Friday 7 June 2019

Prana Vata Synthesis of Plant Medicine, Spirituality & Classic Asian Healing

Health Hacker f(x)

Discover herbal remedies to strengthen your “master” life-force energy – Healing Beyond Plant Medicine

Do you use specific plant medicine remedies for treating specific symptoms?

If so, AND you’re ready to unlock deeper dimensions of healing beyond plant medicine  ––  including new dimensions of spiritual awareness and a felt sense of connection to nature and the cosmos  –– it’s time you discovered the “master” life-force energy that flows continuously through your mind and body… Prana Vata.

Prana Vata governs your senses, creative thinking, reasoning, and joy. When this energy is out of balance, you might experience anxiety, stress, trouble sleeping, and other over-activity of the mind.

And because Prana Vata is the primary form of Prana flowing through your mind and body, it’s directly connected to your health, happiness, powers of manifestation, and karmic patterns of incarnation.

On Saturday, June 15, world-renowned plant medicine pioneer David Crow will share his teachings on the nature of Prana Vata to help you attune to this master energy in your body, plants, and the elements — for deeper healing and spiritual awareness… beyond plant medicine.

Join us for Activate Your Master Prana Through Herbs, Oils & The 5 Elements: Deeper Dimensions of Healing Beyond Plant Medicine

Master Prana Vata of Herbs Oils 5 Elements Beyond Plant Medicine with David Crow

You’ll discover:

  • Master Prana, which circulates the elements of earth, water, fire, and air through the channels of space in the body

  • How the Master Prana controls all other forms of Prana and Qi in your body

  • A simple practice to directly perceive the Master Prana in your heartbeat and body sensations

  • Major herbs and essential oils for strengthening and balancing the Master Prana

  • A unique synthesis of plant medicine, spirituality, and classic Asian healing approaches that will awaken you to your profound connection with the cosmos

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover key herbs, oils, and meditation practices to strengthen and balance your “master” life-force energy, so you can finally access the deeper levels of healing that are available to you.

>> Join us for Live event + training offer (or get recording) <<

In Activate Your Master Prana Through Herbs, Oils & The 5 Elements: Deeper Dimensions of Healing Beyond Plant Medicine, David Crow will help you go beyond the treatment of specific symptoms with specific plant remedies — so you can open to the deeper levels of healing available to you through Prana Vata.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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