Wednesday 18 September 2019

Ancestral Healing Practices - Heal Your Lineage & Free your Family Line

Discover how to work effectively with your ancestors to heal your lineage

What if you could heal yourself, your lineage, and generations yet to come?

 Ancestral wisdom and wounding can be passed on for generations… whether imprinted in your DNA, held in the unresolved issues of the dead, or taught through the cultural narrative…

According to leading ancestral healing teacher Christina Pratt, ancestors who struggled with the same wounds or challenges you now carry can offer especially powerful medicine.

By entering into “right relationship” with them, you can also enlist the help of your ancestors to clear any stagnant, unresolved energies — passed down from your unwell ancestors — to heal your lineage and free your family line.

On Saturday, September 21, Christina will share elemental rituals, shamanic practices, and daily prayers to show you how unhealthy patterns in your family can now end with you during a FREE video event, Healing With Your Ancestors: Elemental Rituals & Shamanic Practices to Transform Ancestral Suffering Into Sacred Medicine.

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot here <<

Connecting With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors - How to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage Through Ritual, Prayer & Daily Practices

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • A down-to-earth approach to ancestral healing incorporating journeying, shrine tending, rituals, and daily prayers

  • How the unhealed wounds and narratives of your ancestors may be playing out in your life (and your health)

  • Insights to help you understand the important distinctions between well and unwell ancestors, so that you can work effectively with them to heal your lineage

  • A transformative guided journey to connect you with the Realm of the Luminous Ones and return as an “emissary” of the good, true, and beautiful Ancestors 

  • Ritual practices that allow you to engage with elemental energies to heal past wounds and transform our collective future  

Your ancestors can be sources of clarity, resilience, and joy for you as well — when you know how to lovingly draw on their skills and bravery to live a more authentic life and express your soul’s purpose.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how a healthy working relationship with your well and unwell ancestors can transform your life and lineage… 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to begin healing generational illness and cultural wounds through elemental rituals, shamanic practices, and daily prayers, don’t miss: Connecting With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors: How to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage Through Ritual, Prayer & Daily Practices

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Read more: Ancestral Healing Practices - Heal Your Lineage & Free your Family Line

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