Tuesday 22 March 2022

Combine Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology + Frequency-Boosting Practices

Experience a powerful guided visualization to gain clarity about your soul’s true calling.

Many of us are feeling edgy lately due to the state of the world and mounting uncertainties — not to mention past traumas and betrayals, fear, anxiety, shame, anger, judgment, jealousy, doubt, and other inner obstacles.

The vitality-zapping energies of outside stressors and difficult inner emotions often remain stuck in our systems, hampering us from recognizing, accessing, and embodying our true essence — and from manifesting the full expression of our soul.

Finding and landing in this sweet spot of life is mandatory for optimal health and emotional wellbeing. It can dictate the difference between a life lived in “survival mode” and a life that is embraced and rejoiced, and that synergistically intertwines our humanity with the divinity of our soul.

On Tuesday, March 22, with energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise, you’ll discover how an understanding of spiritual psychology — combined with the application of powerful energy medicine practices — can help you become an unsinkable vessel, able to stay afloat and centered in the midst of life’s storms.

>> Join here to Discover the Power of Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology: Frequency-Boosting Practices to Release Fear and Manifest Your Soul’s Desire <<

Learn frequency-boosting practices to release fear and manifest your soul’s desire

During this remarkable hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to recognize obstacles to your soul’s full expression, including people-pleasing, playing the “wrong role,” making stealthy judgments, and more

  • Learn how to clear fear so you can create and maintain the coherent energy field necessary for powerful manifestation

  • Experience a profound guided visualization to instantly activate your power to transmute any lower-frequency energy, cultivate wellbeing, and gain insight into your soul’s true calling

  • Learn how your “survival” brain limits your capacity to hear the voice of your intuition

  • Discover how to detect when your intuition is tuned in to angelic realms — ready to help you transform feelings of doubt into faith, judgment into compassion, and betrayal into trust

When you join Mary for this complimentary online event, you’ll discover energy medicine practices that can help you consistently sustain your inner light and the healthy, high-frequency vibration your energy field requires to reveal and manifest your soul’s desires.

You’ll find out that loyalty to your soul is also a choice to love… yourself and others. 

And, you’ll experience a powerful guided visualization to activate your ability to transmute any lower-frequency energy, setting you on the path to  increased wellbeing and clarity about your soul’s true calling.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording to replay it later) <<

In Discover the Power of Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology: Frequency-Boosting Practices to Release Fear and Manifest Your Soul’s Desire with energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise

… you’ll learn how to clear fear so you can create and maintain the coherent energy field necessary for powerful manifestation.

Read more: Combine Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology + Frequency-Boosting Practices

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