Thursday 28 May 2020

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan with Evelyn Rysdyk

Discover how Nordic Shamanic Practices can harmonize your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Our creative energy is expansive, regenerative, and restorative. When we allow it to flow, it returns more energy than we expend…. and there’s never been a more crucial time to embody its power.

This life-giving, healing force — an essential part of you — is available to you right now

This energy can help you shift your circumstances in any situation, transform feelings of overwhelm and fear, and alleviate symptoms of physical dis-ease.

Yet, to access this powerful creative energy, you need to learn how to strike an energetic balance within and around you… which can be challenging with the current pandemic and state of the natural world.

These disharmonies, however, directly reflect Nature’s imbalance of creative and destructive energies.

On Wednesday, June 3, globally revered shamanism teacher and author Evelyn Rysdyk will help you tap into the archetypal energies of an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and mythological Giantesses of manifestation to activate your own innate destructor-creator balancing capabilities. 

>> Join us for Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan: Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos, here <<

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos

During this fascinating 60 minutes with Evelyn, you’ll:

  • Discover the life-giving creative energy within you — and all the cosmos — which can be accessed to harmonize physical and emotional imbalances

  • Discover your regeneration powers through Ormhäxan, an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and archetype of nature’s destruction-creation cycles 

  • Discover mythology as powerful ancient wisdom passed down through time to help us solve today’s challenges 

  • Learn the myth of Norse Giantesses Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld, masterful weavers of reality who hold age-old wisdom for finding peace amidst chaos

  • Discover how accessing your creative energy makes you feel stronger, more balanced, and alive — and radiates healing energy into the collective

  • Experience a guided journey to connect with Gefjon, a Norse Goddess of fertility known as “The Giving One,” and receive healing energies to address a current life challenge 

Attending this complimentary online event can help you reconnect with the restorative creative force within and around you. You’ll discover how increasing your inherent creative energy can provide healing for you — and for the planet.

>> Do join us for this rich and transformative hour with one of the most renowned teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

Don’t miss your chance to experience the restorative creative energies of the Cosmos, accessed by shamans and alive in mythology’s Giantesses, for harmonizing your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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