Monday 30 May 2022

Enneagram-based strategies for emotional literacy in intimacy, growth & healing

Discover why the Enneagram helps build healthier, more loving relationships.

We spend so much of our lives relating to others — our families, friends, colleagues, and neighbors — that, even if you spend most of your time at home, you’re likely connecting with others on a daily basis.

In these many relationships, we may encounter misunderstandings or challenges that can trigger us to behave in ways that don’t serve us or those we love. During such conflicts, if we don’t take the time to pause and give ourselves space before reacting, we may say or do something we regret. 

What could our relationships look like if we gave ourselves permission to better understand ourselves and our loved ones before we acted on our impulses? 

According to personality coaches Suzanne Dion and Sean Palmer, the Enneagram is a profound tool that not only helps you understand your own personality type better, you can use it to understand more deeply the challenging experiences in your relationships. 

On Saturday, June 4, Suzanne and Sean will show you how to use the Enneagram to achieve a greater understanding of yourself and your loved ones. You’ll discover how it can help you relate to them better — and bridge the gaps between yourself and those you love by achieving a broader acceptance of yourself and others.

>> Register here for Empower Your Relationships With the Enneagram: Discover Strategies for Emotional Literacy in Intimacy, Growth & Healing <<

Discover why the Enneagram helps build healthier, more loving relationships

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided exercise using the 5 A’s (Awareness, Acceptance, Appreciation, Action, and Adherence), designed to help you explore a recent or current disagreement and gain new perspectives

  • Unlock how working with the Enneagram can help you bridge the gaps between you and those you love

  • Discover the steps to take during conflicts so you can acknowledge and manage your default patterns and emotions — and how to create space and grace for others’ patterns and emotions

  • Gain tools to give yourself permission to interact with yourself and others with more compassion, truth, and acceptance

  • Explore ways to move through the world with a less defensive posture to free yourself from projections and assumptions

Suzanne and Sean will teach you a method for responding to other people and life situations that can create space for understanding — without compromising your own truth or shrinking yourself to appease someone else.  

When you join them for this heart-opening event, you’ll discover that there’s hope, and that you can change your relationships to be more compassionate, understanding, and in alignment with your greatest desires for peace, health, and happiness.

>> RSVP for free here -- watch live -- get extra training & recording <<

In Empower Your Relationships With the Enneagram: Discover Strategies for Emotional Literacy in Intimacy, Growth & Healing with Suzanne Dion and Sean Palmer…

… you’ll gain insights into your relationship dynamics through the Enneagram, and discover how you can relate better and hurt less by developing greater openness, acceptance, and compassion.

Read more: Enneagram-based strategies for emotional literacy in intimacy, growth & healing

Must Try 18 Qigong Movements for Productivity, Optimism & Health

Find balance and inner strength through a powerful ancient Qigong healing practice.

In the chaos of life, it can be incredibly challenging to find balance in your body when everything around you is in upheaval. 

As a result, our immune systems weaken and we become more vulnerable to illness and disease. Clearly, we need to change course if we wish to live a vibrant, healthy, and balanced life.

It’s our good fortune that there’s a natural way to bring your body back into balance, and more importantly, enable you to maintain it — with a self-care system that has survived the test of time. 

On Tuesday, June 14, Daisy Lee, the founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong, will demonstrate a few of the 18 key movements used in the ancient healing modality of Wuji Hundun Qigong.

These 18 movements are specifically designed for you to find, restore, and maintain your balance in the midst of outer turbulence.

>> Join here for Balancing Life’s Chaos With Qigong: 18 Ancient Wuji Hundun Movements for More Productivity, Greater Optimism & Better Health <<

Daisy Lee, the founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong, will demonstrate a few of the 18 key movements used in the ancient healing modality of Wuji Hundun Qigong

In this transformational online Qigong event, you’ll:

  • Define chaos, not as a negative or positive, but simply as a reality that you can choose to respond to in a more positive way

  • Learn two Qigong movements — Si and Kun — to support lung strength and shoulder mobility 

  • Explore the history of the 800-year-old Wuji Hundun Qigong healing system 

  • Discover who Master Duan was — and his tireless mission to bring Wuji Hundun to the West 

  • Experience a few of the core 18 movements of Wuji Hundun, including Sunrise and Sunset — and why they’re so important

Join us for an insightful exploration into the art of Qigong to learn a time-tested modality that can enhance your health and wellbeing — so you can maintain equanimity and balance in the midst of any storm. 

You’ll explore the intriguing roots of Wuji Hundun, the powerful ancient Qigong healing practice that was almost eradicated during the cultural revolution in China.

>> Join free here -- watch live -- get extra training & recording <<

In Balancing Life’s Chaos With Qigong: 18 Ancient Wuji Hundun Movements for More Productivity, Greater Optimism & Better Health with Daisy Lee…

… you’ll rise above life’s turmoil by finding balance — drawing upon proven, ancient practices from the roots of Wuji Hundun, a form of Qigong to bring you the inner strength to weather any storm.

Read more: Must Try 18 Qigong Movements for Productivity, Optimism & Health

Friday 27 May 2022

Achieve Highest Levels of Consciousness for Energy Healing Yourself & Others Masterclass

Learn how to activate specific brain states to change stuck trauma to peace & wisdom.

Do you long for deep healing, yet can’t seem to clear your most challenging traumas, no matter how hard you try?

Do you feel deep within your bones that yours was not meant to be an ordinary life, and you yearn to live in greater alignment with your true inner self? 

Perhaps you’ve experienced a profound yet fleeing sense of spiritual oneness — and you want to regain that pure, perfect connection to All That Is.

Cyndi Dale, one of the world’s foremost intuitive energy healers, teaches that all of our trauma resides in our lesser-known infra-low brain waves. Thankfully, there are two very high brain waves (hyper-gamma and lambda) that, when activated, can reach these stress-filled lower waves, and heal your deepest pain and suffering.

Research has shown that when you actualize these two higher waves, you can reach the guru state that is your birthright— and live peacefully, spiritually, and powerfully. 

On Saturday, June 4, Cyndi will reveal how to activate these brain waves for profound healing, higher awareness, and greater spiritual flow. She’ll explain the science behind the hyper-gamma and lambda brain waves, as well as the infra-low brain wave.

>> Register here for Explore Guru Consciousness: 5 Steps to Experience the Highest Levels of Consciousness for Healing Yourself & Others <<

How to Achieve Highest Levels of Consciousness for Healing Yourself & Others with Energy Healing Masterclass

During this complimentary online energy healing masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • How to access your God Spotthe inner space that allows you to instantly link to the cellular and spiritual realities of the Divine — and receive loving healing and energizing guidance

  • How to activate your absolute scalar waves through a simple practice called Spirit-to-Spirit, which calls in the energies you need to create optimum transformation anywhere, at any time

  • How to reach the guru state through the full embodiment of the hyper-gamma brain waves that can make you happier, clearer, more enlivened, and better able to enjoy each day while in a flow of renewal and light

  • How to link lambda and epsilon brain waves (the level of your highest, most enlightened self) with infra-low brain waves (the level that holds deep trauma and stuck energy) — so love can become real and your greatest destiny can unfold

  • How to infuse the higher lambda state throughout your body, mind, and soul — so you can walk through life in purpose, giving and caring to self and others at all times

You’ll learn to do more than just touch the hem of the Divine. You’ll learn how to live, breathe, and be enveloped in what Cyndi calls the cloth of the Divine — as you release deep levels of stuck trauma that prevent you from living a life of greater meaning and purpose.

As Cyndi affirms, we are all equal within divinity — you have the same capacity for living in the guru state as everyone else. She’ll share how you can reach your own adept-level status for living your most peaceful, guided life.

>> You can RSVP for free here (get recording & learn more by joining class <<

In Explore Guru Consciousness: 5 Steps to Experience the Highest Levels of Consciousness for Healing Yourself & Others with Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll learn how to activate specific brain states to transform stuck trauma into peace and wisdom — so you can achieve your guru state by accessing your own inner spiritual planes, intuitive abilities, and ever greater depths of spirit and soul.

Read more: Achieve Highest Levels of Consciousness for Energy Healing Yourself & Others Masterclass

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Discover the Secrets of Alchemy for Awakening the Ancestral Healer Within

Experience a guided practice to connect to the mercurial element of your own soul.

Ancient wisdom traditions speak to a divine spark buried deep within us as the source of all inner and outer transformation.

This sparkling seed at your core is called Mercurius by the alchemists, a sacred trickster element that your soul carries at its essence. The job of Mercurius is to rouse you by whatever means necessary to return to your innate wholeness and wellbeing… the wise fleck of luminosity of your own ancient and ever-new Self.

Drawing from her immersive experience with Jewish mysticism and depth psychology, Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone teaches that as you learn to engage with this primal element within, the alchemical process of your own healing quickens…

… uncovering wounds and blockages that have been dormant and held intergenerationally — and that await the light of your awareness to stimulate insight and healing.

On Thursday, June 2, with Rabbi Tirzah, you’ll discover how to access your sacred trickster and its spiritual gifts — to awaken the ancestral healer within you and undergo a unique alchemical process for healing yourself and your lineage.

>> Register here for Alchemy to Awaken the Ancestral Healer Within: Connect to Your Soul’s Sacred Trickster to Activate Your Spiritual Gifts <<

Experience the mercurial element of your soul to accelerate healing and spiritual growth

In this uplifting online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the sacred science of alchemy — and how the light-bearing work of ancient alchemists can be used today to expand consciousness, transmute trauma, and inspire healing 

  • Meet the mercurial element that lives dormant in your soul to activate your spiritual gifts and accelerate healing

  • Explore the overlapping worlds of the alchemists and Kabbalists, whose mystical science speaks directly to the urgency many of us feel today

  • Be immersed in the ancient alchemical laboratories of Prague — and connect with their wisdom, ambiance, and mysticism 

  • Experience a guided practice to connect to the mercurial element of your own soul to help you accelerate your spiritual growth and healing process

Ultimately, you’ll illuminate a part of yourself that perhaps you may not have known existed… develop a personal alchemical process that you can continue to practice to strengthen your internal connection and accelerate your healing…

… and learn how to work with your own innate brilliance to fulfill the tasks you came to carry out — for yourself and your lineage.

Join us for this extraordinary event, which touches on the ancient arts and sacred science of alchemy to transmute the heaviness of this world into the light of consciousness and healing power.

>> You can Join this free live class here & get recording later <<

In Alchemy to Awaken the Ancestral Healer Within: Connect to Your Soul’s Sacred Trickster to Activate Your Spiritual Gifts with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone…

… you’ll experience the mercurial element of your soul to accelerate healing and spiritual growth within your lineage using wisdom from the sacred science of alchemy.

Read more: Discover the Secrets of Alchemy for Awakening the Ancestral Healer Within

Tuesday 24 May 2022

Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health

Understand the deeper energetic patterns within you that impact your body, mind & spirit.

According to Ayurvedic wisdom, there are inextricable connections between the mind, body, and spirit — and your metabolic makeup can provide key information about how your specific system works.

When you understand your metabolic makeup — whether it’s fast-moving and prone to ungroundedness or slower-moving and prone to lethargy — you can remedy your imbalances before health challenges can set in.

Ayurveda, the ancient sister science of yoga, is a complete system for living that not only gives us insight into our core energetics and metabolic patterns — known as doshas — it also includes a sophisticated system of herbal medicine specific to your makeup.

When you become familiar with your doshas, you can determine which herbs are right for you — to get to the root of what ails you. You can improve your health and wellbeing — and evolve spiritually as well.

On Saturday, May 28, world-renowned herbalist K.P. Khalsa will help you understand how doshas connect to Ayurvedic herbs — and how you can use them to heal from dis-ease, expand your mind, and propel your spiritual journey.

>> Register here to Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy to Determine the Best Healing Herbs for You: An Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health <<

Determine the Best Healing Herbs for You - Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health

In this highly informative free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The Ayurvedic approach to working with people’s energetics — how they affect health and promote illness, and how to match them with herbs to balance them

  • An herb that can cool down inflammation and help manage difficult moods, fever, anger, and intensity

  • An herb that can gently reduce constipation, anxiety, and insomnia — while promoting spiritual growth 

  • An herb that can relax the mind and improve learning and memory — and one that helps cultivate beautiful skin 

  • A guided meditation to connect with and identify the metabolic energies in your body, enabling you to sense how you’d feel if you were more balanced — and imagine the ideal herb that would create that transformation

When you understand your energetic makeup and use the right herbs, over time you can improve your digestion and sleep, reduce joint and muscle pain, regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol, and much more. 

In this health-enhancing event with K.P., you’ll delve into the lesser-known, more sophisticated uses of herbs — from the practical to the mystical — to support both your physical and emotional selves. 

You’ll explore how to sharpen and expand your mind, reduce mind chatter, and improve memory. You’ll also unlock ways to enable communication with your soul, forge a better connection with your spirit — and heighten your capacity to experience bliss.

>> Join for free here -- watch live -- get recording & extra training <<

In Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy to Determine the Best Healing Herbs for You: An Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health with K.P. Khalsa…

… you’ll understand the deeper energetic patterns within you that impact your body, mind, and spirit… and discover herbs that will work specifically for YOU to heal dis-ease, enhance wellbeing, and prepare you for expanded consciousness.

Read more: Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health

Activate Mystical States of Consciousness with SOMA Breathwork Technique

Renew your body and re-engineer your life through the modern pranayama.

What if you could shift the very foundations of who you are in a way that opened you to vast new possibilities? 

According to breathwork pioneer Niraj Naik, once you understand who you truly are and become aware of your patterns in a visceral way — you can fulfill the vision you have for your best life. 

Niraj’s SOMA Breathwork method lets you enter into ecstatic states from which you can reprogram yourself and your life. His breathwork approach uses ancient yogic breathing practices to provide a lasting, drug-free approach to reaching enlightened states of consciousness.

Join us on Thursday, May 26, as Niraj shares how SOMA Breathwork activates your mystical and transformative states of consciousness — so you can release old patterns and evolve into the best version of yourself. 

>> Register here for Experience the Limitless SOMA Breathwork Technique: Renewing Your Body & Re-Engineering Your Life Through the Breath <<

learn how to activate mystical and transformative states of consciousness with SOMA Breathwork — so you can discover your truth, heal from the past, and envision an exciting future

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a core SOMA Breathwork technique, “Limitless”  — a rhythmic breathing guided meditation set to music — to open your mind and visualize a limitless world with infinite possibilities

  • Discover how SOMA Breathwork serves as pranayama for the modern age, enabling you to apply ancient spiritual practices to your daily life 

  • Identify what it means to become what Niraj calls your own “software programmer” — as you recreate yourself using the breath

  • Examine how breathing techniques can function as your inner pharmacy

  • Explore what it means to spiritually awaken through your breath

During this event, you’ll begin to open your mind and visualize a world with vastly expanded possibilities as Niraj guides you through a core SOMA Breath technique, “Limitless”  — a rhythmic breathing meditation set to music. 

You’ll discover how to use your breath — or as Niraj calls it, the remote control of your mind, body, and spirit — so you can be at your best, every single day.

True transformation happens when higher codes of consciousness are activated using your breath. From this state, it’s possible to reset, reprogram, and upgrade yourself and your life. 

>> Feel Free to Join us -- watch live -- get extra training <<

In Experience the Limitless SOMA Breathwork Technique: Renewing Your Body & Re-Engineering Your Life Through the Breath with Niraj Naik…

… you’ll learn how to activate mystical and transformative states of consciousness with SOMA Breathwork — so you can discover your truth, heal from the past, and envision an exciting future.

Read more: Activate Mystical States of Consciousness with SOMA Breathwork Technique

Monday 23 May 2022

Experience the Deathbed Awakening exercise to deepen your relationship to reality

Discover how life’s most difficult challenges can serve as a catalyst of awakening.

Are you aware of what you, as a spiritual person, should be doing, how you should be feeling, what you should be overcoming…

… yet you reach for answers where you think they should be found, only to hit dead ends time and time again?

That’s where psychotherapist Jeff Brown found himself when his experience in the psychology realm similarly came up short. It’s why he developed the intersectional grounded spirituality he calls enrealment. 

Enrealment melds psychology and Spirit, shadow and light, earth and sky into a more integrated spirituality. His method for achieving and sustaining it is the exciting heart of his free event on Tuesday, May 24:

>> From Woo-Woo to Getting Real: Using the Enrealment Method
to Bridge Your Spirituality & Humanity <<

Using the Enrealment Method to Bridge Your Spirituality & Humanity

Jeff will provide assurance that what’s happening with you is neither personal shortcoming nor heavenly slight. Your “stuff” is ready to be excavated and healed; that’s all. 

He’ll share how you can forge an even more powerful, reliable spirituality by embodying all the parts of yourself — in all their authentic, messy, human glory.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience the Deathbed Awakening exercise to deepen your relationship to reality

  • Explore the question, “What does it mean to be human?” as a way to examine your spiritual beliefs and conditioning — as they limit or encourage the expression and expansion of your humanity

  • Discover how to apply the enrealment method to dismantle what no longer supports you and fortify what does

  • Acknowledge how this more encompassing view of spirituality allows for the processing of difficult emotional material… and learn how to navigate that

  • Emerge inspired to identify the paths you’re here to walk, lessons you’re here to learn, and callings you’re here to embrace

Enrealment equips you to go into your issues rather than dissociating from them — and encourages you to find your transformation at the heart of your emotional material rather than in the spiritual bypassing of it. The comfort found in enrealment is hard-won and enduring.

As you become an enrealed human being, your energy expands to serve your highest purpose. Your spiritual assignment here on Earth is calling for you to be healed — broadening your capacity to weather challenges and contribute outwardly. 

>> RSVP for free here -- watch live -- get recording <<

In From Woo-Woo to Getting Real: Using the Enrealment Method to Bridge Your Spirituality & Humanity with Jeff Brown…

… you’ll discover how life’s most difficult challenges can serve as grist for the mill of awakening, what it means to be fully and authentically human, and how your flaws can be a portal to a higher spirituality.

Read more: Experience the Deathbed Awakening exercise to deepen your relationship to reality

Friday 20 May 2022

Forgiving Ancestors Guided Practice to Communicate w/ Mother & Father line

Reclaim a legacy of healing using tools that illuminate the wounds of your lineage.

Modern science contends that our ancestors’ pain and problematic physical, mental, and emotional patterns can live on for generations in our DNA. What it neglects to mention is that ancestral wisdom and healing can as well

In fact, you may be the ancestor who can heal and bless the wounds of past, present, and future generations. 

Have you received this ability from someone in your bloodline, but have yet to learn how to wield its power? 

According to holistic healer and spiritual counselor Natalia O’Sullivan, your ancestral shadows often harbor the gifts that you’ve hidden away… oftentimes, to create a personal sense of belonging or to help others feel that they are enough. 

Natalia teaches that all of our conscious and subconscious patterns form the basis of our ancestral inheritance and legacy — that which we genetically received and were programmed to be, and that which we pass on.

But where does this leave you on your path to living as a happy, whole, and healed human being? 

You’ll learn techniques for uncovering the ancestral roots of your physical, mental, and emotional challenges to reclaim a legacy of happiness and healing.

>> Register here for Forgiving Ancestral Shadows: How Reframing Painful Legacies Nourishes & Heals Your Bloodline <<

Experience a guided practice to communicate with your mother and father line

During this event, you’ll:

  • Learn how to create a family altar that honors your ancestors — as a first step to building a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship with them    

  • Be guided in a practice to call in and connect with your mother and father line — and learn how to receive any messages they may have for you  

  • Discover how ancestral archetypal energies influence your family — even if that ancestor was absent from the unit or not readily known       

  • Embark on a guided nonlinear journey using a photo of an ancestor to understand them and their life from a deeper perspective       

  • Learn how to self-protect and approach relationships with self-sovereignty so you’re not always taking on ancestral burdens

Are you ready to illuminate the shadows of your ancestry and reclaim a legacy of happiness and healing?

Watch recording of this free online event to discover new tools and rituals for doing just that.

>> Join free here - watch recording - learn more <<

In Forgiving Ancestral Shadows: How Reframing Painful Legacies Nourishes & Heals Your Bloodline with Natalia O’Sullivan…

… you’ll reclaim a legacy of happiness and healing using practical tools and rituals that unearth, illuminate, and bless the wounds and roots of your lineage.

Read more: Forgiving Ancestors Guided Practice to Communicate w/ Mother & Father line

Explore Radical Transformation for a New You in a New World

Move beyond survival to cultivate a better version of yourself.

Do you wish for a world free from oppressive limitations, yet find yourself unconsciously complicit in the cultural norms and systems holding you and others back?

Are you aching to move beyond survival to cultivate a better version of yourself —  to rise up and respond… from the heart?

Do you yearn to transform your relationship with unprocessed trauma so you can trust your intuition?

One thing we know for certain is that lasting change only becomes real when we face the beliefs, stories, and actions that maintain our complicity.

On Saturday, May 21, join Langston Kahn and discover his transcendent, body-based approach to radically transform the fear-based stories we each hold in ourselves — from our traumatic experiences, internalized oppression, habitual emotional patterns, and the many outmoded beliefs that hold us back.  

>> Register here for Radical Human Transformation for a New You in a New World <<

Discover transcendent, body-based approach to radically transform fear-based stories we each hold in ourselves

In this mind-expanding free online event, you’ll:

  • Unleash your power through a Cauldron of Desire exercise to fuel your career, activities, passions, and love — tapping into your deepest energy source and gaining clarity for the person you want to be and the world you want to see

  • Explore the importance of repairing your relationship to the land through becoming an ecological steward who tends the Earth as a custodian… versus seizing resources in an extractive, manipulative, one-sided way

  • Discover how to better relate with others through clear and authentic communication — without fear or confusion — and centered on preventing miscommunication

  • Examine how making peace with your discomfort is a form of empowerment… connecting you with your authentic self and enabling deeper, more meaningful connections with everyone around you

  • Discover how getting out of your own way can reveal an enlightened path and liberate your power in the service of a vision — opening the door to becoming something bigger and more meaningful than you can imagine

This is your opportunity to start creating a better world for yourself and others by taking control of your life and future, liberating your unique voice, and taking conscious responsibility for a deeper level of purpose and power.

Don’t hesitate to discover your true potential by embodying a calm level of radical human acceptance… building an authentic, restorative relationship with your emotions… and solidifying the foundation you need to transform from stressed in the now to patient with your future.

>> RSVP for free here - watch live - get recording and extra training <<

In Radical Human Transformation for a New You in a New World with Langston Kahn…

… you’ll reclaim your power by letting go of what’s holding you back to discover a centered, audacious, loving version of yourself — informed by the wisdom of your ancestors and Mother Earth — in a meditation designed to liberate energy fueled by your innermost desires.

Read more: Explore Radical Transformation for a New You in a New World

Tuesday 17 May 2022

Get 9 Keys to Befriending Your Intuition for Deeper Clarity, Guidance & Peace

Access the heightened intelligence and healing power of your authentic intuition.

When you find yourself oscillating between insecurity and inspiration, what you may actually be grappling with, according to energy healer Hilary Crowley, is whether you should allow yourself to be guided by your instinct or by your intuition.

Both send powerful signals from your subconscious. Relying solely on your instinct response, however, tends to keep you stuck — disconnected from the limitless possibilities your intuition could reveal.

On Thursday, May 19, with Hilary, the author of The Power of Energy Medicine: Your Natural Prescription for Resilient Health, you’ll be guided through energy medicine techniques that deconstruct unhelpful instinctual responses and activate your intuition. 

You’ll come to know and feel within your body how to differentiate them, including how instinct is really a pre-programmed fear-based response of your sympathetic nervous system.

>> Register here for 9 Keys to Befriending Your Intuition: Open to Deeper Guidance, Clarity & Peace <<

begin to realign with your true self — that which exists beyond limitations of the survival and coping mind — you’ll uncover and befriend the wise intuitive teacher within you

During this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the key differences between instinct and intuition, including how instinct is really a pre-programmed response of your sympathetic nervous system’s sense of threat or danger

  • Discover how reacclimating your body to a newfound sense of safety activates deeper levels of intuition — and releases your body’s inherent intelligence into your greater energy field for heightened healing and consciousness

  • Begin to trust where your optimism and inspiration lead you

  • Learn to gauge how receptive you are to intuitive information by assessing your current sense of safety

  • Befriend the wise intuitive teacher within you, who is always in tune with the path that’s best for you

Hilary will help you discover how relying solely on lower brain centers as the basis for decision-making blocks the cultivation of your intuition… and the truth of what’s possible for your life.

As you begin to realign with your true self — that which exists beyond limitations of the survival and coping mind — you’ll uncover and befriend the wise intuitive teacher within you, who is in tune with the path that’s best for you and can immediately offer accurate information and guidance.

This is an opportunity for you to begin to dissolve your unhelpful primitive patterns to liberate your intuition and the healing force that resides within you.

>> Join free here now - watch live - get recording - get extra training <<

In 9 Keys to Befriending Your Intuition: Open to Deeper Guidance, Clarity & Peace with Hilary Crowley… 

… you’ll access the heightened intelligence and healing power of your authentic intuition.

Read more: Get 9 Keys to Befriending Your Intuition for Deeper Clarity, Guidance & Peace

Monday 16 May 2022

Practical Healing Exercises for Emotional Balance, Flexibility, Vitality, Relaxed Alertness

Explore new & established somatic movement methods for healing trauma.

Would you like to move with more freedom in your body, release “stuck” trauma, and liberate yourself from emotional distress?

If the body holds tension and anxiety about the past or future, it can block the flow of wisdom coming in the moment. By tuning in to your body’s innate sensations, you can open up space for healing and growth to emerge.

Deep healing requires us to release trauma and PTSD, and hold space for transformation and unity. Somatic movement is a rich, body-based, self-healing tradition that empowers you to become more aware of your body’s subtle guidance and inspiration. 

The Somatic Movement Summit invites you to strengthen your connection to your body’s innate intelligence as a pathway to greater resilience, flexibility, and vitality. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to conscious movement, you’ll discover a wide range of somatic modalities to expand your awareness and inspire your healing journey. 

You can practice powerful rejuvenation techniques during this highly experiential, one-of-a-kind event. Most sessions include 10 to 20 minutes of guided practice to help you connect to your body’s wisdom. Plus, each day will conclude with a 75-minute session featuring a full 30 to 45 minutes of experiential somatic movement practices.

If you’ve been operating in survival mode lately, applying somatic movement techniques can help you shift out of the fight-or-flight response, and foster deeper relaxation and vibrancy. 

Through a variety of somatics modalities including Hanna SomaticsTM, Feldenkrais®, Body-Mind Centering®, Biodynamic OsteopathyContinuum MontageDancemeditationTMDynamic EmbodimentTMAlexander TechniqueTMand somatic psychology, you can practice alchemizing sensory overload, and embody a more grounded, balanced, way of living.

Free Online Event
Somatic Movement Summit
June 6–10, 2022

Somatics modalities - Hanna SomaticsTM, Feldenkrais®, Body-Mind Centering®, Biodynamic Osteopathy, Continuum Montage, DancemeditationTM, Dynamic EmbodimentTM, Alexander TechniqueTM, somatic psychology

This powerful gathering will feature more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers — including Lavinia Plonka, Paul Linden, PhD, Dr. Ruby Gibson, Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Mia Segal, Dr. Martha Eddy, Suresha Hill, Banafsheh Sayyad, Nikki Myers, Don Hanlon Johnson, PhD, Anat Baniel, and more. 

They’ll be guiding you through simple somatic practices to move you from trauma, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the medicinal art and power of embodied motion. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 5-day event you’ll…

  • Explore fluid movements to release tension and pain, and begin resetting your body

  • Encounter “movement mantras” to clear overwhelming feelingsthoughts, and obligations

  • Experience soothing somatic movement practices that help unwind trauma and balance the nervous system

  • Learn scientifically proven ways to activate neuroplasticity and positive brain change

  • Explore a wide range of new and established somatic movement methods, including Hanna SomaticsTM, Feldenkrais®, Body-Mind Centering®, Biodynamic Osteopathy, Continuum Montage, DancemeditationTM, Dynamic EmbodimentTM, Alexander TechniqueTM, and more

  • Ignite your somatic intelligence to move from surviving to thriving

  • Nourish your nervous system through centering and connective movement

  • Cultivate inner peace through somatic self-regulation 

  • Understand how trauma is stored in the body, and discover effective and groundbreaking tools to resolve and integrate it 

  • Discover how embodied movement can help dissipate stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma

  • Explore pathways to strengthen immunity, improve heart rate variability, and facilitate natural breathing 

  • Discover how somatic movement reactivates your energy, resilience, and freedom of movement for all ages and stages of life 

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Your body holds the keys to deep emotional healing, resilience, and balance. This life-enriching summit will help you awaken your somatic intelligence and discover new ways to release all that feels stuck inside you.


The Somatic Movement Summit experts will guide you through a variety of experiences over 5 days:

  • Lavinia Plonka will guide you through a delicious movement process from the KINESATM lexicon that relaxes your spine, while connecting to your emotional center.

  • Donn Brennan, Lisa Fisher, and Paul Linden, PhD, will host a panel on how to embody peacemaking to raise world consciousness. 

  • Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Brian Siddhartha Ingle, and Donn Brennan will look at how balancing the autonomic nervous system is key for embodying health.

  • Dr. Ruby Gibson will teach the 5 Steps of Somatic Archaeology to consciously manifest your destiny.

  • Mia Segal and Leora Gaster will share how to use self-monitoring to integrate thought and action, increasing more presence in your internal processes.

  • Dr. Martha Eddy will discuss how tracking somatic sensation using the Dynamic Embodiment model reduces anxiety, numbness, and exhaustion.

  • Suresha Hill will lead a practice on how to reset your body by using movement to release tension, pain, and strain.

  • Banafsheh Sayyad will dive deep into exploring physicality as awareness to merge into the greater field of consciousness.

  • Nikki Myers will walk you through a somatic experience to address addiction recovery.

  • Don Hanlon Johnson, PhD, will show how to express your inner experiences to retain a connection to non-verbal insights

  • Anat Baniel will present scientifically proven ways to activate neuroplasticity and positive brain change.

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Practical Healing Exercises for Emotional Balance, Flexibility, Vitality, Relaxed Alertness

Sunday 15 May 2022

Tai Chi Exercise to Breathe in & Embody Earth Consciousness

Harmonize with nature through the wisdom of eco-prophet Thomas Berry.

We are surrounded by evidence that there is something truly out of balance in our world.

When people fail to find joy and meaning, they often turn to substances and other addictions as a coping mechanism to check out emotionally from a life that isn’t grounded and purposeful.  

As human beings, we are intimately linked to the Earth and the Cosmos. When we don’t live in harmony with nature and stay connected to Source, we lose our connection to ourselves.  

On Tuesday, May 17, Matthew Fox, a theologian and prolific author, will share why cultural historian Thomas Berry’s teachings are so vitally important at this unique juncture.  

As Matthew notes, Thomas Berry was an eco-prophet who spoke out about the earth’s destruction over four decades ago.  

>> Register here for Sacred Earth, Sacred Self: Harmonize With Nature & Reconnect to the Human Community Through the Wisdom of Eco-Prophet Thomas Berry <<

Get deeper, more meaningful purpose through embracing the truths of mystics

In this free online event, you’ll: 

  • Find that when you take action to save the Earth, and connect to Source, you are taking steps to save yourself and future generations

  • Discover humanity’s most basic flaw — and its resulting consequences

  • Explore why embodying a sense of sacredness is a vital element of human survival — emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and environmentallyhow to

  • Discover why academic barbarism (when the left brain devours your values by overpowering the right brain) leads to the destruction of the planet by prioritizing profits over respecting the sacredness of the Earth

  • Experience a Tai Chi breathing and movement exercise to invite you to breathe in and embody Earth consciousness

In this thought-provoking hour, Mathew will reveal a basic flaw of humanity and its long-term consequences — emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and environmentally. 

He’ll share his reflections on Berry’s view of our planet as sacred, and how decades of exploitation have caused tremendous damage, some of it irreversible.

You’ll be invited to do the great work of saving yourself and the planet because personal transformation is not only possible, it’s necessary — not only for your survival, but for the survival of the planet.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event or get recording later + extra training <<

In Sacred Earth, Sacred Self: Harmonize With Nature & Reconnect to the Human Community Through the Wisdom of Eco-Prophet Thomas Berry with Matthew Fox… 

… you’ll reconnect with the sacred Earth to ground yourself, and find a deeper, more meaningful purpose through embracing the truths of mystics — and in the process, saving the planet for future generations.

Read more: Tai Chi Exercise to Breathe in & Embody Earth Consciousness

Saturday 14 May 2022

Dream Travel to Other Times & Parallel Worlds - Meet Multidimensional Self

Experience conscious dream travel to visit your future and other versions of yourself.

Your dreams and the play of synchronicity around you can open doorways to the deeper order of reality and your own greater potential.  

In dreams, you travel beyond linear time and beyond body and brain. Through synchronicity, or what Jung called a “rupture in time,” powers of the deeper world come poking through the veils of consensual reality to awaken you. 

You are a time traveler in dreams. You travel to past, future, and parallel times. 

On Saturday, May 14, with beloved dreamer Robert Moss, you’ll be guided on how to use your dream memories as a platform for grand adventures in lucid shamanic dreaming. In doing so, you’ll shape a better future, clear ancestral karma, and bring healing, guidance, and creative energy into your embodied life.

>> Register here for Open the Door to Dream Travel: Explore Other Times & Worlds to Access More of Your Multidimensional Self <<

learn lucid shamanic conscious dreaming - how to dream travel to explore the past & access other dimensions and parallel worlds, visit your future self, access more of your multidimensional self

During this reality-expanding free online event with Robert, you’ll:

  • Explore the art of dream travel — and how to make it a conscious practice by setting itineraries, revisiting places you’ve been to in dreams, and spending more time in the fertile liminal space between sleep and wakefulness

  • Experience a guided meditation to grow and climb a tree of vision, raise your energy levels, and build a sanctuary for replenishing your soul and a base camp for shamanic lucid dreaming

  • Explore your parallel lives in the Many Worlds — those who made different choices and live in divergent timelines — to free yourself from regrets over paths not taken, and share gifts and resources with your doppelgangers in other realities

  • Discover how to practice trans-temporal healing as you visit a younger self in their own Now time and discover ways to bring back the magical child —the beautiful bright dreamer who checked out when the world got too cruel, leaving you joyless and bereft of dreams

  • Experience time travel in the company of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, beloved literary masters and dedicated dreamers who developed practices for “dream inspection” and dream travel into the past, the future, and Othertime

Robert will help you recognize dreams that are showing you possible futures, and show you how to clarify and apply the information to shape your future for the better. He’ll point you to roads you can travel on in conscious dreaming so you can create optimal outcomes and manifest your heart’s desires.

As you explore the multiverse, you’ll grow your experience of your multidimensional self, bringing fresh energy, insight, and wonder into daily life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording later & master training <<

In Open the Door to Dream Travel: Explore Other Times & Worlds to Access More of Your Multidimensional Self with Robert Moss…

… you’ll experience conscious dream travel to explore the past, access other dimensions of NOW, visit your future and other versions of yourself, and reclaim your spiritual lineage.

Read more: Dream Travel to Other Times & Parallel Worlds - Meet Multidimensional Self

Wednesday 11 May 2022

Claim Your Empathic Superpowers

Explore a science-based approach to healing that empowers your sensitivities.

Like the mythic Hero’s Journey, the Healer’s Journey can be summarized in three acts: departure from the familiar, initiation into the unknown, and the return home… forever changed by the challenges overcome and the rewards gained.

Pain, anxiety, and chronic “mystery” conditions are often wake-up calls to higher healing and purpose on this journey — especially when the healer is an empath.

As an empath or sensitive person, venturing into the unknown means facing the countless triggers that impact your wellbeing on a daily basis…  triggers that deplete your energy and impede your ability to fully embrace and unleash your inherent empathic gifts to heal yourself and others.

As functional medicine practitioner Dr. Natasha Fallahi teaches, the initiation into the unknown on the Healer’s Journey is the reintroduction to your own wholeness.

It’s only when you see and connect with all parts of yourself holistically that you’re able to balance your health and empathic superpowers as a whole and healed person.

On Thursday, May 12, you’ll discover how understanding and taking charge of your sensitivities — mental, emotional, physical, chemical, social, and energetic — can illuminate your Healer’s Journey and nourish your wellbeing and gifts as an empath or sensitive person. 

>> Join here for Claim Your Empathic Superpowers: Become the Hero of Your Own Health Journey by Turning Your Sensitivity Into Your Greatest Strength <<

Claim Your Empathic Superpowers Become the Hero of Your Own Health Journey by Turning Your Sensitivity Into Your Greatest Strength

In this health-empowering event, you’ll explore:

  • The 6 Sensitivity Types to shift from viewing your sensitivity as a symptom to embracing it as a superpower — tuning in to the challenges and gifts of being a sensitive person

  • Yourself as the hero of your healing journey — catalyzing the power and agency of your sensitivity through an integrated, tailor-made healing experience 

  • Your “Life in Cups” — a demonstration on how your sensitivity type is different from others and where you can lean on your strengths and improve your weaknesses under stress

  • The true purpose of pain in your life — and how approaching your health through the 6 Sensitivity Types can assist you in transmuting struggle into strength

  • A guided practice called “Use Your Head” to alleviate headaches, pain, and brain fog, release tension, and increase blood flow to your head and brain

As you explore your sensitivities with Natasha, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how to embody your gifts and balance the sensitivity experiences you’re having…

… at which point you can consciously participate in your own wellbeing, and confidently face any and all sensitivities and life challenges that come your way.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recordings & extra training <<

In Claim Your Empathic Superpowers: Become the Hero of Your Own Health Journey by Turning Your Sensitivity Into Your Greatest Strength with Dr. Natasha Fallahi…

… you’ll liberate your empathic gifts as the superpowers they are, using a science-based approach to healing that reveals and empowers your sensitivities in a holistic, life-affirming way.

Read more: Claim Your Empathic Superpowers

Sunday 8 May 2022

TCM Practices for Self-healing, Energetic Empowerment & Youthful Vitality

Learn Easy to follow 4 energy medicine practices boosting your inner capacity to regulate your mind & body.

Did you know that just a few moments of Qigong done on a regular basis can positively impact your health and longevity?

In the West, we’ve been unconditionally directed to turn to doctors, pills, and surgery for treatment — whether suffering from stress, headaches, insomnia, or chronic illness — without realizing the significant role our energy system plays in our own healing and wellbeing.

Medical Qigong is a scientifically validated method for working with your energy system — mind-body, emotions, and soul — empowering you to be the orchestrator of your health and wellbeing.

One of the oldest holistic forms of treatment, Medical Qigong is now being integrated into mainstream healthcare treatment plans, as more and more providers are validating its benefits.  

Medical Qigong is applied to address everything from common colds and flu… to stress, overwhelm, and exhaustion… to more serious conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes.

On Tuesday, May 10, join us for a special hour with celebrated Qigong and Tai Chi Master Dr. Roger Jahnke to receive practices for creating radiant health and longevity… using your body’s own medicine.

>> Register here for Activate Your Intrinsic Healing Power Through Medical Qigong: 4 Practices for Self-Healing, Energetic Empowerment & Youthful Vitality <<

Receive 4 Qigong practices for self-healing, energetic empowerment & youthful vitality

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why you don’t need a specific diagnosis or medical ailment for Medical Qigong to impact your life — you only need a deep desire to be well

  • Exactly how to apply Qigong’s 3 Treasures: body, breath, and mind 

  • How simple Qigong self-massage practices can impact everything from Qi to your DNA — benefiting your organs, musculature, and especially your autonomic nervous and immune system

  • The 4 types of self-massage — pressing, stroking, holding, and tapping — and how they direct the flow of Qi through your body

  • The practice of tapping into your present-moment focus to open a portal into a deeper relationship with your eternal self — and maximize your healing and health 

  • What neurologists have discovered is actually happening inside your brain and body when you apply strategic pressure to specific points

This is an opportunity for you to discover how these key practices can help keep you out of the doctor’s office and dramatically lower your healthcare costs over time.

>> You can RSVP for free here (get recording & extra training) <<

In Activate Your Intrinsic Healing Power Through Medical Qigong: 4 Practices for Self-Healing, Energetic Empowerment & Youthful Vitality with Dr. Roger Jahnke…

… you’ll discover the most profound medicine of all — your inner capacity to restore and regulate your entire mind and body — to experience true healing and radiant health.

Read more: TCM Practices for Self-healing, Energetic Empowerment & Youthful Vitality

Thursday 5 May 2022

Chakra Map Guided Exercise to Feel Energy Between Your Hands

Experience 2 practices that help you harness the intelligence of each chakra.

According to chakra system expert Anodea Judith, the very purpose of a crisis is to activate something important that has been lying dormant.

Whether it’s a strength or a virtue, an innovation or a new perspective, Anodea affirms that something truly transformative emerges out of hardships…

And when we embrace these changes, we harvest our gifts and become wiser and stronger.

The chakra system serves as a map that can help us navigate through uncertainty — providing a profound formula for wholeness, a blueprint for manifestation, and a template for transformation.

On Saturday, May 7, Anodea will share how to use the chakra system as a profound map for your transformational journey.

>> Register here for Following the Map of the Chakras to Create a Life & World You Love <<

Chakra Map Guided Exercise to Feel Energy Between Your Hands

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • An opening exercise to feel energy between your hands and experience the sensation of an energetic charge 

  • guided meditation through all 7 chakras to experience how your chakras connect to life’s bigger picture — and how they can connect with your own abilities as an evolutionary leader

  • The formula for wholeness within yourself that lies within the chakras

  • The chakras’ map for creating a benevolent society — and why, as a collective, we’re between the third and fourth chakra right now

  • How you can view everything that’s happening in your life from a place of power — and recognize the value of disturbance as an evolutionary driver

When you take this “all-chakra” approach to manifesting the life you want, you align all your creative energies in a unified direction, focusing your energy like a laser beam that cuts through doubt, fear, and resistance.

Anodea will explain how the right use of the chakra system allows us to stay grounded and stable, yet remain open to change. We can then feel deeply without getting pulled off course by those feelings, and claim our power in life-changing ways.

Working with the chakra system also gives us access to the heart — helping us put love at the center of the future we create.

>> Join here to watch 60 min free Event & take advantage of extra training offer <<

In Following the Map of the Chakras to Create a Life & World You Love with Anodea Judith…

… you’ll discover how to use the chakra system as a map to awaken your full potential, manifest your mission, and create a more loving world.

Read more: Chakra Map Guided Exercise to Feel Energy Between Your Hands

Sunday 1 May 2022

How to Release Emotional & Physical Blocks thru Musical Exploration

Experience how music can bypass the brain to connect directly w/your emotional body.

It’s frustrating to feel like you’re stuck and unable to move forward in life. 

It creates a toxic brew of angst, guilt, helplessness, and anger. Even as you’re struggling mightily to bring about change, you feel like your feet are locked in cement and you can’t break free.

How then can you create change in the face of such resistance?

Murray Hidary affirms that music opens the door and thrusts you front and center into the present moment. 

Murray, a multi-disciplinary creative visionary, composer, and artist, explains that music bypasses our normal defenses and reaches DEEP inside us, operating directly on our subconscious mind and superconscious soul.

On Tuesday, May 3, Murray will take you on a musical journey through the vehicle of contemporary classical music and binaural beats, blended in his unique signature style.

He’ll guide you through a series of questions to help you release emotional and mental blocks that are keeping you stuck — so you can create the opening necessary to move forward and discover personal freedom.

>> Join here for Get Out of Your Own Way With Freedom Frequencies: Bypass Your Brain With Music That Fuels Your Emotional Body <<

Listen Freedom Frequencies to Bypass Your Brain with Music That Fuels Your Emotional Body - Join Free event with Murray Hidary

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience how music can bypass the brain to connect directly with your emotional body and melt away conscious and subconscious blocks to expansion and personal freedom

  • Tap into the feelings your soul desperately needs to feel at this moment to give you the emotional fuel to create transformative change

  • Gain an understanding of the “payoff” you get for your self-sabotaging behavior — and the perspective of how that behavior negatively affects the people you love

  • Discover a process you can embrace in daily ritual at any time to help you maintain your personal freedom 

  • Experience a transformative 10-minute musical journey that can help you release blocks that are keeping you stuck, so you can create an opening to move forward in life

Expect to feel more grounded and less tense, with a sense that a new path of hope and possibility has opened up for you.

In that place of present-moment joy, you may feel a newfound empathy and connection to yourself and those around you. From that place of gratitude and presence, you can open to joy, spontaneity, and adventure.

>> Discover how to bypass your brain with music that fuels your emotional body <<

In Get Out of Your Own Way With Freedom Frequencies: Bypass Your Brain With Music That Fuels Your Emotional Body with Murray Hidary…

… you’ll go on a musical exploration to release emotional and physical blocks, move forward in an empowered state, and create a joy-filled life that you love.

Read more: How to Release Emotional & Physical Blocks thru Musical Exploration