Tuesday 27 December 2022

Enjoy Rhythmic (Drumming) Meditations to Heal Your Body & Balance Your Life

Experience Your Body’s Natural Flow State Through Embodied Drumming.

What is the day-to-day rhythm of your life? Is it steady, relaxed, and motivated by inspired action… or erratic, tense, and easily influenced by circumstance?

How you answer will reflect how aligned you are with your inner rhythms — your innate capacity to maintain physical, mental, and emotional equilibrium… and spiritual alignment from the inside out.

When we are in sync with our inner rhythms, life is beautiful. Our intentions and desires are easier to manifest, our health is easier to optimize…

… and our unique purpose and gifts are more readily at the surface of our conscious awareness, where they can be applied to our daily lives. 

Too often, however, we fall out of step with ourselves — causing our dreams, health, sense of purpose, and even our connection to higher guidance to fall out of alignment with us.  

On Saturday, January 7, with frame drummer Krista Holland, you can learn how upright frame drum playing, posture alignment, and movement can help you realign with your natural equilibrium, making it easier to access your authentic self, your potential, and even higher guidance — to create the ideal cadence for you and your life.

>> You can register here for Find Joyous Equilibrium With Embodied Drumming: Rhythmic Meditations & Somatic Play to Heal Your Body & Balance Your Life <<

Find Joyous Equilibrium With Embodied Drumming: Rhythmic Meditations & Somatic Play to Heal Your Body & Balance Your Life

During this free online event on embodied drumming, you’ll:

  • Learn how the sacred strokes of the frame drum and your body’s own percussion and postures can help you inhabit your body more lovingly, authentically, and dynamically

  • Experience your body’s natural homeostasis and potential for self-healing during a guided embodied drumming meditation 

  • Explore the percussion of your own body through a guided somatic-rhythm practice into your own inner and outer rhythms  

  • Learn how drumming can optimize your health — restoring important inner cycles and increasing cognitive function to create cascades of healing

  • Discover the synergy between rhythm, drumming, postural alignment, and movement for greater ease, flow, mobility, longevity — and access to higher consciousness

Krista will share how the restorative power of drumming can be elevated to new heights, creating a matrix of healing that also holds the potential to open new dimensions of consciousness.

Ultimately, you’ll discover how sacred frame drumming can help you realign with your body’s inner rhythms and your authentic self.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Find Joyous Equilibrium With Embodied Drumming: Rhythmic Meditations & Somatic Play to Heal Your Body & Balance Your Life with Krista Holland…

… you’ll realign with your inner rhythms to inhabit your body more lovingly, authentically, and dynamically — and live with greater intention by harnessing the sacred potential of the frame drum and your body’s own percussion and postures.

Read more: Enjoy Rhythmic (Drumming) Meditations to Heal Your Body & Balance Your Life

Thursday 22 December 2022

Discover Mushrooms’ Nutritional & Medicinal Superpowers for Body, Mind & Spirit

Discover why Egyptian pharaohs viewed mushrooms as ‘the plant of immortality’.

Mushrooms! They are earthy, savory, versatile, and downright delicious in meals. 

What you may not know is that mushrooms have been used for thousands of years for their incredible health-promoting and medicinal properties.

There are thousands of edible mushroom species in the world and approximately 250+ of them have been identified as having healing properties.

East Asian traditions and Indigenous cultures have long embraced mushrooms to treat all manner of ailments — and now Westerners are recognizing their nutritional and medicinal superpowers for the body, mind, and even the spirit

Dr. Christopher Hobbs, renowned herbalist, research scientist, and faculty at the University of Massachusetts, believes that by incorporating mushrooms into our diets — fresh, cooked, or as dried adaptogens — we can help prevent and transform a myriad of debilitating issues. 

On Tuesday, January 3, you’ll discover the scientifically supported benefits of making mushrooms a part of your daily regimen. Christopher will share the ways these fungi can strengthen and fine-tune your immune system to help stave off cancer, prevent heart disease, keep bones healthy, improve digestion, aid cognitive function, and much more.

>> Register here to Discover Mushrooms as Medicine: How to Integrate the Science-Based, Practical Benefits of Mushrooms Into Your Diet, Healing Regimen & Spiritual Evolution <<

Mushrooms as Medicine or How to Integrate the Science-Based, Practical Benefits of Mushrooms Into Your Diet, Healing Regimen & Spiritual Evolution

In this free one-hour event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to incorporate mushrooms on a dietary, medicinal, and transformational level — and how they serve as convincing alternatives to meat, protein powders, flavor enhancers, nutritional boosting powders, coffee, and more!

  • The incredible immune-boosting and normalizing properties of mushrooms

  • How new research shows that mushroom fiber is the most effective type of prebiotic fiber — which helps to regulate mood, immunity, blood circulation, sleep, and sexual function

  • How a greater consumption of mushrooms can lessen the threat of many cancers by as much as 33%

  • The ways in which fungi are essential for healthy growth and communication of all plants, including trees for the restoration of forests — and can help save our planet

Over the course of 60 minutes, you’ll discover the power of mushrooms as medicine — how they’re safe, with negligible side effects, and very inexpensive (and sometimes even free if you’re willing to hunt them yourself) to procure. 

>> You Can Join this event for free here <<

In Mushrooms as Medicine: How to Integrate the Science-Based, Practical Benefits of Mushrooms Into Your Diet, Healing Regimen & Spiritual Evolution with Dr. Christopher Hobbs…

… you’ll learn how mushrooms are a cost-effective, enjoyable, yet highly experiential superfood that can help ward off disease, keep your immune system strong, sharpen your cognitive skills, and, in some cases, heighten your consciousness and lead to a deeply meaningful spiritual experience.

Read more: Discover Mushrooms’ Nutritional & Medicinal Superpowers for Body, Mind & Spirit

Monday 19 December 2022

Breathwork Practices to Help Regulate Your Nervous System & Find Inner Peace

Explore full-spectrum breathwork from ancient & modern traditions to tone & strengthen your nervous system.

During these times of intense and rapid change, it’s so helpful to know how to tap into tools within you to stay emotionally grounded and in control of your bodily systems. 

By using both potent ancient and leading-edge breathwork practices, you can quickly move into a more relaxed state, where you’re likely to feel calm, empowered, centered, present, and in touch with your inner voice.

During the Shift Network’s upcoming Breathwork Summit, you’ll discover the next generation of breathwork practices for lasting resilience and healing…

… and explore the power of full-spectrum breathwork, ranging from a number of ancient Indigenous traditions to the latest science-backed techniques

You’ll learn what constitutes “safe” breathwork practice, who’s qualified to offer breathwork professionally, and how ethical practice is monitored in this burgeoning and diverse field. 

You’ll also uncover the history — and the science — behind these profound practices, and will have time allotted to actually experience them with the guidance of expert breathwork practitioners.

The various techniques that will be presented are easy to learn and non-invasive, and you can use them at home for free. Like a dedicated healer, the breath is always available to you — accessing it doesn’t require fancy equipment or physical prowess. 

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to join this convergence of leading breathwork guides, practitioners, researchers, and teachers who will equip you with best-practice methods…

… to become a masterful breather, accumulate greater emotional resilience, and be better prepared to face any challenge. 

Free Online Event
Breathwork Summit
January 9–13, 2023

Explore full-spectrum breathwork from ancient & modern traditions to tone & strengthen your nervous system

You’ll learn from more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after breathwork experts and teachers — including Anthony Abbagnano, Ashanna Solaris, Dr. Dan Siegel, Ayo Handy-Kendi, Ela Manga, Stephen Porges, Giten Tonkov, Isik Tablar, Kathleen Booker, Katie Hendricks, Shamir Chadha Singh, Zee Clark, and many other luminaries.

This free online gathering is co-hosted by Steph Magenta, the co-founder of Integrative Breath, and Niraj Niak, the founder of SOMA Breath, plus guest host Jessica Dibb, co-director of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance.

Prepare to be transformed! 

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • A framework that distills the breath traditions of all shamanic, Indigenous, and traditional cultures into a single cross-cultural body of knowledge 

  • musical breathwork process focused on slow rhythmic breathing rates — allowing you to feel the benefits of pacing your breath with music

  • What constitutes “safe” breathwork practice, and the ways in which you can use your breath to help regulate your nervous system and return to inner peace

  • Who’s qualified to offer breathwork professionally, and how ethical practice is monitored in this burgeoning and diverse field

  • How to use the slow box breathing” technique, especially in medical situations, to ease claustrophobia, panic, and acute stress

  • How the life-changing healing modality known as Introspective Breathwork™ supports you in releasing trauma, transforming limiting beliefs, and deconstructing programming that keeps you stuck

And much more!

There’s never been a more opportune moment to make use of the breath’s alchemizing nature than the beginning of a new year… when you can shift from being reactive to the present to being proactive about the future. 

Please join us for this landmark event. I look forward to seeing you there.

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Anthony Abbagnano will introduce you to The Bridge, a 6-step process using the breath as a tool to connect fragmented pieces of yourself.

  • Ashanna Solaris will guide you to experience the Clarity Breathwork sacred tools of meditation, sacred music, and breath

  • Dr. Dan Siegel will explain the intra-connection of breathing.

  • Ayo Handy-Kendi will demonstrate how 3 different breathing techniques can make a critical difference in staying calm and functioning optimally. 

  • Dr. Ela Manga will explain the Pneumanity Philosophy — an integrative and embodied conscious approach to breathwork practiced within an African context. 

  • Professor Stephen W. Porges will share how polyvagal theory explains the mechanisms through which breathwork influences autonomic function.

  • Giten Tonkov will walk you through the 6-element integrative approach of the Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release (BBTRS) modality.

  • According to Isik Tlabar, naked breathwork combines conscious breathing and nudity to positively influence body image and help heal sexual trauma.

  • Kathleen Booker will explain that while breakdowns unfortunately are common, breathwork can support you to move through a breakdown, so you can break through it.

  • Dr. Katie Hendricks will explore and integrate key breathing activities that give you the power to shift your state by choice and unkink your energy hose.

  • Shamir Chadha Singh will explore multidimensional modalities and traditions of breathwork in connection with the voice, chanting, and mantra.

  • Zee Clarke will share how breathing practices can help people of color manage high blood pressure, heart issues, anxiety, and depression, and heal from microaggressions and racism. 

And much more!

Read more: Breathwork Practices to Help Regulate Your Nervous System & Find Inner Peace

Monday 12 December 2022

Discover 3 Keys to Building a 6 or 7-Figure Business - Free Training - Masterclass

The vast majority of business owners have great ambitions and dreams of financial freedom.

 They also have a lack of cash flow, an endless list of things to do, and no clear path through this crisis. 

(Not to mention ongoing stress)

Others seem to know exactly what to do. 

Success comes easy for them. 

Their business is GROWING despite the current chaos.

Is it possible for YOU to get the same results?

Here’s the thing

These people don’t have a “magic wand.”

What they do have is a business SPRING-LOADED for massive success. 

And you can, too.

>> Join here now if you want to attract more leads...make more sales...and stop working so hard (yes, this is possible)…

become a master of business growth that has allowed John to create 5 multi-million dollar businesses, generate over $5 BILLION in sales, personally coach over 10,000 business owners to success, and provided him with

There are “3 keys” you can use to…

  • Quickly grow your sales to 7 figures in 2022

  • Reduce the stress of running your business

  • Put your annoying tasks on “Auto-Pilot” so your business works for YOU

  • Boost your confidence with the “Power of a Millionaire Mindset”

  • Even accumulate a fortune 

 Would you like to know what they are?

If you want to get these 3 keys (and how to apply them to your business)…

Business coach – John Assaraf – will be revealing them at his upcoming free Business Masterclass on Wednesday, December 14th at 9am Pacific | 12pm Noon Eastern.

> Click here to join the 7-Figure Business Masterclass.

"Since the training with John, I’ve had huge opportunities with my business. 

I did $300,000 this week with my business! It was a hugely successful deal and we profited about $50,000 more than we expected. I am ecstatic!" ~ Darlene O.

During this free training...

You’ll discover a method for becoming a master of business growth that has allowed John to create 5 multi-million dollar businesses, generate over $5 BILLION in sales, personally coach over 10,000 business owners to success, and provided him with…

...an enormous amount of personal freedom and happiness.

And here’s the kicker:

You can use this same blueprint to grow YOUR business and create as much wealth, freedom, and happiness for yourself as you want.

>> Go sign up here!


Working harder is not the answer. You could work your entire life away without ever making big money. 

So how can you work less and make more in your business, or as a coach, consultant, marketer or entrepreneur? John will give you the formula on Wednesday. 

Read more: Discover 3 Keys to Building a 6 or 7-Figure Business - Free Training - Masterclass

Sunday 11 December 2022

Align w/ Source energy to get intuitive messages about your health & wellbeing

Experience a frequency-boosting meditation to help you trust your multisensory skills.

If you wish to communicate better with your inner guidance system and receive information that can help you heal yourself and others, it’s vital to clear out misperceptions and false beliefs about who you are — and what you deserve.

The truth is that you are multisensory! Which means that the intuitions you receive may arrive through many portals, ranging from a scent, to a flash of light, to an image that pops in your head. 

These messages can be used to heal yourself and others, get practical guidance on real life decisions that are before you, and provide you with the felt sense of being connected to Source at all times.

On Thursday, December 15, with energy medicine healer Marie Manuchehri, you’ll begin deciphering and trusting the energetic textures and messages within and without to sculpt the life that’s meant for you. 

>> You can register here for Align With Source Energy to Receive Intuitive Messages About Your Health & Wellbeing: Cultivate Your Multisensory Abilities & Open to Vast Healing Possibilities <<

Frequency-boosting meditation and align with source to get intuitive messages about your health & wellbeing

In this free hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how the Universe interacts with your light — so you’ll know when important information is coming in

  • Learn why new perceptions will likely not make immediate sense to your logical mind — and why this is a normal and positive sign

  • Gain clarity when making important life decisions or seeking solutions to challenges by understanding how to ask your questions accurately

  • Understand the importance of follow-through — and how resistance can be a sign that you need to follow a new direction for your highest good

  • Receive the wisdom of releasing expectation — paradoxically the best way to ensure you’ll receive what you desire

Marie stresses that to have multisensory experiences and manifest healing (or anything) at the deepest level, your perception must change

Positive thoughts generated by positive perceptions create the good vibes or higher frequencies you need to break past low-frequency (mind-made) perceptions and outdated beliefs that are tamping down your creative energy. 

You’ll discover that the higher your vibration and the longer you can maintain that elevated frequency, the easier it will be to attract the outcomes you want and access your multisensory capabilities.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Align With Source Energy to Receive Intuitive Messages About Your Health & Wellbeing: Cultivate Your Multisensory Abilities & Open to Vast Healing Possibilities with Marie Manuchehri…

… you’ll experience an advanced frequency-boosting meditation practice enabling you to trust your multisensory skills and receive valuable insights and solutions to your biggest challenges and decisions.

Read more: Align w/ Source energy to get intuitive messages about your health & wellbeing

Saturday 10 December 2022

Tai Chi for strength, flexibility, and balance for your mind and body

For centuries, the ancient martial art form Tai Chi has helped people of all ages fortify their physical bodies, regain mental clarity, and access inner tranquility. 

Tai Chi is often called “meditation in motion.” Its slow, low-impact, precise elegant movements are designed to activate, balance, and harmonize opposing energies — the yin and yang. 

Tai Chi also clears the mind of distracting mental chatter through concentration and practice of the different postures.

Tai Chi Master Helen Liang affirms that a stronger, more flexible body and a mind that is focused in the present moment enables you to face personal challenges successfully, allowing them to wash over you rather than consume you.

On Tuesday, December 20, Master Helen will provide an overview of the many physical and mental benefits of the various postures, and illuminate the philosophy of Tai Chi and the Taoist principles that are its foundation.

>> You can register here for Restore Strength, Flexibility & Balance in Your Body and Calmness of Mind Through the Ancient Practice of Tai Chi <<

Tai Chi for strength, flexibility, and balance for your mind and body

In this free experiential hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Explore how the practice of Tai Chi provides an opportunity for healing physically, mentally, and spiritually 

  • Learn how to perform the Lie pose, one of the 13 Tai Chi postures that will activate your Qi, helping you embrace real life challenges, find peace, and build strength while increasing agility, flexibility, and balance

  • Delve into the Taoist concept of using the soft to conquer the hard

  • Understand why a calm and peaceful mind is a gateway to recognizing opportunities and uncovering solutions to challenges

  • Discover the Taoist meaning of “right time” as you learn the proper timing of the movements, and experience the synergy of how moving one part of the body affects the entire body

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how you can integrate Tai Chi into your daily life to discover or regain physical and inner strength, flexibility, resilience and vitality, improve your mental clarity, and more fully realize your sacred spiritual nature. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Restore Strength, Flexibility & Balance in Your Body and Calmness of Mind Through the Ancient Practice of Tai Chi

… you’ll explore the ancient Chinese martial art of Tai Chi with Master Helen Liang and discover its profound benefits — greater inner and outer strength, calmness, clarity, and inner peace. 

Read more: Tai Chi for strength, flexibility, and balance for your mind and body

Monday 5 December 2022

Knowing your Enneagram personality type is just the start

Tap heightened consciousness with the Enneagram to access your true essence.

What if you had a roadmap for understanding the essence of who you are and what motivates the behaviors of the people around you? A personalized guide to help you embrace an expansive orientation toward your best personal, professional, and community life?

The Enneagram is visually represented as a 9-point diagram, with each point characterizing a distinct personality type.  

Yet it’s so much more than that… 

You can use the wisdom of the Enneagram to expand your comprehension of yourself and our world, enabling you to elevate your response to challenging people or situations, break destructive emotional patterns, and embrace love in new and radical ways. 

This year’s Enneagram Global Summit takes these concepts to the next level of mastery, offering you an exclusive package of timeless, high-quality content

This powerful offering has been bundled as a new-format series, showcasing more than 75 of the most powerful sessions lovingly curated from past Enneagram Global Summits produced by The Shift Network.   

Whether you’re just starting to explore everything the Enneagram has to offer, or you’re already a master practitioner of its profound teachings, the Enneagram Global Summit will unveil a universal roadmap to enlightenment if you’re ready and willing to dive deeply into its sacred wisdom.

This comprehensive, curated collection will satisfy your curiosity about the Enneagram while evolving your self-understanding and mastery. You’ll receive invaluable nuggets of wisdom, all bundled into one powerful summit series encompassing eight years of wisdom teachings and daily practice.

Understanding the nuances of all nine types paves the way to building new neural pathways that allow you to move beyond ingrained responses and operate at a higher level of being.

This year’s Enneagram Global Summit takes these ideas to the next level as The Shift Network hosts their largest ever assemblage of global Enneagram experts, representing a vast array of types and areas of expertise. These luminaries will be offering evolved solutions for moving humanity away from polarization, and toward presence, wisdom, love, and empathy.

You can do more than embody the gifts of your type — you can heed a higher spiritual calling to help others embrace their true gifts alongside you.

5-Day Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit
9–13, 2022

Enneagram Global Summit 2022 December

This summit features more than 75 of the world’s top experts — including Dr. Dan Siegel, Beatrice Chestnut, Chief Mike Alexander, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, Richard Rohr, Robert Holden, Cynthia Bourgeault, Deborah Egerton, Hameed Ali, and many others — sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.

I hope you’ll join me for this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit <<

Some of the world’s foremost Enneagram teachers will guide you to apply this profound tool to dramatically improve your interpersonal relationships and be empowered to make your unique contributions to the world. 

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal Enneagram teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 

Join us to take your path of growth to the next level — by deepening your understanding of the patterns driving you… and the other Enneagram types you interact with throughout your life.

Here’s some of what our brilliant teachers will be sharing with you…

  • Join Dr. Dan Siegel to explore the interfaces between temperament, behavior, unconscious patterns, “mindsight,” interpersonal neurobiology, and wholeness 

  • Beatrice Chestnut will reveal the alchemical power of Enneagram subtypes and the 3 instinctual energies

  • Police Chief Mike Alexander will demonstrate how applying Enneagram principles to policing practices is healing officer and department behaviors that can lead to larger mistakes

  • Experience a renewed search for the real self and awakened ways of living with Russ Hudson, who will convey the original purpose of the Enneagram and its applicability to life today

  • Revered Enneagram teacher and intuitive Helen Palmer will offer riveting insights into the “vice-to-virtue conversion” with examples, including challenges in her own personal development

  • Fr. Richard Rohr will share how the Enneagram can broaden our experience of God and lead to true spiritual awakening

  • Robert Holden will highlight 9 qualities of higher consciousness and 9 different ways of opening to the Divine 

  • Modern mystic Cynthia Bourgeault will explain the “Law of Three” as a tool for enlightened conflict resolution in a polarized world

  • Deborah Egerton will share how the Enneagram is a powerful tool in the anti-racism movement for creating awareness, equity, healing, and cooperation 

  • Explore with A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) how to increase your spiritual development by recognizing and addressing core fixations based on each key of the Enneagram

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit <<

Read more: Knowing your Enneagram personality type is just the start

Friday 2 December 2022

Discover the “Muscle of the Soul” & Where it’s Located in Your Body

Somatic & Osteopathic Movement: A New Approach to Releasing Held Patterns of Fear & Trauma Within Your Body

Osteopathic medicine reveals that every act of attention or intention to act initiates a musculoskeletal response that activates your body’s neuromuscular stress reflexes — for better or worse.

These reflexes embed either a sense of calm, safety, and ease within your physiology, igniting the relaxed, health-infused state of the parasympathetic nervous system…

… or the agitation, fear, and constriction of an alarmed sympathetic nervous system — which too often leads to chronic pain and conditions, mystery (idiopathic) pain, illness, and dis-ease.

Osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle teaches that there is one area of the body in particular that holds tremendous power over your stress reflexes and their debilitating effects: the iliopsoas muscle group, also called the muscle of the soul.

On Saturday, December 3, you’ll learn how crucial the muscle of the soul is in your capacity to prevent and heal chronic stress, pain, and trauma — and to live with greater ease and a felt sense of freedom within your own body.

>> You can register here for Discover the Muscle of the Soul With Somatic & Osteopathic Movement: A New Approach to Releasing Held Patterns of Fear & Trauma Within Your Body <<

Somatic & Osteopathic Movement A New Approach to Releasing Held Patterns of Fear & Trauma Within Your Body

Join this FREE online event to explore:

  • The muscle of the soul — and the role the iliopsoas muscle group plays in your overall wellbeing and spiritual evolution 

  • A guided experience to help free the muscle of the soul

  • How your body is habitually experiencing the 3 neuromuscular reflexes of stress — and how this leads to chronic muscular or musculoskeletal pain

  • The inner workings of Brian’s formula for healing: Embodiment + Health + Dis-ease 

  • Why Sensory Motor Amnesia (SMA) is the most common cause of chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system — and how to shift from SMA to sensory motor remembering

  • The cause of your mystery aches and pains and lack of energy — and a process to unravel them

Learning how to transform attention into conscious awareness is the first step toward living in a more embodied and aligned way — better equipped to release the held patterns of fear and trauma that are buried within your body…

… while also enhancing your natural ability to self-regulate, balance your nervous system and overall health — and self-heal.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Muscle of the Soul With Somatic & Osteopathic Movement: A New Approach to Releasing Held Patterns of Fear & Trauma Within Your Body with Brian Siddhartha Ingle…

… you’ll take the first step to free the “muscle of your soul” and yourself from debilitating chronic stress, pain, and trauma.

Read more: Discover the “Muscle of the Soul” & Where it’s Located in Your Body

Sunday 27 November 2022

Ancient Incan Sacred Ceremonial Practices, Mythology & Cosmovision

While many of us long for radiant health and wellbeing and strive to prioritize it in our routines and lives — most of us don’t realize it’s nothing less than our sacred right.

Like any other sacred element of your life, you can connect to your health and wellbeing through your ancestors and spirit guides, according to Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona. 

Puma, an Andean lineage holder, was trained in ancient ways by his grandfather from the age of six. He teaches and guides students from around the world, sharing his passion for ancestral Incan teachings — and his profound respect for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and plant medicine supporting our Global Consciousness awakening.

As Puma teaches, the ancestors already laid out the Four Pillars of Complete Wellbeing — a path for you to follow to reach the mental, spiritual, and physical health you’re destined for… 

On Saturday, December 5, Puma will share how you can alternate between cycles of healing and regeneration so you can reach your most vibrant state of health and wellbeing and live a life of service inspired by Andean animal spirits — the Hummingbird, Puma, Serpent, and Condor.

>> You can register here for Follow Your Soul’s Purpose With Sacred Ceremonial Practices: Explore a Profound, Year-Long Immersion in Ancient Incan Wisdom, Mythology & Cosmovision << 

Follow Your Soul’s Purpose With Sacred Ceremonial Practices: Explore a Profound, Year-Long Immersion in Ancient Incan Wisdom, Mythology & Cosmovision

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A guided fire ceremony to transform and transmute everything that hasn’t been serving you, and to activate your spirit allies

  • How to awaken consciousness through ceremony, strengthening your oneness with Mother Earth

  • How you can bring what Puma calls pure magic into your life through connecting with the ancient wisdom of the Incan people 

  • Techniques to protect your sacred space by calling on guardians to maintain it

  • How to be of highest service to your community and family — including ways to embrace what Puma calls benevolent leadership

  • How you can answer the call to serve your community, family, and the world in Puma’s upcoming year-long program, Peruvian Healing Practices & Sacred Ceremonial Service Immersion: Exploring Incan Wisdom, Mythology & Cosmovision — for Healers, Leaders & Ritualists

Only when you have a clear and light heart can you truly initiate into what Puma calls “crystal consciousness,” which amplifies your ability to heal yourself and others.

When you join us for this event, you’ll also be among the first to hear about an extraordinary opportunity to participate in a first-of-its-kind Shift Network intensive, a brand-new Peruvian Healing Practices & Sacred Ceremonial Service Immersion — designed for healers, leaders, and ritualists.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Follow Your Soul’s Purpose With Sacred Ceremonial Practices: Explore a Profound, Year-Long Immersion in Ancient Incan Wisdom, Mythology & Cosmovision with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona… 

… you’ll learn about an unprecedented opportunity to serve Pachamama, the planet, your family, and your community — in a brand-new immersion designed for healers, leaders, and ritualists.

Read more: Ancient Incan Sacred Ceremonial Practices, Mythology & Cosmovision

Saturday 26 November 2022

Join Business Breakthrough Challenge Dec. 1st. (5-days) Live Coaching if You Want New Buyers & More Sales?

Have you ever thought, “When can I stop working so hard?” 

And… “When will I have a business that works for ME?! Instead of working and stressing endlessly for it?!?”

I mean, let’s face it... attracting clients and customers can feel so hard sometimes – especially if you’re new to business!

What I’m sharing with you today is a unique, FUN and IMMERSIVE approach to attracting clients - that’s all about using proven “Neuro-Marketing” methods and the Law of Attraction… 

…to quite simply attract HUGE sums of sales and income like a magnet. 

Are you in?

Yes! I want to attract clients like a magnet! 



(Now you know why it’s so powerful)

This newBusiness Breakthrough Challengecomes from brain expert John Assaraf. 

In short, there’s no one else teaching this right now. 

You can’t get this kind of high-level business training on YouTube or on a blog somewhere...

Because no one else is showing you how to use scientific breakthroughs and 30+ years of research to improve your business!

And don’t worry – after coaching 10,000 entrepreneurs, John knows how to make it “stupid simple” and easy to follow. So you get results FAST. 

If you’re tired of being stuck or struggling to get the right clients… 

>> Click here to quickly discover how to Activate Your Client-Attraction Superpowers! 


Please bear this in mind. John himself left High School in Grade 11 (after failing Math and English). 

And HE used these 5 “Neuro-Marketing” hacks to build 5 multi-million dollar businesses. 

They’ve also worked for ME and my business ⇒ John is one of my dear friends and most trusted advisors

So it’s virtually guaranteed to work for you. 

What do you have to lose?

John is determined to “help you eliminate mindset blocks, Marketing blunders, and slow-selling offers that keep the clients (and the big bucks) away!”

>> Go register. You can’t miss this.

business growth strategies, tips & hacks that helps you to make more money

If you choose the VIP Experience, you’ll get everything included in the Challenge, PLUS… 10+ hours of LIVE Q&A with John to ask your business questions, get real-time feedback, and proven solutions to overcome any challenge.
As part of our community, you can save 90% your VIP ticket (there is limited space).

Click here and choose VIP treatment now.


These are the type of results we can help you obtain:


“I had so many challenges in my life. I had so many setbacks. After working with John, my business is now generating $25K per month. I can’t recommend this highly enough." - Kevin B.


Brought in $50K today after tweaking my Marketing message.” - Asha S.


“My husband and I did $300,000 this week with our business. It was a hugely successful deal and we profited about $50,000.00 more than we expected. I am ecstatic!- Darlene O.


I was struggling to make $5K a month in sales. Now I’m making $700,000 a month. The biggest thing was getting my mindset right. And programming my brain for success with John.” - Mark L.


After all the years of being lost...I'm going to make it. I now feel that whatever I conceive, I will ACHIEVE...thanks to you, John....thank you, thank you, thank you.” - Eva J.


Best decision I ever made. John is the real deal. My life is changing before my eyes.” - Lucy B.

Read more: Want New Buyers & More Sales? Join Business Breakthrough Challenge Dec. 1st. (5-days) Live Coaching!

Tuesday 22 November 2022

The Art & Science of “Neuro-Marketing” Book download: 4 “hacks” led to $5 billion in sales.

John Assaraf decided to give away his new Ebook: The Art & Science of “Neuro-Marketing”. John is a Master of Business Success AND the latest Brain Science. 

His Ebook is virtually guaranteed to make you a magnet for the opportunities and outcomes you need to change your life.

It's a fully in-depth experience that gives you immersive Marketing & Mindset training – combined with a special invitation just for you by clicking the “secret links” inside the book.

When you look back at 2022 will you say…“I’m so glad 2022 is OVER! Ugh. Why don’t I ever seem to get what I want? I hope things turn around for me.” Or will it be more like… 

WOW! What an amazing year it’s been. I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for me.”

Believe it or not… IT IS possible to continually feel like you’re riding high on life, and money and success just seem to drop into your lap out of nowhere…

Don’t believe me? I highly recommend you download this >> Free Ebook: The Art & Science of “Neuro-Marketing”.

This Ebook was created by John Assaraf, one of the world’s top business experts and 2X New York Times bestselling author. 

This is a guy who has sold MILLIONS of copies of his books. 

And coached over 10,000 business owners to life-changing success. 

So why is he giving this one away for FREE?!

I asked him the same thing. His answer blew me away. 

John said he’s reached a point in his career where it’s time to pay it forward. So he has publicly gone out and said his mission for 2022 is to create… 100 NEW MILLIONAIRES in 2022 from his community. 


>> Download your free copy of his new Ebook today <<

The Art & Science of - Neuro-Marketing - John Assaraf Free Book Download

You will soon discover:

  • How to double and even TRIPLE your sales in the next 100 days…

  • The biggest, most common mistake people make in their sales copy – and how to avoid it…

  • The exact way to ask for a sale (skip this step and your prospects will walk away, guaranteed)

  • How to align yourself with the “Zone” – that place where success is happening for you every day, no matter what’s happening in the world

  • Why holding onto the past can keep you receiving the “same ol’, same ol’” along with a very simple technique to release old baggage and finally move forward to attract more income, more clients, and more peace of mind

And a TON more.

If you’re ready for 2022 to be the year you hit 6 or even 7 FIGURES in sales and income…

…plus more success in EVERY area of your life including money, happiness, passion & purpose, and success… 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity. 

Grab this Ebook to guide you there now (before it’s gone). 


>> Click here to get your FREE Ebook and get into the “ Zone” now <<

John is a genius when it comes to using brain science to create marketing campaigns and get clients, and this will give you some great ideas to 2-5X your sales and income (in less time with less stress)

He used the exact system you’ll find in this book to attract over 500,000 new leads in less than 12 months. Could you use 10,000? 100,000? Or even 500,000 new leads? Great!  Download now, read, find secret link inside to learn more and move forward...


10,000 New customers are awaiting your response!

What if I could give you a customer that was GUARANTEED to say yes to your offer…? 

What if I could give you 10,000 customers...?

You’d obviously react by waving your hands saying: “YES!! COUNT ME IN!”

Well, this may come as a shock…I can give you those 10K customers (and probably even more). 

Just join us at John Assaraf’s 5-Day Business Challenge starting December 1st. 


> Click here to join the Business Breakthrough Challenge now (90% OFF)


You’ll get the proven blueprint to build a thriving 6 or even 7-Figure Business this year. 

(For the record, John used this exact blueprint to generate 500,000 new leads and 8 figures in sales in the last 12 months)

In case you don’t know...

John is one of the world’s top business experts who leverages his background in brain science to get his clients results which no one else can get. 


Which is why this opportunity is so rare! 

John has personally used these methods to: 

  • 🚀  Generate $5 BILLION in sales for his companies

  • 🚀  Consistently attract a huge flood of new leads

  • 🚀  Grow his social media to over 1M followers

  • 🚀  Create the systems that automatically run 70% of his business

  • 🚀  Take 2 companies public on NASDAQ

  • 🚀  Write and sell 2 NYT bestselling books


And a ton more. Want in?

Get the secrets here.


This will 100% sell out. So don’t wait around. 

Join the Business Breakthrough Challenge now and spend 5 days with one of the world’s best.

If you choose the VIP Experience, you’ll also get 10+ hours of LIVE Q&A with John to ask questions, get real-time feedback, and proven solutions to overcome any challenge.

As part of our community, you can use this link to SAVE 90% OFF your VIP ticket (there is limited space). 


>> Click here to get the VIP treatment now.


These are the type of results John can help you obtain. 


I now get 5X more ideal clients a month. I just bought a nice new house!” - Ole B.


“I had so many challenges in my life. I had so many setbacks. After working with John, my business is now generating $25K per month. I can’t recommend this highly enough." - Kevin B.


Brought in $50K today after tweaking my Marketing message.” - Asha S.


“My husband and I did $300,000 this week with our business. It was a hugely successful deal and we profited about $50,000.00 more than we expected. I am ecstatic!- Darlene O.


I was struggling to make $5K a month in sales. Now I’m making $700,000 a month. The biggest thing was getting my mindset right. And programming my brain for success with John.” - Mark L.


After all the years of being lost...I'm going to make it. I now feel that whatever I conceive, I will ACHIEVE...thanks to you, John....thank you, thank you, thank you.” - Eva J.


Best decision I ever made. John is the real deal. My life is changing before my eyes.” - Lucy B.

Ready to get started? Click here and John will take care of the rest.

Read more: The Art & Science of “Neuro-Marketing” Book download: 4 “hacks” led to $5 billion in sales.

Monday 21 November 2022

How to Protect Your Biofield as EMFs get stronger & more pervasive

Discover how to create energetic resiliency in the electromagnetic era of 5G.

Our world has changed dramatically over the last few years.

We are surrounded by invisible frequencies that power the features in our cellphones, microwaves, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth devices, offering us unprecedented access and convenience. Society celebrates this progress…

But at what cost?

There is strong evidence that too many of us are paying with our health for the convenience that new technology like 5G and connected devices offer us.

Documented symptoms include brain fog, migraines, compromised immune systems, fertility issues, and even cancer. Now with 5G and other more advanced technologies, EMF frequencies are getting stronger and more pervasive throughout the world.

Yet, according to Doctor of Oriental Medicine Melanie Smith, you can take advantage of all these modern conveniences and learn to stay safe without fear — by keeping your biofield protected from this relentless electromagnetic onslaught.

On Saturday, December 17, Dr. Melanie will empower you by sharing practical and effective energy exercises that can defend you against EMFs by developing your powerful energetic resiliency.

>> You can register here for Energetic Resiliency in the Electromagnetic Era of 5G: What’s Coming & How to Protect Your Biofield as EMFs Get Stronger & More Pervasive <<

Find out how to protect your biofield as EMFs get stronger & more pervasive

In this timely and insightful hour, you’ll:

  • Learn 3 things you can do today to reduce EMF exposure in your home

  • Learn how to do Dr. Melanie’s Deep State Regulator energy exercise, which can shield you from EMFs by working with your pineal gland and vagus nerve

  • Explore EMF research that quantifies the impact of EMFs, including 5G… and differentiating what is fact from fiction

  • Discover common signs and symptoms that indicate EMFs are affecting your biofield

  • Understand the importance of building energetic resiliency and how to incorporate this powerful practice into your daily life through an Auric Field energy exercise

While this proliferation of EMFs can negatively impact our biofield, the key to living in harmony with our constantly evolving technology is our ability to adapt as the world around us rapidly changes.

Dr. Melanie will share what EMFs actually are and offer critical information that can help you move from fear and anxiety to empowerment and freedom by implementing effective and proven energetic self-care methods to protect your emotional and physical health. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Energetic Resiliency in the Electromagnetic Era of 5G: What’s Coming & How to Protect Your Biofield as EMFs Get Stronger & More Pervasive with Dr. Melanie Smith…

… you’ll discover what the latest research teaches us about the effects of EMFs on our health — and how you can learn practical and effective energy medicine methods to protect yourself and your family from these powerful frequencies.

Read more: How to Protect Your Biofield as EMFs get stronger & more pervasive

Sunday 20 November 2022

Discover Magic behind the number 13 - Mayan Cosmology & Tree of Life

Learn to connect with your ancestral guides & step into infinite possibilities for your life.

We each have a destiny given to us at birth, according to the Mayans.

To fully embrace your destiny, you must learn to seek guidance from your ancestors on your spiritual journey, says Grandmother Flordemayo, beloved curandera espiritu (healer of divine spirit) and revered Mayan elder.

On Saturday, November 19, Grandmother Flordemayo will explain how you can open up to prayer at any time, receiving sacred messages from the Cosmos and your ancestors to use in your life at this very moment.

She will also reveal the Mayan murmurio (sacred prayer and sound hum) her mother handed down to her long ago — and share it with you so you can use it on your own spiritual journey.

With Grandmother Flordemayo as your guide, you’ll experience how the murmurio turns your essence into sound, encompassing your spirituality, your ancestors, and honoring the cycles of life throughout your past, present, and future.

>> You can register here for Walk Your Spiritual Healing Path Through the Exploration of Mayan Cosmology: Connect to Your Ancestors With Traditional Wisdom, Blessings & Sacred Ceremony <<

Mayan Cosmology & Tree of Life. Discover the surprising magic behind the number 13 & Sacred Humming Practice.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Feel the magical power of sound while following along with Grandmother Flordemayo’s guided murmurio (sacred humming practice) that was handed down to her by her mother — and learn how you can use it on your own spiritual path

  • Learn where you fit into the Universe’s epic cosmology — the past, present, and future of the great story that’s unfolding 

  • Discover the surprising magic behind the number 13 — where it appears again and again in nature, in the Cosmos… and in Grandmother Flordemayo’s life, as well as your own

  • Explore how the Mayan Ceiba (sacred Tree of Life) symbolizes the Universe itself — including the Earth and your own past, present, and future

  • Hear the story of Grandmother Flordemayo’s recent vision of stepping through the doorway of the Cosmos, and trusting that the Universe is caring for us all throughout the cycles of life

Grandmother Flordemayo is beloved for following her inner guidance as Spirit speaks through her — revealing and sharing exactly what each of us needs to receive in the moment.

Join us and surrender to the moment as you learn to seek wisdom from your ancestors — and recognize that those who came before you are spiritual anchors who can help you fulfill your purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Walk Your Spiritual Healing Path Through the Exploration of Mayan Cosmology: Connect to Your Ancestors With Traditional Wisdom, Blessings & Sacred Ceremony with Grandmother Flordemayo…

… you’ll experience the murmurio (sacred humming practice) handed down to beloved Mayan Elder Grandmother Flordemayo — and learn to connect with your own ancestral guides to fulfill your destiny and step into infinite possibilities for your life.

Read more: Discover Magic behind the number 13 - Mayan Cosmology & Tree of Life

Wednesday 16 November 2022

Activate your Innate Healing Energy with the Power of Medical Qigong

Discover advanced healing practices to power up, calm down & navigate daily life.

If you’re like many of us, over the years you’ve tried everything from medications to treatments to lifestyle changes in your quest to live a healthier, more vital life — yet, the results haven’t quite been what you’d hoped for.

You’re just not enjoying the radiant good health and the vibrant, fulfilling life that are your birthright.

What if the most effective, deeply healing medicine you need has always been within you — a healing elixir produced within your own body?

According to Roger Jahnke, Doctor of Chinese Medicine and a Qigong and Tai Chi master teacher, you can activate your own effective healing elixirs through the power of Medical Qigong. 

Medical Qigong helps address common colds, the flu, stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, and much more. It can also help ease the symptoms of or help in the recovery of Parkinson’s disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes — and complement any Western medical treatment.

On Thursday, November 17, Dr. Jahnke will share how you can integrate Medical Qigong practices into your life to create dis-ease free, radiant health and longevity — by mobilizing your inner healing resources, your body’s own natural medicine.

>> You can register here for Activate Your Inner Power With Medical Qigong: Advanced Healing Practices to Power Up, Calm Down & Skillfully Navigate Daily Challenges <<

Activate Your Inner Power With Medical Qigong: Advanced Healing Practices to Power Up, Calm Down & Skillfully Navigate Daily Challenges with Dr. Roger Jahnke

In this hour-long free Qigong online event, you’ll discover:

  • A revitalizing Qigong practice using movements and gestures to power up, upgrading your vital energy whenever you need to

  • A companion Qigong practice to calm down and restore yourself when it’s time to navigate life’s complexities 

  • How Medical Qigong can support recovery from all types of dysfunctions and illnesses of the mind, body, and spirit by activating your inner healing resources — AND why the idea that specific diseases need specific Qigong practices is actually a myth

  • How the Four Dimensions of Medical Qigong — body practice, breath practice, mind-focusing practice, and self-massage practice — hold the power to transform your health and reset your life trajectory

  • How to create your own holistic life plan featuring a daily Qigong practice for lifelong inner peace and vitality 

Whether you have an ongoing health struggle or just want to keep yourself and your family healthy, Dr. Jahnke will explain how you can mobilize your inner healing resources — your body’s own natural medicine — to activate your inner healer for optimal wellness, improved performance, and increased capacity for self-healing. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Activate Your Inner Power With Medical Qigong: Advanced Healing Practices to Power Up, Calm Down & Skillfully Navigate Daily Challenges with Dr. Roger Jahnke…

… you’ll harness your body’s innate healing energy with the power of Medical Qigong — to lower anxiety and stress, increase vitality, prevent disease, and live your life to its fullest potential.

Read more: Activate your Innate Healing Energy with the Power of Medical Qigong

Saturday 12 November 2022

How Iboga African Plant Medicine Can Help to Heal Trauma

Hear a Western-trained doctor turned shamanic healer share the 10 tells of trauma.

After decades of being dismissed as fringe or counterculture, psychedelic medicines are becoming more accepted in the mainstream

Researchers are understanding that psychedelics can provide a new take on mental-health conditions and offer alternatives to treat issues at a time when so many are desperately needing help.

For trauma and addiction in particular, the need for healing is greater than it’s ever been before — and Ibogaine (a naturally occurring psychoactive substance in a Central African shrub called Tabernanthe iboga) has shown itself to be an effective treatment.

With Dr. Marie Mbouni, facilitator of sacred ceremonies with plant medicines, psychedelic integration coach, and microdosing coach, you’ll discover the effects of unidentified trauma and how Iboga plant medicine can help you identify your core woundings, and how to release and heal from them — helping you awaken to a bold and magical new reality.

>> You can register here for Healing Trauma With Iboga, a Powerful & Sacred African Plant Medicine <<

Discover how Iboga plant medicine can help you awaken to a bold & magical new reality

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Hear Dr. Marie’s personal story about when she was introduced to Iboga as a teenager, and helped her own mother heal

  • Explore the most common symptoms of trauma — and how the spirit of the Iboga plant can help us understand where trauma comes from, and where it lives in the body

  • Understand why trauma doesn’t allow you to be present — and how Iboga can help you reclaim the parts of yourself lost through trauma

  • Discover how Iboga helped Dr. Marie understand how the teachings and blessings of the plant spirit can be absorbed without ever actually having to consume it

  • Experience a Rapid Emotional Detox Transformation meditation to cultivate acceptance, inner peace, and a restored sense of self-worth, as well as a liberated spirit

During this remarkable event, you’ll deepen into the magic and mysteries of Iboga — and the great continent of Africa herself — through a guided meditation journey to commune with the plant spirit of Iboga and receive its clarifying healing wisdom.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Healing Trauma With Iboga, a Powerful & Sacred African Plant Medicine with Dr. Marie Mbouni…

… you’ll discover common symptoms of trauma so you can assess for yourself how you might be impacted by trauma you’re not even aware of — and how Ibogaine (a naturally occurring psychoactive substance in a Central African shrub called Tabernanthe iboga) has shown itself to be an effective treatment.

Read more: How Iboga African Plant Medicine Can Help to Heal Trauma