Thursday 28 May 2020

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan with Evelyn Rysdyk

Discover how Nordic Shamanic Practices can harmonize your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Our creative energy is expansive, regenerative, and restorative. When we allow it to flow, it returns more energy than we expend…. and there’s never been a more crucial time to embody its power.

This life-giving, healing force — an essential part of you — is available to you right now

This energy can help you shift your circumstances in any situation, transform feelings of overwhelm and fear, and alleviate symptoms of physical dis-ease.

Yet, to access this powerful creative energy, you need to learn how to strike an energetic balance within and around you… which can be challenging with the current pandemic and state of the natural world.

These disharmonies, however, directly reflect Nature’s imbalance of creative and destructive energies.

On Wednesday, June 3, globally revered shamanism teacher and author Evelyn Rysdyk will help you tap into the archetypal energies of an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and mythological Giantesses of manifestation to activate your own innate destructor-creator balancing capabilities. 

>> Join us for Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan: Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos, here <<

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos

During this fascinating 60 minutes with Evelyn, you’ll:

  • Discover the life-giving creative energy within you — and all the cosmos — which can be accessed to harmonize physical and emotional imbalances

  • Discover your regeneration powers through Ormhäxan, an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and archetype of nature’s destruction-creation cycles 

  • Discover mythology as powerful ancient wisdom passed down through time to help us solve today’s challenges 

  • Learn the myth of Norse Giantesses Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld, masterful weavers of reality who hold age-old wisdom for finding peace amidst chaos

  • Discover how accessing your creative energy makes you feel stronger, more balanced, and alive — and radiates healing energy into the collective

  • Experience a guided journey to connect with Gefjon, a Norse Goddess of fertility known as “The Giving One,” and receive healing energies to address a current life challenge 

Attending this complimentary online event can help you reconnect with the restorative creative force within and around you. You’ll discover how increasing your inherent creative energy can provide healing for you — and for the planet.

>> Do join us for this rich and transformative hour with one of the most renowned teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

Don’t miss your chance to experience the restorative creative energies of the Cosmos, accessed by shamans and alive in mythology’s Giantesses, for harmonizing your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Norse Shamans Practices to Restore Emotional & Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan.

Our creative energy is expansive, regenerative, and restorative. When we allow it to flow, it returns more energy than we expend…. and there’s never been a more crucial time to embody its power.

This life-giving, healing force — an essential part of you — is available to you right now

This energy can help you shift your circumstances in any situation, transform feelings of overwhelm and fear, and alleviate symptoms of physical dis-ease.

Yet, to access this powerful creative energy, you need to learn how to strike an energetic balance within and around you… which can be challenging with the current pandemic and state of the natural world.

These disharmonies, however, directly reflect Nature’s imbalance of creative and destructive energies.

On Wednesday, June 3, globally revered shamanism teacher and author Evelyn Rysdyk will help you tap into the archetypal energies of an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and mythological Giantesses of manifestation to activate your own innate destructor-creator balancing capabilities. 

>> Join us for Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan: Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos, here <<

Activate the Creative Energies of Norse Dragon-Shaman Ormhäxan Shamanic Practices to Restore Emotional and Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos

During this fascinating 60 minutes with Evelyn, you’ll:

  • Discover the life-giving creative energy within you — and all the cosmos — which can be accessed to harmonize physical and emotional imbalances

  • Discover your regeneration powers through Ormhäxan, an ancient Norse dragon-shaman and archetype of nature’s destruction-creation cycles 

  • Discover mythology as powerful ancient wisdom passed down through time to help us solve today’s challenges 

  • Learn the myth of Norse Giantesses Urðr, Verðandi, and Skuld, masterful weavers of reality who hold age-old wisdom for finding peace amidst chaos

  • Discover how accessing your creative energy makes you feel stronger, more balanced, and alive — and radiates healing energy into the collective

  • Experience a guided journey to connect with Gefjon, a Norse Goddess of fertility known as “The Giving One,” and receive healing energies to address a current life challenge 

Attending this complimentary online event can help you reconnect with the restorative creative force within and around you. You’ll discover how increasing your inherent creative energy can provide healing for you — and for the planet.

>> Do join us for this rich and transformative hour with one of the most renowned teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

Don’t miss your chance to experience the restorative creative energies of the Cosmos, accessed by shamans and alive in mythology’s Giantesses, for harmonizing your emotional and physical wellbeing.

Read more: Norse Shamans Practices to Restore Emotional & Physical Balance & Wellbeing in Times of Chaos

Thursday 21 May 2020

Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath May 27 (30) Live Event + Training

Find out how to Avoid Getting Energetically Drained by the world’s suffering.

If you’re an empath or sensitive person, it’s more important than ever to reign in your extrasensory “feelers” — and start using your special intuitive powers to attend to your own physical and emotional wellbeing…

… so you’re not energetically drained by the world’s suffering, others’ stresses — and your own emotional triggers.

On Wednesday, May 27, bestselling author and psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD, will share how you can start building effective energetic protection skills and lean into the art of surrender —  to become unburdened of toxic energies and able to transmute your life experiences –– in a free video event, Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath: Practices for Protection, Surrender & Listening to Your Intuition During Stressful Times.

>> You can register here for Live Event (get recording + training) <<

Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath Practices for Protection, Surrender & Listening to Your Intuition During Stressful Times

During this self-empowering 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Learn about your brain’s mirror neurons, and how they activate both your empathetic predisposition and your gift for greater sensitivity and intuition

  • Learn what intuitive healing means for empaths and sensitive people… and how to access this gift

  • Discover the key to surrendering to anxiety and fear, and how thinking and feeling it doesn’t mean you have to take it on energetically

  • Discover the importance of energetic protection in accessing, enjoying, and sharing your intuitive gifts

  • Experience a guided meditation to feel into the power of surrendering, so you can gain trust in the moment and be there for yourself and others 

Judith teaches empaths, and everyone, how not to succumb to their triggers and all the cries of the world, and, instead, to listen first to their inner voice — what she calls the voice of energy.

To be a healer — for yourself and others — you need to feel your own strength. Judith can show you how to find this inner power consistently… through practices you can access quickly and easily. 

You won’t want to miss this special hour to start enjoying each moment and your unique predisposition for greater compassion, love, and a clear knowing that can help you and others heal.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath: Practices for Protection, Surrender & Listening to Your Intuition During Stressful Times, you’ll experience a shielding practice to protect yourself from negative, stressful, toxic, or intrusive energies — and feel more centered, happy, and energized.

Read more: Dr. Judith Orloff’s Keys to Being a Healthy Empath May 27 (30) Live Event + Training

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The Continued Debate on "5G" Safety Guide & Science Facts Book

Global searches for the term "5G" have risen sharply recently -- there has been an incredible increase in awareness and interest about 5G wireless technology, and today even more so.

But, why?

The rapidly growing debate around the safety of 5G and wireless radiation continues... with thousands of studies showing evidence of harmful biological effects, and the industrial-telecom-government complex rubber-stamping permits to deploy thousands of new 5G satellites and millions of small transmission sites -- lamp posts, telephone poles, etc. -- next to our homes and schools, and even passing new laws to strip decision-making power from cities and communities so they can't fight it.

>> Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this online event! <<

The industry assures us it is safe for your health while they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents. With 5G, there is ubiquitous exposure, disproportionate adverse effects on children and the capability of millimeter wave surveillance...

Access to your data has become more valuable than oil.

People are waking up. They want the information. They want to learn the risks. They want control and choice over their own lives.

This is a critical stage RIGHT NOW, because as 5G continues to roll out without our consent, it will become more and more difficult to have it removed.

>> Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this free, online event! <<

5G wireless EMF radiation bio harm health risks science view summit 2020

When you register for The 5G Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

127-page eBook gives the scientific proof about 5G

Get Dr. Martin Pall's powerful, 127-page eBook, 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective, and learn the science that proves, beyond any reasonable doubt, the biologically harmful effect of 5G deployments and wireless radiation.

>> Unlock your complimentary eBook, 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective now! <<

As the 5G wireless technology rollout is relentlessly promoted. The industry assures us it is safe for your health while they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents -- Dr. Martin Pall builds a rational and evidence-based case for predicting an imminent explosion in health issues that will come with being immersed 24/7/365 in this technology, including:
  • Neurodegenerative and chronic diseases

  • Infertility

  • Cancers

  • Autism

  • Still-births

  • Blindness

  • Hormonal dysfunction

  • DNA damage

  • Kidney failure

  • Insect holocaust

  • Conflagrations of forests

The future for humanity and our planet can only be assured by people willing to stand up to destructive forces against what may seem insurmountable odds.

This 127-page eBook is a powerful summary of the science that telecoms don't want us to know, because it scientifically demonstrates, beyond any reasonable doubt, the biologically harmful effect of 5G deployments and wireless radiation in general. Includes citations to 139 scientific research papers.

>> Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 127-page, 5G Risk: The Scientific Perspective eBook now! <<

Download Free eBook about 5G Risk - Scientific Perspective, learn the science that proves biologically harmful effect of 5G deployments and EMF wireless radiation

Another great report You Also Must Have is Josh del Sol's 19-page eBook, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation, and learn the BEST solutions for vibrant health and reducing EMF exposure risks!

>> Download your complimentary eBook, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation! <<

5G wireless is rapidly expanding on a global level... without public consent and despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate it is harmful to your health.

Fortunately, armed with simple solutions, protecting ourselves and our loved-ones can be straightforward.

In this 19-page eBook, Josh del Sol has compiled the best research from his 8-year deep dive into electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation.

With 5G rollouts, reducing our EMF exposure is becoming extremely vital to the greater process of taking back our power. Taking back our immediate environment in a positive and life-centric way is a significant step.

>> Click here to gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 19-page, 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation eBook now! <<

Download Free eBook 7 Essential Ways to Make Your Home Safe from 5G and EMF Radiation

When you unlock this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020 -- over 40+ experts teaching you more about EMF and 5G dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community!

You can truly get started on better health today!

Read more: The Continued Debate on "5G" Safety Guide & Science Facts Book

Improve Your Flexibility, Reduce Pain, Boost Immunity with Somatic Practices

Reclaim your flexibility and decrease your pain with powerful Feldenkrais practices.

Many of us aren’t moving in the ways we used to. We’re spending more time sitting, glued to our computer, eyes focused forward, neck and shoulders hunched and tense, belly and diaphragm contracted, our breathing shallow…

A lot of us are also holding underlying fear and anxiety throughout our bodies, and possibly grief or emotional wounding from PTSD too.

Now’s the time to address unbeneficial physical patterns and postures, as well as pent-up tensions and emotions, because they can not only stunt your physical and emotional resilience…

… they can impact your immune system, creating emotional pain patterns in your body and increasing your susceptibility to dis-ease.

On Saturday, May 23, celebrated body language expert Lavinia Plonka will show you how The Feldenkrais Method can help you get moving — even if you’re still sheltering in place — to reawaken your flexibility, balance, and resilience, AND make you feel better.

Join us for The Feldenkrais Method® for Your Wellbeing: Somatic Practices to Reawaken Your Flexibility & Boost Your Resilience <<

Discover Feldenkrais Method® for Your Wellbeing with Lavinia Plonka

During this self-empowering free online event, you’ll:

  • Understand why your body’s flexibility dictates how physically and emotionally resilient you are — and receive simple movements to increase your agility and resilience 

  • Learn how to take a relaxed diaphragmatic breath and more fully exhale to better nourish your cells and increase your breathing capacity

  • Discover the connection between eye strain, neck and head tension, and balance — and experience a short exercise to relax your eyes

  • Be given a relaxing hand-and-wrist exercise to ease repetitive-movement stress — especially stress resulting from computer use

  • Experience a “self-hug” that awakens the space between your shoulder blades, ribs, and spine — and helps you feel less stuck, relieve neck tension, and improve posture

As you’ll discover, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and movements are closely interrelated — and influence each other in powerful ways.

These revolutionary practices harness the power of safe, subtle, sophisticated movements to teach you how to literally reorganize yourself — resulting in improved flexibility, resilience, and vitality.

You’ll even experience more clarity to help you better navigate your days — and bring more peace and creativity into your life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Feldenkrais Method® for Your Wellbeing: Somatic Practices to Reawaken Your Flexibility & Boost Your Resilience, you’ll receive subtle, yet powerful Feldenkrais practices to calm your nervous system, increase your breathing capacity, and diminish pain.

Read more: Improve Your Flexibility, Reduce Pain, Boost Immunity with Somatic Practices

Sunday 17 May 2020

Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity with Eileen McKusick

Experience tuning-fork treatments to transmute fear and anxiety (deep in your bones).

These days, many of us are experiencing more fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and grief than perhaps we ever have before.

These difficult feelings can become energetically stuck in your body, zapping your life-force energy, and even setting off chain reactions that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease.

And whatever affects your immune system affects your electric health as well.

That’s because the life-force energies flowing through and around you — in what sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick calls your biofield — have electromagnetic qualities that become disharmonized when your system is out of balance.

The good news is that sound, in the form of the coherent vibrations and tones of a medical tuning fork, can reduce this dissonance and resistance in your body’s electrical system.

On Wednesday, May 20, Eileen will help you start to harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings of fear can embed deeply — in a free video event: Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity.

>> Reserve your FREE space here to watch Live (get recording) <<

Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity with Eileen McKusick

During this healing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of your electric health in boosting your immunity, mood, and overall wellbeing

  • Learn the keys to becoming an emotional alchemist, transmuting difficult feelings and bringing more harmony, resilience, and playfulness into your life

  • Discover how sound healing can help you tune in to where your body holds difficult emotions and harmonize those vibrational energies to liberate the healing positive emotions beneath

  • Discover your bone health as core to your vitality — and what happens to your skeletal system when you’re afraid 

  • Experience a tuning fork sound treatment to feel your bones, libratate the fear they hold, and uncover the antidote of greater awareness and trust beneath

  • Experience a guided meditation with tuning fork treatment for a deep presencing of what it feels like to be yourself — separate from your busy mind 

As Eileen teaches, we hold the chaotic energies and vibrational dissonance of our heavy emotions throughout our body.

And as you’ll discover, this proven sound-healing modality actually harmonizes the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy, enhancing your immunity and promoting an overall state of wellbeing.

If you’ve ever experienced Eileen’s virtual biofield tunings, you know that they also feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity, you’ll experience tuning-fork treatments to become an emotional alchemist — transmuting fear and anxiety (deep in your bones) and liberating the courage and self-trust beneath.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Follow Shamanic Journey Beyond The Veil with don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Experience a healing communion ceremony in don Oscar’s home medicine lodge.

As we wade through constantly changing circumstances we didn’t see coming, it’s easy to overlook the life-changing truth that’s right in front of us…

We’re actually situated in the middle of an unexpected opportunity.

This is our chance as humankind to move from self-serving empowerment to a selfless, love-inspired healing presence AND join together in sacred belongingness with our Mother Earth in service to All Our Relations, seen and unseen, earthly and cosmic…

On Saturday, May 16, Peruvian maestro curandero (healer), transpersonal psychologist, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada will share a special interactive shamanic soul journey, Viaje con Sombra… to help you navigate this juncture of extraordinary evolutionary potential.

> Join us here for Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times <<

During Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times, you’ll experience a life-harmonizing communion ceremony in don Oscar’s home medicine lodge — and discover its healing powers for manifesting shamanic divinity on Earth

In this 90-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Practice a shamanic soul journey known as Viaje con Sombra, or magical flight for remote healing

  • Raise your vibrational frequency and energetically crystalize an Arte Maestra (a shamanic power item) as a thought form that embodies the virtue of shamanic mastery

  • Learn how the shamanic ritual process of projecting your consciousness beyond the confines of 3-dimensional space-time takes the form as a subtle energy body (also known as your Sombra, or spiritual double)

  • Recite the Great Invocation as you open to the possibility of the evolutionary role you’re destined for — as an interdependent link with the Aurea Catena (Golden Chain of Initiates)

  • Affirm the primacy of consciousness behind our material universe — as you realize how your own earthly evolution as a soul can positively impact our entire planetary biofield

You’ll be transported from your physical home to the sanctity of don Oscar’s Pachakuti Mesa Tradition ceremonial altar. He’ll guide you through powerful and transformative shamanic rituals — including the Quechua language invocation, perennial wisdom transmissions, sacred songs, and more…

You’ll discover how shamanic soul journeys like these can extend your consciousness beyond the body — and allow you to awaken untapped spiritual potential and unused psychic powers waiting to be called forth.

>> Register here for this Live event (or get recording) <<

During Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times, you’ll experience a life-harmonizing communion ceremony in don Oscar’s home medicine lodge — and discover its healing powers for manifesting shamanic divinity on Earth.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Tuning-Fork Treatments to Transmute Fear & Anxiety (deep in your bones)

Discover how to harmonize your biofield for greater health and aliveness.

These days, many of us are experiencing more fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and grief than perhaps we ever have before.

These difficult feelings can become energetically stuck in your body, zapping your life-force energy, and even setting off chain reactions that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease.

And whatever affects your immune system affects your electric health as well.

That’s because the life-force energies flowing through and around you — in what sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick calls your biofield — have electromagnetic qualities that become disharmonized when your system is out of balance.

The good news is that sound, in the form of the coherent vibrations and tones of a medical tuning fork, can reduce this dissonance and resistance in your body’s electrical system.

On Wednesday, May 20, Eileen will help you start to harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings of fear can embed deeply — in a free video event: Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity.

>> Reserve your FREE space here to watch Live (get recording) <<

Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity with Eileen McKusick

During this healing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of your electric health in boosting your immunity, mood, and overall wellbeing

  • Learn the keys to becoming an emotional alchemist, transmuting difficult feelings and bringing more harmony, resilience, and playfulness into your life

  • Discover how sound healing can help you tune in to where your body holds difficult emotions and harmonize those vibrational energies to liberate the healing positive emotions beneath

  • Discover your bone health as core to your vitality — and what happens to your skeletal system when you’re afraid 

  • Experience a tuning fork sound treatment to feel your bones, libratate the fear they hold, and uncover the antidote of greater awareness and trust beneath

  • Experience a guided meditation with tuning fork treatment for a deep presencing of what it feels like to be yourself — separate from your busy mind 

As Eileen teaches, we hold the chaotic energies and vibrational dissonance of our heavy emotions throughout our body.

And as you’ll discover, this proven sound-healing modality actually harmonizes the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy, enhancing your immunity and promoting an overall state of wellbeing.

If you’ve ever experienced Eileen’s virtual biofield tunings, you know that they also feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity, you’ll experience tuning-fork treatments to become an emotional alchemist — transmuting fear and anxiety (deep in your bones) and liberating the courage and self-trust beneath.

Read more: Experience Tuning-Fork Treatments to Transmute Fear & Anxiety (deep in your bones)

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Travel Deep into the Hyperspace Realm of Universal Shamanic Consciousness

Discover the shamanic art of magical flight to shapeshift your reality.

As we wade through constantly changing circumstances we didn’t see coming, it’s easy to overlook the life-changing truth that’s right in front of us…

We’re actually situated in the middle of an unexpected opportunity.

This is our chance as humankind to move from self-serving empowerment to a selfless, love-inspired healing presence AND join together in sacred belongingness with our Mother Earth in service to All Our Relations, seen and unseen, earthly and cosmic…

On Saturday, May 16, Peruvian maestro curandero (healer), transpersonal psychologist, and author don Oscar Miro-Quesada will share a special interactive shamanic soul journey, Viaje con Sombra… to help you navigate this juncture of extraordinary evolutionary potential.

> Join us here for Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times <<

Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times

In this 90-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Practice a shamanic soul journey known as Viaje con Sombra, or magical flight for remote healing

  • Raise your vibrational frequency and energetically crystalize an Arte Maestra (a shamanic power item) as a thought form that embodies the virtue of shamanic mastery

  • Learn how the shamanic ritual process of projecting your consciousness beyond the confines of 3-dimensional space-time takes the form as a subtle energy body (also known as your Sombra, or spiritual double)

  • Recite the Great Invocation as you open to the possibility of the evolutionary role you’re destined for — as an interdependent link with the Aurea Catena (Golden Chain of Initiates)

  • Affirm the primacy of consciousness behind our material universe — as you realize how your own earthly evolution as a soul can positively impact our entire planetary biofield

You’ll be transported from your physical home to the sanctity of don Oscar’s Pachakuti Mesa Tradition ceremonial altar. He’ll guide you through powerful and transformative shamanic rituals — including the Quechua language invocation, perennial wisdom transmissions, sacred songs, and more…

You’ll discover how shamanic soul journeys like these can extend your consciousness beyond the body — and allow you to awaken untapped spiritual potential and unused psychic powers waiting to be called forth.

>> Register here for this Live event (or get recording) <<

During Journey Beyond The Veil: Engage in Viaje con Sombra, the Shamanic Art of Magical Flight to Shapeshift Your Reality & Our World in These Unprecedented Times, you’ll experience a life-harmonizing communion ceremony in don Oscar’s home medicine lodge — and discover its healing powers for manifesting shamanic divinity on Earth.

Read more: Travel Deep into the Hyperspace Realm of Universal Shamanic Consciousness

Monday 11 May 2020

Discover The Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice with Chloë Goodchild

Use the power of your voice to release fear, trauma, shame, and old narratives.

Your voice is a natural healing medicine, the sonic vibration of your soul, and the very essence of who you are, echoing throughout eternity.

Pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild calls this sound wisdom, our innate knowing that our true voice — once heard — can embody and express itself naturally, spontaneously, and without compromise.

Accessing the potent vibrational energy of your sound wisdom can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence, which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

On Wednesday, May 13, Chloë will share her confidence-building vocal practices to help you transform difficult feelings and emotions into spontaneous musical expressions that open you to the deeper positive states beneath –– in a free video event: The Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice: 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear.

>> Join here to watch live (get recording +training) <<

Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear

During this healing, heart-opening hour, you’ll: 

  • Release the illusion that you “can’t sing,” and discover your unique voice as the mouthpiece of your soul, a medicine for healing, and a catalyst for creative expression

  • Befriend and transform difficult emotions through an understanding of the homeopathic nature of vocalizing to clear stuck energies

  • Discover the role your authentic voice and sound can play in transforming the negative associations of being in isolation into the nourishing experience of being in solitude

  • Discover the essential connection between sound, your pineal gland, and your third eye

  • Learn how to witness your vocal sound without judgement — and find stillness within

Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

So, if you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound — what Chloë calls the “messenger of your soul.”

>> RSVP for free here  <<

During The Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice: 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear, you’ll experience your sound wisdom with a profoundly healing vocal practice — to release fear and anxiety, and discover the feelings of awe and love beneath.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Learn How Your Voice Can Unblock Stuck Energies and Imbalances

Reframe your voice as a prayer from the heart or a musical message from your soul.

Your voice is a natural healing medicine, the sonic vibration of your soul, and the very essence of who you are, echoing throughout eternity.

Pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild calls this sound wisdom, our innate knowing that our true voice — once heard — can embody and express itself naturally, spontaneously, and without compromise.

Accessing the potent vibrational energy of your sound wisdom can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence, which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

On Wednesday, May 13, Chloë will share her confidence-building vocal practices to help you transform difficult feelings and emotions into spontaneous musical expressions that open you to the deeper positive states beneath –– in a free video event: The Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice: 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear.

>> Join here to watch live (get recording +training) <<

Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear

During this healing, heart-opening hour, you’ll: 

  • Release the illusion that you “can’t sing,” and discover your unique voice as the mouthpiece of your soul, a medicine for healing, and a catalyst for creative expression

  • Befriend and transform difficult emotions through an understanding of the homeopathic nature of vocalizing to clear stuck energies

  • Discover the role your authentic voice and sound can play in transforming the negative associations of being in isolation into the nourishing experience of being in solitude

  • Discover the essential connection between sound, your pineal gland, and your third eye

  • Learn how to witness your vocal sound without judgement — and find stillness within

Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

So, if you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound — what Chloë calls the “messenger of your soul.”

>> RSVP for free here  <<

During The Healing Medicine of Your Authentic Voice: 3 Sound Empowerments to Embrace Vulnerability, Release Blocked Energy & Transform Fear, you’ll experience your sound wisdom with a profoundly healing vocal practice — to release fear and anxiety, and discover the feelings of awe and love beneath.

Read more: Learn How Your Voice Can Unblock Stuck Energies and Imbalances

Friday 8 May 2020

Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

Discover how to own your emotions and heal the wounds in your lower chakras.

Being an intuitive, empath, or highly sensitive person in these challenging times can certainly feel overwhelming.

Perhaps you’re being forced to deal with your own suppressed emotions — as well as the heightened emotions of those around you — as many of the old ways are crumbling…

The truth is, though, that your intuitive gifts are more valuable than ever.

In these unprecedented days, YOU are uniquely equipped to live as an empowered empath in a world in which you feel so much. 

On Saturday, May 9, author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa will help you discover how you can fully embody the power that exists in your lower chakras — and stop operating from the wounds you’re holding in this area of your body — in a free video event: Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath.

>> Join here for Live Event (get recording and training) <<

Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

During this special event, you’ll discover: 

  • The essential role of intuitives and empaths at this time — and why your soul incarnated now  

  • Why owning and processing your emotions is so integral to the energy clearing process 

  • How to hold energetic and physical boundaries as an intuitive or empath — especially in the face of personal, community, and global grief and loss

  • The most powerful survival practice and healing technique to have in your self-care toolkit right now 

  • An energy-healing practice to help you anchor into deeper grounding and integrate the teachings of this powerful hour — so you can take them into your daily life

You’ll discover why emotions like fear, anger, shame, guilt, and frustration can be so easily triggered right now — in spite of all the healing work you’ve done.

You’ll explore how to clear these blocks and make room for a much healthier, more embodied relationship with your own emotions — and with the world around you…

>> RSVP here to join us for this important free event <<

In Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath, you’ll receive a healing energy practice to embody your intuitive healing gifts and deepen your grounding in these pivotal days.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

Receive validation that your sensitivity and intuitive gifts are more valuable than ever.

Being an intuitive, empath, or highly sensitive person in these challenging times can certainly feel overwhelming.

Perhaps you’re being forced to deal with your own suppressed emotions — as well as the heightened emotions of those around you — as many of the old ways are crumbling…

The truth is, though, that your intuitive gifts are more valuable than ever.

In these unprecedented days, YOU are uniquely equipped to live as an empowered empath in a world in which you feel so much. 

On Saturday, May 9, author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa will help you discover how you can fully embody the power that exists in your lower chakras — and stop operating from the wounds you’re holding in this area of your body — in a free video event: Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath.

>> Join here for Live Event (get recording and training) <<

Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

During this special event, you’ll discover: 

  • The essential role of intuitives and empaths at this time — and why your soul incarnated now  

  • Why owning and processing your emotions is so integral to the energy clearing process 

  • How to hold energetic and physical boundaries as an intuitive or empath — especially in the face of personal, community, and global grief and loss

  • The most powerful survival practice and healing technique to have in your self-care toolkit right now 

  • An energy-healing practice to help you anchor into deeper grounding and integrate the teachings of this powerful hour — so you can take them into your daily life

You’ll discover why emotions like fear, anger, shame, guilt, and frustration can be so easily triggered right now — in spite of all the healing work you’ve done.

You’ll explore how to clear these blocks and make room for a much healthier, more embodied relationship with your own emotions — and with the world around you…

>> RSVP here to join us for this important free event <<

In Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath, you’ll receive a healing energy practice to embody your intuitive healing gifts and deepen your grounding in these pivotal days.

Read more: Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

Thursday 7 May 2020

The World is Changing while You're Locked at Home... What about You or your Business?

Learn to model the practices of top-performing conscious businesses while developing new leadership and inner skills to take your career to the next level with the Inner MBA.

Discover what is required to lead with vulnerability and heart in a free webinar "Transforming Business from the Inside Out" with Tami Simon along with Scott Shute, head of mindfulness and compassion programs at LinkedIn, and Soren Gordhamer, founder of Wisdom 2.0.

Join the Inner MBA is a nine-month immersion program to train leaders, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees on how to powerfully grow themselves and their companies. This program features two in-person events and a nine-month virtual curriculum. The Inner MBA program is taught by leading socially conscious CEOs, educators, neuroscientists, business trainers, and world-renowned wisdom teachers.

At the conclusion of the training receive a certificate of completion from New York University’s MindfulNYU.

The prestigious faculty of the Inner MBA program has joined together for the first time with a powerful shared purpose: to help business people grow in consciousness so our organizations can grow in consciousness and become unstoppable forces of positive change.

It is possible to be true to our hearts, work collaboratively and creatively with others, make good money, and positively influence the culture.  This is not a fantasy - but to do so, we need to approach business differently, with a different set of goals and objectives than traditionally associated with “success at work.”

Business needs to evolve as we do!

Inner MBA online learning training program of personal growth for business owners entrepreneurs

>> Join Free Webinar: Transforming Business from Inside Out with Tami Simon <<

In this webinar, Tami is in conversation with Scott Shute, head of mindfulness and compassion programs at LinkedIn, and Soren Gordhamer, founder of Wisdom 2.0.

Together, they discuss how to embody greater presence and authenticity at work, what is required to lead with vulnerability and heart, and how our organizations must evolve to deliver on multiple bottom lines. And they explore a new program that has been in development for over a year involving CEOs, conscious business trainers, and wisdom teachers.

The world needs lots of capable allies to transform business into a human growth accelerator and a force for positive social change. If you are reading this, you are probably one of those people.


Inner MBA 9 months Virtual Tuition Features...

Top Faculty
Learn from leading CEOs, business trainers, neuroscientists, and wisdom teachers who will share the stories and best practices that keep them aligned, resilient, and on purpose

Immersion Events
Two three-day, in-person immersion events in community with your Inner MBA classmates and with Tami Simon, Soren Gordhamer, and select CEOs and transformational faculty

Online Learning
Monthly online video and audio training modules that you can join live or engage with at your own pace to work around your busy schedule, and access to a potent archive of leading edge ideas, practices and teachings

Small Groups
Designated learning pods: learn and grow by participating in a small group that gives you honest feedback, and a chance to connect deeply with other people and form lifelong friendships

Practice Skills
Inner mastery comes through the repeated practice of new skills. In the Inner MBA program, we won’t just talk about transformation, we will do it by modeling practices of high-performing conscious businesses and leaders.

Virtual Learning
During three to four hours per month in the virtual, at-home curriculum, you’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself more deeply and interact on calls with other participants.

Read more: The World is Changing while You're Locked at Home... What about You or your Business?

Tuesday 5 May 2020

Mindfulness & Meditation Summit May 19-22 - Return to Joy, Foster Courage

Cultivate Courage, Self-Compassion, and Inner Peace.

Do you find it difficult to embrace the discomfort of the unknown? 

Abiding in the crucible of the unknown is at the heart of many Eastern spiritual teachings, and is the essence of becoming a spiritual warrior.  

Embracing the unknown through heart-centered awareness can be a much-needed grounding and therapeutic practice — especially now when the present is so challenging and the future so uncertain.  

Yet, you can become a spiritual warrior and heartfully embrace the unknown. 

During this timely Mindfulness & Meditation Summit, you’ll receive teachings from a diverse assembly of speakers representing the numerous paths and traditions under the large umbrella of mindfulness and meditation.

They’ll be sharing ways that mindfulness and meditation can vastly impact your mental and emotional wellbeing, increase your ability to stay centered and at peace, and bolster your innate resources for navigating disturbing or difficult experiences. 

During the Mindfulness & Meditation Summit, a convergence of leading guides, practitioners, and teachers will equip you with time-honored methods to become a strong and stable meditator.  

Whether you’ve been practicing mindfulness and meditation for years, or you’re just starting out, you’ll receive profoundly life-enhancing transmissions you can benefit from right away.

Free Online Event
Mindfulness & Meditation Summit
May 19-22, 2020

During this timely Mindfulness & Meditation Summit, you’ll receive teachings from a diverse assembly of speakers representing the numerous paths and traditions under the large umbrella of mindfulness and meditation. They’ll be sharing ways that mindfulness and meditation can vastly impact your mental and emotional wellbeing, increase your ability to stay centered and at peace, and bolster your innate resources for navigating disturbing or difficult experiences. During the Mindfulness & Meditation Summit, a convergence of leading guides, practitioners, and teachers will equip you with time-honored methods to become a strong and stable meditator. Whether you’ve been practicing mindfulness and meditation for years, or you’re just starting out, you’ll receive profoundly life-enhancing transmissions you can benefit from right away.

This heart-centered gathering will feature more than 25 incredible dharma teachers — including Pamela Weiss, Suzanne Bryant, Dr. Nitin Ron, Mark Coleman, James Baraz, Ruth King, Amma ThanasantiLa Sarmiento, Dr. Larry Ward, and many more. 

They’ll be sharing numerous ways to gradually build up your core resiliency and presence over time — discovering the skills to shift from states of feeling powerless to states of surrender and openness.  

This online gathering is designed to help you access your innate, authentic way of being in the world, embodying compassion, courage, and presence with every action. Prepare to be nourished and renewed!

>> RSVP here for the Mindfulness & Meditation Summit — at no charge <<

During this 4-day heart-centered event, you’ll discover:

  • How mindfulness can help you alchemize rage and glean the spiritual gold that lies beneath it

  • Restored peace, renewed compassion for yourself and others, and greater tolerance of uncertainty and the unknown

  • The feminine aspect of the Buddha’s awakening, dismantling the hyper-masculine trope of awakening as a solo, heroic process

  • How you can use mindfulness and meditation to unhook from the habit of self-attack

  • The beauty of the “Indigenous Presence” meditation, which overlays the fundamental wellbeing qualities of Indigenous ceremony onto mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation 

  • “Heart fluency,” which brings your mindful attention to the fundamental and unlimited nourishing qualities already within you

  • The spontaneous awakening of joy within you

  • How to unlearn the habit of self-criticism and develop a greater capacity for kindness to your loved ones and others

  • Concrete tools you can put into practice right away to lessen stress and anxiety, and help you tap into freedom and ease

  • How benevolence, compassion, joy, and equanimity are the path to — and the expressions of — wisdom

And so much more!

The remarkable speakers from a wide variety of wisdom traditions will provide timely (and timeless) insights, inspiring stories, and practical teachings that hold keys to transforming relationships, social structures, and humanity’s engagement with the planet.  

You’ll hear inspiring personal stories from each speaker about how the power of mindfulness changed their lives. And, they’ll share unique examples of how mindfulness is being used to heal personal, cultural, and racial trauma.

>> RSVP here for the Mindfulness & Meditation Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Join Pamela Weiss as she stresses the importance of the feminine qualities of embodiment, intuition, nourishment, and connection as you walk the spiritual path. 

  • Quiet your thoughts and shift into peaceful awareness with Amma Thanasanti as she provides insights  on stress and change — and guides you in a short meditation. 

  • Experience mindfulness, heartfulness, and Buddhist wisdom with Pascal Auclair — and submerge into these deeper forms of awareness to become balanced and feel freer.

  • Immerse yourself in nature-based mindfulness meditation practices with Mark Coleman, who will offer skilled guidance in how to open hearts and minds to the gifts and teachings of nature. 

  • Ruth King will explain how rage sits at the crossroads of personal transformation… and, when embraced with awareness and compassion, can become an intimate and empathic teacher of stability and integrity.

  • Join the “resilience revolution” with Dr. Larry Ward — who’ll help you shift your focus to deeply embodied resilience and the cultivation of an enhanced nervous system.

  • Experience a deeper dimension of meditation and self-compassion during difficult moments while walking the dharma path, with James Baraz

  • La Sarmiento will help you dissolve the deep conditioning of constantly needing to prove yourself, sharing empowering practices of mindfulness and self-compassion to transform feelings of insecurity and doubt into trust and self-acceptance.

  • Suzanne Bryant will convey teachings to equip you on your path to becoming a catalyst for others to embrace their authentic self.

And much more!

>> Join here for the Mindfulness & Meditation Summit now <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.