Tuesday 29 June 2021

Discover the science behind your heart’s intelligence

Experience a practice called the Quick Coherence Technique for maintaining composure.

Cultures around the world have believed the heart was the epicenter of the body and responsible for our feelings, thoughts, and behavior.

Interestingly enough, science today is starting to support this perspective, finding that our energetic heart — not our brain — acts as the gateway to our higher self.

Rollin McCraty, PhD’s work as a psycho-physiologist and Director of Research at the HearthMath Institute illustrates that feeling positive emotions like love or gratitude can put our body back in harmony and stabilize the rhythms of the heart.

In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace, and wellbeing that not only affects us, but others around us.

On Wednesday, June 30, Rollin will show you what it takes to achieve “heart coherence”…

>> Join here to Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift from Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing 


Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence with Rollin McCraty

In this one-hour event, you’ll discover:

  • What heart coherence is and the power of it

  • How one of the most effective ways to be heart coherent is through emotional self-regulation

  • The ways in which negative and positive emotions can impact your hormonal and nervous systems

  • How heart coherence can positively transform each of us — and simultaneously improve social and global harmony

  • A quick and simple practice you can use on the fly anytime you want to self-regulate and shift into a more heart-coherent state

You’ll discover how to reach a state of balance in which the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems stop playing an unhealthy game of tug-of-war with one another, and allow you to shift into a heart-coherent state to quickly help you focus, feel calm, and improve your state of mind.

You’ll also learn different ways to better manage anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and connect with a deeper intuitive awareness.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

In Discover the Science Behind Your  Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift from Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve “heart coherence,” where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync, giving you inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clearheadedness, and a strong immune system.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Manage Stress, Achieve Inner Peace, Clearheadedness & Strong Immune System

Experience a Heart Coherence practice to shift from stressed out to wellbeing.

Cultures around the world have believed the heart was the epicenter of the body and responsible for our feelings, thoughts, and behavior.

Interestingly enough, science today is starting to support this perspective, finding that our energetic heart — not our brain — acts as the gateway to our higher self.

Rollin McCraty, PhD’s work as a psycho-physiologist and Director of Research at the HearthMath Institute illustrates that feeling positive emotions like love or gratitude can put our body back in harmony and stabilize the rhythms of the heart.

In this ideal state of coherence, the heart’s electromagnetic energy transmits waves of healing, inner peace, and wellbeing that not only affects us, but others around us.

On Wednesday, June 30, Rollin will show you what it takes to achieve “heart coherence”...

>> Join here to Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift from Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing

Discover the Science Behind Your Heart’s Intelligence with Rollin McCraty

In this one-hour event, you’ll discover:

  • What heart coherence is and the power of it

  • How one of the most effective ways to be heart coherent is through emotional self-regulation

  • The ways in which negative and positive emotions can impact your hormonal and nervous systems

  • How heart coherence can positively transform each of us — and simultaneously improve social and global harmony

  • A quick and simple practice you can use on the fly anytime you want to self-regulate and shift into a more heart-coherent state

You’ll discover how to reach a state of balance in which the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems stop playing an unhealthy game of tug-of-war with one another, and allow you to shift into a heart-coherent state to quickly help you focus, feel calm, and improve your state of mind.

You’ll also learn different ways to better manage anxiety, improve cognitive performance, and connect with a deeper intuitive awareness.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

In Discover the Science Behind Your  Heart’s Intelligence: Experience a Heart Coherence Practice to Shift from Stress & Negativity to Calm & Wellbeing, you’ll learn what it takes to achieve “heart coherence,” where the heart, brain, and nervous system are aligned and in sync, giving you inner peace, a renewed sense of energy, clearheadedness, and a strong immune system.

Read more: Manage Stress, Achieve Inner Peace, Clearheadedness & Strong Immune System

Sunday 27 June 2021

5 of Pillars of Wellness - Full-Spectrum Self-Care Practices - 5 Day Natural Health Summit

The 5 Pillars of Wellness can help you re-emerge with confidence.

This past year did a number on our minds, bodies, and souls. And while some are aching to venture out and regain some semblance of normality, others are feeling shell-shocked.

How are you feeling about your re-emergence into the outside world?

While we’re still living with some uncertainty, there’s a budding feeling of optimism sprouting, where a year ago there was none.

With the Transform Your Health Summitwe’re honoring your place in this time of transition, whatever your pace may be. 

There’s healing to be done and resilience to be rebuilt, so you can reconnect with your inner radiance and move forward with renewed confidence, fortitude, and joy.

This transition period is an ideal time to fix what needs mending inside, tap your individual magic, and optimize your self-care routine for lasting health.

The 5-day Transform Your Health Summit supports you through this unparalleled re-entry into the world. 

Each day is focused on a different healing modality hosted by a preeminent expert in the field.

After more than a year of struggling to keep our spirits from flagging, we need to build resilience across the full spectrum of self-care.

We call this approach to radiant health the 5 Pillars of Wellness, which are centered on:

  • Mental Health & Wellness

  • Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens

  • Movement For Life

  • Resiliency

  • Spirit & Soul

Free Online Event
Transform Your Health Summit

June 28 – July 2, 2021

Transform Your Health Summit June 28 – July 2, 2021

You’ll experience more than 45 incredible luminaries, including Dr. Dan Siegel, Rhonda Magee, Donna Eden, Dr. Shamini Jain, Dr. Damon Silas, Bernadette Pleasant, and many other presenters in this unique summit. 

The powerful tools you’ll receive in this summit are designed to support your mental health, strengthen your mind-body connection, and uplift your soul.

Taking them to heart can help you experience a remarkable transformation.

>> RSVP here for the Transform Your Health Summit — at no charge <<

Each of the five days in this summit is dedicated to sharing the latest in full-spectrum self-care practices from a different area of expertise.

Your journey through the 5 Pillars of Wellness includes:

Day 1: Mental Health & Wellness, with host Cassandra Vieten, scientist, psychologist, author, and visiting scholar at UC San Diego:

  • Discover the significance of “biofield energy” to heal fatigue, pain, and trauma

  • Explore how the brain’s attention system impacts your mental and emotional health

Day 2: Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens, with host Nick Mattos, faculty recruitment and engagement manager for The Shift Network:

  • Use the ancient science of yoga to optimize the aging process

  • Discover the benefits of an ancient Ayurvedic mantra that induces better health

Day 3: Movement For Life, with host Bernadette Pleasant, founder of Femme! and The Emotional Institute: 

  • Explore how self-expression through dance can help you communicate emotions and strengthen your intuition

  • Discover how to liberate your voice from fear and self-doubt and speak your truth

Day 4: Resiliency, with host Dondi Dahlin, energy medicine consultant and bestselling author of The Five Elements:

  • Learn techniques to “clear” your lymphatic system and ignite the magic within your immune system

  • Gain a renewed sense of joy by accessing the subtle energies of nature

Day 5: Spirit & Soul, with host Abiola Abrams, author, spiritual teacher, and global retreat leader:

  • Discover how to become wildly alive and shine your full soul essence

  • Find out how to create profound changes in your life with alchemy crystal singing bowls

And a whole lot more… 

>> RSVP here for the Transform Your Health Summit — at no charge <<

The 5 Pillars of Wellness will give you the power to turn an unsettling year into fuel for lifestyle changes that will positively impact you for the rest of your life.

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing… 

  • Join Dr. Dan Siegel to hear his groundbreaking theory of interpersonal neurobiology and how it can be applied to cultivating your mental, emotional, and relational wellbeing

  • Dr. Shamini Jain will share leading-edge research in biofield science that can allow you to leverage your consciousness to revitalize your body and your life

  • Manu Dawson will offer life-shifting insights on combining integrative medicine with yoga movements to promote radiant, optimal health throughout life as you age

  • With Donna Eden you’ll discover the magic of your immune system in a hands-on session of simple techniques to clear and purify your lymphatic system and energize your entire body

  • Rhonda Magee will offer examples of how a personal mindfulness practice may support healing from the wounds of racism and other forms of injustice

  • David Crow will offer insight into the deeper historical roots of important adaptogenic herbs that are becoming increasingly popular

  • Bernadette Pleasant will explain how somatic movement helps release the stories in your head so you can discover your authentic emotional truths

  • Daisy Lee will guide you in the ancient and gentle Chinese practice of Qigong to help you regain internal balance, harmony, and alignment while reducing stress

  • Discover how to tap on various acupressure points to bring about a sense of calm, relaxation, and relief to your mind and body with Dr. Damon Silas

  • And much more!

>> Join us here to Transform Your Health – Free Online Summit <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Mental Health, Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens, Movement, Resiliency, Spirit - 5 Pillars of Wellness

Embrace this transitional time with a fortified self-care toolkit.

This past year did a number on our minds, bodies, and souls. And while some are aching to venture out and regain some semblance of normality, others are feeling shell-shocked.

How are you feeling about your re-emergence into the outside world?

While we’re still living with some uncertainty, there’s a budding feeling of optimism sprouting, where a year ago there was none.

With the Transform Your Health Summitwe’re honoring your place in this time of transition, whatever your pace may be. 

There’s healing to be done and resilience to be rebuilt, so you can reconnect with your inner radiance and move forward with renewed confidence, fortitude, and joy.

This transition period is an ideal time to fix what needs mending inside, tap your individual magic, and optimize your self-care routine for lasting health.

The 5-day Transform Your Health Summit supports you through this unparalleled re-entry into the world. 

Each day is focused on a different healing modality hosted by a preeminent expert in the field.

After more than a year of struggling to keep our spirits from flagging, we need to build resilience across the full spectrum of self-care.

We call this approach to radiant health the 5 Pillars of Wellness, which are centered on:

  • Mental Health & Wellness

  • Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens

  • Movement For Life

  • Resiliency

  • Spirit & Soul

Free Online Event
Transform Your Health Summit
June 28 – July 2, 2021

[caption id="attachment_4277" align="aligncenter" width="777"]Transform Your Health Summit June 28 – July 2, 2021 You’ll experience more than 45 incredible luminaries, including Dr. Dan Siegel, Rhonda Magee, Donna Eden, Dr. Shamini Jain, Dr. Damon Silas, Bernadette Pleasant, and many other presenters in this unique summit.[/caption]

The powerful tools you’ll receive in this summit are designed to support your mental health, strengthen your mind-body connection, and uplift your soul.

Taking them to heart can help you experience a remarkable transformation.

>> RSVP here for the Transform Your Health Summit — at no charge <<

Each of the five days in this summit is dedicated to sharing the latest in full-spectrum self-care practices from a different area of expertise.

Your journey through the 5 Pillars of Wellness includes:

Day 1: Mental Health & Wellness, with host Cassandra Vieten, scientist, psychologist, author, and visiting scholar at UC San Diego:

  • Discover the significance of “biofield energy” to heal fatigue, pain, and trauma

  • Explore how the brain’s attention system impacts your mental and emotional health

Day 2: Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens, with host Nick Mattos, faculty recruitment and engagement manager for The Shift Network:

  • Use the ancient science of yoga to optimize the aging process

  • Discover the benefits of an ancient Ayurvedic mantra that induces better health

Day 3: Movement For Life, with host Bernadette Pleasant, founder of Femme! and The Emotional Institute: 

  • Explore how self-expression through dance can help you communicate emotions and strengthen your intuition

  • Discover how to liberate your voice from fear and self-doubt and speak your truth

Day 4: Resiliency, with host Dondi Dahlin, energy medicine consultant and bestselling author of The Five Elements:

  • Learn techniques to “clear” your lymphatic system and ignite the magic within your immune system

  • Gain a renewed sense of joy by accessing the subtle energies of nature

Day 5: Spirit & Soul, with host Abiola Abrams, author, spiritual teacher, and global retreat leader:

  • Discover how to become wildly alive and shine your full soul essence

  • Find out how to create profound changes in your life with alchemy crystal singing bowls

And a whole lot more… 

>> RSVP here for the Transform Your Health Summit — at no charge <<

The 5 Pillars of Wellness will give you the power to turn an unsettling year into fuel for lifestyle changes that will positively impact you for the rest of your life.

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing… 

  • Join Dr. Dan Siegel to hear his groundbreaking theory of interpersonal neurobiology and how it can be applied to cultivating your mental, emotional, and relational wellbeing

  • Dr. Shamini Jain will share leading-edge research in biofield science that can allow you to leverage your consciousness to revitalize your body and your life

  • Manu Dawson will offer life-shifting insights on combining integrative medicine with yoga movements to promote radiant, optimal health throughout life as you age

  • With Donna Eden you’ll discover the magic of your immune system in a hands-on session of simple techniques to clear and purify your lymphatic system and energize your entire body

  • Rhonda Magee will offer examples of how a personal mindfulness practice may support healing from the wounds of racism and other forms of injustice

  • David Crow will offer insight into the deeper historical roots of important adaptogenic herbs that are becoming increasingly popular

  • Bernadette Pleasant will explain how somatic movement helps release the stories in your head so you can discover your authentic emotional truths

  • Daisy Lee will guide you in the ancient and gentle Chinese practice of Qigong to help you regain internal balance, harmony, and alignment while reducing stress

  • Discover how to tap on various acupressure points to bring about a sense of calm, relaxation, and relief to your mind and body with Dr. Damon Silas

  • And much more!

>> Join us here to Transform Your Health - Free Online Summit <<

Read more: Mental Health, Ayurveda, Nutrition & Adaptogens, Movement, Resiliency, Spirit - 5 Pillars of Wellness

Friday 25 June 2021

Embrace the Way of the Mystic & Step Fully Into Your Most Awakened & Wisest Self

Answer the call of your soul thru sacred teachings from the world’s mystical traditions.

Mysticism is the practice of spiritual experience
during alternate states of consciousness.

One of the most potent paths to this necessary awakening, transformation, and rebirth is the way of the mystic.

A mystic is someone who experiences a direct connection with the Divine, beyond dogma and without intermediaries. When you embrace and embody the mystic that you are in your essence — an original blessing we all hold — you open to Divine Consciousness, which reveals your innate oneness with all that is.

And it is from this eternal core that we can draw the groundedness and resilience that can help us cultivate the clarity, compassion, vision, and inner strength necessary to transform ourselves and help catalyze the healing, revitalizing rebirth our world so desperately needs.

For the first time ever, The Shift Network is offering a Year-Long Certification Program in Living the Way of the Mystic, taught by two of the world’s most beloved and renowned mystic scholars, Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr.

On Saturday, June 26, Andrew and Mirabai will introduce you to the most important elements of this groundbreaking year-long journey… sharing with you what you can expect and how your participation promises to transform you and those around you, in ways you might not yet be able to imagine.

>> Join here for Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity <<

Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions with Mirabai Starr & Andrew Harvey

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Be lovingly guided through an opening presence practice

  • Discover what it means to live the way of the mystic

  • Learn how certification in the year-long program is different from other certifications

  • Be presented with the knowledge you need to determine why you’d want to be part of an unprecedented, immersive program to rebirth yourself and our world

  • Hear the call for a commitment to transform and serve others through the profound teachings of mystical traditions from across the globe 

This sweeping, interspiritual quest, covering mystical traditions from around the world, has been designed with great care to initiate you into these traditions’ most inspiring truths, to offer you their most transformative practices, and to open you to a profound, life-changing process that will help you embody your divine truth in your life and work.

When you live the way of the mystic, your deepened connection to the Divine and your own truth will leave you more grounded, loving, compassionate, resilient, generous, creative, and joyful.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live Event & Recording + Complete Mysticism Certification Training Program <<

In Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity, you’ll learn about an unprecedented opportunity to join an immersive mysticism certification program with two of the world’s most celebrated mystic scholars… 

… and be initiated into a profound and luminous transfiguration to embody your highest potential and activate sacred change in the world.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join an Immersive Mysticism Certification Program with World-renowned Mystic Scholars

Be initiated into a luminous transfiguration to activate sacred change in the world.

Mysticism is commonly known as union with God or the Absolute, but can refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness that is given religious or spiritual significance. It can also refer to the comprehension of ultimate or hidden truths and to human transformation supported by a variety of practices and experiences.

The call for us to step fully into our most awakened and wisest selves has never been more insistent.

One of the most potent paths to this necessary awakening, transformation, and rebirth is the way of the mystic.

A mystic is someone who experiences a direct connection with the Divine, beyond dogma and without intermediaries. When you embrace and embody the mystic that you are in your essence — an original blessing we all hold — you open to Divine Consciousness, which reveals your innate oneness with all that is.

And it is from this eternal core that we can draw the groundedness and resilience that can help us cultivate the clarity, compassion, vision, and inner strength necessary to transform ourselves and help catalyze the healing, revitalizing rebirth our world so desperately needs.

For the first time ever, The Shift Network is offering a Year-Long Certification Program in Living the Way of the Mystic, taught by two of the world’s most beloved and renowned mystic scholars, Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr.

On Saturday, June 26, Andrew and Mirabai will introduce you to the most important elements of this groundbreaking year-long journey… sharing with you what you can expect and how your participation promises to transform you and those around you, in ways you might not yet be able to imagine.

>> Join here for Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity <<

Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions with Mirabai Starr & Andrew Harvey

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Be lovingly guided through an opening presence practice

  • Discover what it means to live the way of the mystic

  • Learn how certification in the year-long program is different from other certifications

  • Be presented with the knowledge you need to determine why you’d want to be part of an unprecedented, immersive program to rebirth yourself and our world

  • Hear the call for a commitment to transform and serve others through the profound teachings of mystical traditions from across the globe 

This sweeping, interspiritual quest, covering mystical traditions from around the world, has been designed with great care to initiate you into these traditions’ most inspiring truths, to offer you their most transformative practices, and to open you to a profound, life-changing process that will help you embody your divine truth in your life and work.

When you live the way of the mystic, your deepened connection to the Divine and your own truth will leave you more grounded, loving, compassionate, resilient, generous, creative, and joyful.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live Event & Recording + Complete Mysticism Certification Training Program <<

In Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity, you’ll learn about an unprecedented opportunity to join an immersive mysticism certification program with two of the world’s most celebrated mystic scholars… 

… and be initiated into a profound and luminous transfiguration to embody your highest potential and activate sacred change in the world.

Read more: Join an Immersive Mysticism Certification Program with World-renowned Mystic Scholars

Friday 18 June 2021

Follow Honeybee as Your Guide to Develop a Deeper Relationship with Yourself

Learn how to explore the depths of your interior garden through bee shamanism.

You may already know that dream shamanism reveals how your dreams are an entire world that you can cultivate as you wish…

Yet, did you know that welcoming the honeybee as your guide through your intentional dreaming practices can help you develop a deeper, more profound relationship with yourself, Spirit, and the Earth?

European bee shamanism, an ancient branch of shamanism, is revered throughout the world — wherever the honeybee is found.

Especially in this current historical moment of profound change and imbalance with the Earth, bee shamanism continues to reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives.

On Wednesday, June 23, Ariella Daly, shamanic practitioner, writer, and bee guardian, will introduce you to the bee shamanism tradition, the Path of Pollen, in a fascinating 60-minute event:

>> Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth <<

Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism with Ariella Daly

In this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How the ancient tradition of bee shamanism connects you more deeply to your body — and unlocks profound wisdom about everything from the cosmos to the personal inner work you’re being called to do

  • The history and potentially life-changing significance of the Melissae, the bee priestesses — also known as the womb shamans

  • The dream incubation practices of ancient Greece — and the long-ago revelation that bees are intimately connected to dreams

  • The fascinating story of why the honeybee is sacred, the role of the figure eight in bee shamanism as the primary symbol of the bee tradition, and more

  • How to infuse your dreams with a guided Fire-Sipping practice, a technique for bringing the energy of fire in the form of a beeswax candle into the body as a sacred temple, focusing on a part of your body that needs attention

Ariella will share how dreaming with bees can uniquely affect your dream state, the importance of honeybees as sacred beings in the ancient world and folklore — and why bees are so important to humankind today. 

You’ll discover how, just as the honeybee tends to its garden, you can tend to your own interior garden — and learn more about the world and who you truly are through bee shamanism and intentional dreaming.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

… bee guardian Ariella Daly will guide you to explore the hidden depths of your interior garden through the ancient tradition of bee shamanism — of which Dreamwork is an integral part — to deepen into your own truth, intuition, and healing. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the Importance of Honeybees as Sacred Beings in the Ancient World

Welcome the honeybee as your guide to develop a deeper relationship with yourself.

You may already know that dream shamanism reveals how your dreams are an entire world that you can cultivate as you wish…

Yet, did you know that welcoming the honeybee as your guide through your intentional dreaming practices can help you develop a deeper, more profound relationship with yourself, Spirit, and the Earth?

European bee shamanism, an ancient branch of shamanism, is revered throughout the world — wherever the honeybee is found.

Especially in this current historical moment of profound change and imbalance with the Earth, bee shamanism continues to reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives.

On Wednesday, June 23, Ariella Daly, shamanic practitioner, writer, and bee guardian, will introduce you to the bee shamanism tradition, the Path of Pollen, in a fascinating 60-minute event:

>> Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth <<

Welcome the honeybee as your guide to develop a deeper relationship with yourself

In this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How the ancient tradition of bee shamanism connects you more deeply to your body — and unlocks profound wisdom about everything from the cosmos to the personal inner work you’re being called to do

  • The history and potentially life-changing significance of the Melissae, the bee priestesses — also known as the womb shamans

  • The dream incubation practices of ancient Greece — and the long-ago revelation that bees are intimately connected to dreams

  • The fascinating story of why the honeybee is sacred, the role of the figure eight in bee shamanism as the primary symbol of the bee tradition, and more

  • How to infuse your dreams with a guided Fire-Sipping practice, a technique for bringing the energy of fire in the form of a beeswax candle into the body as a sacred temple, focusing on a part of your body that needs attention

Ariella will share how dreaming with bees can uniquely affect your dream state, the importance of honeybees as sacred beings in the ancient world and folklore — and why bees are so important to humankind today. 

You’ll discover how, just as the honeybee tends to its garden, you can tend to your own interior garden — and learn more about the world and who you truly are through bee shamanism and intentional dreaming.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

… bee guardian Ariella Daly will guide you to explore the hidden depths of your interior garden through the ancient tradition of bee shamanism — of which Dreamwork is an integral part — to deepen into your own truth, intuition, and healing. 

Read more: Discover the Importance of Honeybees as Sacred Beings in the Ancient World

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Celtic Shamanism Guided Journey to Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth

Be transported to a realm of enormous possibility during betwixt and between times.

What is your relationship with transition — the liminal states that Celtic tradition calls betwixt and between times?

How do you handle both the thresholds you prepare for (college, marriage, parenthood, retirement) and those that life springs on us (a breakup, death of a loved one, illness, financial crisis)?

When it’s an unexpected or undesired transition, do you embrace the mystery? Or, do you try to rush through it, whine until it’s over, or bristle against the new normal you’re being propelled into?

It’s human nature to shy away from life’s difficult stages, yet from a shamanic perspective and as illustrated in Celtic mythology, they are the soul’s way of engaging us in needed self-exploration. 

On Wednesday, June 16, shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns will help you discover how shamanic perspectives, shamanic journeying, and the transformative capabilities of mythic wisdom can help you open to betwixt and between times — and even accelerate their prescribed changes so they arrive more easily and quickly with the very insights you need to transcend your challenges.

>> Join us here for Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity With the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism: Approach Life’s Betwixt & Between Times With Courage, Acceptance & Intention <<

Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns - Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity

During this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • What Celtic tradition calls the betwixt and between — and the shamanic approach to using these threshold times for self-discovery, shedding old ways, and birthing something new

  • How myths help you unveil and alchemize what lies beneath the surface of your psyche

  • The myth of Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth — and be surprised and inspired by the opportunity he reaps in the betwixt and between time

  • The potency of the time between the summer and winter solstices — and the wisdom of the ancients who used its power to protect and increase their harvests

  • A guided journey seeking the wisdom of Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth, to protect and grow a new insight, way of being, or project that you birthed in the betwixt and between time of the past year

The upcoming span of time between summer and winter solstice is a threshold time, a powerful portal for cultivating abundance and new possibilities, which you’ll hear about in this hour.

If we can view these places from a shamanic perspective — as an opportunity, not a hardship — and open to them in the receptive way of the feminine by observing and accepting, rather than resisting, we gain the enormous gifts of greater self-knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom

We acquire new ways of seeing, being with, and navigating our challenges, honing lifetime skills for a more conscious, meaningful, and easeful life.

>> RSVP for free here to Watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity With the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism: Approach Life’s Betwixt & Between Times With Courage, Acceptance & Intention, you’ll experience a guided journey to Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth, who will help you protect and grow a new insight, project, or way of being that you birthed during the betwixt and between time of this past year.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity with the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism

Discover why a shamanic perspective views betwixt and between times as opportunity.

What is your relationship with transition — the liminal states that Celtic tradition calls betwixt and between times?

How do you handle both the thresholds you prepare for (college, marriage, parenthood, retirement) and those that life springs on us (a breakup, death of a loved one, illness, financial crisis)?

When it’s an unexpected or undesired transition, do you embrace the mystery? Or, do you try to rush through it, whine until it’s over, or bristle against the new normal you’re being propelled into?

It’s human nature to shy away from life’s difficult stages, yet from a shamanic perspective and as illustrated in Celtic mythology, they are the soul’s way of engaging us in needed self-exploration. 

On Wednesday, June 16, shamanic teacher and practitioner Jane Burns will help you discover how shamanic perspectives, shamanic journeying, and the transformative capabilities of mythic wisdom can help you open to betwixt and between times — and even accelerate their prescribed changes so they arrive more easily and quickly with the very insights you need to transcend your challenges.

>> Join us here for Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity With the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism: Approach Life’s Betwixt & Between Times With Courage, Acceptance & Intention <<

Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns - Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity

During this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • What Celtic tradition calls the betwixt and between — and the shamanic approach to using these threshold times for self-discovery, shedding old ways, and birthing something new

  • How myths help you unveil and alchemize what lies beneath the surface of your psyche

  • The myth of Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth — and be surprised and inspired by the opportunity he reaps in the betwixt and between time

  • The potency of the time between the summer and winter solstices — and the wisdom of the ancients who used its power to protect and increase their harvests

  • A guided journey seeking the wisdom of Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth, to protect and grow a new insight, way of being, or project that you birthed in the betwixt and between time of the past year

The upcoming span of time between summer and winter solstice is a threshold time, a powerful portal for cultivating abundance and new possibilities, which you’ll hear about in this hour.

If we can view these places from a shamanic perspective — as an opportunity, not a hardship — and open to them in the receptive way of the feminine by observing and accepting, rather than resisting, we gain the enormous gifts of greater self-knowledge, sovereignty, and freedom

We acquire new ways of seeing, being with, and navigating our challenges, honing lifetime skills for a more conscious, meaningful, and easeful life.

>> RSVP for free here to Watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity With the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism: Approach Life’s Betwixt & Between Times With Courage, Acceptance & Intention, you’ll experience a guided journey to Angus, Celtic God of Love and Youth, who will help you protect and grow a new insight, project, or way of being that you birthed during the betwixt and between time of this past year.

Read more: Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity with the Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism

Thursday 10 June 2021

How Qigong Combined with Sound Healing Clears the Path for Your Natural Healing Process

Discover the 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy & a Balanced Body & Mind.

Amidst the uncertainty of this past year, many spiritual seekers are turning to timeless wisdom systems to improve their lives and reconnect with their energy and health — including the ancient art of Qigong.

A regular Qigong practice can reduce anxiety and stress, improve sleep, support clear breathing, regulate blood pressure, improve body alignment and balance, boost the immune system, improve concentration, and much more.

And when you incorporate the power of sound healing into your Qigong practice — as Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have for centuries — the benefits increase exponentially.

On Saturday, June 12, Faye Li Yip, a martial artist, Tai Chi and Qigong teacher, and Taoism practitioner will share the Six Healing Qigong Sounds, and explain how each sound corresponds to a correct mouth shape and breath practice, and heals a specific part of the body.

>> Join us here to Discover the 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy & a Balanced Body & Mind: How Qigong Combined With Sound Healing Clears the Path for Your Natural Healing Process <<

6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy & a Balanced Body & Mind with Faye Li Yip

In this free 60-minute Qigong mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The fascinating way Qigong practitioners in ancient China discovered the power of the healing sounds — and merged them with Qigong

  • The Six Healing Qigong Sounds, and how each corresponds with a correct mouth shape and breath practice, and heals a specific part of the body

  • How the healing sounds operate as stimulating mechanisms for the body — and can bring deep healing as you unlock a whole new way to breathe

  • The foundational Qigong breathing method of making the correct mouth shape for each healing sound, guiding the breath flow, and feeling the connection and vibration with the corresponding internal organ

  • A guided practice where you’ll make the healing Qigong sound Her to nourish your Heart energy

With deep roots in Chinese medicine, these Six Healing Qigong Sounds will make you more aware of the energy that exists within your body. They help your internal organs become more at ease, opening the gateway for your natural healing process to begin.

Over time, you’ll find yourself becoming happier and more peaceful, with a sense of tranquility no matter what’s happening in the outside world.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event or get a recording <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy with Tai Chi Master & Taoism Practitioner

Discover the ‘Her’ sound to nourish heart energy, and the ‘Xu’ sound to tonify the liver.

Amidst the uncertainty of this past year, many spiritual seekers are turning to timeless wisdom systems to improve their lives and reconnect with their energy and health — including the ancient art of Qigong.

A regular Qigong practice can reduce anxiety and stress, improve sleep, support clear breathing, regulate blood pressure, improve body alignment and balance, boost the immune system, improve concentration, and much more.

And when you incorporate the power of sound healing into your Qigong practice — as Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have for centuries — the benefits increase exponentially.

On Saturday, June 12, Faye Li Yip, a martial artist, Tai Chi and Qigong teacher, and Taoism practitioner will share the Six Healing Qigong Sounds, and explain how each sound corresponds to a correct mouth shape and breath practice, and heals a specific part of the body.

>> Join us here to Discover the 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy & a Balanced Body & Mind: How Qigong Combined With Sound Healing Clears the Path for Your Natural Healing Process <<

6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy & a Balanced Body & Mind with Faye Li Yip

In this free 60-minute Qigong mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The fascinating way Qigong practitioners in ancient China discovered the power of the healing sounds — and merged them with Qigong

  • The Six Healing Qigong Sounds, and how each corresponds with a correct mouth shape and breath practice, and heals a specific part of the body

  • How the healing sounds operate as stimulating mechanisms for the body — and can bring deep healing as you unlock a whole new way to breathe

  • The foundational Qigong breathing method of making the correct mouth shape for each healing sound, guiding the breath flow, and feeling the connection and vibration with the corresponding internal organ

  • A guided practice where you’ll make the healing Qigong sound Her to nourish your Heart energy

With deep roots in Chinese medicine, these Six Healing Qigong Sounds will make you more aware of the energy that exists within your body. They help your internal organs become more at ease, opening the gateway for your natural healing process to begin.

Over time, you’ll find yourself becoming happier and more peaceful, with a sense of tranquility no matter what’s happening in the outside world.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event or get a recording <<

Read more: 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong for Radiant Energy with Tai Chi Master & Taoism Practitioner

Friday 4 June 2021

Ayurvedic Healers use Vibrational Frequencies to Balance Various Mind-body Functions

Discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance & wellness.

Everything is made of energy. Whether we’re talking about human beings or horseshoes, every part of our existence is interconnected by electromagnetic vibrational frequencies.

The optimal frequency for humans is between 62-72 MHz. When our frequency drops below 58 MHz, our immune system is compromised.

When you vibrate at a higher frequency you’re not only healthier, you’re also happier and more at ease — and, most importantly, you are more spiritually expanded.

Deborah King, an energy medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author, believes that when we raise the frequency of our vibrations, we create a ripple effect that changes our mental, physical, and spiritual states.

On Saturday, June 5, Deborah will explore how the knowledge of vibrations started with the Vedas well over 5,000 years ago, and has continued to be reflected in quantum physics today.

>> Join here to Discover How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom <<

When you vibrate at a higher frequency you’re not only healthier, you’re also happier and more at ease — and, most importantly, you are more spiritually expanded

In this free 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How shifting your vibration can alter your mood

  • Ways to improve your health by becoming more aware of the vibrations you take in

  • How to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams by aligning scientific inquiry with the development of consciousness

  • Techniques that can shift your vibration, including meditation, Qigong, Ayurveda, and other modalities that are grounded in vibrational energy

  • An experiential guided meditation that allows you to experience your own shifting vibrations and change of mood

Ayurvedic healers use vibrational frequencies to balance various mind-body functions, allowing the body to automatically bring itself into balance and wellness. You’ll see how they used the vibrations of gemstones, with each stone corresponding to one of the body’s chakras, as a means to heal and clear blockages.

Also, during this time with Deborah, you’ll look at what scientific geniuses like Einstein and Tesla believed about vibrational frequencies — and whether vibrations are at the very heart of human consciousness.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom, you’ll discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance and wellness, while also making you happier and more at ease.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Raise the Frequency of Your Vibrations to Create a Powerful Spiritual Ripple Effect

Discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance & wellness.

Everything is made of energy. Whether we’re talking about human beings or horseshoes, every part of our existence is interconnected by electromagnetic vibrational frequencies.

The optimal frequency for humans is between 62-72 MHz. When our frequency drops below 58 MHz, our immune system is compromised.

When you vibrate at a higher frequency you’re not only healthier, you’re also happier and more at ease — and, most importantly, you are more spiritually expanded.

Deborah King, an energy medicine pioneer and New York Times bestselling author, believes that when we raise the frequency of our vibrations, we create a ripple effect that changes our mental, physical, and spiritual states.

On Saturday, June 5, Deborah will explore how the knowledge of vibrations started with the Vedas well over 5,000 years ago, and has continued to be reflected in quantum physics today.

>> Join here to Discover How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom <<

When you vibrate at a higher frequency you’re not only healthier, you’re also happier and more at ease — and, most importantly, you are more spiritually expanded

In this free 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How shifting your vibration can alter your mood

  • Ways to improve your health by becoming more aware of the vibrations you take in

  • How to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams by aligning scientific inquiry with the development of consciousness

  • Techniques that can shift your vibration, including meditation, Qigong, Ayurveda, and other modalities that are grounded in vibrational energy

  • An experiential guided meditation that allows you to experience your own shifting vibrations and change of mood

Ayurvedic healers use vibrational frequencies to balance various mind-body functions, allowing the body to automatically bring itself into balance and wellness. You’ll see how they used the vibrations of gemstones, with each stone corresponding to one of the body’s chakras, as a means to heal and clear blockages.

Also, during this time with Deborah, you’ll look at what scientific geniuses like Einstein and Tesla believed about vibrational frequencies — and whether vibrations are at the very heart of human consciousness.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In How to Align Your Energy Field With the Vibrational Medicine of Gemstones & Ancient Vedic Wisdom, you’ll discover how shifting your vibrational frequency can bring you into balance and wellness, while also making you happier and more at ease.

Read more: Raise the Frequency of Your Vibrations to Create a Powerful Spiritual Ripple Effect

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Learn How to Harness the Power of Inner Healing & Truly Own Your Health

How well do you know your own body? Are you tapped into your inner knowing? Would you like to feel more confident in listening to, deciphering, and communicating your body’s messages for optimal health?

The doctor of the future will be oneself.
― Albert Schweitzer

When it comes to health, we often seek outside counsel first. Many of us have lost our connection to the voice of the body — being able to recognize, interpret, and respond to what it’s telling us.

Our ancestors knew to tune inward first — to regularly pay attention to the signals of their bodies to stave off “dis-ease” before it began

In fact, in ancient cultures, the most successful, highly regarded physicians had the fewest number of patients — because they taught people to listen to their bodies and prevent illness before it began.

These days, the opposite is true. Most of us only seek medical treatment when symptoms are so acute that we’re forced to enlist outside help. We no longer have the skills or confidence to even acknowledge, much less translate, the wisdom of our body.

Fortunately, there is a way to train ourselves to listen to the signals of our body and take corrective action for health and healing.

While intuition is not meant to replace professional medical advice or treatment, it can be a powerful tool that can facilitate the healing process. 

That’s why we’re beyond thrilled to invite you to the Intuitive Medicine Summit! You’ll discover how to reconnect with your body’s inner wisdom — and how to leverage this skill for optimal health and healing. 

Join us for Free Online Event
Intuitive Medicine Summit
June 7-11, 2021

Discover Intuitive Healing Practices and Techniques, Become the Doctor of Oneself

Presenting in this summit are more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after intuitive healers, doctors, and researchers — including Judith Orloff, MD, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Titus Chiu, Robert Peng, Dr. Shamini Jain, Deborah King, Kevin Todeschi, and Steven Washington.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about medical intuition, and offer practical exercises and techniques that can help you strengthen this inner connection.

This roster of remarkable speakers includes those who can teach you how to strengthen the “muscle” of intuition so you can notice and interpret your body’s natural signals — and use them for healing. 

Let their stories touch you, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and offer you the confidence to harness the power of inner healing and truly own your health.

>> Join us here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our world-renowned speakers will share with you…

  • Cyndi Dale will teach you how to assess your issues through “empathic chakras,” and how to open to natural, physical, relational, spiritual, and other sources of healing.

  • Dr. Titus Chiu will explore the regions of the brain involved in intuition, and based on that new understanding, provide some practical tips to strengthen your intuition. 

  • Unlock the secrets of energy communication in the body and beyond with Deborah King. 

  • Steven Washington will help you reconnect with your intuition as an important part of creating a multi-pronged strategy for addiction recovery.

  • Judith Orloff, MD, will show you how to leverage déjà vu, synchronicities, and predictions to improve the quality of your decisions, health, and life.

  • Robert Peng will introduce Jieqi — the “mini-season,” and how this is associated with our health, especially our vertebrae.

  • Enjoy an impactful session with Jean Haner as she leads you through a visualization to intuitively bring balance back to each of your energy centers.

  • Dr. Shamani Jain will share leading-edge research in subtle energy healing, as well as key self-care biofield practices from ancient spiritual and traditional medicine traditions. 

  • Kevin Todeschi will expound on the 43-year career of famous medical intuitive Edgar Cayce and his thousands of readings — the majority of which detail medical diagnosis and treatment.

  • Join renowned medical intuitive Tina Zion to learn steps to build your intuition and work with your energy field to enhance healing for yourself and others.

In this groundbreaking summit hosted by The Shift Network, you’ll receive inspiring, yet practical insights into how to leverage your own inner wisdom to support the natural healing process. 

You’ll converge with well-respected physicians, educators, medical intuitives, lightworkers, health practitioners, and energy healers — plus knowledge-seekers like you from around the globe. 

Attending the Intuitive Medicine Summit will help you gain confidence that you do have the power to impact your own healing — and use this knowledge to not only prevent future ailments, but to also deal more successfully with chronic conditions and current challenges.

>> Join us here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Every patient carries her or his own doctor inside - Albert Schweitzer

During this groundbreaking 5-day event with over 30 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • How to strengthen your own intuition — and use it for healing

  • Ways to develop your intuitive faculties, such as energetic shielding, water-gazing, ancestral meditations, and communication with the animal world

  • The latest scientific research on medical intuition and related healthcare practices

  • How to practice “listening to the heart” for inner guidance when confronted with complex medical questions

  • Details about your medical guides and why you might want to access the Akashic records to find past-life information that may help you heal current problems

  • The connection between addiction, recovery, and intuition

  • Common issues that can lead to thyroid disorders, Hashimoto’s disease, and other chronic illnesses

  • The Indigenous style of intuitive medicine known as “spirit-guided medicine”

  • Ways to apply the balm of “human touch” in healing the sensual deprivation, physical isolation, and spiritual imbalance affecting us during the COVID-19 quarantine

  • What muscle testing is and how it can help you get answers from your subconscious

  • Which glands are most vital to your health — and how they align with the energy system of the chakras

  • The different types of empathic powers through which your body can sense its deeper needs and open to healing

  • Powerful ways to identify emotional trauma and find lasting relief

  • And many more beautiful discoveries… 

>> Join us here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.