Tuesday 31 March 2020

Join Sandra Ingerman for a Healing Ceremony & Shamanic Practices for uncertain times

Become a Pillar of Light & Strength, Capable of Protecting You & Your Loved ones.

Sandra Ingerman, one of The Shift Network’s most beloved teachers, has generously offered to set aside a full 90 minutes on April 1 to present 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community.

This special online event will include a healing ceremony as well as teachings on shamanic practices that can help you calm your fears, optimize your health and strength, and radiate divine spiritual light for the benefit of all.

Sandra has been at the forefront of bringing shamanic practices to a global audience, training tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide. As the scope of our current crises becomes more evident, we are thrilled she has offered to bring you this free event.

In times of collective challenge and fear, we actually have far more resources than we realize. Sandra will help you find them and tap into powerful wisdom beyond the physical — to guide each of us in right action for our personal wellbeing, to navigate emotional storms, and to energetically strengthen frayed community bonds.

Shamanism empowers us to be pillars of light and strength, capable of weathering emotional storms and creating protection for ourselves and those we love. The urgency to gain access to these ancient practices has never been greater.

3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

Over 90 minutes, Sandra will share with you how to:

  • Explore the many reasons shamanic journeys — to the future and back to the ancestors — can give us essential wisdom for navigating our present crises

  • Open to a transfiguration practice to radiate light through your organs and out into the world

  • Receive a practice to heal and transmute toxic thoughts such as fear, anger, grief, and betrayal


  • Participate in a global ceremony that’s already brought comfort and energetic healing to thousands — to better strengthen community bonds in difficult situations

>> RSVP here to reserve your space to watch Live (get recording) <<

Sandra Ingerman is one of the few teachers who are both qualified and caring enough to support us during these challenging times with deeply healing shamanic practices. 

Join Sandra on Wednesday, April 1, for 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

… to boost what Sandra calls your “spiritual immunity” — a state in which you optimize your health, strength, and capacity to help support the spirits of those around you.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Shamanic Practices for Calming Fear as we Navigate these Uncertain Times

Become a pillar of light and strength, capable of protecting you and your loved ones.

Sandra Ingerman, one of The Shift Network’s most beloved teachers, has generously offered to set aside a full 90 minutes on April 1 to present 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community.

This special online event will include a healing ceremony as well as teachings on shamanic practices that can help you calm your fears, optimize your health and strength, and radiate divine spiritual light for the benefit of all.

Sandra has been at the forefront of bringing shamanic practices to a global audience, training tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide. As the scope of our current crises becomes more evident, we are thrilled she has offered to bring you this free event.

In times of collective challenge and fear, we actually have far more resources than we realize. Sandra will help you find them and tap into powerful wisdom beyond the physical — to guide each of us in right action for our personal wellbeing, to navigate emotional storms, and to energetically strengthen frayed community bonds.

Shamanism empowers us to be pillars of light and strength, capable of weathering emotional storms and creating protection for ourselves and those we love. The urgency to gain access to these ancient practices has never been greater.

3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

Over 90 minutes, Sandra will share with you how to:

  • Explore the many reasons shamanic journeys — to the future and back to the ancestors — can give us essential wisdom for navigating our present crises

  • Open to a transfiguration practice to radiate light through your organs and out into the world

  • Receive a practice to heal and transmute toxic thoughts such as fear, anger, grief, and betrayal


  • Participate in a global ceremony that’s already brought comfort and energetic healing to thousands — to better strengthen community bonds in difficult situations

>> RSVP here to reserve your space to watch Live (get recording) <<

Sandra Ingerman is one of the few teachers who are both qualified and caring enough to support us during these challenging times with deeply healing shamanic practices. 

Join Sandra on Wednesday, April 1, for 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

… to boost what Sandra calls your “spiritual immunity” — a state in which you optimize your health, strength, and capacity to help support the spirits of those around you.

Read more: Shamanic Practices for Calming Fear as we Navigate these Uncertain Times

Thursday 26 March 2020

Ayurvedic Approach to Stronger Immune System & Balanced Mind, Body & Spirit

Discover how to make emotional stressors, like other people’s fears or anger, fall away.

In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from illness.

In Ayurvedic medicine, a healthy amount of ojas — the life-sustaining essence that enhances your body’s immunity — is considered critical to every aspect of your health and wellbeing.

It’s the foundational key that protects you from disease and helps you maintain inner and outer homeostasis, or balance.

When your ojas is robust, no disease can affect you.

On Saturday, April 4, celebrated Ayurvedic professor and author Dr. Marc Halpern will share practical tips for assessing and cultivating your ojas in a free video event: Discover the Ayurvedic Key to Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind/Body/Spirit.

>> Register here for Live Event (get recording later) <<

Ayurvedic Ojas Pillars of Life for Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind Body Spirit

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • Ojas’ role in Ayurveda’s 3 Pillars of Life — proper digestion, proper sleep, and proper management of sexual activities — and how you can have the best chance of going on your journey of 100 years

  • Easy-to-implement methods for building up ojas within yourself — including which foods to eat, helpful body therapies, meditation, gemstones, and more

  • The higher-level philosophies behind Ayurveda you may not have heard before

  • How to connect with your heart and exert control over your mind, even during the most stressful times

With a healthy amount of ojas, you’re completely balanced, which leads to powerful physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

Ojas even creates stability within your mind, preventing negativity from entering your energy body by creating an energetic shield around you…

The result? Emotional stressors — such as other people’s fears or anger — simply fall away, just as water runs off a raincoat.

>> To Join us for this health-boosting hour – RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Ayurvedic Key to Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind/Body/Spirit, you’ll discover how to cultivate your ojas — the life-sustaining vitality that heightens your immunity, boosts your wellbeing, and protects you from disease.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Ayurvedic Method for Protecting Yourself From Illness Live Event with Dr. Marc Halpern

Discover how to maximize the health of your immune system and overall wellbeing.

In these uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from illness.

In Ayurvedic medicine, a healthy amount of ojas — the life-sustaining essence that enhances your body’s immunity — is considered critical to every aspect of your health and wellbeing.

It’s the foundational key that protects you from disease and helps you maintain inner and outer homeostasis, or balance.

When your ojas is robust, no disease can affect you.

On Saturday, April 4, celebrated Ayurvedic professor and author Dr. Marc Halpern will share practical tips for assessing and cultivating your ojas in a free video event: Discover the Ayurvedic Key to Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind/Body/Spirit.

>> Register here for Live Event (get recording later) <<

Discover Ayurvedic Approach, about Ojas & Pillars of Life for Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind Body Spirit

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • Ojas’ role in Ayurveda’s 3 Pillars of Life — proper digestion, proper sleep, and proper management of sexual activities — and how you can have the best chance of going on your journey of 100 years

  • Easy-to-implement methods for building up ojas within yourself — including which foods to eat, helpful body therapies, meditation, gemstones, and more

  • The higher-level philosophies behind Ayurveda you may not have heard before

  • How to connect with your heart and exert control over your mind, even during the most stressful times

With a healthy amount of ojas, you’re completely balanced, which leads to powerful physical, mental, and spiritual benefits.

Ojas even creates stability within your mind, preventing negativity from entering your energy body by creating an energetic shield around you…

The result? Emotional stressors — such as other people’s fears or anger — simply fall away, just as water runs off a raincoat.

>> To Join us for this health-boosting hour - RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Ayurvedic Key to Building a Strong Immune System & Balanced Mind/Body/Spirit, you’ll discover how to cultivate your ojas — the life-sustaining vitality that heightens your immunity, boosts your wellbeing, and protects you from disease.

Read more: Ayurvedic Method for Protecting Yourself From Illness Live Event with Dr. Marc Halpern

Thursday 19 March 2020

Dive into the Magic of Mythic Realms with Dream Shaman Robert Moss & Goddesses of Rebirth

Discover how your dreams can awaken you to your higher Self.

Your nighttime dreams play a crucial role throughout your life, nudging you to reclaim the parts of yourself you’ve forgotten or seemed to have lost…

Your dreams are the perfect vehicle for exploring deeply personal questions that can guide you out of darkness and into the light, helping you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Questions like…

What do you want to change in your life?
What do you need to let go of?
What do you wish you could have back?

Your dreams can also inspire you to reimagine what you’ve accepted as “reality,” and to evolve and be reborn, again and again, guiding you into the expansive, passionate, and joy-filled life you were meant to live.

On Saturday, March 21, celebrated dream shaman Robert Moss will help you discover dreams and myths of rebirth, the symbols of renewal that may appear in your dreams, and the life-transforming treasures that darkness — including scary dreams — holds for you.

>> Join here for Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth: Journey from Darkness With the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Into Your Larger Life <<

Join us for Shamanic Active Dreaming Guided Practices with Goddesses of Rebirth - Journey from Darkness With the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Into Your Larger Life

In this playful, soul-illuminating mini-workshop, you’ll dive into the magic of mythic realms…

Mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote: “A dream is a personal experience of that deep dark ground that is the support of our conscious lives, and a myth is society’s dream. The myth is the public dream and the dream is the private myth.

These “public dreams” are where powerful archetypes of Gods and Goddesses dwell, ripe with potent energies that can also help us remember our own bigger story — and to better navigate our life transitions and challenges.

During this complimentary hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Discover that powerful mythic archetypes come seeking you in your dreams and the play of synchronicity, creating a shimmer effect in your world and opening you to new possibilities

  • Learn dream symbols of rebirth and transformation — wisdom for releasing the old, crossing a threshold, and bringing something new into your life 

  • Discover how scary dreams, even nightmares, show you things you need to know in forms you can learn to work with — and when you do that and recover your sense of humor, deep healing and life guidance become available

  • Learn how Persephone — the goddess of spring and guide of souls on both sides — can teach you to bring treasures back from the darkness    

  • Experience a journey from the darkness of a current challenge to the light and power of your Greater Self, in the footsteps of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu

I invite you to join me for this special hour to discover how to use your dreams as portals to places of healing, initiation, and transformation in a deeper reality.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event (get recording) <<

Robert is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his 20+ books and his workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

During this free virtual event, Robert will help you experience the regenerative energies of the Goddesses rising, to be reborn along with them into your own living myth filled with courage, passion, and healing for your life. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How Your Dreams Can Awaken You to Your Higher Self

Dive into the magic of mythic realms with dream shaman Robert Moss.

Your nighttime dreams play a crucial role throughout your life, nudging you to reclaim the parts of yourself you’ve forgotten or seemed to have lost…

Your dreams are the perfect vehicle for exploring deeply personal questions that can guide you out of darkness and into the light, helping you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Questions like…

What do you want to change in your life?
What do you need to let go of?
What do you wish you could have back?

Your dreams can also inspire you to reimagine what you’ve accepted as “reality,” and to evolve and be reborn, again and again, guiding you into the expansive, passionate, and joy-filled life you were meant to live.

On Saturday, March 21, celebrated dream shaman Robert Moss will help you discover dreams and myths of rebirth, the symbols of renewal that may appear in your dreams, and the life-transforming treasures that darkness — including scary dreams — holds for you.

>> Join here for Shamanic Dreaming With Goddesses of Rebirth: Journey from Darkness With the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Into Your Larger Life <<

Join us for Shamanic Active Dreaming Guided Practices with Goddesses of Rebirth - Journey from Darkness With the Sun Goddess Amaterasu Into Your Larger Life

In this playful, soul-illuminating mini-workshop, you’ll dive into the magic of mythic realms…

Mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote: “A dream is a personal experience of that deep dark ground that is the support of our conscious lives, and a myth is society’s dream. The myth is the public dream and the dream is the private myth.

These “public dreams” are where powerful archetypes of Gods and Goddesses dwell, ripe with potent energies that can also help us remember our own bigger story — and to better navigate our life transitions and challenges.

During this complimentary hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Discover that powerful mythic archetypes come seeking you in your dreams and the play of synchronicity, creating a shimmer effect in your world and opening you to new possibilities

  • Learn dream symbols of rebirth and transformation — wisdom for releasing the old, crossing a threshold, and bringing something new into your life 

  • Discover how scary dreams, even nightmares, show you things you need to know in forms you can learn to work with — and when you do that and recover your sense of humor, deep healing and life guidance become available

  • Learn how Persephone — the goddess of spring and guide of souls on both sides — can teach you to bring treasures back from the darkness    

  • Experience a journey from the darkness of a current challenge to the light and power of your Greater Self, in the footsteps of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu

I invite you to join me for this special hour to discover how to use your dreams as portals to places of healing, initiation, and transformation in a deeper reality.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event (get recording) <<

Robert is one of the world’s most respected and beloved dream experts. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his 20+ books and his workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

During this free virtual event, Robert will help you experience the regenerative energies of the Goddesses rising, to be reborn along with them into your own living myth filled with courage, passion, and healing for your life. 

Read more: Discover How Your Dreams Can Awaken You to Your Higher Self

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Become Your Own Medical Intuitive by Listening to Your Body’s Language

Experience a guided practice to clear stuck energies in your immune system.

Did you know that you have the capacity to become your own medical intuitive?

The secret is in learning how to listen to your body — and to trust in your body and your mind’s propensity for healing.

Medical intuition takes a step beyond mainstream medicine by looking closely at energy and how it affects both your physical and spiritual immune systems…

Using energy medicine practices that clear and balance your physical and spiritual immune systems can be powerful tools for opening to the natural, “health-promoting” flow of beneficial energies — even effecting deep change at a cellular level.

On Wednesday, March 25, quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino will help you deeply understand how healing works within your body — and how to tap into your natural capacity for medical intuitiveness — in a free online video event. 

>> Join us for Activate Your Own Medical Intuition for Self-Healing: Energy Medicine to Clear & Balance Your Physical & Spiritual Immune Systems here <<

Join us for Guided Practices of Medical Intuition for Self-Healing & Energy Medicine to Clear & Balance Your Physical & Spiritual Immune Systems

During this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • Witness a short, one-on-one medical intuition reading

  • Experience a powerful guided practice to clear stuck energies in your physical and spiritual immune systems and restore balance and relaxation

  • Discover the important keys to accessing your own medical intuition 

  • Learn the power your thoughts and emotional body have in creating dis-ease OR encouraging the wellbeing of your body, mind, and spirit

  • Discover ways to tune into how transference may be depleting your energy and wellbeing

  • Learn an exercise to recognize how susceptible you are to “outside” energies, and to shift your perception — and energy — promoting a healthy flow

Your body needs the healthy flow of energy to prevent or heal illness, as well as the focused intent and power of your mind — your intuition — to aid in healing and thriving.

And Mona’s deliberate and highly effective approach to using energy as medicine has helped thousands to heal…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to open to your innate capacity to be your own medical intuitive, self-empowered to positively shift difficult emotions and persistent health issues — so you can change your life for the better!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Activate Your Own Medical Intuition for Self-Healing, you’ll begin to clear stuck energies in your physical and spiritual immune systems, restore balance, and tune into your body’s ‘language’ — an important key to accessing your own medical intuition.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How to Become Your Own Medical Intuitive

Learn why Listening to Your Body’s Language Helps You Tap Into Your Medical Intuition

Did you know that you have the capacity to become your own medical intuitive?

The secret is in learning how to listen to your body — and to trust in your body and your mind’s propensity for healing.

Medical intuition takes a step beyond mainstream medicine by looking closely at energy and how it affects both your physical and spiritual immune systems…

Using energy medicine practices that clear and balance your physical and spiritual immune systems can be powerful tools for opening to the natural, “health-promoting” flow of beneficial energies — even effecting deep change at a cellular level.

On Wednesday, March 25, quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino will help you deeply understand how healing works within your body — and how to tap into your natural capacity for medical intuitiveness — in a free online video event. 

>> Join us for Activate Your Own Medical Intuition for Self-Healing: Energy Medicine to Clear & Balance Your Physical & Spiritual Immune Systems here <<

Join us for Guided Practices of Medical Intuition for Self-Healing & Energy Medicine to Clear & Balance Your Physical & Spiritual Immune Systems

During this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • Witness a short, one-on-one medical intuition reading

  • Experience a powerful guided practice to clear stuck energies in your physical and spiritual immune systems and restore balance and relaxation

  • Discover the important keys to accessing your own medical intuition 

  • Learn the power your thoughts and emotional body have in creating dis-ease OR encouraging the wellbeing of your body, mind, and spirit

  • Discover ways to tune into how transference may be depleting your energy and wellbeing

  • Learn an exercise to recognize how susceptible you are to “outside” energies, and to shift your perception — and energy — promoting a healthy flow

Your body needs the healthy flow of energy to prevent or heal illness, as well as the focused intent and power of your mind — your intuition — to aid in healing and thriving.

And Mona’s deliberate and highly effective approach to using energy as medicine has helped thousands to heal…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to open to your innate capacity to be your own medical intuitive, self-empowered to positively shift difficult emotions and persistent health issues — so you can change your life for the better!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Activate Your Own Medical Intuition for Self-Healing, you’ll begin to clear stuck energies in your physical and spiritual immune systems, restore balance, and tune into your body’s ‘language’ — an important key to accessing your own medical intuition.

Read more: Discover How to Become Your Own Medical Intuitive

Monday 16 March 2020

Your Breath Healing Power Transforming Mind, Body & Spirit. Breathwork - March 23-27

Use Master Breathwork Keys to “Tone” Your Nervous System & Create a Baseline of Relaxed Vitality.

Have you ever realized during a stressful moment that you were holding your breath?   

And did you notice how your body and mind instantly tightened… and that it was harder to think, feel, and respond resiliently to your life circumstances? 

Stress can literally take your breath away…

On the other hand, maybe you consciously stop to take a deep breath before an important meeting, phone call, or decision… to release tension and feel a greater sense of ease and embodied presence. 

Breath is one of the only involuntary bodily functions we can consciously alter at any time… and it directly and powerfully affects our consciousness, physiology, and brain chemistry.  

Chronic stress patterns, addictive behaviors, emotional overwhelm — all these common challenges can be potently met with the gentle elixir of breath modulation… 

With continued and conscious attention to your breath, you can create a new baseline of stability and resilience in your day-to-day experience. 

Rather than chronic clenching, you can learn to let go of control and anxiety and foster expanded states of peace and poise.

There are varied approaches to using your breath to enhance your cognitive ability, regulate your nervous system, and expand the quality of aliveness in your body…

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to join the Breathwork Summit from March 23-27 — a convergence of leading breathwork guides who will equip you with best-practice methods to become a masterful breather!  

By applying these tools, you’ll accumulate greater emotional resilience, be more prepared to face any challenge, and break through areas of chronic “stuckness.”  

Free Online Event
Breathwork Summit

March 23-27, 2020

Conscious Breathing Healing Power of Your Breath to Transform Your Mind, Body & Spirit

This powerful gathering will feature more than 45 of today’s highly sought-after breathwork experts and teachers —including Dr. Dan Siegel, Rollin McCraty, Kathleen Booker, Niraj Naik, Jessica Dibb, Jim Morningstar, Gay Hendricks, Dr. Ela Manga, Anthony Abbagnano, Rhonda V. Magee JD, Dan Brulé, and Dr. Stephen Porges.

They’ll be sharing numerous simple breathwork practices to move you from stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.  

This groundbreaking Breathwork Summit will reveal the science, art, and power of full-spectrum breathing. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Enhanced breathing techniques to calm down and “groom” your nervous system so you’re less easily triggered by outside circumstances

  • Groundbreaking research and the latest discoveries in the science of breath

  • Ways you can apply breathwork in challenging, high-stress settings

  • Landmark ways to use breathwork in community building

  • Breathing practices that aid in sexual wellness

  • A comprehensive breathing “plan” you can integrate into your daily routine

  • Immediate shifts (less than a minute!) in your conscious perception

  • Increased health — including boosted immune system, cardiac vigor, and more

  • Inspiring stories on how breathwork is used in humanitarian crises

  • Ways that breathwork skills are being used to mitigate and even transform the dynamics of racism

And so much more!

Have you ever watched closely how a baby breathes? Their entire body flutters with unhindered movement with each inhale and exhale… 

YOU can be that unencumbered again — shaking off the crust of old tension habits and fully expressing yourself in a world that desperately needs more embodied, centered souls! 

>> Join us in this landmark event. We look forward to seeing you there <<

Here’s some of the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Dan Siegel will elucidate how both unconscious and conscious breathing affect your mind… and how to open to the “plane of possibility” through conscious breath.

  • Discover how self-modulating your breathing physiologically helps reduce stress and emotional reactions with Rollin McCraty.

  • Explore why burnout has become an epidemic — and learn specific breathwork practices to prevent it with Dr. Ela Manga.

  • Join Kathleen Booker and Niraj Naik as they share stories about people who used conscious breathing to transform dire health and financial crises.

  • Learn from one of the most joyful masters of breath, Gay Hendricks, as he reveals the miracles that conscious breathing can create… in small, everyday moments, in relationships, and in high-level work. 

  • Find out how to use your breath to transform shame and flower into the fullness of your being with Anthony Abbagnano.

  • Join Rhonda V. Magee, JD, for a breath meditation to feel more whole, awake, and heartful, as she demonstrates how breathing can be a powerful medicine for our world.

  • Investigate why breathwork is a key technique in bringing all people of the world together — beyond the differences in culture or beliefs that have kept us separate — with Dan Brulé.

  • Dr. Stephen Porges will discuss the “Polyvagal Theory” — and how reactions to danger and trauma may cause your nervous system to respond to loved ones as if they’re predators.

  • Be prepared to have your experience of Consciousness and Love stretched beyond previous perceptions with Jessica Dibb, as you delve into Integrative Breathwork — a doorway to awakened and actualized consciousness.

  • Jim Morningstar will focus on how body themes influence your daily interactions and outcomes, and provide practical insights into how you can use their gifts and avoid their limitations.

  • Judith Kravitz will share the foundational principles for physical, mental, and spiritual health… and illuminate how breathwork opens doors to “miracle consciousness.”

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 13 March 2020

Get Tapping Summit Recordings + Bonuses for Less! - Watch Anytime to Learn More of EFT

The price of 2020 Tapping World Summit Anytime Access will be going up 14 of March night at midnight…

This upgrade opportunity is about owning the actual audio presentations, along with the workbook, transcripts and some incredible bonuses in either digital or hard copy format – ends March 14 at midnight Pacific Time, so later the price for the digital access will double to $197 and the price of the physical package will go up by 50% to $297.


It’s currently only $97 for the digital download access and $197 for the physical access (which includes the digital access). Plus right now you get a ton of bonuses that will also disappear tomorrow night, like Nick Ortner’s best-selling book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” with the physical package, additional Tapping Meditations, additional bonuses presentations, and many others.


It really is such a great deal. You can learn more and get the program here.


And beyond it being a great deal, it’s really more about the results you get with Tapping and with these presentations. Because a great deal on a poor quality program isn’t actually a deal. This is NOT that.


This program is phenomenal, life-changing, practical information that you can use right now to dramatically improve how you feel and the results you get in life.


And it’s not only because of the standards that they have for the program, but also because Tapping is just so darn effective at helping people to rewire their brain and body to feel better and get better results in life.


So I hope you take advantage of it before it disappears.


I think you’ll regret it if you don’t. Or at the very least… you just won’t see the improvements you’d like in your life. If you’re not actively using Tapping in your life, you’re missing out.

last chance for EFT tapping summit recordings access for less


Here are a few reasons why we recommend getting this program:

  1. – EFT or “Tapping” has been scientifically proven to work in a number of areas.
    For example, in one study Tapping was shown to reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone in the body) by 24%, twice the regular rate as compared to talk therapy or no therapy at all…

    That’s impressive!  And it’s extremely relevant for all of us in our fast-paced society who need to be able to de-stress.  How would your life be different if you had less stress?

  2. – Tapping is highly supported by some of the world’s leading personal development experts such as Cheryl Richardson, Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and so many others.
    As well as world leading health experts like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Kris Carr, and Christiane Northrup, M.D.

    And even world-leading therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists like Eric Leskowitz (MD – Harvard University), David Feinstein Ph.D., and Dr. Dawson Church.

  3. – Beyond the scientific research that has been done and the world-leading experts who support it, what’s most impressive is how many people have said that they have gotten great results with Tapping.
    There is case after case after case of everyday people just like you sharing their results with Tapping, not only from this Tapping World Summit event but all over the web.

    They’ve shown results in pretty much any area you can think of… like improving finances, losing weight, eliminating physical pain, or negative emotions, or limiting beliefs, creating the relationship of your dreams and so much more…

    The list of what it works for really does go on and on.

  4. – The impact it’s having on a global scale is unreal.
    Earlier this week The Tapping Solution shared a video, which showed Tapping being used with tremendous results for those most deeply affected by the school shooting in Newtown, CT, and the more recent school shooting in Parkland, FL, with children survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda, and with war veterans suffering with PTSD.

    If Tapping is working on these extremely tough situations just imagine the miracles it can create in your life…

    So if you want to get the same results in your life that so many others are getting with Tapping…

    We HIGHLY recommend you visit the page below and check out the upgrade options.


The pricing is extremely reasonable.  In fact, this is the 12th year in a row they’ve run this event and the price has never gone up once (there aren’t many things you can say that about nowadays!)

And the reason it’s never gone up is that they care first and foremost about getting this information out to those who truly want to use it and get results.

Trust me on this one, this is one of those programs that is a must-have for changing your life…

Enjoy and please make sure to email me once you start using the Tapping and seeing the results for yourself.

Read more: Get Tapping Summit Recordings + Bonuses for Less! - Watch Anytime to Learn More of EFT

Thursday 12 March 2020

Step-by-step Chinese Reflexology Live Class with Holly Tse - Free Recording + Training

Release Negative Emotions using Chinese Reflexology

Live demonstration Class + Learn More from New 7-Week Live Video Training starts Thursday, March 19…

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum.

Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice.

If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful.

And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing.

This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and even the common cold.

The good news is that the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology offers relief from these key physical and emotional imbalances — igniting a journey of self-discovery and self-healing.

Chinese reflexologist and author Holly Tse will share her unique holistic approach of Chinese reflexology and Dragon Spirit meditation to help you reconnect with your brilliance and replenish your body’s Qi during Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love.

>> Access Free Recording of this Online Event & Learn more from Special Training Offered <<

Chinese Reflexology Step-by-step demonstration live class and extended training

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of traditional Chinese reflexology — and how massaging your feet clears energy blocks and assists with emotional healing

  • A step-by-step Chinese reflexology demonstration — with a live model — to walk you through massaging a powerful point on your feet to release negative emotions and realize your inner brilliance

  • Why feelings of insufficiency mean you often work twice as hard, settle for second best, and put others ahead of yourself — and how to turn this around so that you love yourself more and put yourself first

  • Ways to break the habit of pushing yourself to exhaustion so you can replenish your body’s Qi — and feel balanced, resilient, and energized 

  • A powerful Dragon Spirit meditation for self-love to reclaim your power and connect with your soul’s perspective on how it sees you and loves you unconditionally

More than anything, Chinese reflexology provides a simple path from powerlessness to reclaiming your body, mind, heart, and spirit — and feeling more love and compassion for yourself.

Don’t miss your chance to learn how you can easily administer reflexology on yourself wherever you are and whenever you need it, to clear energy blocks that lead to health issues, feelings of imbalance, and more…

During Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love, you’ll learn easy hands-on methods you can use to replenish your Qi (life-force energy), release negative emotions, and realize your inner brilliance.

>> Join for Free Recording of this Online Event and Learn more from Special Training Offered <<

Read more: Step-by-step Chinese Reflexology Live Class with Holly Tse - Free Recording + Training

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Connect to the Immediate Power of Conscious Breathing to Optimize Your Health

Join Breathwork Summit, March 23-27 - Learn how to Exhale into Flow, Resilience & Ease Anytime, Anywhere.

Have you ever realized during a stressful moment that you were holding your breath?   

And did you notice how your body and mind instantly tightened… and that it was harder to think, feel, and respond resiliently to your life circumstances? 

Stress can literally take your breath away…

On the other hand, maybe you consciously stop to take a deep breath before an important meeting, phone call, or decision… to release tension and feel a greater sense of ease and embodied presence. 

Breath is one of the only involuntary bodily functions we can consciously alter at any time… and it directly and powerfully affects our consciousness, physiology, and brain chemistry.  

Chronic stress patterns, addictive behaviors, emotional overwhelm — all these common challenges can be potently met with the gentle elixir of breath modulation… 

With continued and conscious attention to your breath, you can create a new baseline of stability and resilience in your day-to-day experience. 

Rather than chronic clenching, you can learn to let go of control and anxiety and foster expanded states of peace and poise.

There are varied approaches to using your breath to enhance your cognitive ability, regulate your nervous system, and expand the quality of aliveness in your body…

That’s why we're thrilled to invite you to join us for Breathwork Summit from March 23-27 a convergence of leading breathwork guides who will equip you with best-practice methods to become a masterful breather!  

By applying these tools, you’ll accumulate greater emotional resilience, be more prepared to face any challenge, and break through areas of chronic “stuckness.”  

Free Online Event
Breathwork Summit
March 23-27, 2020

Breathwork Summit - Healing Power of Your Breath to Transform Your Mind, Body & Spirit

This powerful gathering will feature more than 45 of today’s highly sought-after breathwork experts and teachers —including Dr. Dan Siegel, Rollin McCraty, Kathleen Booker, Niraj Naik, Jessica Dibb, Jim Morningstar, Gay Hendricks, Dr. Ela Manga, Anthony Abbagnano, Rhonda V. Magee JD, Dan Brulé, and Dr. Stephen Porges.

They’ll be sharing numerous simple breathwork practices to move you from stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness.  

This groundbreaking Breathwork Summit will reveal the science, art, and power of full-spectrum breathing. I hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Enhanced breathing techniques to calm down and “groom” your nervous system so you’re less easily triggered by outside circumstances

  • Groundbreaking research and the latest discoveries in the science of breath

  • Ways you can apply breathwork in challenging, high-stress settings

  • Landmark ways to use breathwork in community building

  • Breathing practices that aid in sexual wellness

  • A comprehensive breathing “plan” you can integrate into your daily routine

  • Immediate shifts (less than a minute!) in your conscious perception

  • Increased health — including boosted immune system, cardiac vigor, and more

  • Inspiring stories on how breathwork is used in humanitarian crises

  • Ways that breathwork skills are being used to mitigate and even transform the dynamics of racism

And so much more!

Have you ever watched closely how a baby breathes? Their entire body flutters with unhindered movement with each inhale and exhale… 

YOU can be that unencumbered again — shaking off the crust of old tension habits and fully expressing yourself in a world that desperately needs more embodied, centered souls! 

>> Join us in this landmark event. We look forward to seeing you there <<

P.S. Here’s some of the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Dan Siegel will elucidate how both unconscious and conscious breathing affect your mind… and how to open to the “plane of possibility” through conscious breath.

  • Discover how self-modulating your breathing physiologically helps reduce stress and emotional reactions with Rollin McCraty.

  • Explore why burnout has become an epidemic — and learn specific breathwork practices to prevent it with Dr. Ela Manga.

  • Join Kathleen Booker and Niraj Naik as they share stories about people who used conscious breathing to transform dire health and financial crises.

  • Learn from one of the most joyful masters of breath, Gay Hendricks, as he reveals the miracles that conscious breathing can create… in small, everyday moments, in relationships, and in high-level work. 

  • Find out how to use your breath to transform shame and flower into the fullness of your being with Anthony Abbagnano.

  • Join Rhonda V. Magee, JD, for a breath meditation to feel more whole, awake, and heartful, as she demonstrates how breathing can be a powerful medicine for our world.

  • Investigate why breathwork is a key technique in bringing all people of the world together — beyond the differences in culture or beliefs that have kept us separate — with Dan Brulé.

  • Dr. Stephen Porges will discuss the “Polyvagal Theory” — and how reactions to danger and trauma may cause your nervous system to respond to loved ones as if they’re predators.

  • Be prepared to have your experience of Consciousness and Love stretched beyond previous perceptions with Jessica Dibb, as you delve into Integrative Breathwork — a doorway to awakened and actualized consciousness.

  • Jim Morningstar will focus on how body themes influence your daily interactions and outcomes, and provide practical insights into how you can use their gifts and avoid their limitations.

  • Judith Kravitz will share the foundational principles for physical, mental, and spiritual health… and illuminate how breathwork opens doors to “miracle consciousness.”

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Connect to the Immediate Power of Conscious Breathing to Optimize Your Health

Sunday 8 March 2020

Healing Qigong Power of Zang Fu Gong Practices for Body Cleansing with Daisy Lee

Cleanse & Rejuvenate Your Body with an Empowering form of Qigong

The rhythms of modern life mean most of us spend a LOT of time sitting — only rarely putting our bodies in motion, engaging our creative muscles, or caring for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

And for many of us, life’s general stressors are at an all-time high, which can lead to a sense of stagnation — not just within your body, but in your mind too.

If you’re ready to release pent-up stress and transform it into healing Qi — to promote your body’s health and wellbeing — I have a special invitation for you…

On Saturday, March 14, celebrated Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee will introduce you to Zang Fu Gong, a graceful, empowering form of Qigong, renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating powers…

>> Reserve your complimentary space for Qigong to Cleanse Your Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow: Receive Two Zang Fu Gong Practices to Bring Healing Energy to Your Liver & Lungs <<

Healing Zang Fu Gong Qigong Practices to Cleanse Your Body Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow to Your Liver & Lungs

For thousands of years, practitioners of Zang Fu Gong have reported a variety of noticeable health benefits, including stronger immunity, less downtime during illnesses, more emotional stability, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, improved circulation and more energy, greater intuition, and so much more…

During this one-hour special video event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a guided body scan — starting with a series of questions from Daisy to help you tune in to YOUR body from head to toe

  • Let go of pent-up anger that may be building up in your liver with a specific Zang Fu Gong exercise designed to expel stagnant Qi out of your body and restore you to a calm and peaceful sate

  • Release grief and other painful emotions connected to your lungs as Daisy demonstrates another powerful Zang Fu Gong exercise

  • Identify the root emotional issues causing blocked energy in your body that can lead to the specific health problems you’re facing

  • Zero in on the ways you’re experiencing blocked energy as a result of the stressors all around you

  • Receive a calming practice to bring you into vertical alignment; you’ll become better connected to your own body AND more grounded to the earth as you focus on a star-point in the sky

More than anything, you’ll see how YOU can take responsibility for your own care and wellbeing… all with a gentle, effective practice that’s easy to incorporate into your daily life.

In a world where so much is out of your control, making small but significant changes remains a powerful way to make meaningful and lasting transformations to your health and happiness — and Daisy will show you how to get started.

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register here <<

In Qigong to Cleanse Your Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow: Receive Two Zang Fu Gong Practices to Bring Healing Energy to Your Liver & Lungs, you’ll explore how Zang Fu Gong — an empowering form of Qigong — boosts energy levels, unlocks radiant health, and releases stress for a balanced and joyful life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.