — as you set out on a grand adventure to reinvent your life.

>> Decode Your Ancestral Emotional DNA: Explore Family Systems & Constellations to Release Inherited Patterns <<

invisible yet powerful inheritance is what makes up your emotional DNA

In this inspiring free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover that you don’t live in a vacuum… you’re part of an ancestral system that holds generations of wisdom you can draw from to write the chapter in your family lineage that only you can create

  • Be guided in a constellation exercise to deconstruct your family system, enabling you to gain insights into your family relationships and how they’ve affected you… and your legacy 

  • Learn that transformation is not for the chosen few… it’s for those who choose it

  • Come to understand that you’re a change agent in a box you’ve outgrown — and all you have to do is step out of it and discover the reality of who you are

  • Realize that rather than being stuck and succumbing to your fate, you have the capacity to rise to the destiny of your choosing

The beauty of this work is that it shows people how to honor their lineage and inherited traits while using those old emotional DNA patterns to evolve and create an enormously rich and satisfying life — positively changing those imprints for generations to come. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Decode Your Ancestral Emotional DNA: Explore Family Systems & Constellations to Release Inherited Patterns with Judy Wilkins-Smith…

… you’ll unlock the wisdom held in the lived experience of your family lineage to release blocks, rewire and reframe ancestral patterns, and find fulfillment and freedom — to create a remarkable life for yourself and future generations.

Read more: Unlock Wisdom Held in Your Family Lineage - Decode Ancestral DNA

Sunday 19 June 2022

Learn Intuitive Energy Healing Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others

Transform your everyday reality through an energetic point using gamma consciousness.

Are you having trouble accessing the deep healing and balance you long for, no matter which approach you try?

It’s easy to feel like you’re facing the same challenges — physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually — year after year.

Even if you’re seeking relief through energy healing, you’re likely only accessing limited energetic fields.

Preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale teaches a powerful approach to energy healing that addresses everything that’s limiting your ability to live the healthy, joyful, purpose-filled, and magical life you were meant for… 

She calls it the 4-Pathways Discipline.

On Thursday, June 23, Cyndi will share ways to make actual changes in your everyday reality through gamma consciousness (the guru-level state of being that enables pure healing and everyday ease) and the meridian-based ming men doorway (where your ancestral Qi first infuses you during pre-conception to influence nearly every aspect of your life from that point onward). 

>> Register here for Learn Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others: Tap Into the 4 Levels of Reality for a Multidimensional Approach <<

Energy Healing Learn Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Gain entry into your God Spot, a heart-based space in which your spirit and Spirit dwell alongside a “cell” of the Divine — guaranteeing that energetic shifts made include your physiological body, as well as your psychological and spiritual selves

  • Activate absolute scalar waves through the God Spot, streams of grace that can deliver exactly what you need at all levels of your reality. These beautiful electromagnetic waves are focused on your highest outcome, remaining attached as long as needed

  • Allow the fulfillment of gamma consciousness (via the God Spot and absolute scalar waves) so you’re completely receptive to energetic changes aligning with your highest nature

  • Locate and assess the ming men doorway, known throughout meridian-based medicine systems as the portal between the two kidneys — programmed during pre-conception with ancestral Qi

  • Experience a guided meditation to enable you to operate from the God Spot in gamma consciousness while streaming absolute scalar waves through your ming men doorway — a loving and powerful process where you’ll meet the true ancestors, or parents, dedicated to your destiny

Join us and experience for yourself how Cyndi’s ground-breaking energy medicine approach is the doorway into a vast, exponential, and sustainable healing evolution.

During Cyndi’s upcoming year-long energy healing certification program, you’ll explore her comprehensive energy healing practice that blends modern, ancient, practical, and esoteric approaches — so you can heal yourself and others.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Learn Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others: Tap Into the 4 Levels of Reality for a Multidimensional Approach with preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll discover how to transform your everyday reality through the ming men doorway, a meridian-based energetic point, using gamma consciousness.

Read more: Learn Intuitive Energy Healing Advanced Techniques for Healing Yourself & Others

Friday 17 June 2022

Powerful Ancient Dream Practices for Healing Your Body, Mind, Spirit

Experience a powerful dream practice to transmute the energies of a current challenge.

Did you know that your nighttime dreams can provide powerful insights for healing your body, mind, and spirit… overcoming your life challenges… and evolving into wholeness and fulfilment?

The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca — masters of the dream state — used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself.

Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime — while asleep and awake — to explore other energetic dimensions, connect with ancestral guides, initiate self-healing, and masterfully create the future.

Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña will share the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you release heavy energies of the past, clear the way for more transformative dream states, use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires — and even change the trajectory of your life.

>> Register for Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest <<

Join Free to Hear from Mexican Mystic Healer Lessons of Toltec Dreaming & Prophecies of the Suns Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal Mind Body Spirit & Manifest desired realities

In this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Discover Nahualism, ancient Mexican dream wisdom that uses the “blossom dream” or lucid dream for dreaming at will — and for manifestation while asleep or awake

  • Learn how the night is split into different dreaming cycles to assess your optimal times for lucid dreaming and creating in your dreams

  • Discover the wisdom in the Prophecies of the Suns to help you better understand these transformational times and the ways dreaming can help you navigate them 

  • Discover Toltec Yoga for Dreaming and learn the foundational postures of animals and Gods, as well as a breathing exercise to release heavy energies from the past, free up your energy, and live more fully  

  • Experience a Dream Planting practice to set an intention, transmute the energy of a current challenge, and manifest a more desirable outcome

Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns — teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement — from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun — signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos.

You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy and opportunities the Sixth Sun brings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest, you’ll discover the once-secret dream wisdom of the Chichimeca — and experience a powerful dream practice to transmute the energies of a current challenge and manifest a more desirable outcome.

Read more: Powerful Ancient Dream Practices for Healing Your Body, Mind, Spirit

Thursday 16 June 2022

Sound Therapy Exercise & Healing Musical Instruments to Stop Pain Stress Depression

Explore music as medicine & power of sound to reduce pain, decrease Inflammation, lower blood pressure.

Scientific evidence has revealed that music and key sound frequencies have the power to support our bodies to heal naturally at a very deep level.

When applied correctly, these vibrations gently massage the body’s cells and have an almost magical capacity to heal emotional and physical traumas held in the body. 

Health challenges, such as chronic pain, chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, and poor immune system efficiency can all be alleviated without the need for prescription drugs, affirms acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid. 

After prescription medications had failed to diminish his debilitating back pain, he eliminated the pain permanently by immersing himself in low-frequency sound for just 20 minutes while inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

John’s thorough explanation of the biological mechanisms that underpin sound’s ability to support healing and overcome disease will expand your understanding and belief in the efficacy of sound therapy and music medicine. 

>> Register here for Music as Medicine: Advanced Practices Using Sound to Reduce Pain, Lower Blood Pressure & Decrease Inflammation <<

Experience Sound Therapy Exercise Musical instruments for body healing stop pain stress depression

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Participate in an interactive sound-therapy exercise that promises to help you reduce pain, alleviate chronic inflammation, and lower your blood pressure

  • Learn how to significantly increase the oxygen availability in your bloodstream to optimize your body’s ability to heal

  • Discover how activating your vagus nerve can help reduce chronic inflammation and slow the rate at which you age

  • Experience a deep level of calm as music increases your production of dopamine, while decreasing cortisol levels

  • Stimulate the production and number of white blood cells to strengthen your immune system 

When your body is free of pain and able to move fluidly, without stiffness, your mind will nestle into a deeper level of peace and serenity.

Western medicine has embraced “music as medicine” as a clinical specialty after establishing that the body’s healing mechanisms are optimally supported by certain frequencies.

During this inspiring hour, you’ll be guided to stimulate your vagus nerve while sonically bathed in “The Dream of the Blue Whale,” a beautiful and etheric song containing frequencies as low as 12 Hz — ideal for supporting healing and reducing chronic inflammation as your body melts into deep relaxation.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Music as Medicine: Advanced Practices Using Sound to Reduce Pain, Lower Blood Pressure & Decrease Inflammation with acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid.…

… you’ll learn how to use music as medicine and how musical instruments and the sounds from gongs, Tibetan bowls, and crystal bowls can be used to promote full-body healing. 

Read more: Sound Therapy Exercise & Healing Musical Instruments to Stop Pain Stress Depression

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Expand Your Energy to Become Radiant & Affect Your World From the Inside out

Discover energy psychology tools for evoking and emanating light for healing.

To be a radiant human being requires that you know how to emanate your light. 

It means you have energetic tools to work with this energy, and that you’re so comfortable living this way that you easily select and use the right energy psychology tool for the situation at hand.

As energy healer Melanie Roche teaches, you create your own radiant human template when you use your energy tools to track your shifting needs on every level of your being. And you activate this template when you combine your energetic tracking with real-world skills and tools that help you live with greater flow and ease every day.

As a result, you won’t feel like your time here is running out without having made a difference. You’re filled with clarity and a peaceful on-track feeling, and naturally shine with even more radiance.

On Tuesday, June 21, with Melanie, you’ll explore how your unique radiant human template can help you live congruently with what you most care about, fueling your wellbeing, passion, purpose, and sense of belonging and fulfillment… while offering new possibilities for connecting with others and anchoring your radiant wholeness in the world.

>> Register here for The Radiant Human Template: Energy Psychology Tools to Evoke & Emanate Light for Healing <<

Energy psychology tools for evoking and emanating light for healing to become radiant human

In this enlightening online event, you’ll:

  • Find your unique light — a new sense of yourself that is different than anything you may be worried about

  • Fill your body with your unique light for deeper peace, radiance, and expansiveness — and upwell it into each cell of your body and through the levels of your energy field

  • Align your hara and set an intention for how you want your life to be — strengthening your spiritual connection, your sense of belonging within a larger spiritual reality, and your ability to anchor and share your purpose on Earth and in the Universe

  • Fill your intention with your unique light and expand it into your hara line — integrating what you and only you can contribute into your intention

  • Beam your light into the Universe — expanding it as far as you feel comfortable — to naturally attract everything you need to live how you want to live by just being yourself

The world urgently needs your unique contribution — you being you and shining your light!

Join Melanie for this free online event to discover the wonder of your own unique light — and how to radiate your light so you can positively impact your own life, the lives of those you love, and the world at large. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Radiant Human Template: Energy Psychology Tools to Evoke & Emanate Light for Healing with energy healer Melanie Roche…

… you’ll expand your energy to become radiant — and affect your world from the inside out using powerfully aligned energy psychology techniques.

Read more: Expand Your Energy to Become Radiant & Affect Your World From the Inside out

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Join Sound Healing Event - Activate Self-healing w/ the Power of Vibrational Medicine

Boost mental health and creativity with sound medicine.

Are you ready to leave stress behind and step into a deeply resonant, harmonic state of bliss? 

Would you like to discover profound new ways to experience your own healing abilities?

As a uniquely vibrational being, you can attune to your highest level of consciousness through the power of sound healing. Vibrational medicine can stimulate immune system and brain activity to clear out mental clutter and expand creativity.

>> Join us in the Sound Healing Summit, where you’ll experience myriad vibrational methodologies, including harmonics, tuning forks, sound baths, and voice <<

Science is beginning to reveal that ancient sound-healing techniques are actually the medicine of the future. Sound healing can support you to release anxious thoughts, balance neurological conditions, and regulate emotional responses. 

Free Online Event
Sound Healing Summit
June 27 – July 1, 2022

Sound Healing Summit 2022 Vibrational medicine for reducing stress and anxiety

I’m honored to invite you to this revelatory event that brings together leading masters, scientists, practitioners, trainers, and performers to aid in self-healing and harmonization. 

You’ll discover the latest in sound-healing tools and practices — backed by science as well as ancient traditions — you can use now for self-stabilization, personal growth, and spiritual medicine

Tune into the healing power of vibrational therapies with over 40 of today’s highly sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including John Stuart Reid, Eileen McKusick, Haji Basim, and Richard Rudis.

During this high-production-value event, you can immerse yourself in vibrational therapy with engaging daily routines, healing meditations, musical performances, and celebrity Shift Talks and panels. 

The extensive lineup of musicians, scientists, researchers, shamans, and masters in the sound healing arts will guide you to encounter the healing power of sound in unprecedented ways.

>> Join & discover right approaches & techniques in vibrational medicine for YOU <<
and increase your mental clarity and creativity in the process.

During this dynamic and transformative summit, you’ll: 

  • Discover ancient and emerging sound-healing techniques for heart and brain coherence

  • Access easy vibrational tools that calm your nervous system and activate dramatic shifts in consciousness

  • Encounter percussive rhythms that can induce a trance state that supports system-wide healing

  • Practice humming and chanting to deepen your connection with yourself and others

  • Learn how to use sound-healing instruments, including tuning forks and sound bowls, to reduce stress and support faster body regulation

  • Explore emerging biofield technology to stimulate immune response, blood flow, and hormone balance

  • Stimulate brain chemistry responses to boost mental health, creativity, and happiness

  • And much more…

In this highly experiential event, which pairs contemporary science with ancient healing modalities, you’ll discover how to access higher levels of consciousness through sound. 

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our esteemed teachers and practitioners will be sharing with you during the Sound Healing Summit

  • Jonathan Goldman and Andi Goldman will demonstrate how to use psycho-acoustics and vibro-acoustics to reduce stress and enhance relaxation.

  • John Stuart Reid will discuss his research on how music can activate the “fountain of youth,” stimulate the vagus nerve, and eradicate cancer cells.

  • Chloë Goodchild will provide a sound-awareness toolkit and conscious practices to find, heal, and embody your authentic voice

  • Richard Rudis will teach you how to use sacred sound instruments for ritual and healing purposes.

  • Grace Oh will explain how to return to your sacred self so you can integrate ritual and ceremony into daily life.

  • Laura Inserra will guide you through the immersive MetaMusic Journey as a healing tool for personal development, self-inquiry, and spiritual guidance.

  • Kyle Lam will discuss masculine healing circles — and how to create a conscious community from scratch.

  • Haji Basim will share global wisdom on how discovering your authentic sound can lead to transformation.

  • Laraaji Venus NadaBrahmananda and Arji OceAnanda will reveal how self-induced laughter stimulates natural healing functions such as blood flow and hormonal balance.

  • Jeralyn Glass will lead a deeply immersive experience with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls®️ and bioenergetics to ease emotional and physical pain.

  • Anthony Rodriguez will show you how shamanic drumming can help you journey into other dimensions, connect with spirit guides, and gain greater clarity.

  • Barry Goldstein will teach you how to use music to move through creative blocks and create divine collaborations.

  • And much more…

>> Join here for the Sound Healing Summit to watch live & free! <<

Read more: Join Sound Healing Event - Activate Self-healing w/ the Power of Vibrational Medicine

Sunday 12 June 2022

Spiritual Tools & Practices of 17th-century with Brother Lawrence & Unshakable Joy

Let Brother Lawrence help you cultivate deep gratitude for the present moment, discover practices for resilience, self-compassion & empathy

Each day, we’re bombarded with stressful news and other distractions — on our televisions and phones, in the conversations around us, and within our own quiet moments of reflection.

The wisdom our world needs right now, affirms Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, an award-winning translator of spiritual texts,  can be found in the teachings of Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour.

Brother Lawrence was a down-to-earth mystic, monastery cook, sandal repairer, and disabled veteran who limped painfully all his adult life. 

He lived through a time that was strikingly similar to our own — marked by authoritarianism, political division, social and economic disparities, climate crises, hunger, plague, global death, and war.

As a result, his writings, found after his death in 1691, are filled with profound yet practical tools and wisdom that apply to our moment in history — equipping us to live more calmly and deeply as we connect with ourselves, others, and God. 

On Thursday, June 16, join us for a powerful event with Carmen to discover more about Brother Lawrence’s gentle, simple practices for returning to love — and feeling more grounded in the midst of life’s biggest distractions and greatest challenges.

>> Register here for Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence,
the Friar d’Amour <<

Brother Lawrence’s practices for resilience, self-compassion & empathy

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A guided imagery exercise to befriend your feelings and welcome them into your life — so you can experience healing, let go of any desire for power and control, and create a space for what Brother Lawrence called “unspeakable joy”

  • How the teachings of 17th-century friar Brother Lawrence — including  the practice of the presence of God — are a beacon of hope that can help you navigate today’s challenges and crises

  • How to uncover the often repressed and overlooked feminine energy in Brother Lawrence’s teachings that can help you embody greater “mother compassion” — accepting the holy in yourself while listening to the holy in others

  • Brother Lawrence’s gentle, simple practices for returning to love and our inherent groundedness in the midst of everyday distractions and life’s greatest challenges 

  • The newest translations of Brother Lawrence’s teachings that unveil his path to self-compassion – and the importance of cultivating this quality to bring loving kindness into every encounter

As you’ll discover, Brother Lawrence’s wisdom and practices can bring you home again — into yourself and back to love — as you cultivate an inner sense of calm and the ability to act lovingly. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Practicing Unshakable Joy With Brother Lawrence, the Friar d’Amour with Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD… 

… you’ll discover the powerful spiritual tools and practices of Brother Lawrence, the 17th-century Carmelite friar, for resilience, self-compassion, and empathy — to help you cultivate deep gratitude for the present moment and hope in the darkest of times.

Read more: Spiritual Tools & Practices of 17th-century with Brother Lawrence & Unshakable Joy

Thursday 9 June 2022

'Limitless' Pill: NZT-48 - NEW Silicon Valley craze! You'd Better Believe this...

Digital Nootropics? A pill to 'upgrade' your brain. NOW available & 100% legal...

Do you remember the movie Limitless?

In the film, Edward Morra (played by Bradley Cooper), takes a powerful research pill known as NZT-48...

And it suddenly unlocks the true potential of his brain.

Perfect recall. Surges in creativity. Incredible analytical skills. Productivity like never before.

His whole world upgrades... in MINUTES.

It's a fun story. But no such "pill" actually exists. That is... 


I'd like to introduce you to Limitless Labs

This Silicon Valley-style start-up produces "digital pills" that unlock the latent power of your mind, using a powerful active ingredient: NLP.

The technology is incredible, and it’s available NOW.

>> Click here for a test-drive of Limitless mode yourself

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Why You'd better believe this?

Because This CAN change your entire life -- in just 15 minutes.

A pill that could rapidly unlock your brain’s entire latent potential.

Think faster and sharper than ever before. Unlock Einstein-level genius. Tap into boundless creativity. Get uber-analytical. Study better. Be smarter.

Sounds like a dream?

It’s time to wake up!

This start-up clinic produce over 35 powerful “digital pills” to unlock the power of your mind.

And they’ve created this EXACT brain power pill.

It’s going to change the world -- and you should be the first to know about it.

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>> Here is your private invitation to full video introduction to brand new Limitless Lab products (discount applied) <<

This is powerful -- completely safe -- and unlike anything we've ever tried before. You've GOT to see this for yourself!


Want double power or have been looking for real stuff? See below...

Dr. Dave David Recommends this product loaded with 13 Potent Nootropics for achieving Peak Mental Performance <<

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Read more: 'Limitless' Pill: NZT-48 - NEW Silicon Valley craze! You'd Better Believe this...

Sunday 5 June 2022

Experience Miraculous Haling Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit

Attain heart, mind & emotional coherence using the powerful modality of tuning forks.

Have you ever envisioned that your body could vibrate in a perpetual state of radiant health?

Your body can be tuned to achieve optimal physical balance so that it realizes a state of perfect harmony and sublime homeostasis.

When you tap two Biosonic tuning forks together and use them with the proper approach and proximity to your body, they can quickly alter your body’s biochemistry and bring your nervous system, muscle tone, and organs into harmonic balance. Within seconds your body can enter a deep state of relaxation where you feel centered and peaceful.

Tuning forks have been proven to help reduce stress and increase blood flow —  and they can help to enhance immune response and support achieving higher levels of consciousness.

On Thursday, June 9, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, will share fascinating insights on creating neural coherence with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G). When you experience coherence, it means that everything is working together — the heart, mind, and emotions — which alters your physiology.

Dr. John will also introduce the Otto128™, a powerful tool used directly on the body to help align your physical structure — resonating within the bones, stimulating the nerves, and releasing tension from the body.

>> Register here for Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit <<

Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit with Dr. John Beaulieu

In this dynamic free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a sound-healing attunement with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G) and learn how to incorporate them into a daily meditation practice — to see instant results in easing pain and reducing stress 

  • Find natural sound-as-medicine remedies to reduce reliance on prescription or over-the-counter medications through practices specifically designed to create coherence and a balanced state of mind

  • Learn how to use sound healing to stimulate receptors contained in the skin — even more powerful than those in our ears — allowing you to share the gifts of sound healing with others

  • Discover how to neutralize bad thoughts using sound — by helping to shape our conscience and subconscious using resonance 

  • Learn to recognize when you are out of tune — and how to use the proper sound methods to regain energy and clarity of thought

Dr. John’s Biosonic tuning forks are specially tuned to create a perfect harmonic space that unites two different sounds together into one… inducing unified and peaceful feelings to reignite the passion and power deep inside you.

Join us for this captivating event where you’ll discover the science of tuning forks as an accessible entry point for sound healing… that when used regularly has been proven to have a significant and positive impact on health and wellbeing.

>> You can RSVP for free here - watch live - get extra training <<

In Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit with Dr. John Beaulieu… 

… you’ll attain heart, mind, and emotional coherence using the gentle, yet powerful modality of tuning forks — to restore inner balance and improve your health and wellbeing.

Read more: Experience Miraculous Haling Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit

Saturday 4 June 2022

Listen as a Revered Mazateca Healer Shares about Sacred Medicinal Mushrooms

Discover your soul language through the emotional alchemy of nature’s 4 elements.

Never before has the mainstream conversation been so open and willing to discuss the positive outward impacts and inward benefits of the ancient plant medicine system centered around the healing power of Los Niños Santos (the holy children) — mushrooms which contain psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound produced by more than 200 species of fungi.

For the first time, many, who may never have otherwise considered it are receiving the invitation to join the mycelial network and connect with the timeless wisdom carried by these sacred spores.

What does it mean to have received this invitation? Are you ready to meet sacred mushrooms with the reverence they deserve?

Who will be your guide? Who will be wise, compassionate, and skilled enough to greet you at the gates of those gardens and take your hand? Who will show you how to approach that inner temple with reverence and in the spirit of right action?

Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro is a Mazateca healer from Huautla de Jiménez, Mexico, a little town in the region of Oaxaca, brought to fame by Maria Sabina and her work with Los Niños Santos. As the daughter of Julieta Casimiro – one of the 13 Grandmothers — Eugenia has taken on the responsibility of carrying on her family lineage. 

On Tuesday, June 7, in Ceremonial Magic With Sacred Mushrooms: Discover Your Soul Language Through the Emotional Alchemy of Nature’s 4 Elements, Eugenia will share her life’s purpose of welcoming you into the healing resonance of sacred mushrooms.

>> Register here to watch live event or get recording <<

Discover Indigenous Ceremonial Magic With Sacred Mushrooms & Your Soul Language Through the Emotional Alchemy of Nature’s 4 Elements

In this this illuminating event, you’ll:

  • Experience a feminine-centered approach to ceremonies — through a brief yet potent plant medicine visualization — to feel the power of rebirth that is gifted through the spirit of Los Niños Santos; followed by a discussion on how it helps you renew your perspectives and emotions

  • Explore the alchemy of emotional awareness and transformation from a universal approach to emotional healing — as we are all connected with Mother Earth and the Cosmos

  • Be introduced to the relationship between your emotional state and the 4 elements of fire, water, earth, and air — and how to balance your emotions with these powerful elemental allies  

  • Discover the value of embarking on a ritualistic journey into the depths of your emotions — for inward liberation

  • Discover how this process can help you accomplish a mission or empower yourself to be of service

By understanding how to work with and honor sacred medicines, you’ll acquire new ways of thinking, feeling, and moving in our current times.

You’ll redefine and recognize the power of emotional alchemy by opening yourself to commune with the wisdom of the sacred mushrooms.

>> You Can Join this event for free here <<

In Ceremonial Magic With Sacred Mushrooms: Discover Your Soul Language Through the Emotional Alchemy of Nature’s 4 Elements with Doña Eugenia Pineda Casimiro…

… a revered Mazateca healer and lineage holder will share how to approach sacred medicinal mushrooms — Los Niños Santos — by grounding into the elements to heal your heart, restore your soul’s purpose, embody your deepest truths, and serve the world.

Read more: Listen as a Revered Mazateca Healer Shares about Sacred Medicinal Mushrooms