Tuesday 25 February 2020

Healing Power of Chinese Reflexology & Dragon Spirit Meditation

Follow along with a Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum.

Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice.

If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful.

And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing.

This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and even the common cold.

The good news is that the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology offers relief from these key physical and emotional imbalances — igniting a journey of self-discovery and self-healing.

On Saturday, February 29, Chinese reflexologist and author Holly Tse will share her unique holistic approach of Chinese reflexology and Dragon Spirit meditation to help you reconnect with your brilliance and replenish your body’s Qi during Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love.

>> Registration for this virtual event is free. Reserve your space now <<

Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of traditional Chinese reflexology — and how massaging your feet clears energy blocks and assists with emotional healing

  • A step-by-step Chinese reflexology demonstration — with a live model — to walk you through massaging a powerful point on your feet to release negative emotions and realize your inner brilliance

  • Why feelings of insufficiency mean you often work twice as hard, settle for second best, and put others ahead of yourself — and how to turn this around so that you love yourself more and put yourself first

  • Ways to break the habit of pushing yourself to exhaustion so you can replenish your body’s Qi — and feel balanced, resilient, and energized 

  • A powerful Dragon Spirit meditation for self-love to reclaim your power and connect with your soul’s perspective on how it sees you and loves you unconditionally

More than anything, Chinese reflexology provides a simple path from powerlessness to reclaiming your body, mind, heart, and spirit — and feeling more love and compassion for yourself.

Don’t miss your chance to learn how you can easily administer reflexology on yourself wherever you are and whenever you need it, to clear energy blocks that lead to health issues, feelings of imbalance, and more…

>> RSVP for free here <<

During Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love, you’ll learn easy hands-on methods you can use to replenish your Qi (life-force energy), release negative emotions, and realize your inner brilliance.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model

Experience the Profound Healing Power of Chinese Reflexology & Dragon Spirit Meditation

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum.

Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice.

If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful.

And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing.

This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and even the common cold.

The good news is that the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology offers relief from these key physical and emotional imbalances — igniting a journey of self-discovery and self-healing.

On Saturday, February 29, Chinese reflexologist and author Holly Tse will share her unique holistic approach of Chinese reflexology and Dragon Spirit meditation to help you reconnect with your brilliance and replenish your body’s Qi during Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love.

>> Registration for this virtual event is free. Reserve your space now <<

Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of traditional Chinese reflexology — and how massaging your feet clears energy blocks and assists with emotional healing

  • A step-by-step Chinese reflexology demonstration — with a live model — to walk you through massaging a powerful point on your feet to release negative emotions and realize your inner brilliance

  • Why feelings of insufficiency mean you often work twice as hard, settle for second best, and put others ahead of yourself — and how to turn this around so that you love yourself more and put yourself first

  • Ways to break the habit of pushing yourself to exhaustion so you can replenish your body’s Qi — and feel balanced, resilient, and energized 

  • A powerful Dragon Spirit meditation for self-love to reclaim your power and connect with your soul’s perspective on how it sees you and loves you unconditionally

More than anything, Chinese reflexology provides a simple path from powerlessness to reclaiming your body, mind, heart, and spirit — and feeling more love and compassion for yourself.

Don’t miss your chance to learn how you can easily administer reflexology on yourself wherever you are and whenever you need it, to clear energy blocks that lead to health issues, feelings of imbalance, and more…

>> RSVP for free here <<

During Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love, you’ll learn easy hands-on methods you can use to replenish your Qi (life-force energy), release negative emotions, and realize your inner brilliance.

Read more: Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model

Sunday 23 February 2020

Discover How to Understand & Experience Love as a Spiritual Practice

Redefine LOVE as Something You Become — Rather than What You Feel or Receive

There may not be anything more important for humanity than awakening and integrating the power of love for transformation in our world.

Yet, so many of us are disappointed in love…

Some of us (at least subconsciously) continue chasing after the elusive “Valentine’s Day love” we see on the big screen — mushy and sentimental.

Others discover that what they’ve been calling love just doesn’t gratify their egos as they’d hoped. 

If you’re ready to understand and experience love in a whole new way, I have a special invitation for you…

On Tuesday, February 25, renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will guide you to explore real love through the power of all three of your wisdom centers — head, heart, and body — in a free video event, Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this complimentary online event here <<

Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram

You’ll discover:

  • The Enneagram’s 9 lenses through which to look at love — and what it can reveal about YOU

  • How love operates in each of your 3 centers (head, heart, and body) — as Russ, Jessica, and Robert each share about one of the different centers

  • Why love isn’t just about “the heart” — it’s also generated from intelligence, clarity, and intimacy… as well as action and presence in the body

  • Why love is your best chance to become the person you most want to be in the world — and how love facilitates collective transformation as well

  • A guided practice to experience the power of love through all 3 centers

If you’re ready to let love be as big as it really is, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to explore how the Enneagram holds the keys to understanding — and becoming — love!

When you register for Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram, renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will show you how to have love be your “way of being” — in all your relationships, in your vocation, and in all your actions in the world —  as you follow the Enneagram’s wisdom for living AS love.

>> Register here to save your spot <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Redefine LOVE as Something You Become — Rather than What You Feel or Receive

Discover why love is your best chance to become the person you most want to be

There may not be anything more important for humanity than awakening and integrating the power of love for transformation in our world.

Yet, so many of us are disappointed in love…

Some of us (at least subconsciously) continue chasing after the elusive “Valentine’s Day love” we see on the big screen — mushy and sentimental.

Others discover that what they’ve been calling love just doesn’t gratify their egos as they’d hoped. 

If you’re ready to understand and experience love in a whole new way, I have a special invitation for you…

On Tuesday, February 25, renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will guide you to explore real love through the power of all three of your wisdom centers — head, heart, and body — in a free video event, Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this complimentary online event here <<

Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram

You’ll discover:

  • The Enneagram’s 9 lenses through which to look at love — and what it can reveal about YOU

  • How love operates in each of your 3 centers (head, heart, and body) — as Russ, Jessica, and Robert each share about one of the different centers

  • Why love isn’t just about “the heart” — it’s also generated from intelligence, clarity, and intimacy… as well as action and presence in the body

  • Why love is your best chance to become the person you most want to be in the world — and how love facilitates collective transformation as well

  • A guided practice to experience the power of love through all 3 centers

If you’re ready to let love be as big as it really is, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to explore how the Enneagram holds the keys to understanding — and becoming — love!

When you register for Expand Your Ability to Love Through the Enneagram, renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, and Robert Holden will show you how to have love be your “way of being” — in all your relationships, in your vocation, and in all your actions in the world —  as you follow the Enneagram’s wisdom for living AS love.

>> Register here to save your spot <<

Read more: Redefine LOVE as Something You Become — Rather than What You Feel or Receive

Friday 14 February 2020

Join EFT Tapping World Summit Feb. 24 - All Free Audios, Videos & Meditations Download

What Is Tapping and Does It Really Work?
Tapping, most commonly known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of energy psychology that combines eastern medicine and modern psychology.
It is extremely effective with both physical issues (back pain, headaches, etc) and emotional...

Read more: Join EFT Tapping World Summit Feb. 24 - All Free Audios, Videos & Meditations Download

Feb 24th - Annual EFT Tapping Summit - It's Happening Again! + Free Audios & Videos

Learn More About EFT Tapping at this Amazing Online Event

During this event, you’ll be guided through the application of a technique that delivers such tremendous results, and so quickly, that it falls into the “I can’t believe this works so well” category.

The technique is EFT, or Tapping, and if you’ve been paying attention lately to all the buzz around the 2020 Tapping World Summit — the 12th annual event —  you’re probably curious to learn more about it…

Tapping is a scientifically proven technique that works to rewire the brain by sending calming signals to the amygdala, the stress center of the brain, allowing both the body and brain to release limitations from negative experiences, emotions, thoughts and much more that hold us back from creating the life we want.

It is mind-blowing in its effectiveness for creating change.

I highly recommend checking out the page below to learn all about it, and about why you need to attend this massive free online event (over 500,000 people attended last year alone!).  The event starts on February 24th but there are a full 10 days of life-altering presentations…

> Go here to learn more and get access to this free online event

Discover how one simple tool can change your entire life during the February Annual Tapping World Summit. Throughout this free online event, you'll learn how to use EFT to create financial abundance, how to cope with disease and heal, how to uproot your limiting beliefs, and so much more. Don't miss this opportunity to discover how one easy-to-use tool can put an end to self-sabotage and negative thinking and help you realize your dreams!

Discover how one simple tool can change your entire life during the February Annual Tapping World Summit. Throughout this free online event, you’ll learn how to use EFT to create financial abundance, how to cope with disease and heal, how to uproot your limiting beliefs, and so much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how one easy-to-use tool can put an end to self-sabotage and negative thinking and help you realize your dreams!

Here are 3 good reasons why you DO NOT want to miss this online event:

  1. This event is an experience, not just an event with information.  Attendees don’t just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.  They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.  They leave having cleared childhood traumas. They leave the event better than when they went in.  You, yes YOU,… will leave this event better than when you enter it.This event has been going on for 12 years.  It has a reputation for getting results for attendees, year after year after year.  🙂

  2. This event is 100% content so don’t expect any sales pitches during these presentations, because you won’t get any!  🙂  Every one of the 25 presentations, which you can listen to in their entirety, are 100% content only.

  3. This event is free!

So if you’re given the opportunity to attend an event that is 100% content, that has a proven track record of getting people results during the 10-days of the event, that uses a technique that has been scientifically proven to get results and is supported by the world’s leading personal development experts, medical doctors, and psychologists, and it’s all free… why wouldn’t you give it a chance?

There is literally nothing to lose.  Sign up for it and if you don’t like the event (which I highly doubt will happen), just unsubscribe from the event and you won’t hear about it again.  But why not give it a chance?  It seems like there are only positives and no negatives that could come out of the opportunity…

When you sign up to get free access to the event you actually get two really cool audios to listen to right away, so that you can learn the basics of Tapping and see the results for yourself… immediately.

You can also find all free videos to watch here.

Here is some of the feedback from previous years’ events, just to give you an idea of what people think about them…

“What a wonderful ten days! I need to tap on withdrawals from missing the interviews. Jessica was a fabulous interviewer, asking just what I wanted to know at the right time.”

-Suzanne Wright – Oregon, USA

I hope you guys can somehow hear the thunderous applause that is surely circling the world for you right now. This was a DYNAMITE event, and this grand finale with Jessica today was just fantastic. You guys are the absolute best, you have given phenomenal gifts here with each presentation, and may you receive a thousand blessings in return. EFT has never come alive for me the way you’ve made it do in these last ten days. I am very, very grateful, and yes, I will keep tapping and will tell you what lights come on, what doors open in the coming months.” ~With much love, Natasha Suter – Ithaca, New York

This trip has been amazing. I am so thankful that you gave me the opportunity to be a part of this, and I will continue to tap – and maybe take an education in EFT later on. Fantastic. A few weeks ago I tapped on hip pain, and it disappeared within a couple of minutes!! Every session has been useful to me, and I will look more into it (I have written it all down) when I finish my education in September. Jessica’s 40 day tapping challenge will be done. Her “mystery bonus audio” was a special experience. It helped me see a lot of experiences/feelings to tap on.” ~ Merete – Bodo, Norway

“OMG! That summit was amazing! I just wanted to say thank you, thank you! I knew about EFT from when I was in LA but I now know so much more and I had ah-ha moments almost every day! especially the one series about Highly Sensitive People – which I found out I am and have been beating myself up about it forever! Now I know how to tap for it and realize it’s a blessing to be so connected to my feelings and intuition!

I loved, loved, loved the whole series! you are so kind to put all of this information out there and for free- I know this is huge for me and for the world! I can sense huge changes a-brewing! I kinda miss it already! Tell Jessica I am doing the 40 day challenge… this is exciting… who knows where I will be in 40 days! Thank you again!” ~ Love, Christine en route to New York City, NY USA

Read more: Feb 24th - Annual EFT Tapping Summit - It's Happening Again! + Free Audios & Videos

Thursday 13 February 2020

Journey on a Spirit-led, Life-honoring Sacred Path - Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom

Explore how to infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life

We all have a different Sacred Walk…

Are you ready to discover more about how you can live yours — for a life powered by prayer and blessings, and infused with grace?

On Wednesday, February 19, you’ll have a chance to receive a wisdom transmission from one of the most revered Indigenous elders alive today. She’ll share about how you can infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life, connected to your ancestors and animal totems to guide you.

>> Find out more and reserve your free seat for Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing Circle, here <<

Grandmother Healing Wisdom A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing Circle

Grandmother Flordemayo, has had a remarkable journey from humble beginnings as the 13th child born to a Mayan mother, to an apprenticeship with Don Alejandro, a globally respected elder, and her eventual role in the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers as well as in subsequent councils.

During this free online event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a powerful collective prayer

  • Understand how to open yourself to be a vessel for healing 

  • Witness Grandmother Flordemayo’s Sacred Staff, and understand how to create such a staff infused with your own blessings to power your “Sacred Walk”

  • Receive Mayan wisdom about aligning with the special qualities of each day, each of which has its own Mayan term and cosmology 

  • Open to a vision in which we are all co-creating a universal human family

In this special event, Flordemayo will share about HOW to open to grace in a way that leads to seemingly miraculous events and healings.

>> “See” you there! It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

In Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing CircleGrandmother Flordemayo will share potent insights for how to live your “Sacred Walk,”as well as the universal wisdom she acquired through immersion in Indigenous traditions and a life of prayer.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How to Live Your “Sacred Walk,” a Life Powered by Prayer & Blessings

Find out how your ancestors can guide you on your Sacred Walk

We all have a different Sacred Walk…

Are you ready to discover more about how you can live yours — for a life powered by prayer and blessings, and infused with grace?

On Wednesday, February 19, you’ll have a chance to receive a wisdom transmission from one of the most revered Indigenous elders alive today. She’ll share about how you can infuse each moment of your day with reverence for life, connected to your ancestors and animal totems to guide you.

>> Find out more and reserve your free seat for Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing Circle, here <<

Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom with Grandmother Flordemayo

Grandmother Flordemayo, has had a remarkable journey from humble beginnings as the 13th child born to a Mayan mother, to an apprenticeship with Don Alejandro, a globally respected elder, and her eventual role in the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers as well as in subsequent councils.

During this free online event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a powerful collective prayer

  • Understand how to open yourself to be a vessel for healing 

  • Witness Grandmother Flordemayo’s Sacred Staff, and understand how to create such a staff infused with your own blessings to power your “Sacred Walk”

  • Receive Mayan wisdom about aligning with the special qualities of each day, each of which has its own Mayan term and cosmology 

  • Open to a vision in which we are all co-creating a universal human family

In this special event, Flordemayo will share about HOW to open to grace in a way that leads to seemingly miraculous events and healings.

>> “See” you there! It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

In Grandmother’s Healing Wisdom: A Prayer, Blessing & Sharing CircleGrandmother Flordemayo will share potent insights for how to live your “Sacred Walk,”as well as the universal wisdom she acquired through immersion in Indigenous traditions and a life of prayer.

Read more: Discover How to Live Your “Sacred Walk,” a Life Powered by Prayer & Blessings

Wednesday 12 February 2020

Discover the Personal, Family & Cultural Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 17-21

Join Ancestral Healing Summit Global & Discover the personal, family & cultural benefits of ancestral healing

What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself and your lineage of old wounds?

And what if those connections could help you cultivate forgiveness and closure with a loved one who’s passed — or reveal the source and remedy for a physical ailment you suffer?

Maybe they could help you understand why you — or a family member — suffer from depression, addiction, or other forms of dis-ease and guide you to heal these symptoms…

All around the globe, people have historically developed relationships with the wise ancestral guides in their bloodlines to help heal emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances within themselves, their families, and their communities.

Connecting with your wise ancestors can help you and your family live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives, while also benefiting future generations of your bloodline and even our beautiful Earth.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Ancestral Healing Summit, from February 17-21 — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who’ll be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality and shamanism, science and psychology, and ancient wisdom from around the world that promises to transform your life and your lineages. 

Free Online Event
The Ancestral Healing Summit

February 17-21, 2020

Ancestral Healing Summit February 17-21

This special gathering will feature today’s leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers — including Suzanne Giesemann, Sandra Ingerman, Anita Moorjani, Dawson Church, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Eileen McKusick, Heather Dane, Mark Wolynn, Dr. Steven Farmer, Christina Pratt, Jane Burns, and many more — sharing new practices and insights for connecting with the wise and loving among your ancestors.

They’ll show you how to break free of the painful legacies of those on the other side of the veil who aren’t yet at peace, heal old wounds embedded in your psyche, and embody your deepest gifts. 

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this fascinating 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Learn simple and powerful ways to invoke the healing wisdom of your ancestors

  • Discover how to follow and trust the dreams, energy, and signs your ancestors use to communicate with you

  • Understand that your deceased loved ones are energetically  still right here — and recognize that continuing your relationship with them can bring potent healing

  • Rediscover your DNA as more like flowing music than fixed chemistry — and how you can vibrationally shift the expression of your genes

  • Experience how connecting with all sides of your ancestral lines helps you feel more rooted and whole (even if you were adopted!)

  • Learn how to help the unresolved dead cross into the Land of the Dead with reconciliation and freedom

  • Transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings

  • Explore Celtic, Jewish, Native American, and many more perspectives

  • Discover how you can explore your ancestry through karmic astrology

  • Learn ways that American descendants of slaves can connect with their lineages to heal themselves and their ancestors

  • Discover how the nature beings we share this Earth with are all ancestral allies

  • Explore how you may be experiencing soul loss, and how ancestral healing can help you recognize and transform this spiritual imbalance

  • And so much more…

Whether you’re new to ancestral repair work or you already incorporate it in your life — the visionary speakers in this summit will bring to light the curative powers of ancestral healing — helping you to shift your present and our future.

Join the amazing gathering of other presenters to discover the tools you need to cultivate more connection… harmonize your body, mind, and spirit… and heal wounds from the past that can literally change your genetic destiny.

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Life-changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing February 17-21 Global Event

Ancestral Healing Summit - Discover how your ancestors can help you transform your lineage (and life)

What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself and your lineage of old wounds?

And what if those connections could help you cultivate forgiveness and closure with a loved one who’s passed — or reveal the source and remedy for a physical ailment you suffer?

Maybe they could help you understand why you — or a family member — suffer from depression, addiction, or other forms of dis-ease and guide you to heal these symptoms…

All around the globe, people have historically developed relationships with the wise ancestral guides in their bloodlines to help heal emotional, physical, and spiritual imbalances within themselves, their families, and their communities.

Connecting with your wise ancestors can help you and your family live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives, while also benefiting future generations of your bloodline and even our beautiful Earth.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Ancestral Healing Summit, from February 17-21 — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who’ll be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality and shamanism, science and psychology, and ancient wisdom from around the world that promises to transform your life and your lineages. 

Free Online Event
The Ancestral Healing Summit
February 17-21, 2020

Ancestral Healing Summit February 17-21

This special gathering will feature today’s leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers — including Suzanne Giesemann, Sandra Ingerman, Anita Moorjani, Dawson Church, don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Eileen McKusick, Heather Dane, Mark Wolynn, Dr. Steven Farmer, Christina Pratt, Jane Burns, and many more — sharing new practices and insights for connecting with the wise and loving among your ancestors.

They’ll show you how to break free of the painful legacies of those on the other side of the veil who aren’t yet at peace, heal old wounds embedded in your psyche, and embody your deepest gifts. 

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this fascinating 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Learn simple and powerful ways to invoke the healing wisdom of your ancestors

  • Discover how to follow and trust the dreams, energy, and signs your ancestors use to communicate with you

  • Understand that your deceased loved ones are energetically  still right here — and recognize that continuing your relationship with them can bring potent healing

  • Rediscover your DNA as more like flowing music than fixed chemistry — and how you can vibrationally shift the expression of your genes

  • Experience how connecting with all sides of your ancestral lines helps you feel more rooted and whole (even if you were adopted!)

  • Learn how to help the unresolved dead cross into the Land of the Dead with reconciliation and freedom

  • Transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings

  • Explore Celtic, Jewish, Native American, and many more perspectives

  • Discover how you can explore your ancestry through karmic astrology

  • Learn ways that American descendants of slaves can connect with their lineages to heal themselves and their ancestors

  • Discover how the nature beings we share this Earth with are all ancestral allies

  • Explore how you may be experiencing soul loss, and how ancestral healing can help you recognize and transform this spiritual imbalance

  • And so much more…

Whether you’re new to ancestral repair work or you already incorporate it in your life — the visionary speakers in this summit will bring to light the curative powers of ancestral healing — helping you to shift your present and our future.

Join the amazing gathering of other presenters to discover the tools you need to cultivate more connection… harmonize your body, mind, and spirit… and heal wounds from the past that can literally change your genetic destiny.

>> Join us for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s a sample of what our illuminating speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Suzanne Giesemann will share an easy method for opening the channels of communication with loved ones across the veil, and how such connections can help you see that your loved ones continue to exist and evolve.

  • Sandra Ingerman will share about the importance of honoring our ancestors, and offer ways to uncover the strengths and gifts you’re carrying through your ancestral line.

  • Anita Moorjani will share what she learned from her deceased loved ones during her near-death experience, and how connecting with the other side can inspire you to live more fearlessly and fully.

  • Dawson Church will link the science of epigenetics to ancestral healing and share how we can shift our genetics, highlighted with an Emotional Healing Technique for easing inherited trauma and phobias.

  • don Oscar Miro-Quesada will focus on Shamanic Gnosis — a remembering of our ancestral wholeness as a path of healing for humanity.

  • Eileen McKusick will explore what she calls the “tonal proclivities” or difficult emotions and triggers we inherit — and how we can change the tone of the song of our DNA to help shift the origin of our discomforts.

  • Heather Dane will share how the lost wisdom of your ancestors can be unveiled through dreams, ceremony, ritual, and story — and how to invoke the healing and guidance you’re seeking.

  • Mark Wolynn will talk about our unexplained symptoms — fears, anxieties, and obsessive thoughts we’ve biologically inherited — and how to heal trauma passed down through generations.

… and many more!

Read more: Experience the Life-changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing February 17-21 Global Event

Discover How to Tune Into Your Core of Love & Cultivate Peace Inside Yourself

Receive peacemaking practices to deepen your empathy and embody love

Our planet seems overwhelmed with anger, conflict, and violence…

It’s clear that our human family must learn better ways to handle conflict, transform cruelty, and create harmony even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Yet, the healing of our world won’t be realized solely on national and international levels… It starts with each one of us learning to access inner peace in our daily lives.

Finding your soul’s innate peace — the source of all peace — is the first step in more efficiently and heartfully handling conflict…

Two respected peacebuilders and thought leaders, Amandine Roche and Philip M. Hellmich, will explore simple ways to access the wisdom of your heart — and share personal processes that you can turn to at any moment to help you develop empathy for yourself and others, and stay calm when confronted with conflict.

>> Register here for Find Your Inner Peace: Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times <<

Find Your Inner Peace Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • Practical ways to cultivate inner peace and compassion based on leading scientific research

  • How to enrich and strengthen your personal relationships with specific compassion practices based on ancient and modern wisdom 

  • Potent practices to leverage your heart’s intelligence… transforming negative emotions and accessing your higher wisdom

  • How to respond instead of react when triggered by people and events

  • How to enter into loving relationships and service to others by healing your own wounds

  • How to lead from the center and ground of your being by holding space for truths that diverge from your own… while fully incarnating your own soul power and emotional and intellectual insight and wisdom

  • Exercises you can use anytime to help you find your center amid conflict — in the moment 

Most importantly, you’ll receive personal tools you can begin using right away to cultivate peace inside yourself… and help you break free of the potentially destructive reactive patterns that keep you from staying in connection with your heart — and the love you want to BE and create in the world.

>> Join us to discover how you can live in peace in truly tangible ways — within yourself, your relationships, your community, and our world. You can RSVP for free here <<

In Find Your Inner Peace: Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times, you’ll discover the deep wisdom and experience-based knowledge you need to take yourself to the next level of living in peace.

As you discover how to tune into your core of love, you’ll welcome in more peace and joy as you walk through the world.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times

Learn how to stay calm and peaceful in the midst of challenges and confusion

Our planet seems overwhelmed with anger, conflict, and violence…

It’s clear that our human family must learn better ways to handle conflict, transform cruelty, and create harmony even in the most challenging of circumstances.

Yet, the healing of our world won’t be realized solely on national and international levels… It starts with each one of us learning to access inner peace in our daily lives.

Finding your soul’s innate peace — the source of all peace — is the first step in more efficiently and heartfully handling conflict…

Two respected peacebuilders and thought leaders, Amandine Roche and Philip M. Hellmich, will explore simple ways to access the wisdom of your heart — and share personal processes that you can turn to at any moment to help you develop empathy for yourself and others, and stay calm when confronted with conflict.

>> Register here for Find Your Inner Peace: Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times <<

Find Your Inner Peace Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • Practical ways to cultivate inner peace and compassion based on leading scientific research

  • How to enrich and strengthen your personal relationships with specific compassion practices based on ancient and modern wisdom 

  • Potent practices to leverage your heart’s intelligence… transforming negative emotions and accessing your higher wisdom

  • How to respond instead of react when triggered by people and events

  • How to enter into loving relationships and service to others by healing your own wounds

  • How to lead from the center and ground of your being by holding space for truths that diverge from your own… while fully incarnating your own soul power and emotional and intellectual insight and wisdom

  • Exercises you can use anytime to help you find your center amid conflict — in the moment 

Most importantly, you’ll receive personal tools you can begin using right away to cultivate peace inside yourself… and help you break free of the potentially destructive reactive patterns that keep you from staying in connection with your heart — and the love you want to BE and create in the world.

>> Join us to discover how you can live in peace in truly tangible ways — within yourself, your relationships, your community, and our world. You can RSVP for free here <<

In Find Your Inner Peace: Discover Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times, you’ll discover the deep wisdom and experience-based knowledge you need to take yourself to the next level of living in peace.

As you discover how to tune into your core of love, you’ll welcome in more peace and joy as you walk through the world.

Read more: Practices to Calm Reactivity, Cultivate Empathy & Embody Love During Difficult Times

Tuesday 11 February 2020

How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body with Tapping - Simple Self-healing Technique

Can the mind really heal the body?

You’ve heard things said before like “mind over body” or “your mind can heal anything,” but do you ever think to yourself… “that’s easier said than done!”

After all… if you’re like most people, you don’t have time to sit around like a Buddhist Monk meditating for hours a day, focusing on healing your body, so how exactly do you apply it to your life?

Well, I want to share a video with you today that will reveal some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy.

It’s a video of Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D., where she sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the upcoming 10th annual Tapping World Summit, to discuss her findings and the implications they have for all of us, both the “seemingly” healthy and those with health challenges.

Dr. Lissa Rankin discuss the science behind EFT Tapping

Can the mind really heal the body? And even make is sick? Watch this fascinating interview with Dr. Lisa Rankin to learn about the mind-body connection, stress, and the profound way in which our thoughts and beliefs affect our physical bodies and how a simple technique known as “Tapping” can promote self-healing.

Here are just a few snippets of what you can expect:

  • You’ll hear about what she learned from studying over 3,500 cases of “spontaneous remission” and what the research both tells us and isn’t telling us about why people get sick or healthy.

  • You’ll discover the 9 common characteristics that people with “spontaneous remission” have and why they’re critical to know for both people who are healthy or sick.

  • You’ll learn about the only 2 modes that our nervous system can be in, and how in one of them, our body’s self-repair mechanism literally shuts down! And the scary part is… most people tend to get stuck in this shutdown mode (she’ll explain why and how you can get out of it).

  • You’ll hear about why some of her supposedly “healthiest” clients (exercising, eating well, meditating, etc) were getting sick and the big “aha” moment she had about what was causing it all.

  • Near the end, Dr. Rankin will blow your mind by redefining what “placebo” actually is and how most scientific studies are not digging deep enough into what is going on with the mind and body.

>> Watch this video! I know you’ll love it. 🙂


They have some very interesting dialogue where Dr. Rankin shares her latest research as well as solutions and shares her perspective on what is happening in the mind and body when people are doing EFT Tapping. You’re going to really enjoy this!

The video is being released in the lead up to the 12th Annual Tapping World Summit, an online event that has been attended by over 2.5 million people over the last 11 years.  In the interview, Dr. Lissa Rankin, a traditionally trained medical doctor who specializes in understanding the mind-body connection, sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the event.

Read more: How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body with Tapping - Simple Self-healing Technique

EFT Tapping Helps Turning Back Your Age with Your Beliefs

Turn back your age with your beliefs and EFT tapping energy therapy…

Do you ever feel old?

Ever feel that you can’t do the things you want to do because of your age and health? That you’re not the “spring chicken” you used to be? Or have you ever thought to yourself “Oh, I’m too old to do that”?

Maybe you’re not saying these things out loud, but we all tend to think these harsh comments to ourselves. And these harsh comments have a bigger impact on our health and our aging than we realize…

I want to share a video with you today that has the ability to add years to your life and more importantly, to dramatically change how old you look and feel!

In this video, you’ll hear from New York Times best-selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup about the effects of our beliefs, emotions, and the people in our lives on our age!

Now the big question is of course… so how do we turn on that fountain of youth and make ourselves look and feel younger? 🙂

In this video with Dr. Northrup you’ll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

And you’ll learn what you can do to actually turn back the hands of time.

>> Check it out here <<

In this video with Dr. Northrup you'll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

Health is more than waiting for disease to happen” – Dr. Christiane Northrup – Watch this powerful interview with Dr. Northrup and Jessica Ortner as they talk about how beliefs, culture and buried emotions cause imbalances in the body that lead to disease – and how EFT Tapping can diffuse those ticking time-bombs long before you end up with a diagnosis.

Some of what Dr. Northrup talks about in this video includes:

  • Why you should never share your age (she has a very good reason for this and it’s not what you think).

  • The difference between your chronological vs biological age (the good news is you can turn back your biological age!)

  • How to be an “outlier” that lives a longer and healthier life.

  • The three commonalities that all centenarians have in common that let them live past 100 with life and vibrancy.

  • The “nun study” about dementia that is showing that the symptoms for dementia (and many other illnesses) aren’t as accurate as we think (and how big a role our belief systems actually play in this)

  • Why you need to guard your mind vigilantly when receiving a “diagnosis” because of the effect it alone has on your health.

  • Any much more!

>> If you want to slow down the hands of time, watch this video <<

Watch Dr. Christiane Northrup explains how beliefs and buried emotions lead to disease - and how EFT Tapping can help

Disease. It’s not about your genes. Listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup discuss how our beliefs culture and buried emotions lead to imbalances in the body that create stress and inflammation. She talks about how EFT Tapping can lower those stress hormones and shares her own powerful experience with Tapping.

Video is being released in the lead up to the 12th Annual Tapping World Summit, an online event that has been attended by over 2.5 million people over the last 11 years (Wow!). This event is 100% content and well worth attending. I highly recommend showing up for it since it’s free to attend and learning how to use Tapping can dramatically improve your life.

Read more: EFT Tapping Helps Turning Back Your Age with Your Beliefs

Using EFT Tapping Affirmations

If you’re like most people, you have too much to do and too little time to accomplish it. Between your job, taking the shavers to and from school and paying bills, it seems you’re always one step away from nervous prostration. But you are able to de-stress your life by following a simple set of rules and adhering to them. Abide by the tips below for a happier, less-stressful life.

Read more: Using EFT Tapping Affirmations

EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

Are you stressed? Overwhelmed? Anxious? Angry? You don’t deserve to feel this way. Take a few minutes for yourself to discover how a simple, energy-healing technique can bring you relief in just minutes. New York Times Best-Selling Author, Jessica Ortner guides you through three Tapping Meditations to bring you the peace of mind you crave. Watch now for free.

Read more: EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

Saturday 8 February 2020

Mantras for Awakening Your Inner Shakti Magical Powers of Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali

Unleash the living Goddess within you and harness your inner power

There’s a living Goddess inside you… do you sense her presence?

Perhaps you’ve lost touch with this memory of who you are, as so many have. Our larger world has become completely out of balance with our feminine principles, the source of so much wisdom.

It’s time to remember who you really are — a Shakti — so that you can harness and cultivate your inner power…

On Saturday, February 15, spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker Raja Choudhury will help you tap into your inner potential to live like a Shakti — as a force for good and justice in your life, your relationships, your material life, your physical being… and in the world at large.

>> Register here for The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess <<

Discover Mantras for Awakening Kundalini Shakti Magical Powers Of Your Inner Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali

In this 60-minute FREE online event, you’ll:

  • Determine which Shakti vibrates most in YOU  — Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kundalini, Lalitha, or the Dash Mahavidyas — and see how they can transform your life and our world

  • Discover how all Mantras are keys to unlocking Shakti in you, and how they help you explore the magic and alchemy of sound

  • Learn the ancient Chamundaye Mantra to free yourself from bad karma and remove all obstacles from your life

  • Learn how to approach the Goddess in you, around you, and at the source

  • Explore the entire visible universe as Shakti’s womb  and discover that Shakti is also an immense potential energy sitting inside YOU as Kundalini, waiting to awaken and unleash your power

  • Learn the sacred mantra for aligning 3 Worlds, bringing together the magical power of Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali, and attracting the grace of Lalitha

If you’re ready to live like a Shakti, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover the immense potential energy sitting inside you as Kundalini Shakti, waiting to awaken and unleash your power.

>> Join us for this powerful hour – RSVP for free here <<

In The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess, you’ll be introduced to powerful practices for approaching the Goddess within you, and for thriving in the world while maintaining your spiritual longings and desires.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess

Learn the mantra for bringing together the magical powers of Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali

There’s a living Goddess inside you… do you sense her presence?

Perhaps you’ve lost touch with this memory of who you are, as so many have. Our larger world has become completely out of balance with our feminine principles, the source of so much wisdom.

It’s time to remember who you really are — a Shakti — so that you can harness and cultivate your inner power…

On Saturday, February 15, spiritual teacher, speaker, and filmmaker Raja Choudhury will help you tap into your inner potential to live like a Shakti — as a force for good and justice in your life, your relationships, your material life, your physical being… and in the world at large.

>> Register here for The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess <<

Awakening Kundalini Shakti Magical Powers Of Your Inner Goddess Saraswati, Lakshmi & Kali

In this 60-minute FREE online event, you’ll:

  • Determine which Shakti vibrates most in YOU  — Durga, Kali, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kundalini, Lalitha, or the Dash Mahavidyas — and see how they can transform your life and our world

  • Discover how all Mantras are keys to unlocking Shakti in you, and how they help you explore the magic and alchemy of sound

  • Learn the ancient Chamundaye Mantra to free yourself from bad karma and remove all obstacles from your life

  • Learn how to approach the Goddess in you, around you, and at the source

  • Explore the entire visible universe as Shakti’s womb  and discover that Shakti is also an immense potential energy sitting inside YOU as Kundalini, waiting to awaken and unleash your power

  • Learn the sacred mantra for aligning 3 Worlds, bringing together the magical power of Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali, and attracting the grace of Lalitha

If you’re ready to live like a Shakti, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover the immense potential energy sitting inside you as Kundalini Shakti, waiting to awaken and unleash your power.

>> Join us for this powerful hour - RSVP for free here <<

In The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess, you’ll be introduced to powerful practices for approaching the Goddess within you, and for thriving in the world while maintaining your spiritual longings and desires.

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Read more: The Sacred Path to Awakening Your Inner Goddess