Wednesday 28 October 2020

Discover how to Heal Your Relationships with the Departed through Dream Journeying

Discover How Shamanic Dream Journeying Can Bring Healing & Forgiveness.

Are you ready to go on dream journeys beyond the curtains of ordinary perception into a deeper reality…

… where connecting with your ancestors and catching glimpses into your future can provide inner peace, healing, and inspiration for navigating your life in this realm?

On Saturday, October 31, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share easy ways to look to your dreams for guidance in navigating your daily life, as well as how to open portals of natural communication with the departed in your nighttime dreams.

>> Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, here <<

Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side

And during this hour — so aptly airing on All Hallows’ Eve, when the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is thin — you’ll learn about safe and authentic ways to experience that consciousness survives the death of the body…

… and that it’s possible to heal your relationships with the departed, gain guidance and support from your ancestors (and support them!), and start creating your life on the Other Side now… a place where your soul will feel at home.

In this eye-opening mini-workshop with Robert, you’ll: 

  • Discover how communicating with the departed is easy in dreams, and that healing and forgiveness are always possible beyond the apparent barrier of death

  • Understand the reasons and ways we dream of our ancestors — and the opportunities for mutual support in these encounters

  • Learn the core techniques of Active Dreaming, which uses intention and your imagination to dream journey while awake

  • See a “Lightning Dreamwork” demonstration and how it can quickly reveal the meanings your dream images and dreams hold

  • Experience a dream reentry journey focused on a personal dream or dream image for guidance and healing

Entering the portal between worlds through dreaming provides direct knowledge of our life beyond life. It heightens our spiritual awareness and can help diminish our fear of death, giving us courage to live more fully, and with more ease and joy.

Now more than ever, with the tumultuous state of our world, the confirmation that healing, forgiveness, and mutual help are available across the apparent barrier of death can provide much-needed comfort and inner peace — and even greater acceptance of our own mortality.

>> RSVP free here to watch Live or get recording <<

Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, you’ll discover how to safely connect with those on the Other Side through shamanic dream journeying — and your nighttime dreams — for healing, forgiveness, and mutual support. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How Shamanic Dream Journeying Can Bring Healing & Forgiveness

Discover how to heal your relationships with the departed through dream journeying.

Are you ready to go on dream journeys beyond the curtains of ordinary perception into a deeper reality…

… where connecting with your ancestors and catching glimpses into your future can provide inner peace, healing, and inspiration for navigating your life in this realm?

On Saturday, October 31, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share easy ways to look to your dreams for guidance in navigating your daily life, as well as how to open portals of natural communication with the departed in your nighttime dreams.

>> Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, here <<

Join us for Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side

And during this hour — so aptly airing on All Hallows’ Eve, when the veil between the worlds of the living and dead is thin — you’ll learn about safe and authentic ways to experience that consciousness survives the death of the body…

… and that it’s possible to heal your relationships with the departed, gain guidance and support from your ancestors (and support them!), and start creating your life on the Other Side now… a place where your soul will feel at home.

In this eye-opening mini-workshop with Robert, you’ll: 

  • Discover how communicating with the departed is easy in dreams, and that healing and forgiveness are always possible beyond the apparent barrier of death

  • Understand the reasons and ways we dream of our ancestors — and the opportunities for mutual support in these encounters

  • Learn the core techniques of Active Dreaming, which uses intention and your imagination to dream journey while awake

  • See a “Lightning Dreamwork” demonstration and how it can quickly reveal the meanings your dream images and dreams hold

  • Experience a dream reentry journey focused on a personal dream or dream image for guidance and healing

Entering the portal between worlds through dreaming provides direct knowledge of our life beyond life. It heightens our spiritual awareness and can help diminish our fear of death, giving us courage to live more fully, and with more ease and joy.

Now more than ever, with the tumultuous state of our world, the confirmation that healing, forgiveness, and mutual help are available across the apparent barrier of death can provide much-needed comfort and inner peace — and even greater acceptance of our own mortality.

>> RSVP free here to watch Live or get recording <<

Dream Journey Beyond the Veil: Shamanic Dreaming Practices to Connect With Loved Ones & Glimpse Your Future on the Other Side, you’ll discover how to safely connect with those on the Other Side through shamanic dream journeying — and your nighttime dreams — for healing, forgiveness, and mutual support. 

Read more: Discover How Shamanic Dream Journeying Can Bring Healing & Forgiveness

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Nov. 2-8 Summit Solutions Resolving Anxiety & Panic Attacks + 4 Free Guides & Books

Learn from someone who resolved Lyme-related anxiety & panic attacks…

We all experience anxiety. It’s your body’s natural (and normal) response to a threat.

A signal that something in your life needs attention.

Self-care is key to managing it, but understanding, identifying and addressing anxiety’s many root causes is paramount.

Anxiety can be related to your daily life experiences, but it can also be triggered by the foods you eat, environmental toxins, many types of medications and/or chronic infections like Lyme disease or candida.

Once you identify the root causes and understand anxiety’s mechanisms you can implement targeted, supportive solutions and get relief.

—>> Find anxiety solutions when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Join us November 2-8 for Anti-Anxiety Strategies and solutions


Your host, Food Mood Expert and certified nutritionist Trudy Scott, is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and educates anxious individuals and practitioners about nutritional solutions for anxiety. This is her 6th Anxiety Summit, featuring all new topics and the latest research related to anxiety and toxins, medications and infections.

Trudy also experienced many of these health challenges herself — lead and mercury toxicity, gluten issues, candida — and is currently dealing with chronic Lyme disease and dietary oxalate issues. She’s here to share her journey and the solutions she’s found along the way.

The Anxiety Summit 6 could help you with:

  • Overwhelm, worry & stress

  • PTSD, panic attacks, fears or phobias

  • OCD & obsessive thoughts or behaviors

  • Anxiety caused by exposure to environmental toxins

  • Understanding psychiatric impacts of infections

  • Addressing nutritional deficiencies & making dietary changes

  • Natural alternatives to anti-anxiety medications & antidepressants

  • And so much more!

It’s time to learn all the ways toxins, medications and/or infections could be triggering your anxiety. With the research-based solutions and practical steps you’ll discover at this summit, you’ll be able to determine your root causes, ease your anxiety and prevent it from coming back so you can feel balanced again.

Do you/ have you ever:

  • Been exposed to environmental toxins like pesticides, mold, heavy metals, fragrances, phthalates or air pollution?

  • Have anxiety and iron overload, fluoride toxicity or dietary oxalate issues?

  • Take prescription antidepressant, antianxiety, ADHD and/or antipsychotic medications?

  • Used prescription fluoroquinolone antibiotics, acetaminophen, asthma meds, Accutane or Miralax?

  • Have anxiety and Lyme disease/co-infections Bartonella and Babesia, parasites, PANDAS/PANS or candida?

  • Consume alcohol, sugar, gluten, green smoothies, MSG and/or nut flours?

  • Have a loved one with Tourette’s, trichotillomania, globus pharyngeus, misophonia, autism or eye-poking behaviors?

  • Have patients or clients who fit into any of the above categories?

—>> Join us at the complimentary and online Anxiety Summit 6 to learn how to address these underlying issues!

Join Anti-Anxiety Summit 2020

Your host, Food Mood Expert and certified nutritionist Trudy Scott, is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and educates anxious individuals and practitioners about nutritional solutions for anxiety. This is her 6th Anxiety Summit, featuring all new topics and the latest research related to anxiety and toxins, medications and infections.

Trudy also experienced many of these health challenges herself — lead and mercury toxicity, gluten issues, candida — and is currently dealing with chronic Lyme disease and dietary oxalate issues. She is passionate about sharing these solutions because she experienced the results first-hand, finding complete resolution of her anxiety and panic attacks in her late 30s.

Plus, When You Join Today You’ll Get Your 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eBook and 3 More Welcome Healthy Gifts & also save a seat for the free, online Anxiety Summit 6 — Toxins, Meds & Infections taking place on November 2-8, 2020. At this summit more than 30 experts will teach you the latest research-backed and solution-oriented programs to understand and address anxiety’s root causes while offering targeted and supportive approaches to naturally eliminate toxins, uncover hidden triggers and address unwanted medication side-effects — so you can get relief!

Anxiety Summit 2020 Free Book Download - 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eBook

Join us and be enlightened and find your solutions!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Get Free Anti-Anxiety Guides & Books & Learn How Toxins, Meds & Infections Can Trigger Anxiety

Learn from someone who resolved anxiety & panic attacks...

We all experience anxiety. It’s your body’s natural (and normal) response to a threat.

A signal that something in your life needs attention.

Self-care is key to managing it, but understanding, identifying and addressing anxiety’s many root causes is paramount.

Anxiety can be related to your daily life experiences, but it can also be triggered by the foods you eat, environmental toxins, many types of medications and/or chronic infections like Lyme disease or candida.

Once you identify the root causes and understand anxiety’s mechanisms you can implement targeted, supportive solutions and get relief.

—>> Find anxiety solutions when you attend this complimentary, online event!


Your host, Food Mood Expert and certified nutritionist Trudy Scott, is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and educates anxious individuals and practitioners about nutritional solutions for anxiety. This is her 6th Anxiety Summit, featuring all new topics and the latest research related to anxiety and toxins, medications and infections.

Trudy also experienced many of these health challenges herself — lead and mercury toxicity, gluten issues, candida — and is currently dealing with chronic Lyme disease and dietary oxalate issues. She’s here to share her journey and the solutions she’s found along the way.

The Anxiety Summit 6 could help you with:
  • Overwhelm, worry & stress

  • PTSD, panic attacks, fears or phobias

  • OCD & obsessive thoughts or behaviors

  • Anxiety caused by exposure to environmental toxins

  • Understanding psychiatric impacts of infections

  • Addressing nutritional deficiencies & making dietary changes

  • Natural alternatives to anti-anxiety medications & antidepressants

  • And so much more!

It’s time to learn all the ways toxins, medications and/or infections could be triggering your anxiety. With the research-based solutions and practical steps you’ll discover at this summit, you’ll be able to determine your root causes, ease your anxiety and prevent it from coming back so you can feel balanced again.

Do you/ have you ever:
  • Been exposed to environmental toxins like pesticides, mold, heavy metals, fragrances, phthalates or air pollution?

  • Have anxiety and iron overload, fluoride toxicity or dietary oxalate issues?

  • Take prescription antidepressant, antianxiety, ADHD and/or antipsychotic medications?

  • Used prescription fluoroquinolone antibiotics, acetaminophen, asthma meds, Accutane or Miralax?

  • Have anxiety and Lyme disease/co-infections Bartonella and Babesia, parasites, PANDAS/PANS or candida?

  • Consume alcohol, sugar, gluten, green smoothies, MSG and/or nut flours?

  • Have a loved one with Tourette’s, trichotillomania, globus pharyngeus, misophonia, autism or eye-poking behaviors?

  • Have patients or clients who fit into any of the above categories?

—>> Join us at the complimentary and online Anxiety Summit 6 to learn how to address these underlying issues!

Anxiety Summit 6 — Toxins, Meds & Infections taking place on November 2-8, 2020

Your host, Food Mood Expert and certified nutritionist Trudy Scott, is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution and educates anxious individuals and practitioners about nutritional solutions for anxiety. This is her 6th Anxiety Summit, featuring all new topics and the latest research related to anxiety and toxins, medications and infections.

Trudy also experienced many of these health challenges herself — lead and mercury toxicity, gluten issues, candida — and is currently dealing with chronic Lyme disease and dietary oxalate issues. She is passionate about sharing these solutions because she experienced the results first-hand, finding complete resolution of her anxiety and panic attacks in her late 30s.

Plus, When You Join Today You'll Get Your 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eBook and 3 More Welcome Healthy Gifts & also save a seat for the free, online Anxiety Summit 6 — Toxins, Meds & Infections taking place on November 2-8, 2020. At this summit more than 30 experts will teach you the latest research-backed and solution-oriented programs to understand and address anxiety’s root causes while offering targeted and supportive approaches to naturally eliminate toxins, uncover hidden triggers and address unwanted medication side-effects — so you can get relief!

Free Book Download - 27 Anxiety-Busting Strategies eBook

Join now & Download Free Roadmap
to Finding Your Anxiety Solutions eGuide Gift

Download Free Roadmap to Finding Your Anxiety Solutions eGuide Gift

Top 10 Surprising Nutrients for Toxin Support Gift

Top 10 Surprising Nutrients for Toxin Support Gift

Read more: Get Free Anti-Anxiety Guides & Books & Learn How Toxins, Meds & Infections Can Trigger Anxiety

Saturday 24 October 2020

Discover Radical Energy Medicine to Clear Stuck Emotions & Dark Energies

Activate energetic shifts to unlock your body’s ability to heal and thrive.

How might your life change if you could easily clear energies that are blocking you from feeling strong, peaceful, happy, and healthy?

Gamma Consciousness — a brainwave state used by ancient shamans and modern-day energy medicine healers — provides us with a powerful means for activating the energetic shifts necessary to unlock our body’s ability to heal… and the soul’s ability to thrive.

According to preeminent intuitive and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale, it’s the fastest, most potent vehicle for clearing our most entrenched emotional blocks for deep transformation at all levels — body, mind, and spirit.

On Wednesday, October 28, you’ll experience a guided exercise to induce a gamma brainwave state and healing exploration through your ninth chakra to support the clearing of an emotional wound — in Radical Energy Medicine for Your Most Deep-Rooted Blocks to Wellbeing: Clear Stuck Emotions & Dark Energies With Gamma Consciousness & the Power of Your 9th Chakra.

>> You can Join us here to watch Live (get recording and extra training course) <<

Activate energetic shifts to unlock your body’s ability to heal and thrive

During this fascinating online mini-workshop, you’ll: 

  • Gain an understanding of Gamma Consciousness and its ability to help us reach the highest possible level of emotional healing

  • Discover how your ninth chakra holds the key codes that can help you achieve all levels of wellbeing — body, mind, and spirit

  • Learn the types of dark energies or entities, how they can hamper your health and soul’s evolution, and ways they can be cleared from your energy system

  • Be guided through an exercise to experience a gamma brainwave state and use the power of your ninth chakra to help clear a deep-seated emotional issue

  • Experience a psychic surgery to alter the “blueprint” holding a negative emotion or dark energy within you to promote renewal and wholeness

When you join Cyndi for this complimentary online event, you’ll discover how to wield true “3-D power” to rapidly clear your subconscious of the energetic blocks underlying your everyday issues and your often impossible-to-transform longstanding issues — some that may span lifetimes.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to use the power of energy medicine and the specific extrasensory energies of your chakras to clear yourself of negativity and restore balance and vitality! 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Radical Energy Medicine for Your Most Deep-Rooted Blocks to Wellbeing: Clear Stuck Emotions & Dark Energies With Gamma Consciousness & the Power of Your 9th Chakra, you’ll experience the gamma brainwave state and power of your ninth chakra — the most potent means for rapidly clearing everyday and longstanding emotional blocks to your wellbeing — to better navigate these challenging times and beyond.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Gamma Brainwave State to Clear Longstanding Emotional Blocks

Switch on the light of your soul to “full shine” through Gamma Consciousness.

How might your life change if you could easily clear energies that are blocking you from feeling strong, peaceful, happy, and healthy?

Gamma Consciousness — a brainwave state used by ancient shamans and modern-day energy medicine healers — provides us with a powerful means for activating the energetic shifts necessary to unlock our body’s ability to heal… and the soul’s ability to thrive.

According to preeminent intuitive and world-renowned healer Cyndi Dale, it’s the fastest, most potent vehicle for clearing our most entrenched emotional blocks for deep transformation at all levels — body, mind, and spirit.

On Wednesday, October 28, you’ll experience a guided exercise to induce a gamma brainwave state and healing exploration through your ninth chakra to support the clearing of an emotional wound — in Radical Energy Medicine for Your Most Deep-Rooted Blocks to Wellbeing: Clear Stuck Emotions & Dark Energies With Gamma Consciousness & the Power of Your 9th Chakra.

>> You can Join us here to watch Live (get recording and extra training course) <<

Activate energetic shifts to unlock your body’s ability to heal and thrive

During this fascinating online mini-workshop, you’ll: 

  • Gain an understanding of Gamma Consciousness and its ability to help us reach the highest possible level of emotional healing

  • Discover how your ninth chakra holds the key codes that can help you achieve all levels of wellbeing — body, mind, and spirit

  • Learn the types of dark energies or entities, how they can hamper your health and soul’s evolution, and ways they can be cleared from your energy system

  • Be guided through an exercise to experience a gamma brainwave state and use the power of your ninth chakra to help clear a deep-seated emotional issue

  • Experience a psychic surgery to alter the “blueprint” holding a negative emotion or dark energy within you to promote renewal and wholeness

When you join Cyndi for this complimentary online event, you’ll discover how to wield true “3-D power” to rapidly clear your subconscious of the energetic blocks underlying your everyday issues and your often impossible-to-transform longstanding issues — some that may span lifetimes.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to use the power of energy medicine and the specific extrasensory energies of your chakras to clear yourself of negativity and restore balance and vitality! 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Radical Energy Medicine for Your Most Deep-Rooted Blocks to Wellbeing: Clear Stuck Emotions & Dark Energies With Gamma Consciousness & the Power of Your 9th Chakra, you’ll experience the gamma brainwave state and power of your ninth chakra — the most potent means for rapidly clearing everyday and longstanding emotional blocks to your wellbeing — to better navigate these challenging times and beyond.

Read more: Experience the Gamma Brainwave State to Clear Longstanding Emotional Blocks

Thursday 22 October 2020

Discover Your Connection to Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation

Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life.

Do you long to feel a greater connection with Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation?

Values rooted in gratitude and Giving Thanks daily help us nourish our mind and remember our Good Mind — our spirituality as embodied wisdom. 

We open to cultivating inner peace and building unity through our similarities and by celebrating our differences as ways of deeper learning about one another. 

The principles of the Good Mind give us the spiritual discipline to hold deep peace within, and enable us — by our presence alone — to help heal others and the Earth. The Good Mind helps us turn the negatives in life into something positive to benefit our personal growth and help others.

On Saturday, October 24, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, ceremonial leader and teacher of Indigenous spiritual ways, will guide you in developing your Good Mind and the spiritual wisdom, gratitude, and peace within you ­­ — in Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love.

>> Join us to Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life

(+ access event recording later & special training offered to learn more) <<

Discover why falling in love with all of Creation is the path to lasting happiness

During this inspiring hour, you’ll:

  • Discover ways to develop the Good Mind, or spiritual intelligence, to cultivate a life of happiness, honor, respect, love, and peace for yourself and others

  • Learn how Kanaronkwa Medicine evokes love for Self, your partner, and all of Creation

  • Discover the Haudenosaunee Worldview as an example of a good life, and the importance of ceremony, story, song, dance, dreams, Giving Thanks, and connecting with the land in cultivating such a life

  • Experience Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen, a beautiful Thanksgiving Address as nourishment and inspiration for creating your own blessings of gratitude 

  • Be immersed in a Creation Story as a rich pathway to deepen your relationship with Self — and expand your family to include all life beings

Diane believes that understanding the importance of traditional ceremony, story, song, dance, and teachings as healing invocations is imperative to society’s wellbeing and the renewal of all Life Beings.

More than anything, you’ll experience why these ancient practices hold the power to help us remember our deep connection with the land — and the spiritual wisdom of the Good Mind for cultivating inner peace and unity with all.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (+ extra training) <<

In Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love, you’ll be nourished and inspired by Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen —the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address — to create your own powerful words of gratitude and deepen your connection with all of life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Haudenosaunee Spiritual Wisdom

Experience First Nations’ teachings of the Good Mind to nurture gratitude and peace.

Do you long to feel a greater connection with Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation?

Values rooted in gratitude and Giving Thanks daily help us nourish our mind and remember our Good Mind — our spirituality as embodied wisdom. 

We open to cultivating inner peace and building unity through our similarities and by celebrating our differences as ways of deeper learning about one another. 

The principles of the Good Mind give us the spiritual discipline to hold deep peace within, and enable us — by our presence alone — to help heal others and the Earth. The Good Mind helps us turn the negatives in life into something positive to benefit our personal growth and help others.

On Saturday, October 24, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, ceremonial leader and teacher of Indigenous spiritual ways, will guide you in developing your Good Mind and the spiritual wisdom, gratitude, and peace within you ­­ — in Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love.

>> Join us to Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life
(+ access event recording later & special training offered to learn more) <<

Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life

During this inspiring hour, you’ll:

  • Discover ways to develop the Good Mind, or spiritual intelligence, to cultivate a life of happiness, honor, respect, love, and peace for yourself and others

  • Learn how Kanaronkwa Medicine evokes love for Self, your partner, and all of Creation

  • Discover the Haudenosaunee Worldview as an example of a good life, and the importance of ceremony, story, song, dance, dreams, Giving Thanks, and connecting with the land in cultivating such a life

  • Experience Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen, a beautiful Thanksgiving Address as nourishment and inspiration for creating your own blessings of gratitude 

  • Be immersed in a Creation Story as a rich pathway to deepen your relationship with Self — and expand your family to include all life beings

Diane believes that understanding the importance of traditional ceremony, story, song, dance, and teachings as healing invocations is imperative to society’s wellbeing and the renewal of all Life Beings.

More than anything, you’ll experience why these ancient practices hold the power to help us remember our deep connection with the land — and the spiritual wisdom of the Good Mind for cultivating inner peace and unity with all.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (+ extra training) <<

In Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love, you’ll be nourished and inspired by Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen —the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address — to create your own powerful words of gratitude and deepen your connection with all of life.

Read more: Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Haudenosaunee Spiritual Wisdom

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen your Intuitive Healing Powers

Don’t miss this free hour with Dr. Judith Orloff, the Godmother of the Empath Movement.

As an empath, you were born with a personal guidance system to navigate difficult times like these with resilience and faith.

You can do this when you’re devoted to strengthening your intuition, and when you understand how to deal with common obstacles, including taking on the energy of others.

Because of the profound empathy and loving nature of empaths, one of the most prominent traps you encounter are toxic relationships.

On Wednesday, October 21, Dr Judith Orloff, a New York Times bestselling author, psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer, and “Godmother of the Empath Movement,” will share about the different types of empaths — and help you identify the toxic relationships in your life and see through their manipulations so you can protect your energetic and emotional boundaries.

>> Join us to Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers: Your Intuitive Guidance System for Healthy Boundaries & Empowered Resiliencehere <<

Don’t miss this free hour with Dr. Judith Orloff, the Godmother of the Empath Movement

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • The 9 types of empaths — and how to identify YOUR type and the ways it connects you to your intuition

  • The importance of heightened boundaries for empaths — and how this helps you read other people with greater clarity

  • How to see through the superficial charms of a narcissist or other toxic individual — especially if you’re an emotional, intuitive, or physical empath 

  • Dr. Orloff’s personal process for reading others and thriving as an empath

  • guided meditation to help you identify your instinctive form of intuition

As an empowered empath, you’ll embody confidence as you trust and act on the wise answers that come from within…

Your profound gifts can fully awaken when you trust your own intuitive abilities and allow them to guide your life.

The skills you’ll learn during this powerful hour will empower you to know yourself better as you discover your type — and choose healthy, loving relationships with others who can reciprocate the love and care you share so freely.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers: Your Intuitive Guidance System for Healthy Boundaries & Empowered, you’ll join Dr. Judith Orloff to discover common obstacles to tuning in to your full intuitive power — so you can gain greater inner peace and more energy, and expand your vision for your life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers with Dr. Judith Orloff

As an empath, you were born with a personal guidance system to navigate difficult times like these with resilience and faith.

You can do this when you’re devoted to strengthening your intuition, and when you understand how to deal with common obstacles, including taking on the energy of others.

Because of the profound empathy and loving nature of empaths, one of the most prominent traps you encounter are toxic relationships.

On Wednesday, October 21, Dr Judith Orloff, a New York Times bestselling author, psychiatrist, empath, intuitive healer, and “Godmother of the Empath Movement,” will share about the different types of empaths — and help you identify the toxic relationships in your life and see through their manipulations so you can protect your energetic and emotional boundaries.

>> Join us to Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers: Your Intuitive Guidance System for Healthy Boundaries & Empowered Resiliencehere <<

Don’t miss this free hour with Dr. Judith Orloff, the Godmother of the Empath Movement

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • The 9 types of empaths — and how to identify YOUR type and the ways it connects you to your intuition

  • The importance of heightened boundaries for empaths — and how this helps you read other people with greater clarity

  • How to see through the superficial charms of a narcissist or other toxic individual — especially if you’re an emotional, intuitive, or physical empath 

  • Dr. Orloff’s personal process for reading others and thriving as an empath

  • guided meditation to help you identify your instinctive form of intuition

As an empowered empath, you’ll embody confidence as you trust and act on the wise answers that come from within…

Your profound gifts can fully awaken when you trust your own intuitive abilities and allow them to guide your life.

The skills you’ll learn during this powerful hour will empower you to know yourself better as you discover your type — and choose healthy, loving relationships with others who can reciprocate the love and care you share so freely.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers: Your Intuitive Guidance System for Healthy Boundaries & Empowered, you’ll join Dr. Judith Orloff to discover common obstacles to tuning in to your full intuitive power — so you can gain greater inner peace and more energy, and expand your vision for your life.

Read more: Discover the 9 Empath Types & Deepen Your Intuitive Healing Powers with Dr. Judith Orloff

Saturday 17 October 2020

Safely Explore & Benefit from the Wisdom of Near-death (NDE & OOBE) Experiences

Learn about mediumship and hear about new research surrounding the afterlife.

Our eternal spiritual self is more real than anything we perceive in this physical realm, and has a divine connection to the infinite love of the Creator.~ Eben Alexander
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife

What lies beyond this life? What happens after we die? Can we connect with loved ones after they’ve died?  

Today, these perennial questions are being explored with ever-greater depth and nuance. Are you aware of the amazing research being done to validate out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences (NDEs), and other “veiled” phenomena?

Whether undergoing a scary medical procedure, swerving just in time to avoid a car accident, or witnessing the death of a loved one… moments like these can puncture our status-quo existence with a sense of awe for life’s fragility and brevity — infusing us with longing to understand what lies just beyond this human life.

Whether you’re looking to gain meaningful closure around the loss of a loved one, or wanting to glean insights into how to live fully in the here and now, this unique online event will guide you deeper into appreciation and awe for the preciousness of life… provide a deeper sense of belonging in the shared human experience… and expose you to meaningful stories and insights into death, consciousness, and the beyond.

As we head into the harvest months and that liminal time when the veils between this world and the “world beyond” are said to be the thinnest… this exceptional summit will offer you a plethora of spiritual guidance and resources as you take stock of this year and make peace with what’s to come.

That’s why I’m beyond thrilled to invite you to the Beyond the Veil Summit! This will be a refreshing departure from fear-drenched news and doom-and-gloom thinking about the future… as we venture together into these oft-avoided areas of life that, in fact, hold magnificent wisdom for us all. 

Free Online Event
Beyond the Veil Summit
October 26-30, 2020

Discover Mediumship Afterlife NDE near-death experience spiritual practice fear of death and life purpose

Presenting in this summit are more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, mediumship practitioners, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Dr. Raymond Moody, who coined the term near-death experience (NDE), Dr. Eben Alexander, Suzanne Giesemann, Dr. William Bloom, Professor Jeralyn Glass, Yeye Luisah Teish, and Mark Anthony.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about encounters with “touching the veil” — experiencing facets of death and the afterlife, and coming back to share transformative insights with the world.  

This roster of remarkable speakers also includes those who readily communicate with the deceased (and can teach you how to do the same), and much more. Let their stories touch you, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and ultimately draw you toward living in a state of unconditional love.  

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our world-renowned speakers will share with you…

  • Learn from the “grandfather” of this field, Dr. Raymond Moody, who coined the term near-death experience (NDE) — helping those who’ve touched death to articulate it in profound and insightful ways.

  • Trace the history of cardiac resuscitation and the countless miraculous stories that have emerged since the 1960s, with surgeon Eben Alexander, MD and spiritual journey facilitator Karen Newell.

  • Dr. William Bloom will discuss his core strategies for creating and supporting a graceful transfer of consciousness at death — paramount for anyone wanting to prepare for their own passing… or to support someone else. 

  • Evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will show how providing a preponderance of evidence of realms beyond mundane human life can change belief systems, opening minds and hearts to a greater reality. 

  • Rob Schwartz will share unique insights into how we plan our lives before we’re born, as well as his research on the 5 main reasons we ourselves plan our greatest challenges

  • Join near-death survivor Cherie Aimée, who’s been featured on The Dr. Oz Show and Megyn Kelly show, for a fascinating foray into what she calls “the eight wisdom keys of the authentic heart.”

  • Mark Anthony will offer his theories on this topic (supported by quantum physics, biology and survival of consciousness research), and how they’ve evolved as a result of his contact with the afterlife through his own NDE and  abilities as a psychic medium. 

  • Professor Jeralyn Glass will describe what it means to have a “soul contract,” and how that plays out in your life — drawing on the hard-earned wisdom she gleaned from the passing of her beloved 19-year-old son — and all it taught her about love.

  • With Yeye Luisah Teish, you’ll learn about beliefs on the afterlife in the sacred orature of the African diaspora… and you’ll receive guidelines for beginning and/or improving your mediumship skills.

  • Transmitting wisdom from her NDE at age two, Ingrid Honkala, PhD, will inspire you to understand the purpose behind your challenges — and how changing your perception is the key to eradicate all suffering.

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join us for this landmark event hosted by The Shift Network (their first summit on this specialized and timely topic)! You’ll be exposed to uncommon and miraculous experiences now being validated by a growing body of scientific research. 

And you’ll converge with impassioned hospice workers, surgeons, psychologists, and other professionals who are creating bridges between science and what was formerly the sole purview of theological and mystical teachings.

P.S. During this groundbreaking 5-day event with over 30 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • The awakening that’s now emerging from the scientific study of consciousness

  • How guides, angels, and our loved ones from the other side are ready and eager to help us heal

  • Ways to connect to the other side through a healing meditation

  • The profound benefits of a shared-death experience (SDE) with a loved one 

  • How to communicate with deceased loved ones and help others make those connections… for healing, closure, and a life filled with more joy and peace

  • Ways that mediumship opens you to your higher self and raises your vibration to experience your true nature as love

  • A clear pathway to de-mystifying death and taking away the stigma and fear around it

  • Support to enter the beauty and pathos of active grieving

  • How artists can encounter an entire support system for their work on the other side of the veil 

  • The contemporary science backing startling discoveries that support the existence of angelic beings

  • That insights drawn from NDEs can help you break through fears and past trauma

  • And many more beautiful discoveries…

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Safely Explore & Benefit from the Wisdom of Near-death (NDE & OOBE) Experiences

Discover how a Near-death Experience can be a Catalyst for a Fuller Life

Hear the contemporary science backing uncommon and miraculous experiences.

Our eternal spiritual self is more real than anything we perceive in this physical realm, and has a divine connection to the infinite love of the Creator.
― Eben Alexander
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife

What lies beyond this life? What happens after we die? Can we connect with loved ones after they’ve died?  

Today, these perennial questions are being explored with ever-greater depth and nuance. Are you aware of the amazing research being done to validate out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences (NDEs), and other “veiled” phenomena?

Whether undergoing a scary medical procedure, swerving just in time to avoid a car accident, or witnessing the death of a loved one… moments like these can puncture our status-quo existence with a sense of awe for life’s fragility and brevity — infusing us with longing to understand what lies just beyond this human life.

Whether you’re looking to gain meaningful closure around the loss of a loved one, or wanting to glean insights into how to live fully in the here and now, this unique online event will guide you deeper into appreciation and awe for the preciousness of life… provide a deeper sense of belonging in the shared human experience… and expose you to meaningful stories and insights into death, consciousness, and the beyond.

As we head into the harvest months and that liminal time when the veils between this world and the “world beyond” are said to be the thinnest… this exceptional summit will offer you a plethora of spiritual guidance and resources as you take stock of this year and make peace with what’s to come.

That’s why I’m beyond thrilled to invite you to the Beyond the Veil Summit! This will be a refreshing departure from fear-drenched news and doom-and-gloom thinking about the future… as we venture together into these oft-avoided areas of life that, in fact, hold magnificent wisdom for us all. 

Free Online Event
Beyond the Veil Summit
October 26-30, 2020

Discover Mediumship Afterlife NDE near-death experience spiritual practice fear of death and life purpose

Presenting in this summit are more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, mediumship practitioners, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Dr. Raymond Moody, who coined the term near-death experience (NDE), Dr. Eben Alexander, Suzanne Giesemann, Dr. William Bloom, Professor Jeralyn Glass, Yeye Luisah Teish, and Mark Anthony.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about encounters with “touching the veil” — experiencing facets of death and the afterlife, and coming back to share transformative insights with the world.  

This roster of remarkable speakers also includes those who readily communicate with the deceased (and can teach you how to do the same), and much more. Let their stories touch you, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and ultimately draw you toward living in a state of unconditional love.  

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our world-renowned speakers will share with you…

  • Learn from the “grandfather” of this field, Dr. Raymond Moody, who coined the term near-death experience (NDE) — helping those who’ve touched death to articulate it in profound and insightful ways.

  • Trace the history of cardiac resuscitation and the countless miraculous stories that have emerged since the 1960s, with surgeon Eben Alexander, MD and spiritual journey facilitator Karen Newell.

  • Dr. William Bloom will discuss his core strategies for creating and supporting a graceful transfer of consciousness at death — paramount for anyone wanting to prepare for their own passing… or to support someone else. 

  • Evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will show how providing a preponderance of evidence of realms beyond mundane human life can change belief systems, opening minds and hearts to a greater reality. 

  • Rob Schwartz will share unique insights into how we plan our lives before we’re born, as well as his research on the 5 main reasons we ourselves plan our greatest challenges

  • Join near-death survivor Cherie Aimée, who’s been featured on The Dr. Oz Show and Megyn Kelly show, for a fascinating foray into what she calls “the eight wisdom keys of the authentic heart.”

  • Mark Anthony will offer his theories on this topic (supported by quantum physics, biology and survival of consciousness research), and how they’ve evolved as a result of his contact with the afterlife through his own NDE and  abilities as a psychic medium. 

  • Professor Jeralyn Glass will describe what it means to have a “soul contract,” and how that plays out in your life — drawing on the hard-earned wisdom she gleaned from the passing of her beloved 19-year-old son — and all it taught her about love.

  • With Yeye Luisah Teish, you’ll learn about beliefs on the afterlife in the sacred orature of the African diaspora… and you’ll receive guidelines for beginning and/or improving your mediumship skills.

  • Transmitting wisdom from her NDE at age two, Ingrid Honkala, PhD, will inspire you to understand the purpose behind your challenges — and how changing your perception is the key to eradicate all suffering.

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll join us for this landmark event hosted by The Shift Network (their first summit on this specialized and timely topic)! You’ll be exposed to uncommon and miraculous experiences now being validated by a growing body of scientific research. 

And you’ll converge with impassioned hospice workers, surgeons, psychologists, and other professionals who are creating bridges between science and what was formerly the sole purview of theological and mystical teachings.

P.S. During this groundbreaking 5-day event with over 30 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • The awakening that’s now emerging from the scientific study of consciousness

  • How guides, angels, and our loved ones from the other side are ready and eager to help us heal

  • Ways to connect to the other side through a healing meditation

  • The profound benefits of a shared-death experience (SDE) with a loved one 

  • How to communicate with deceased loved ones and help others make those connections… for healing, closure, and a life filled with more joy and peace

  • Ways that mediumship opens you to your higher self and raises your vibration to experience your true nature as love

  • A clear pathway to de-mystifying death and taking away the stigma and fear around it

  • Support to enter the beauty and pathos of active grieving

  • How artists can encounter an entire support system for their work on the other side of the veil 

  • The contemporary science backing startling discoveries that support the existence of angelic beings

  • That insights drawn from NDEs can help you break through fears and past trauma

  • And many more beautiful discoveries…

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Join a renowned Qigong master to revitalize your health and wellbeing

Discover how to strengthen your immunity by reducing your stress.

Would you like to more easefully ride the big waves of life, welcoming whatever life brings to you with a deep sense of compassion and wisdom?

To get there, you’ll need to reduce your stress — and its underlying root in fear.

Fear is one of the leading contributors to stress, according to one of the foremost modern masters of Qigong in the West, Master Mingtong Gu, who received extensive training at the largest medicine-less hospital in China before going on to heal and inspire tens of thousands around the world.

Training your mind and body to relax has a direct impact on releasing your mind from fear, which is why it’s the best thing you can do for your health at any time.

And given the chaotic times we’re living in, it’s essential!

On Saturday, October 17, Master Mingtong will show you how Qigong allows you to attune to your internal guidance, drawing you out of fear and allowing you to easefully guide your body into wellness, in Discover Qigong Practices to De-Stress & Build Immunity: Learn How Chi Flow & Sound Healing Unlock Your Innate Capacity to Self-Heal.

>> Join us here to watch  Live or get recording & extra training offer <<

Master Mingtong Gu Qigong Practices to De-Stress & Build Immunity Learn How Chi Flow & Sound Healing Toning Unlock Your Innate Capacity to Self-Heal

In this revitalizing one-hour free video event, you’ll:

  • Explore how Qigong can change your perception of how your immune system functions

  • Experience healing sounds and movements designed to renew the organ systems that release fear and support your immune system

  • Discover how to break the cycle of anger and sorrow by releasing the congestive energy patterns in your lungs

  • Learn specific movements to release the stress from your day — as well as cumulative fearful patterns from your past

  • Discover how to start your own daily personal Qigong practice, including learning two practices you can start using right away

A daily Qigong practice can immediately lower your stress and increase your energy — and support you in preventing illness and rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit.

What’s more, adding sound and vibration to your practice — as Master Mingtong will demonstrate twice in this special online event — exponentially magnifies the impact of your energy to express itself as even more health in your body and purpose in the world.

>> Register now (and even if you can’t attend live,

you’ll receive a downloadable replay later) <<

In Discover Qigong Practices to De-Stress & Build Immunity: Learn How Chi Flow & Sound Healing Unlock Your Innate Capacity to Self-Heal, you’ll join a renowned Qigong master to work with your subtle energy and sound toning to diminish stress, help prevent illness, and revitalize your health and wellbeing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.