Wednesday 29 May 2019

Experience the Transformative Gifts of a Near-death Experience

Health Hacker f(x)

Hear Anita Moorjani share the personal details of her near-death experience

Have you heard stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) that completely changed people’s lives?

Or maybe you’ve had one yourself…

Whether or not you’ve had an NDE, or someone you love has had one, you’re undoubtedly aware that this experience is often a dramatic turning point that completely changes the course of someone’s life…

International speaker and bestselling author Anita Moorjani not only had an NDE herself, she now guides others to access the transformative wisdom they so often bestow…

On Wednesday, June 12, Anita will help YOU access the gifts of an NDE — profound spiritual truths, unconditional love, and a “no-holds-barred” way of living that frees you up to authentically be your very best self — during a FREE video event.

> You can reserve your space here for Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences (Even If You Haven’t Had One) <

Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences (Even If You Haven’t Had One)

During this complimentary online event, you’ll discover:

  • Anita’s inspiring story of her 4-year struggle with cancer, near-death experience, and return to life

  • A guided journey to simulate your own near-death experience — and help you release the beliefs and fears that keep you from living fully and joyfully

  • Why you don’t need to work hard at being “spiritual,” but simply to live as who you TRULY are — beyond the constructs and expectations you’ve taken on from your family, culture, and the negative messages of your ego

  • How fear of illness and “being a doormat” for others keeps you from embracing your authentic life and deepest desires — and actually makes you more inclined to become ill

After literally dying and coming back, Anita viewed the world completely differently. She viewed illness and her body differently; she KNEW she was cured, not simply in remission. And she KNEW it was time to remember her mission and follow her purpose.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to receive Anita’s guidance to help you discover YOUR power to thrive in your purpose, access unconditional love for yourself and others, and increase your psychic abilities!

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

During Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences (Even If You Haven’t Had One), Anita Moorjani will help you discover how to release beliefs and fears that are keeping you from living fully and joyfully… in an experiential journey “beyond the veil.”

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

How to Unlock Your Inner Psychic Ability - Awaken Your Sixth Sense Practices

Health Hacker f(x)

Create a soul-led psychic pathway to a ‘wide awake’ life of authenticity

Who do you truly want to be? And what’s stopping you?

Anyone who walks a spiritual path has faced or is facing those two questions.

According to Six Sensory consultant Sonia Choquette, the best and fastest way to discover the answers is to tune in to your intuition… your innate psychic ability.

Sonia, one of the world’s foremost authorities on intuitive awakening, affirms that if you truly want to reap all the benefits of living the life your soul desires, living by your intuition is a must.

If you’d like to access your intuitive, psychic abilities AND experience more clarity around your challenges, intentions, and desires, you’ll want to join us on Wednesday, June 5, when Sonia will share quick and simple ways to open to your innate psychic abilities during a FREE video event: Your 6th Sense Superpower: Discover Psychic Approaches to Greater Authenticity, Fulfillment & Joy.

>> Be Sure to Register here to Listen Live (get recording later) <<

Unlocking Your 6th Sense Superpower Discovering Psychic Approaches to Greater Authenticity Fulfillment & Joy

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Learn the “language” of intuition — the difference between willful, wishful, and fearful thinking and true inner knowing

  • Discover how to use your intuition as a “truth serum” to inform and enliven your life

  • Gain insights into where you’re stuck in your life and how to get unstuck using your intuition

  • Discover simple practices for accessing your intuition and allowing in what you desire

  • Experience a guided practice for creating your own “personal room to breathe,” a space of clarity where your intuition can flourish

Tapping into your intuition or sixth sense can bring you healing — both emotional and physical — and is quite possibly one of the best things you can do for yourself, others, and our planet in these troubled times.

Let Sonia show you why your inner knowing is your true power — and the most authentic path to living a creative, fulfilled, and joyful life.

>> Register now for This Live Event <<

If you’d like to step more fully into your intuitive powers and a more joyous, authentic, soul-led life, don’t miss Wednesday’s mini-workshop, Your 6th Sense Superpower: Discover Psychic Approaches to Greater Authenticity, Fulfillment & Joy.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover Power of Vedic Sutras & Access Your Intuitive & Psychic Abilities

The Vedic, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands of years. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how this combination of wisdom and potent practices can help YOU clear energy blocks in your mind-body and transform your entire energy field! During Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts,Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom.

Read more: Discover Power of Vedic Sutras & Access Your Intuitive & Psychic Abilities

Monday 27 May 2019

Qigong Practice for Women Free Event + Training Offer - May-June 2019

Qigong can help you open and blossom while releasing stress, breaking old patterns, grounding you in your natural grace and presence, and allowing your authentic gifts to flourish.
Don’t miss your chance to discover how you can actively participate in your own self-care and renewal during this free video event: Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily.

Read more: Qigong Practice for Women Free Event + Training Offer - May-June 2019

Access your Akashic Records to discover your soul’s highest purpose

Lisa Barnett has guided thousands of spiritual seekers to access their Akashic Records and record keepers.
During Discover Your Akashic Records: Communicate With the ‘Record Keepers’ of Your: Soul’s Journey, Clear Karma & Deepen Your Intuition, she’ll show you how your Akashic Records and working with your record keepers can open you to the truth of who you are and what you’re capable of achieving as an ancient and dynamically evolving soul.

Read more: Access your Akashic Records to discover your soul’s highest purpose

Tuesday 21 May 2019

Akashic Records Access Guided Practice to Clear Karma & Read Soul's Plans (May event)

Health Hacker f(x)

Receive practical solutions and healing guidance for your greatest challenges

Would you like to make sense of your soul patterns and contracts, clear out challenging karma, and resolve challenges carried over from other lifetimes?

It’s entirely possible when you open to the powerful wisdom stored within your Akashic Records…

Pioneers of human consciousness and quantum science describe this field as a cosmic memory field that contains all information — past, present, and future.

Most importantly, the records contained within this field provide information about the plan for your soul, as well as a record of the contracts your soul has made in order to fulfill its highest plan and purpose.

On Saturday, June 1, spiritual teacher and energy healer Lisa Barnett will explain how to journey into your Akashic Records and work with your record keepers to resolve emotional blocks, clear karma, and understand the nuances of relationship dynamics… so that you can begin to reclaim your “soul gifts.”

>> Reserve your space here for Discover Your Akashic Records: Communicate With the ‘Record Keepers’ of Your Soul’s Journey, Clear Karma & Deepen Your Intuition <<

Discover Your Akashic Records: Communicate With the ‘Record Keepers’ of Your: Soul’s Journey, Clear Karma & Deepen Your Intuition

During this FREE video event you’ll discover:

  • The Akashic Records and “keepers” of your soul’s plan

  • How you can get answers to specific questions related to your health, relationships, life’s journey, and soul’s gifts through your own Akashic Records

  • A powerful experiential journey into the Akashic Records, which will include a karmic clearing AND an opportunity for you to reclaim a past-life gift

  • The difference between your soul patterns and your soul lineage (who you’ve been throughout time)

  • A new understanding of “soul contracts” and a more expansive view of you as a soul, a human, and a divine being

Accessing your Akashic Records can be profoundly liberating — particularly if you’ve been unable to transform certain life patterns despite years of trying to overcome them.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how the Akashic Records can help you untangle baffling situations in your life and align you with pure, unconditional love and support that’s available to you at all times!

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

Lisa Barnett has guided thousands of spiritual seekers to access their Akashic Records and record keepers.

During Discover Your Akashic Records: Communicate With the ‘Record Keepers’ of Your: Soul’s Journey, Clear Karma & Deepen Your Intuition, she’ll show you how your Akashic Records and working with your record keepers can open you to the truth of who you are and what you’re capable of achieving as an ancient and dynamically evolving soul.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Secrets of Understanding Men - Queen’s Code for Happy Relationships

If you’re ready to experience the beauty and magic of fulfilling and empowered interactions with ALL the men in your life, register here for: Discovering The Queen’s Code: How to Honor Yourself & Transform Your Relationships With Men. You’ll undoubtedly have aha! moments about WHY things have been so challenging for you with men — and how you can turn them around.

Read more: Secrets of Understanding Men - Queen’s Code for Happy Relationships

Achieve a State of Peace Through Sound Healing Therapies Event Recording & Training

In Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing, you’ll discover your “electric body” and biofield, and how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance.”

Read more: Achieve a State of Peace Through Sound Healing Therapies Event Recording & Training

Sunday 12 May 2019

Use Vedic Sutras for Energy Healing & Reveal Your Divine Gifts

Health Hacker f(x)

Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras With NYT Bestselling Author Deborah King

Are you ready to transform and release stories that no longer serve you — and access your intuitive and psychic abilities like never before?

Simple, yet powerful sutra practices can help

These mystical scriptures carry potent spiritual vibrations and divine frequencies that can lift you to your next level of healing and transformation.

One teacher who can distill this knowledge for you is leading Energy Medicine teacher and bestselling author Deborah King — renowned for her ability to make ancient teachings more accessible to modern seekers.

On Wednesday, May 22, Deborah will show you how to receive the wisdom and healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotions, and limiting beliefs — and reveal your highest gifts — during a FREE video event: Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts.

>> Reserve your space here for Live event (get recording later) <<

Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts

You’ll discover:

  • How the Vedic Sutras can help clear energy blocks and dissolve painful emotions and experiences stored within you and your personal energy field

  • Why the sutras in particular are so powerful in working with energy blocks and opening to our deeper gifts

  • An experiential journey to visit an Ascended Master, St. Germain, at the Temple of the Violet Flame

  • Key insights from Deborah’s personal journey from an abusive childhood and an addiction to drugs and alcohol — to a New York Times bestselling author and renowned teacher

  • Wisdom from the healers, sages, and shamans around the globe Deborah has studied with — on her path of seeking to master ancient and modern techniques

The Vedic sutras, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands of years.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how this combination of wisdom and potent practices can help YOU clear energy blocks in your mind-body and transform your entire energy field!

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

During Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts,Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 10 May 2019

Discover the Queen’s Code. Transform Your Relationships with Men

Health Hacker f(x)

Stand In Your Power: The Key to Relating to Men Authentically

Are you a woman who, despite years of personal growth, is still confused by the ways men think and behave?

What if you could leave frustration and disappointment behind, and finally connect more deeply and authentically with men…

According to relationship expert Alison Armstrong, one of the main reasons for our frustration and unhappiness, is that we lack a fundamental understanding of what she calls The Queen’s Code — a secret code for understanding and communicating with men.

It’s also a secret code for deciphering how to stand in YOUR power and honor yourself without disempowering or alienating men.

Alison has taught thousands of women these secrets and on Saturday, May 18 you can discover them for yourself in Discovering The Queen’s Code: How to Honor Yourself & Transform Your Relationships With Men.

>> You can reserve your space for this FREE video event here <<

Discovering The Queen’s Code How to Honor Yourself & Transform Your Relationships With Men

You’ll discover:

  • The difference between The Queen’s Code and the way we ordinarily relate to ourselves and men (the way that keeps you from the relationships you want)

  • Why you need to start relating with yourself as if you are or you can be a Queen

  • How to understand the male “operating system” and what makes it different from the way women operate

  • Why curiosity will get you further with a man than making assumptions

  • Why we don’t have to “get men” to protect and provide for us —  which may be challenging for you — and how you can turn things around

If you’ve ever lamented how hard it is to feel FULFILLED in your relationships with men, The Queen’s Code can help.

When you finally unlock the code, the door can open to a fulfilling relationship with a dynamic man who adores and respects you! Your relationships with the other men in your life, whether it’s colleagues or family, will change for the better, too.

Not to mention, The Queen’s Code helps you become a more relaxed, powerful, and fulfilled woman — independent of your relationships with men.

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

If you’re ready to experience the beauty and magic of fulfilling and empowered interactions with ALL the men in your life, register here for: Discovering The Queen’s Code: How to Honor Yourself & Transform Your Relationships With Men

You’ll undoubtedly have aha! moments about WHY things have been so challenging for you with men — and how you can turn them around.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Power of Archetypal Astrology with Stan Grof & Rick Tarnas

Health Hacker f(x)

Access an Archetypal Map of the Human Psyche

Astrology has been given a bad rap by academia…

Yet a deeper understanding of astrology can help us navigate our times of greatest challenge and point the way to hidden resources.

Stanislav Grof,  a pioneer of transpersonal psychology and holotropic breathwork, and noted philosopher Rick Tarnas — agree that astrology offers a unique and precise way to explore the depths of the psyche and the patterns that govern our culture.

On Thursday, May 16, Stan and Rick will show you how to harness the power of  astrology, during their FREE online event, Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche? Illuminating Your Depths, Navigating Our Times.

>> Register here for this Live event <<

Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche? Illuminating Your Depths, Navigating Our Times

Their work goes beyond “sun-sign” pop astrology to address the larger tectonic forces at the depths of the psyche, a subject that C. G. Jung also explored.

During this fascinating hour, Grof and Tarnas will share:

  • How archetypal astrology shifts us beyond linear causation to a more synchronistic view compatible with an interconnected, meaningful, and intelligent universe

  • Why history seems to repeat itself; for instance, why is the United States in such a state of political tumult right now and how does it connect to other times of tumult such as the 1960s?

  • How astrology can give you a deeper sense of the meaning behind times of real challenges — such as spiritual emergencies and “dark nights of the soul”… and how to tap into the wisdom of astrology to navigate through them

  • Why astrology is an invaluable tool to support your deepest explorations with non-ordinary states of consciousness 

Join these two celebrated intellectuals as they lead you into a deeper understanding of life, new awareness of the underlying forces at work, and a healing recognition that we live in an “ensouled” universe.

You’ll begin to see how astrology can help shift your perception of the universe from random and capricious… to intelligent and orderly, leaving you feeling blessed instead of stressed!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Don’t miss your chance to join Stanislav Grof and Rick Tarnas to discover how the wisdom of archetypal astrology can help you deeply understand yourself and the nature of reality.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Move beyond the limits of visualization to begin living AS your vision

During Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond, you’ll discover the lessons, blessings, and gifts hidden in the four frequencies of your spiritual development — so you can truly live in a visioning state

Read more: Move beyond the limits of visualization to begin living AS your vision

Tibetan Zen Micro-meditations to instantly access joy & the flow state

During Taking the ‘Mind’ out of Mindfulness: 3 Micro-Meditations to Move From Small Mind to Your Heart-Mind you’ll discover how Loch Kelly transformed the advanced practices of Zen and Tibetan meditation techniques into practical micro-meditations, which can be done with your eyes open — any time of day.

Read more: Tibetan Zen Micro-meditations to instantly access joy & the flow state

Monday 6 May 2019

Expand Your Shamanic Perception Connect with Spirits of Nature & Global community

During Discover the Spirits of Nature Global Community Program: How to Deepen Your Relationships with Animals, Trees & Other Allies of the Middle World, Sandra Ingerman will show you how to enter into a new dimension of reality that’s filled with the wealth of sharing love and wisdom with nature, within a supportive and loving virtual community.

Read more: Expand Your Shamanic Perception Connect with Spirits of Nature & Global community

Saturday 4 May 2019

Expand Your Shamanic Perception Connecting with all of Nature’s beings

Health Hacker f(x)

Access the wisdom of one of the most beloved shamanic teachers in the world

Would you like to expand your shamanic perception and build skills for nourishing and protecting ALL of life?

If so, you may be interested in a supportive and loving virtual community forming with renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman that can help you develop deep relationships with nature allies such as animals and trees, do personal healing work, and participate in ceremonies for nature beings in need.

As Sandra teaches, all of nature is our family and our friends — and deepening our relationships with them is key to healing both ourselves and the planet.

On Tuesday, May 7, Sandra will share more about how you can experience the power of connecting not only with nature beings, close and far, but with like-minded human beings from all over the world who care about all of life and each other.

You can reserve your seat here for Discover the Spirits of Nature Global Community Program: How to Deepen Your Relationships with Animals, Trees & Other Allies of the Middle World

Discover the Spirits of Nature Global Community Program: How to Deepen Your Relationships with Animals, Trees & Other Allies of the Middle World

During this unique hour-long FREE video event, you’ll:

  • See how you can participate in ceremonial and healing work with Sandra and her global online community

  • Explore an exciting opportunity to be guided by Sandra in a format that goes beyond classic shamanic journeying

  • Find out why it’s time for us to use discretion about the fields of energy we’re stepping into (and how they impact our emotional and physical health)

  • Discover powerful practices for releasing pain so you can step more fully into a dimension where beauty, peace, and joy reign

  • Be inspired by stories of transformation, awe, and wonder that come from sharing the extraordinary field of energy with nature beings

Sandra has taught workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods for over 30 years.

She’s recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture that address the needs of our times.

Let her show you how to re-establish the healing relationships ancient shamans had with the animals, trees, and other nature allies — so that you can learn from their healing wisdom — and share your own.

>> Attend to this event here and you’ll receive a recording <<

During Discover the Spirits of Nature Global Community Program: How to Deepen Your Relationships with Animals, Trees & Other Allies of the Middle World, Sandra Ingerman will show you how to enter into a new dimension of reality that’s filled with the wealth of sharing love and wisdom with nature, within a supportive and loving virtual community.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.