Wednesday 28 October 2020

Discover how to Heal Your Relationships with the Departed through Dream Journeying

Discover How Shamanic Dream Journeying Can Bring Healing & Forgiveness.

Are you ready to go on dream journeys beyond the curtains of ordinary perception into a deeper reality…

… where connecting with your ancestors and catching glimpses into your future can provide inner peace, healing, and inspiration for navigating your life in this realm?

On Saturday, October 31, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share easy ways to look to your dreams for guidance in navigating your daily life, as well as how to open portals of natural communication with the departed in your nighttime dreams.

>> Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, here <<

Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side

And during this hour — so aptly airing on All Hallows’ Eve, when the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is thin — you’ll learn about safe and authentic ways to experience that consciousness survives the death of the body…

… and that it’s possible to heal your relationships with the departed, gain guidance and support from your ancestors (and support them!), and start creating your life on the Other Side now… a place where your soul will feel at home.

In this eye-opening mini-workshop with Robert, you’ll: 

  • Discover how communicating with the departed is easy in dreams, and that healing and forgiveness are always possible beyond the apparent barrier of death

  • Understand the reasons and ways we dream of our ancestors — and the opportunities for mutual support in these encounters

  • Learn the core techniques of Active Dreaming, which uses intention and your imagination to dream journey while awake

  • See a “Lightning Dreamwork” demonstration and how it can quickly reveal the meanings your dream images and dreams hold

  • Experience a dream reentry journey focused on a personal dream or dream image for guidance and healing

Entering the portal between worlds through dreaming provides direct knowledge of our life beyond life. It heightens our spiritual awareness and can help diminish our fear of death, giving us courage to live more fully, and with more ease and joy.

Now more than ever, with the tumultuous state of our world, the confirmation that healing, forgiveness, and mutual help are available across the apparent barrier of death can provide much-needed comfort and inner peace — and even greater acceptance of our own mortality.

>> RSVP free here to watch Live or get recording <<

Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, you’ll discover how to safely connect with those on the Other Side through shamanic dream journeying — and your nighttime dreams — for healing, forgiveness, and mutual support. 

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