Saturday 28 September 2019

Money Consciousness - Discover the Essence of Unlimited Giving & Receiving

Shift your view of money to a living current of loving, limitless energy

Does there seem to be a limited supply of money in your life…

Do you feel that wanting more money is selfish or not “spiritual?”

The “new currency” — opening to money as loving, limitless energy — is something entirely different, an evolution and a REVolution…

Once activated, feelings of fear and scarcity fade. The illusion that you need to “make more” to “have enough” dissolves. You become clearer, more effective, and more aligned with your values and your soul.

On Wednesday, October 2, leading money consciousness teacher and author Sarah McCrum will help you begin to shift your orientation toward money — and experience an energetic activation of the new currency — during ­­­­­a FREE video event, Activating the New Currency: Discover Your Relationship With the Generous, Loving Energy of Money.

>> Reserve your space here for Live event <<

Energy Of Money Activating the New Currency

During this complimentary online event, you’ll discover:

  • How your current way of understanding money likely produces guilt, shame, and judgement — which fall away as you engage with the new currency

  • Your deepest wishes and desires connect you with your money’s loving energy and your soul’s purpose

  • A transformative, guided exercise to activate the energy of the new currency in YOU

  • The link between your financial triggers and financial karma — and how to release this karma so you can experience true financial freedom

  • That relating to money in a relaxed, joyful, and loving way can completely change the way you relate to everything in your life

“’Relax, enjoy, and love’ is the essence of unlimited giving and receiving,” Sarah says. “This current never ends, as long as we’re willing to perceive money as love.” 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to redefine the way you see and relate to money so that you can effortlessly align with its generous, creative energy… in a way that’s conscious and more aligned with your values and your soul.

>> Register here to watch live (get recording) <<

During Activating the New Currency: Discover Your Relationship With the Generous, Loving Energy of Money, Sarah McCrum will show you how your feelings of fear and scarcity can fade as you open to the loving, limitless energy of money that always has your back.

Read more: Money Consciousness - Discover the Essence of Unlimited Giving & Receiving

Shift Your View of Money to a Living Current of Loving, Limitless Energy

Discover the essence of unlimited giving and receiving

Does there seem to be a limited supply of money in your life…

Do you feel that wanting more money is selfish or not “spiritual?”

The “new currency” — opening to money as loving, limitless energy — is something entirely different, an evolution and a REVolution…

Once activated, feelings of fear and scarcity fade. The illusion that you need to “make more” to “have enough” dissolves. You become clearer, more effective, and more aligned with your values and your soul.

On Wednesday, October 2, leading money consciousness teacher and author Sarah McCrum will help you begin to shift your orientation toward money — and experience an energetic activation of the new currency — during ­­­­­a FREE video event, Activating the New Currency: Discover Your Relationship With the Generous, Loving Energy of Money.

>> Reserve your space here for Live event <<

Activate the New Currency: Discover Your Relationship With the Generous, Loving Energy of Money

During this complimentary online event, you’ll discover:

  • How your current way of understanding money likely produces guilt, shame, and judgement — which fall away as you engage with the new currency

  • Your deepest wishes and desires connect you with your money’s loving energy and your soul’s purpose

  • A transformative, guided exercise to activate the energy of the new currency in YOU

  • The link between your financial triggers and financial karma — and how to release this karma so you can experience true financial freedom

  • That relating to money in a relaxed, joyful, and loving way can completely change the way you relate to everything in your life

“’Relax, enjoy, and love’ is the essence of unlimited giving and receiving,” Sarah says. “This current never ends, as long as we’re willing to perceive money as love.” 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to redefine the way you see and relate to money so that you can effortlessly align with its generous, creative energy… in a way that’s conscious and more aligned with your values and your soul.

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

During Activating the New Currency: Discover Your Relationship With the Generous, Loving Energy of Money, Sarah McCrum will show you how your feelings of fear and scarcity can fade as you open to the loving, limitless energy of money that always has your back.

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Thursday 26 September 2019

Medical Qigong Daily Practices for Radiant Health & Longevity

Discover the most profound medicine of all — your own energy

Imagine if you had the capacity to self-heal — to relieve symptoms, transform dis-ease, and prevent illness — and heal your health challenges at their root cause.

You don’t need to imagine it, because the most profoundly healing medicine is your own energy, produced within your own body, for no cost at all. 

It’s true — you can learn how to harness your body’s own healing energy to prevent health challenges before they negatively impact your life…

Perhaps the most effective way to do so is through Medical Qigong, one of the most ancient, powerful, and scientifically proven methods of becoming the orchestrator of your own wellbeing and health.

From the occasional headache to a persistent feeling of exhaustion, all the way to Parkinson’s disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, and more — health outcomes around the world are improving as seekers master the practice of Qigong with the specific purpose of improving health and wellbeing. 

On Wednesday, October 9, celebrated integrative and Chinese medicine pioneer Dr. Roger Jahnke will share practices that can help keep you out of the doctor’s office, dramatically lower your healthcare costs over time, and enhance the quality of your life in a free online event.

>> Join us here to Unlock the 4 Dimensions of Medical Qigong: Lifelong Practices for Self-Healing, Empowerment & Vitality <<

Unlock the 4 Dimensions of Medical Qigong Lifelong Practices for Self-Healing, Empowerment & Vitality

In this complimentary online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why you don’t need a specific diagnosis or medical ailment for Medical Qigong to impact your life — you only need a deep desire to be well

  • Exactly how to apply Qigong’s 3 Treasures: body, breath, and mind

  • How simple self-massage practices can impact everything from the cells in your musculature to your sensory system

  • The 4 types of self-massage — pressing, stroking, holding, and tapping — and how they direct the flow of Qi through your body

  • The practice of tapping into your present moment focus to open a portal into a deeper relationship with your eternal self — and maximize your healing and health

  • What neurologists have discovered is actually happening inside your brain and body when you apply strategic pressure to specific points

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how to create radiant health and longevity using Medical Qigong practices that help you tap into your body’s own healing energy!

>> RSVP free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In this impactful hour with Dr. Roger Jahnke, you’ll discover daily Medical Qigong practices that lower anxiety and stress, increase your vitality, and prevent disease…

… and find out how to play a significant role in your own healing.

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Sunday 22 September 2019

Enneagram - Moving Beyond Your ‘ordinary mind’ to Expanded Awareness

Discover the relationship between your ordinary mind and Higher Mind

As you know, uncovering your Enneagram type can be life-changing…

Shining the light of awareness on your habitual ways of thinking, feeling, and acting enables you to tune in to your personality patterns, which can negatively influence your perceptions of yourself, others, and the world.

Yet, your Enneagram type is perhaps most defined by its mental patterns — the fixations of your “monkey mind.”

And until you can see how your mental fixations are limiting you, many important perspectives you need to live a well-rounded, meaningful life will elude you… 

… which means you’ll be missing out on living a life guided by a synthesis between your ordinary mind and Higher Mind… and the new possibilities that come with expanded perception

What is Higher Mind? It’s the transformation, according to renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson, from “inner chatter and dull states of consciousness, to bright, peaceful, and spacious qualities of direct knowing.”

On Thursday, September 26, Russ will help you discover the aspect of the Enneagram that’s rarely taught — moving from your ordinary mind to your Higher Mind — during a FREE video event, The Enneagram of Higher Mind.

>> Reserve your place for this complimentary virtual event here <<

Discover the relationship between your ordinary mind and Higher Mind

 During this special online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the relationship between your ordinary mind and Higher Mind… the non-dualistic qualities of consciousness known as the Enneagram’s 9 “Holy Ideas”

  • Learn to recognize when you’re trapped by the mind and patterns of your type — you’ll then be free to think clearly, seeing reality in all of its colors and dimensions

  • Bring more presence to the habitual patterns of your thoughts and perceptions

  • Experience a practice to help integrate your ordinary mind, Higher Mind, heart, and body — essential for balanced spiritual development

  • Begin to activate Divine qualities of presence accessible to you through your Higher Mind

Russ teaches that as we bring more presence to the habitual patterns of our thoughts and perceptions, alternative views of reality can open us to a broader range of understanding and response, softening rigid ego patterns — without rejecting them.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to dive into the most under-taught — and least understood — aspect of the Enneagram, which holds the key to your liberation from monkey mind, obsessive thinking, and other destructive mental patterns.

>> Join us for this illuminating, hour-long event <<

When you register for The Enneagram of Higher Mind, renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson will guide you to work with your basic type’s fixations and qualities of Higher Mind — and to access aspects of the other 8 Holy Ideas.

You can then begin to transmute your mental and emotional patterns into the sacred aspects of your type.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 19 September 2019

How Humming Vibrational Frequencies Helps with Stress Levels, Sleep & Blood Pressure

Discover How Humming Can Literally Rearrange Your Molecular Structure

Jonathan Goldman quote - Even if you have no musical ability - we are all sound healers

You may not be aware of the profound healing that certain vibrational frequencies can provide…

For example, a gong or tuning-fork “sound bath” has deeply calming, rejuvenating effects that can raise your vibrational frequency, elevate your consciousness, and promote optimal wellbeing.

There are also simple sound-healing approaches you can do on your own that can have powerful healing effects on your entire system — one of which is humming.

Yes, humming…

On Saturday, September 28, Jonathan Goldman, the foremost pioneer in the field of harmonics, will share the powerful vibrational medicine of the tuning fork — and how self-created sounds such as humming can transform stress into self-empowerment — during a FREE video event, Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording) <<

Humming Vibrational Frequencies Sound Healing & Tuning Forks

In this transformative hour, you’ll discover:

  • The basic principles of why sound heals

  • How to access powerful, vibrational medicine through both tuning forks and humming

  • How sound is your “hotline” to the Divine

  • Humming is a powerful psychospiritual healing tool that can elevate your frequency and shift your consciousness

  • A step-by-step process to activate heart-brain coherence and raise your own vibration and the vibration of the planet

  • The healing vibrational resonance of tuning forks through an experiential exercise to raise your vibrational frequencies and level of awareness

“Even if you have no musical ability,” Jonathan stresses, “we are all sound healers.”

If you can hum, you’ll discover that you hold a powerful non-pharmaceutical prescription for self-healing that has only positive side effects, including better health, more happiness, and deeper spiritual awareness!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In this special hour with Jonathan Goldman, you’ll discover the healing balm that sound can provide, and specifically why humming can help you with stress levels, sleep, and blood pressure — and even create new neural pathways in your brain. 

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How Humming Vibrational Frequencies Helps with Stress Levels, Sleep & Blood Pressure

Discover How Humming Can Literally Rearrange Your Molecular Structure

Jonathan Goldman quote - Even if you have no musical ability - we are all sound healers

Even if you have no musical ability – we are all sound healers. ~ Jonathan Goldman

You may not be aware of the profound healing that certain vibrational frequencies can provide…

For example, a gong or tuning-fork “sound bath” has deeply calming, rejuvenating effects that can raise your vibrational frequency, elevate your consciousness, and promote optimal wellbeing.

There are also simple sound-healing approaches you can do on your own that can have powerful healing effects on your entire system — one of which is humming.

Yes, humming…

On Saturday, September 28, Jonathan Goldman, the foremost pioneer in the field of harmonics, will share the powerful vibrational medicine of the tuning fork — and how self-created sounds such as humming can transform stress into self-empowerment — during a FREE video event, Sound Healing Through Humming & Tuning Forks.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording) <<

Humming Vibrational Frequencies Sound Healing & Tuning Forks

In this transformative hour, you’ll discover:

  • The basic principles of why sound heals

  • How to access powerful, vibrational medicine through both tuning forks and humming

  • How sound is your “hotline” to the Divine

  • Humming is a powerful psychospiritual healing tool that can elevate your frequency and shift your consciousness

  • A step-by-step process to activate heart-brain coherence and raise your own vibration and the vibration of the planet

  • The healing vibrational resonance of tuning forks through an experiential exercise to raise your vibrational frequencies and level of awareness

“Even if you have no musical ability,” Jonathan stresses, “we are all sound healers.”

If you can hum, you’ll discover that you hold a powerful non-pharmaceutical prescription for self-healing that has only positive side effects, including better health, more happiness, and deeper spiritual awareness!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In this special hour with Jonathan Goldman, you’ll discover the healing balm that sound can provide, and specifically why humming can help you with stress levels, sleep, and blood pressure — and even create new neural pathways in your brain. 

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Ancestral Healing Practices - Heal Your Lineage & Free your Family Line

Discover how to work effectively with your ancestors to heal your lineage

What if you could heal yourself, your lineage, and generations yet to come?

 Ancestral wisdom and wounding can be passed on for generations… whether imprinted in your DNA, held in the unresolved issues of the dead, or taught through the cultural narrative…

According to leading ancestral healing teacher Christina Pratt, ancestors who struggled with the same wounds or challenges you now carry can offer especially powerful medicine.

By entering into “right relationship” with them, you can also enlist the help of your ancestors to clear any stagnant, unresolved energies — passed down from your unwell ancestors — to heal your lineage and free your family line.

On Saturday, September 21, Christina will share elemental rituals, shamanic practices, and daily prayers to show you how unhealthy patterns in your family can now end with you during a FREE video event, Healing With Your Ancestors: Elemental Rituals & Shamanic Practices to Transform Ancestral Suffering Into Sacred Medicine.

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot here <<

Connecting With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors - How to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage Through Ritual, Prayer & Daily Practices

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • A down-to-earth approach to ancestral healing incorporating journeying, shrine tending, rituals, and daily prayers

  • How the unhealed wounds and narratives of your ancestors may be playing out in your life (and your health)

  • Insights to help you understand the important distinctions between well and unwell ancestors, so that you can work effectively with them to heal your lineage

  • A transformative guided journey to connect you with the Realm of the Luminous Ones and return as an “emissary” of the good, true, and beautiful Ancestors 

  • Ritual practices that allow you to engage with elemental energies to heal past wounds and transform our collective future  

Your ancestors can be sources of clarity, resilience, and joy for you as well — when you know how to lovingly draw on their skills and bravery to live a more authentic life and express your soul’s purpose.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how a healthy working relationship with your well and unwell ancestors can transform your life and lineage… 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to begin healing generational illness and cultural wounds through elemental rituals, shamanic practices, and daily prayers, don’t miss: Connecting With Your Well & Unwell Ancestors: How to Heal Your Ancestral Lineage Through Ritual, Prayer & Daily Practices

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Sunday 15 September 2019

Next Paradigm Shift in October 11–13! Get Master Key to Your Best Life from Bob Proctor

To Change You Life You Must Change Your Habits

When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up.

Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world, says we should be thinking about what’s coming.

Because what’s coming is what we want…

It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on.

Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires.

I’m talking about your paradigm—the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior.

It controls the way you view yourself, the world and opportunity. It controls how you approach change and challenges. It controls your success and happiness in life.

>> Go here for more Details about the event and Register for the LIVE Stream <<

Your paradigm is your autopilot. It’s who you are.

A Paradigm Shift is the only way to bridge the gap between how you’re currently living and how you want to live.

Whether that’s more money, improved relationships, a healthier body or more fulfillment, it’s all possible and completely up to you – the possibilities are endless.

Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. It’s how he changed his own life, and it’s what he has been studying for the past 50+ years. He knows that changing your paradigm is the only way to bridge the gap between how you’re currently living and how you want to live.

And now, for the first time, Bob will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on October 11 – 13, 2019.

People have been waiting for Bob to do an event on this topic for decades, so there will be a huge supportive and interactive online community watching this seminar. If you’d like to move ahead in your life, I encourage you to join us.

>> Go here for more Details about the event and Register for the LIVE Stream <<

Next Paradigm Shift 2019 October 11 – 13 Registration open for Live Stream with Bob Proctor

Paradigm Shift will be held in front of a live audience on October 11 – 13, 2019. However, the entire event will be streaming so you can watch it LIVE from anywhere in the world, from your computer or mobile device. Plus, you’ll have access to the replay for 14 days after the summit. Reserve Your Spot Now & Save on Early Bird Pricing

Don’t worry if you’re busy the weekend of October 11 – 13, 2019. You’ll receive a link to the replay of the entire seminar within 48 hours after the event ends. Then, you’ll be able to watch every minute of the seminar at your convenience for 14 days.

Read more: Next Paradigm Shift in October 11–13! Get Master Key to Your Best Life from Bob Proctor

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Join Qigong & Tai Chi Global Summit 2019 with 30+ Experts of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Discover Your Inner Healer With Qigong to Lower Stress, Boost Vitality & Prevent Illness

It’s time to take your health, healing, and wellbeing into your own hands…

Through simple yet powerful Qigong exercises, meditations, and flow movements, you can direct life-force energy (known as “Qi”) to specific parts of your body — transforming anxiety, stress, and disease into self-confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.

As your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do (self-heal and rebalance), blocks in your energy body dissolve and your radiant Qi flows smoothly into every dimension of your being — emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.

You’ll then be able to release stress, create a sense of flow, and ground your body and being… so you can navigate daily life with greater ease

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Qigong Global Summit, where some of the foremost teachers in the field — including Daisy Lee, Lee Holden, Dr. Effie Chow, Dr. Roger Jahnke, Master Mingtong Gu, Sifu Ama Lia Wai-Ching Lee, Master Li Junfeng, Robert Peng, Pedram Shojai, Bill and Angie Douglas, Dr. Paul Hannah, and others…

… will share essential practices to help you elevate your flow of Qi for enhanced health and wellbeing.

Join Free Online Event
The Qigong Global Summit

September 24-27, 2019

During this year’s Qigong Global Summit30+ leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors will provide insights into the practices of Qigong, Tai Chi, martial arts, and Traditional Chinese Medicine — as well as how Qi is the foundation of all of these ancient arts, and more.

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Qigong Global Summit September 2019

During this year’s Qigong Global Summit, 30+ leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors will provide insights into the practices of Qigong, Tai Chi, martial arts, and Traditional Chinese Medicine — as well as how Qi is the foundation of all of these ancient arts, and more.

Through high-quality video, they’ll illuminate both the philosophical and practical components of working with Qi — and offer simple practices you can use right away

You’ll discover how to activate your inner healing potential to release stress, and create a sense of flow and groundedness within the challenges of daily life. 

During this inspiring 4-day summit, you’ll discover:

  • Introductory Qigong exercises you can do anywhere, anytime to help you manage stress and anxiety in your daily life

  • How to add Qigong to other practices, such as yoga, acupuncture, and Tai Chi to bring yourself (and your clients!) into harmony, balance, and optimal wellbeing

  • Ways to tune into your body’s subtle distress signals before your health is compromised and becomes a crisis

  • How to enhance your relationships with yourself and others from a place of grounded clarity and self-confidence

  • Helpful breathing exercises and meditations to boost your health

  • Serious scientific research proving that Qigong and Tai Chi are effective complements to allopathic medicine

  • Ways to experience, circulate, and build your life-force energy

And much more!

You’ll pick up simple yet essential daily practices to help you cultivate abundant Qi flow for your health, healing, and daily life. And, these practices can be done anywhere, anytime — including your workplace, while running errands, or even in traffic (provided you’re not driving, of course)! 

And if you’re already experiencing the benefits of Qigong, Tai Chi, martial arts, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine, you’ll discover new opportunities to refine your current practice. 

I hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network. It promises to be truly transformative!

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here are some more highlights from this groundbreaking summit! You’ll discover:

  • How to integrate these teachings on Qi into your healing practices

  • Qigong practices for women to help you find your voice and lead from your true feminine center

  • How in the Taoist tradition, emotions are connected to your major internal organs

  • Practices for liberating the emotional body from trauma — emotional, mental, and physical

  • How to work with energetic blocks, excess, and deficiencies

  • Helpful breathing exercises to strengthen your immune system and balance your hormones

  • Qigong as an antidote to the stress caused by the conflicts we face in our world today

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

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